Why We Lost — And How We Win Again

America fought on the wrong side of WW2. Fact. As a result, the world is in chaos. The west was lost when white people were tricked into fighting a war each other for no reason. We should have made peace with Hitler and Mussolini and made Churchill do the same.

This is all 100% American liberals fault. They were in power at the time and supported the communists, even after knowing what they did to Tsar Nicholas II and his entire bloodline in Russia 20 years prior.

Liberals and Democrats are responsible for the destruction of society, and should be constantly shamed for it. We are still reaping what we sowed for having cowtowed to them for 100 years now. THEY DO NOT HAVE MORAL HIGH GROUND. WE DO.

Let’s get tough. Liberals lost WW2 by picking the wrong side. Because of that, their opinions can no longer be viable in public debate. Liberals are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions of beautiful, innocent, great people over the course of 100 years.

Times have changed... We are in charge now.

We will save the entire fucking world and libs need to shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of the way.

There is no right side in war.

No pope shut up and lead the crusade.

God loves you and God loves your enemy. You can only find equity and common ground in the Lord your Savior Jesus Christ.

But these people are an abomination to Christ. They don't keep the father's word. They are damned and want to take our children with them i say no.

God loves all of his Children. Especially those who do not follow his word. Every person in this world is redeemable. Never forget that in your midnight Sup Forums postings.

It's over liberals I have the high ground

Of course he loves them but they are mislead, sometimes too far to be saved on this earth. I will be swift and show mercy when I can but I will do what I must.

Tell the pope I said hi

Take a seat libtards. The high ground is ours.

seems to be fact

No one is so far removed from Christ that they can not be saved and live in his grace. Never forget that user.

Are the souls of man worth fighting for? If Islam were to wipe out Christianity, would that not damn those that come after when they might have been saved had we fought?

What if they're in hell already?

We live in a world where all information is accessible. People can and will find Christ as he leads them to his grace.
God still loves you. Imagine you have a child who makes terrible mistakes and ends up in an awful situation in adulthood. Do you love them less? It is a sad love, and a willingness to accept them back regardless of what they have done in the past.

What you are proposing is like light shining in a cave full of roaches who have finally gotten the numbers to eat your young. If Christ comes down and sets all the madness straight that would be wonderful but at this point I can say with a clear conscious that we are well within our bounds to take action.

What if one of your children is terrorizing your other childs family? Can he not defend himself if the other is deaf to reason?

A roach eats their young because it is their nature. A roach acts with instinct. It doesn't mean the roach is bad, it just means that the roach is acting under it's most base impulses.
The difference between a person and a roach is that a person can make a conscious choice to not act on those base impulses. A person can find grace, a roach cannot.
Of course you are well within your rights to stop someone who is acting in an awful way. It doesn't mean they are lost from grace, just that you need to defend the weakest among you to protect them from crazy people. It doesn't stop you from ministering to someone who is far gone.

Yes, as it stands now people can and will be led to Christ. There are those that will kill the believers though, and try to drag men from the path by any means necessary. Jesus was sent to earth to die so that others may find eternal salvation and we are commanded to be Christ-like in all things. Would that not include rebuking, driving off, and even dying against those that seek to ensnare the flock?

Our Lord preached Peace among all men, but he did at minimum call out the vipers that sought evil.

I would never advocate rolling over and not defending the faith or believers. Just that we should remember that all men are equal in Christ. Protect our fellow men, but be humane and minister to those who act against us. I suppose the perfect analogy would be to hold voluntary Bible study at Guantanamo bay in the hope that we reach even one soul.
Instead, we give them succor and comfort in the form of their pagan religion.

Well right now there are people setting the next generation up to be powerless against them and do un-natural ungodly things as a way of life. Children being adopted to gay parents to be abused everyday, little girls being sexualized and pressured into acts that would make their loving parents weep, people in their safe countries are having invaders forced upon them, all this is happening and the worst part about it is they are trying to make it seem like it shouldnt even be something you object to, that this is just being a good person. It is sick and this cant go unanswered by the Father, no, that is why we are here, that is why we are still able to relay this information before they shut the lines down because some of us are supposed to stop this.

