Kraut/pol/ - Just another shitpost, ffs, why is noone making a bread?

Reposting useful comment, installed GIMP and am now starting to learn:
I'm a GNU/Linux and IT fag, so I was early on exposed to free software like GIMP xD.
The rest is history and trial and error xD.

Free GNU software for everyone. I don't have the money for the pro meming stuff.
Photo manipulation - GIMP:
Photo manipulation and drawing - Krita:
Video editor - Kdenlive:
GNU/Linux Distro chooser:
The official GIMP website has some tutorials for beginners:

On youtube you can also find some useful tutorials: tutorials deutsch

Other urls found in this thread:




Heil uns

>„Menschenverachtende Ausdrucksweise“: Darum zeigt die Migranten-Partei ADD die Essener Tafel an

>die Migranten-Partei ADD

Am Daimler-Standort Rastatt ziehen drei Kandidaten einer rechtsgerichteten Organisation in den Betriebsrat ein. Der Personalvorstand distanziert sich von der „Ausrichtung dieser Gruppen“ und droht mit Konsequenzen.


>die Migranten-Partei ADD

Willkommen in 2018

When did you realize Sarrazin was right about everything?

Die gibt es jetzt 1 oder 2 Jahre. Werden von Erdogan unterstützt

Back in 2010

>Migranten.-Partei ADD

>When did you realize Sarrazin was right about everything?

Back in 2010 when he was the hot shit

>why is noone making a bread?
Probaly because the AfD is just in there for personal gain, and shilling for them gets old.

Kill yoursef, shitlib

Not an argument, honey ;-*

groko or not. AfD will gain momentum


That's a) wrong and b) not relevant.
Which motives lead AfD politicians to fight MultiKulti I don't care.

Bumping with glorious Curio:



That`s still not an argument.
But then again what do I expect from people that support a party that gets regularly BTFO by Left-green retards.

What a bunch of fags

>But then again what do I expect from people that support a party that gets regularly BTFO by Left-green retards.


I think you are one of us and falseflagging, well played!

Don't reply to:
He is either one of our guys having fun while messing with you, a low-tier troll from facebook or some lonely antifaggot.
At any rate, you are not in a public debate, and the only reason to ever argue with a person like him would be to drive him before you in a public setting and thus influence the onlookers.

Lel, dann müssten ja auch die ganzen Vereine, die sich nur um Asylos / "Migranten" kümmern ihren Vereinsstatus verlieren.
Mal wieder nicht durchdacht. Naja, Kanaken halt.

Really, the "honey" should have given you guys the clue.
Though I was actually a member of the SPD. for reasons

Ich glaube die machen das eh nur als PR Aktion

I thought exactly that when I read "honey".
Kek, looks like I am finally becoming an oldfag.

Take it easy, we are on Sup Forums, it's saturday, and the AfD is gaining percentage points on a daily basis.


update the pasta op


I'd probably agree with him, but I still haven't read it. Is it an actual good read (don't want to waste my time on lots of stuff I already know anyway)?

lösch dich

Oh, by the way, yesterday was the GroKo decision deadline, what has been decided?
Will there be re-elections and we will see the politics become even more Weimarized, or have we been cucked by suicidal SPD that want to become the Sonstige Partei Deutschlands in 2021?
Either way, we can only gain, the most fervent multiculturalists are already limited almost entirely to media-ideologues and brainwashed kids laving school, heck, even in the Abirtur they still try to indoctrinate, our German language teacher is constantly shilling her own politics even though it is forbidden. The last realy stronghold of this reatrded idea that fundamentally different peoples can live together and gain by being near each other's differences constantly beyond some diplomatic and intellectual and economic cooperation is loosing foorhold, in fact it is limiting itself to antifaggots already, while the IB grows.
I can't wait until we see the day that shit gets even worse due to noone doing something dratic enough about the situation right now and then seeing the rise of an actual right-winger party.

