Gender does not exist, therefore you can label yourself as you see fit

>Gender does not exist, therefore you can label yourself as you see fit.
>Penises and Vaginas exist, and most people are masculine or feminine based on their genitalia and brain chemistry, but every other aspect of gender is entirely spooky.
>To say that there are only two genders is objectivist autism

Prove me wrong

You are actually spooked. "Gender" has become sacred to you. That thoughts can become "fixed ideas" i.e. spooks does not imply that the physical, or real, is not existent and compulsive. Humans reproduce sexually and there are a series of traits that are associated with the opposing sexes. That those traits are associated with those sexes is an existential reality, it isn't "just some words to move around.". The words are meaningless, the reality is right in front of you regardless of whatever syllables, spirits or memes you attribute to it.

>Gender does not exist, therefore you can label yourself as you see fit.
If gender wasn't a biological construct we wouldn't be able to see gender/sex from DNA tests.

>Penises and Vaginas exist, and most people are masculine or feminine based on their genitalia and brain chemistry, but every other aspect of gender is entirely spooky.
To deny the basic differences between male and females is basically being an evolution denier. The male and female traits come from our evolutionary ancestors.

>To say that there are only two genders is objectivist autism
You are only correct on this one.

Your pronouns are fag and faggot.

Yes but I'm talking about how gender isn't real, which you just agreed with
Gender isn't sex ya dip

Gender is the social aspect attatched to sex

>Gender isn't sex ya dip
No, they literally used to mean the same thing until like the last 10 years. When people lose arguments now a days they change the meaning of the word to make their argument make sense.

You are arguing using word games.

>Gender is the social aspect attatched to sex
Arguing that something is a social construct is essentially the equivalent of saying nothing. EVERYTHING IS A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT that can be explained with words.


People like you would be more useful as charcoal.

Well at this point you're just arguing definitions, there are absolutely social aspects attached to biological sex, and everything besides the body itself is a spook. The Mrs/Mr, the clothes, the identity, all spooks.

XY chromosomes = male
XX = female


>I don't understand what social construct means - the comment

"cock & cunt" is an extremely complex natural science, I wish Sir Isaac Newton would've focused more on cocks & cunts, imagine where we'd be today!

>gender is the social aspect attached to sex.
They were synonyms until like 10 years ago when you retards stole the word for your own purposes.

The word transgender itself wouldn't make any sense if gender was just a social construct.
There's nothing to transcend if gender doesn't exist, you wouldn't need to label yourself transgender, you would just have a gender.

I know you're trolling, but a lot of these retards literally believe this.

Gender is another word for sex, which is real. There is no self-benefit to deluding oneself into saying that one is the other. You can change the words out but there will always be a meaningful (word pegged to object strongly in language) monicker for the difference in the sexes and their common behaviors. Trying to drive a weak barrier in there so you and your friends can act like faggots isn't in my self-interest. If you think it's in yours, I would strongly consider you spooked because you will likely end up killing yourself. Statistically speaking.

>They were synonyms until like 10 years ago when you retards stole the word for your own purposes.

"The fact that the word we use to differentiate between the social aspects of sex has changed, this proves those social constructs are concrete and not relative to whoever is looking at them

>Gender is another word for sex, which is real
Regardless of the word you want to use to describe the social aspects of sex, that doesn't change the fact that there are social constructs attached to it and those are absolutely malleable.

Again, no, there is no proof to be had here. Spook are THOUGHT-FORMS which have become disentangled from ACTUAL OBJECTS. Spooks are SELF-PERPETUATING MEMES WHICH EXIST ONLY TO CONTROL BEHAVIOR THROUGH THEIR CANCEROUS PROPAGATION THROUGH SPEECH WRITTEN OR SAID AND HAVE NO PHYSICAL COUNTERPART. Sex has a physical counterpart, and has had one since before ancestral cells were eukaryotic. Nigga, please.

The idea that someone that "FEELS LIKE A GIRL" needs to dress up in makeup, wigs, dresses, and high heels is so fucking ridiculous and shallow.
The traditional outfit of a girl is 100% a social construct, SO WHY THE FUCK WOULD A TRANSGENDER NEED TO DRESS UP TO FIT THIS SOCIAL CONSTRUCT?

Jesus fucking Christ it makes no god damn sense. This is why people call it a mental illness. They want to look like the caricature of what a woman is.