I have given up hope that I will have a life where I can wake up happy every day for years at a time. Instead if I can help fix this that will make me feel complete.

That's all I ask, the ability to defend ourselves and our brothers. I will do more to show kindness but I cannot abide by silence. Auribus tenēmus lupum. Thank you (I assume unless the Vatican has it's own vpn) priest.

forgot to quote you haha, too busy remembering my conjugations.

Okay, you made it real.
Don't let that stuff bother you. You are your own person, and I am my own person too. I do everything I can to hold up as much of our old Christian society as I can. Drop a few hints of your feelings at work with coworkers. You'll be amazed how many people feel the same way. We're all just afraid to say it because all it takes is one person reporting you to HR.
It's really not as prevalent as you might think. It really isn't. Just figure out a way to filter out all of the stupid internet fools (who knew the internet would turn liberal, I didn't), ignore your idiot college and high school instructors, and realize that actual people think this garbage is degenerate too. Have hope user, and see the cracks that are forming in the 8 year Obama narrative that are just starting to take form now.
Not to violate the rules or anything, but put sage in the options field so we don't bump this thread and get a bunch of shills. It would be nice to have a small conversation without a lot of extra drive by exposure.

Ok i will sage my replies but this thread seems to be civil for the time being.

I just can't take it anymore every time I hear someone saying some buzzword that has been constructed to push them down a certain thought maze, especially the children, I just cant keep a straight face and play along anymore, I feel like they are slipping off a cliff. I know you say they can be redeemed but it seems like Jesus himself would have to come out the clouds to show some of these people because they think alot of this stuff is a conspiracy theory.

Is IDs 59kuAbEY and DWIbRUh6 the same person?

Sorry user, I had a great several paragraph reply for you and it got all messed up. Just remember that most people are saying these things because they have to, not because they want to. PC culture is a cancer, and it's dying. Feel your coworkers out, you'll find that most people agree with you.
Just don't give up hope.

I haven't given up hope for the world, I have just given up hope that people will return to decency in my country untill something extreme happens, and I dont know if I would live through that. I just want few months like the Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, but some asshole always ruins my day. And they seek out every rural nook and cranny now so nothing is safe. But I dont want to find some perfect place and hide because that has been what so many good people have done but evil seeks them out. I just want to put down they madness once and for all I sick of reasoning with it they always want more. I didnt care who wanted to be gay and what color you were. But now they want to have your kids be gay and take your gun so thugs can stab you.

The God of Abraham and thusly the God of Jesus is not the friendly caricature that you portray. Jesus is beholden to the beliefs of the old testament, a book that he doesn't not negate but rather comes to fulfill in its prophecy. Stop pretending that his god is a kind god.

Sometimes you just have to roll with it. I know we're being flooded with people who don't necessarily conform with our societal norms, and it's being forced in to rural areas. I don't know what to tell you. Just trust that God has a plan. He does, even though it seems like everything is lost right now.

I don't want to roll with anything. People have just rolled with it the whole time never stopping to think about the big picture. In this information age everything is in front of us so we would be cowards not to act on this.

Sometimes I thank the Lord for giving me the vision to see what is really happening and I dont want to waste that chance.

I agree with you, but sometimes you can speak out and be a martyr or you can keep confidence and wait for the right time. I'd say that there is a time coming where you can be intellectually honest, it can't be far off given the foolishness that's accepted as truth right now.

As a recovering liberal myself, i can't say you're wrong.


>nation declares war on us after their ally attacks a naval installation and kills 3000 people
>but it was actually our fault because we clearly had a rational binary choice to make after that happened

The future my grandparents choose is not the future I want.

looking deeply into South Africa recently I've realized we're playing this game on hard mode

like South Africa and others, the place is unsustainable with out aid/whites. When they die the place just collapses as in recent history. Imagine Zimbabwe if not given aid. Other races differ but with the UN population projections all we need to be concerned about is niggers. My point is niggers=Isengard

how do we escape the UrukHai lads?

> I will be swift and show mercy when I can but I will do what I must.
I can smell your neckbeard from here.