What are the meme-wars doing, has anybody investigated how RG is like?
Would it be good to perhaps have a few anons from here in there to send over some of the more kosher memes from here?
At any rate I would love to see Reclam memes become a thing and normies starting to learn about them, it is not much, but it is a way to say:
"We are honest, we have no qualsm joking about what is treated like a holy grail to bring you down while the others wind in their own intellecual diarrhea and huff their epistemological farts"

>die norwegischen Zeitungen schreiben wieder über die politische Situation in Deutschland
was wird morgen passieren brudis?

Dieser Haufen Kanacken und seine daemliche Klage koennte der Funke sein, auf den das Pulverfass wartet.

SPD gibt bekannt ob es eine Groko gibt oder nicht. Die Mitglieder konnten bis letzte Nacht darüber abstimmen

No surprise.
The SPD members will vote for the coalition with CDU+CSU.
4 more years with Merkel.

How is Norway?
Was to Oslo twice.
What is Norway going to do once the oil runs out?

Gibt es schon irgendwelche Hochrechnungen? Das ist eine extrem wichtige Entscheidung für unsere Politik.


>How is Norway?
>Was to Oslo twice.
wohin in Oslo?
>What is Norway going to do once the oil runs out?
was glaubst du selber?

Nein und es wird auch keine geben. Morgen gibt es eine PK im Willy Brandt Haus das ist alles

>wohin in Oslo?
Das übliche. Opernhaus, Park, Holmenkollen,

>was glaubst du selber?
Dass euer Fonds nicht ewig Wohlstand ermöglichen können wird.
Wie wollt ihr die Öl-Einnahmen ersetzen?
Habt ihr genügend andere Ressourcen? Denn normale Unternehmen gibt's bei euch ja weniger als bei den Schweden oder den Dänen.


D𝖊utschl𝖆nd 𝖊rw𝖆ch𝖊!

I have a German on Facebook who keeps sperging about the AfD.

Your youth is as fucked as ours.

>I have a German on Facebook who keeps sperging about the AfD.
is he with Die Linke or something?
people write all sorts of cancer.

>Liked by Furkan, Gökhan, Metin...
Pathetic leeches.

Holy shit, man, that's no reason to despair, what is his account, can you link it?
How old is he?
Also, many learn the truth quick once they see diversitty happening to their area.

whats up autists



Enjoying the weekend. Also waiting for tomorrow

>Italian election
>Groko decision

He’s a Schulz fag. He was furious about Brexit as well which made me laugh.

I'm not triggered at all.

Can you translate it for me?


nå må du faktisk ta deg sammen.


Fragt mich von der IB, neben mir im Unikurs sitzt eine Coalburnerin ekelhaft...

Much better, I am feeling much less racist now.
Thanks desu desu

Please use german or english.

oida. bist du Schede oder Deutscher?

>Fragt mich von der IB,

Wie viel neue Mitglieder habt ihr letztes Jahr dazugewonnen?

Aaaalter, wenn ich ne Kekistani-Flagge hätte, wär ich dann aus Kekistan? Meine Güte.

You forgot to put the rest of info into the OP

Das logo errinert ein wenig an die Anti Defamation League

You should show her this

Habt ihr größtenteils skinheads, oder auch /fit/ normies?

unsere Ortsgruppe ist gut gewachsen und andere auch, eine Zahl kann ich dir nicht nennen.


Stop believing the lies from the Lügenpresse.

I saw him in a few talkshows yesterday.
Fuck he is right, if I could, I would vote AFD again

wir haben sogut wie garkeine Skinheads, ja Leute die keine Haare haben klar, aber die ganzen 88 Neonazis fliegen hochkantig raus, alle die auf so extremrechte Konzerte gehen z.B. Stahlgewitter oder so fliegen auch, wir pflegen auch keine Beziehung zu altrechten Vereinigungen, es gibt eine ganz klare Trennung.

Die meisten Leute sind moderat fit, einige sind sehr fit und stabil, relativ wenig Neets. Gute Jungs und Mädels

That's good news. Thank you!