>Gender isn't sex ya dip
Then why do trannies cut off their dicks to make it appear that they are a woman biologically? You define gender as something that has no relation to biology when that is clearly not the case.

you mean like
property right
I mean thats literally what property is, a social construct with a physical counterpart.

which I mean if were talking spooks and stirner that was like his whole thing

>The traditional outfit of a girl is 100% a social construct

yes it is


thy dont. they dress up however they want because they want to fit a construct they have created for themselves, is this really so hard for you? They do what they want because they aren't restricted by the social constructs of tradition.

"but every other aspect of gender is entirely spooky." What other aspects?


>Dude, the idea that boys wear pants and girs wear dresses and act a certain way is a physical real thing


>>Gender does not exist, therefore you can label yourself as you see fit.
Why can't I label others then?

>The kind of bathrooms they want to use

You are completely spooked -- you would likely fight to the death for such a "higher calling". The wheels driving your head seem to be that you can call anything whatever you'd like because these words only make sense in certain cultural word-games. That's true, if you'd like to lie to people. Lying to people could be self-beneficial, that's true. Especially lying to your enemies. However, when you are lying to everyone, even yourself, you have declared yourself against your own self-interest (to lie to yourself is to declare oneself an enemy beholden to something else) and thus an involuntary egoist, as opposed to a voluntary one (who would use said "spook" language to deride the sacred which others hold). Dressing up as the caricature of a girl, as
says, will make you seem antithema to your sex, true, but it does not make you "the opposite gender". It doesn't change your hormone levels, your chromosomes, any of it. If anything, it is the use of leveraging spooks so that you can claim you represent the "sacred" aspect of femininity as a male, or vice versa, and thus lie to everyone all the time. But, again, there's a constant amount of dissonance associated with this because you are becoming possessed by the idea of the other sex's commonly expressed and desired traits.
The rest of this board will just claim it is "mental illness". It's a similar claim to the one you attempt to use, but come completely short of.

You're fucking spooked.

If gender isn't tied to sex, then it is literally nothing but a label to describe your personality. But there already is a description of your personality... shitty.

>Race does not exist, therefore you can label yourself as you see fit.
>Light and dark skin tones exist, and most people are 'black' or 'white' based on their melanin and the amount of sun they get, but every other aspect of race is entirely spooky.
>To say that there are only set races is objectivist autism

What's to prove wrong? I don't feel like anything but I have a penis and behave accordingly. I sure as fuck am not having periods. I can pee standing up. I have increased strength and my interests conform to my brain structure and chemistry.

In other words, I'm a man.

>They do what they want
Really? It seems much more like they are following a trend and becoming enamored with the idea in their head that they're someone other than they actually are, and that they should live up to being something that they aren't. Qui bono? Because it's not them. It's a cult propagandizing itself amongst the youth claiming it's "revealing your truest self" when the self is just as it is and is not beholden to any special idea of who it is manufactured for consumption by outside interests.

>Dressing up as the caricature of a girl , will make you seem antithema to your sex, true, but it does not make you "the opposite gender". It doesn't change your hormone levels, your chromosomes, any of it.

I literally said about 4 times I'm not talking about hormones, chromosomes or any physical trait you absolute autist.

> it is the use of leveraging spooks so that you can claim you represent the "sacred" aspect of femininity as a male, or vice versa, and thus lie to everyone all the time

Those things don't exist

>But, again, there's a constant amount of dissonance associated with this because you are becoming possessed by the idea of the other sex's commonly expressed and desired traits.

I mean it seems like the people who think gender is objective are obsessing more than anything else, you don't see people who think gender is a social construct arguing about what genders are real and which genders are not.

Having legs is a social construct.

Just because I was born with legs, still have functioning legs, and use my legs. That doesn't mean that I have legs because I identify as not having any legs.

Anybody who says otherwise is a fucking ableist.

OP confirmed unenlightened servant of Yaldabaoth

>I'll quote something he didn't say that is completely unrelated as a counter point
I literally said that a gender's traditional dress is a social construct in another post you fucking dipshit. You quoted and responded to it.

>Really? It seems much more like they are following a trend and becoming enamored with the idea in their head that they're someone other than they actually are

>Yea man, I don't feel like a boy so I think I'll go bey "her", oh shit wait a sec I have to be a boy otherwise I'm following the desires of society and not being true to myself"

You realize how stupid that sounds right

Legs aren't a social construct
The way you're supposed to walk is a social construct

make sense?