Hey, is there any way to join without ending up in the databases of BfV?

>I would vote AFD again

Du bist ein Teil von dem was mit unserer Republik nicht stimmt.

yeah I also met Götz Kubitschek at the last WInterakademie, he is truly a great inspiration and you can only admire his work for the right movement.

>Du bist ein Teil von dem was mit unserer Republik nicht stimmt.

Yeah, a so called Cuckservative, still believing in the lies from the establishment.

>Götz Kubitschek
>he is truly a great inspiration and you can only admire his work for the right movement.

He's the goddamn Führer.
Without him we would be nowhere near to the actual point of shifting the Zeitgeist.

we have many police officers and soldiers, just go on the IB Site and click aktiv werden, the people near you will write you after some time.

we have many tasks, many people like Martin Sellner and other frontrunners are showning their face and ofc in the middlepoint.

But we have easy tasks where you stay in the background like myself and plan actions, draw banners or be backup for others, also many other tasks.

Sorry for the format, 4chin thinks its spam

Also walking, hiking trips, visiting cultural places etc. not just being an activist. Also making a good community


>die ganzen 88 Neonazis fliegen hochkantig raus, alle die auf so extremrechte Konzerte gehen z.B. Stahlgewitter oder so fliegen auch, wir pflegen auch keine Beziehung zu altrechten Vereinigungen, es gibt eine ganz klare Trennung.

sehr gut. so muss es sein.

yeah he is great and has great kids too, I can just recommend the Winter-/Sommerakademie, you all should look into Antaios Verlag, great literature

Okay, fuck it, a place on that list is a badge of honor nowadays.
Kek wills it.
Someone screencap this man.
I can't into good thread captures myself.
But this is funny desu.

But I guess I can just bring a balaclava to group photos or wear a baseball cap and glasses when in public with the movement.

>walking, hiking trips, visiting cultural places etc.
Man, that does sound really nice.
I guess this would also be an environment where I would actually have interest in being active socially.
Okay, checking the website out right now.

how does the "application" process work? how do you make sure that people are genuine (non-Verfassungsschutz, Antifa or journalists)?

If you do more face showing things you shouldnt look like the black block (antifa scum), but you are free to choose where to do your work. Some work is just making memes

Die edgelords sind sowieso nicht zu mehr zu gebrauchen als um einen "echten Nadsi" zu haben, auf den man zeigen kann.
So oder so, auf Deutsch/pol/ sind glaube-cih auch viele legitime Antisemiten.
Selbst wenn sie recht hätten wäre der Angriff auf die entsprechenden Gruppen allein wegen der Geschichte unmöglich.
Un dann ist da auch noch die Tatsache, dass so kein Netz aus Solidarität und Zusammenarbeit entsteht.

scheiß normies veprisst eich

You should really stop using action like that, it's terrible Denglish, native speakers would never use the word like that. Use stunt or operation or any other synonym instead.

kek, dachte etwas ähnliches

>tfw memetic warfare is no meme anymore

Was auch Mädels? Ist ja lustig. Vielleicht guck ich mal vorbei, aber dann würde mich die ganze Uni hassen (Berlin). Hmmmmmmm

>If you do more face showing things you shouldnt look like the black block (antifa scum), but you are free to choose where to do your work. Some work is just making memes
Ah, okay.
I guess an effective manner of being hard to recognize/dox would also be to simply wear a cap and relatively large sunglassed (the 80s style would be funny, kek).
Would that kind of outfit be okay, if it is in a small minority within the group; I don't wanna get screwed over in terms of finding a job after Abi/Studium?
In all honesty, I would like to partake in public actions, how risky is it anyways, when there is a large-scale event it is not really significant, right?
On the front of meme-making; I am working on it.

Wobei ich dazu sagen muss, dass wir in Teilen doch auch die Edgelord-Optik bereit stellen.

LARP härter, du verkacktes Kantenkind.