Those things do exist, you've already agreed to "hormones, chromosomes, or any physical trait". What doesn't exist is who the transgendered are pretending to "transition" to -- they will never stop being such as they are. If you attempt to make me go outside of my interests to please you by calling you the opposite of what is the pegged lexicon just for the sake of your feeling better, I will not do it. You won't have some sort of petty power over me just because you dress some other way and declare your demands to be seen as the other sex "because gender doesn't real" when they're words from different backgrounds used to describe the same existential phenomena.

At one point in our history it was common for men to wear tights and wigs. Pink was a colour associated with boys, and not girls. Does that mean that those men indentified as women? Of course not. And they weren't gay either.

This whole transgender thing has only been brought on recently due to the ongoing pussification of western men.

> is this really so hard for you
Yes, it should be hard for you too because of the constant contradictions in your argument.

>Gender is a social construct it doesn't exist
>I feel like a different gender, so I need to dress like that gender so badly that if I can't do it, I'll kill myself

>What doesn't exist is who the transgendered are pretending to "transition" to

The transition is social

You are moving from a masculine identity to a feminine one because you want to.

>If you attempt to make me go outside of my interests to please you by calling you the opposite of what is the pegged lexicon just for the sake of your feeling better, I will not do it.

You don't have to, but purpously disrespecting someone will always have social consequences. You cant say "Yea I don't respect your identity" and expect to not get backlash. Real life isn't a Sup Forums echo chamber.

Ah, gotcha. So I should walk the way my body naturally does, and not decide to walk around like a retard, kicking people as they walk past, just because I want to?

>Not understanding identity

Holy shit you're retarded. If your personality traits are shat upon by society, it will make you depressed obviously. Ths change is personal, a change of identity

If I wanted to walk differently I am not going to see a doctor and demand leg surgery. Yet trannies do just that. They don't just want to change their behaviour, they want to change their biology. Gender - sex is a false dichotomy.

You can walk however you want retard

Is that the Girugamesh faggot

>If I wanted to walk differently I am not going to see a doctor and demand leg surgery.

But why not? I mean what is the physical thing keeping you from doing that if you feel more comfortable with it.


>Prove me wrong
no. we had the opportunity to have a conversation. your side did nothing but bully tactics and force to push degeneracy. i think at this point i would just prefer to crucify you hedonist delusional lunatics and call it a day

Yes, the act of feminizing a man by giving him a different set of hormones and changing his physical appearance will make them sexually appellative as a fetish to others. Same with that of masculinizing a female. But a visual fetish does not necessarily manifest itself in sexual expression. The physical act to represent the mental ideal may be attractive as a sexual fetish, either in actual relations or in consumed pornographic media, but it will never stop being as it is in reality. Even if you ripped out some FtM's ovaries and put them in some MtF and had them give babies, it wouldn't make them the opposite of what they were born as.

>You cant say "Yea I don't respect your identity" and expect to not get backlash.
Actually you'd be surprised what you can get away with.

It's been brought on because people aren't comfortable in their own skin, which is completely normal.

The problem is that they're protected and coddled for so long that they don't know how to deal with anything on their own and freak out at the slightest hint of a problem to the extent that it gets classified as a mental illness.

This is what happens when you encourage neuroticism. Naturally, the encouraged personality trait will get stronger, making all these fucking snowflakes completely neurotic.

In the past, neuroticism was a trait that was encourged to be surpressed, and for good reason. It leads to illogical solutions based on emotion to actual problems that need actual solutions.

>there are two words for sex
>sex and gender
>these words are the same except they are not
newspeak doubleplusgood

You would be the one publicly disrespecting everyone else by lying to them and making "the social transition." I do not respect your property on mere claim alone, but see it always as my own that I have yet to take power over. I will not let you take power over me, mentally or bodily, just because your cult dictates it. Your cult will not prevail, there is no individual benefit to your tranny crap. You're not bringing your fucking brainwashing into this world unopposed.


So if I was a guy who said I was a

How could a guy ever know what it truly means to be a chick if they are not physically able to be a chick?

All they would be doing is sticking feathers up their butts and strutting around telling everyone they feel like a chicken. No amount of estrogen will make them a chick. No amount of dick cutting will make them a chick. No amount of dresses, fake tits, makeup etc will ever make them a chick.

So trans is synonymous with delusional. It is a literal mental illness. Which makes sense when looking at the suicide rate. I can only imagine the realization of knowing that no matter how many feathers you stick up your ass you will never be the chicken you tell people you are has to be hard to swallow.

> If your personality traits are shat upon by society
It's not personality that gets shat on you fucking idiot. It's the idea that you need to physically change yourself and the way you dress/talk/walk to fit your personality that gets shat on.
>I have a neurotic/agreeable personality which is usually manifested in a female so I need to wear a dress and change my voice to sound like a girl.
The mental illness here is retardation, gender dysphoria is just sugar coating it.

I will respect no duty to love, no commandment of feeling. You can't make me "respect" your identity. I could make fun of you for having the same traits as myself -- hypocritically even, if it so pleased me. You can't take that from me, or anyone else, despot. Your ilk, especially claiming power over individuals as if you were the head of society, will see how fast true rebellion and insurrection takes hold the second you claim "revolution!".

What are you going to do about it, cry to your comrades? Lmfao

They don't and won't ever address the blatant contradictions in their arguments.

The guy "just pretending" to be an idiot in this thread will dodge the question and redirect with some meme answer.

There's no such thing as "feeling like a woman" or "having a woman's brain". There's no way to ever know what it "feels like" to have someone else's brain, at least not with our current technology.

So yes, it comes down to either mental illness, or someone being very open to suggestion being told they're supposed to be a girl their whole life.

>lying to them
How is self identifying lying? It is telling them, "this is what I identify myself as, will you respect it or not?"

>I do not respect your property on mere claim alone, but see it always as my own that I have yet to take power over.
>Quoting stirner while defending a social construct :^)

>Your cult will not prevail, there is no individual benefit to your tranny crap. You're not bringing your fucking brainwashing into this world unopposed.

You realize the objective gender shit is the brainwashing though right?

>I will respect no duty to love, no commandment of feeling. You can't make me "respect" your identity. I could make fun of you for having the same traits as myself -- hypocritically even, if it so pleased me. You can't take that from me, or anyone else, despot. Your ilk, especially claiming power over individuals as if you were the head of society, will see how fast true rebellion and insurrection takes hold the second you claim "revolution!".

Yea but you'd be an autist

Ur a fagit that's how

>So if I was a guy who said I was a How could a guy ever know what it truly means to be a chick if they are not physically able to be a chick?
All they would be doing is sticking feathers up their butts and strutting around telling everyone they feel like a chicken. No amount of estrogen will make them a chick. No amount of dick cutting will make them a chick. No amount of dresses, fake tits, makeup etc will ever make them a chick.

So, what makes someone a woman? if No amount of estrogen will make them a chick. No amount of dick cutting will make them a chick. No amount of dresses, fake tits, makeup etc will ever make them a chick as you say, what makes someone a woman? Being born with a vagina? How? How does that make someone a woman, how does it make you anything beyond "human with vagina and estrogen"

>>Gender does not exist

According to who?

Also you realize stirner was about shedding social attachments and making your own, sticking to the modern conception of "penis means boy" is everything stirner hated.

Gender doesn't exist in the same way property dosen't exist, but lolbertarians don't understand that anyway

Is it your contention that sticking feathers up your butt makes you a chicken?

Nope, but not wanting to wear a dress as a girl is a choice, being masculine instead of feminine is a choice, using a bathroom labeled "men" is a choice, going by "her" is a choice, ect

So what? People have been making choices since the dawn of mankind have they not? No amount of choosing to be another sex can make it so...just as no amount of sticking feathers up my ass makes me a chicken.

Do you believe that people who call themselves trans species are? What about trans racial?

So that guy who said he was a chick but then also said he was a dragon and got his ears cut off and tattooed his body...was he really a dragonlady? Or was he just delusional?

Science has proven you wrong you ignorant shit

>No amount of choosing to be another sex
Correct, but I'm not talking about sex.

>Do you believe that people who call themselves trans species are? What about trans racial?

So if I choose to say I am something I am in fact not...should you be compelled under penalty to adhere to me falsehood? Should your choices to live at odds with reality be compelled onto others?

>I'm not talking about sex

Sex and gender are synonymous. There is no revolution in this concept. And people have been living to their personal beliefs since the dawn on mankind. You readily admit trans is not real. So why are we talking about it here? People wanna play dress up and stick feathers up their butts? So what? How is fantasy now any more compelling now than it has been since the dawn of time?

actually, the idea of transgender people was to change their sex so that it conforms to their gender. Sex is biological and gender is psychological

The thought that a person was born _a way_ but then declares they are a _different way_ and then have to have constant addition or subtraction of chemicals or body parts is self-evident that they are not in fact that way that they decided to proclaim that they are.

We hold that these truths are self evident.