Science Behind DinDuism

Sure its logical that all ethnicities would avoid blacks because they've all seen how toxic they collectively are through experience, but are blacks suffering from genetic Personality Disorder / Paranoid Schizophrenic / Bi-Polar more than any true manifestations of "racism"?

No one in lynching blacks today. No one is denying blacks housing, jobs, or representation in media. That doesn't stop blacks from reflexively claiming "muh oppreshun" at every turn where they weren't gift wrapped good fortune in life.

No slave trade, Jim Crow, KKK history in Europe, but that doesn't stop EuroDarkies from claiming they are constant victims.

It doesn't matter what, where or who, blacks ALWAYS set up a false dichotomy of "US" vs "THEM" to hyper inflate their own position and shield them from any accountability.

How many times have you heard the "haterz" logic used by dindus? This is an adolescent coping mechanism to avoid responsibility and rinse-repeated in every facet of their life.

You can find every example to consistently prove this out

Other urls found in this thread: long grse&sp=CAISAggE

ANY interaction with blacks will become a YOU / ME competition where they are always looking to assert themselves AGAINST their environment, rather than assimilate/work with to common objectives.
It seems everyone is an agreement that (western) blacks are fundamentally "special needs" or retarded.

>Liberals - view blacks as perpetual victims, incapable of self-sufficiency and require endless excuses for their bad behavior.
>Blacks - even blacks, themselves, acknowledge that they need more and more handouts and preferential treatment to have it easy in life. They can't be held accountable for their own circumstance.
>Everyone else - will cite numerous studies of black IQ scores, incarceration rates, crime and overall general toxic impact to society at large.

At what point do we as a society, make that single step forward and realize that blacks have every opportunity known to civilization and yet continue to fail at self-sufficiency? There is absolutely nothing holding blacks back or denying them success except themselves.

Criminologists spend decades profiling what leads people towards a life of crime. Takes into account multitudes of offender data. Distills all criminal behavior linked towards a pathology of processing the world around them.
> 10 "Criminal" Thinking Errors

> VICTIMSTANCE - always views self as victim, blames others
> POWER THRUST - compulsively needs to be in control of every situation, uses maniuplation and deceit. Refuses to be dependent unless he can take advantage of the situation
> LACK OF EFFORT - unwilling to do anything they find boring or disagreeable
> LACK OF OWNERSHIP - no concept of ownership/rights of others. Perceives all things as something to possess. Views sex as just power / control (muh dick)
> DISTORTED SELF IMAGE - focuses only on their positive attributes / refuses to acknowledge own destructive behavior. Builds themselves up at the expense of others
> UNIQUENESS - Views themselves as different and better than others. Expects of others that which he fails to meet. Quits at the first sign of failure.
> IRRATIONAL FEAR - profound fear of put down. When held accountable for experiences feels worthless. Fear based solely on emotions.
> CLOSED MINDEDNESS - not receptive / will not be self-critical / will not participate in any disclosure
> CPT - does not use past as learning tool. Expects others to act immediately on their demands. Decisions based on assumptions, not fact.
> ZERO SHAME - Responsible living is seen as boring and unsatisfying. Has no sense of obligation to others. Will respond only if it nets an immediate payoff

Gee, do these overwhelmingly represent a certain "cultyah" among us?




>even blacks, themselves, acknowledge
Without being labelled racist, how are all these videos show the same behavior over and again and not lead one to conclusions about what kind of people these are?

This is like a fascinating National Geographic series on the modality of blacks long grse&sp=CAISAggE

>Around blacks at a mall in Atlanta
>Working at a Dollar Store
>Groundskeeper at an Apartment community
>Around blacks a bodega in Detroit
All over the country and black people act the same in hundreds of videos
Darien Long has a ton of videos, trying to capture his 15 minutes of fame from 2011. THIS was the video that sparked his brief notoriety
He tasers a loud mouthed sheboons

Not only does he capture niggers nogging, but he also captures his own deluded mentality as he chases the same vanity he chides fellow niggers on. The guy has zero education and the apex of his 40 year old life's career is being offered a management position for Dollar General. Its pretty sad if you rationalize this guy as a real person, but of course he isn't (just listen to his own rationalizations in the videos).

>modality of blacks
In each altercation it is
there is never a time when confronted on behavior that black people EVER divert from this script. It is never,
> "Hmm, sorry - let me correct myself"
it always goes straight to the deflection and aggression.
Don't kid yourself - know what you're dealing with

the post

My ancestors were enslaved by Romans. Roman reparations When? It's been far too long.

mass shooters

>can't even understand numbers

Blacks think they are equal or superior to whites, so naturally when they fail to compete among whites, it must be because they're oppressed.

>can't even understand numbers
there's a reason you guys are normies

>when they fail to compete among whites, it must be because they're oppressed.
Because blacks are so emotionally immature and psychologically INSECURE, it's always about GETTING OVER on someone. That's the only way they know how to distinguish if things are good or bad. If you actually did what you were supposed to / social mores, to a black that's like bowing down to "the man". EVERYTHING is a binary competition to blacks (good vs evil, no nuance).
Just look at how "black churches" are. They preach about existing righteously (without fault) vs anything bad happening is "the devil doing this to me".
Whereas, "white churches" (lutheran, protestant, catholic, etc) have to do with adhering to tradition, service to the collective, acts of service, etc

If you want a (non radicalized) red-pill on Black Americans, bet against this formula and lose every time

Blacks have cultivated, embraced and celebrate pathological dysfunctional thinking errors. In every negro encounter, you will be able to predict how they are processing the world around them by using the attached chart.

***Blacks will NEVER acknowledge they are wrong
*******when confronted on what they did wrong you will get
> "DinDuNuffin" - didn't do the negative thing that you probably have proof of them doing
> escalate volume/hysterics - never raising the debate (evidence), just their voice and threat level
> when DinDu runs its course - claim racism. Racisms is the only thing that can explain the predicament they are in (being caught for doing wrong)
These are the ONLY responses they have. Its a 1-2 playbook that is old as time, itself

> Arrest statistics show disproportionate BLACK offenders
> Court records shows BLACK defendants show disproportionate convictions
> Prison population comprised of disproportionate BLACKS
> Factors leading to high probability of crime (poverty, no education, no employment) skews disproportionately towards BLACKS
> Crime recidivism skews disproportionately towards BLACKS reoffending
whoa, whoa, whoa CAN'T be the blacks!!
This is just systemic white supremacy (that we can't actually explain how it works).
Lets make a computer AI to impartially gauge who a criminal is

> Computer AI shows BLACKS disproportionately fit the criteria
No, no, no.....must be something wrong with the computer!

What I love is that no matter what US city you live in, you can ALWAYS find niggers behaving exactly the same. History, community culture, racial mix, etc doesn't matter....the niggers will always
> rent property and ruin all the sod around trees because they've tied up their 4 pit-chow mix mongrel dogs that tear up the entire lawn
> wander around town in their pajamas, head wrap and slippers in the afternoon (when they just woke up)
> none of them ever have actual jobs. Drive through a nigger neighborhood after 11 am and see house after house and even on the boulevard/neutral ground, niggers just hanging out and loitering
> no capacity to see/drive beyond the horizon
> cruise the speed limit in the left lane
> riding the bumper of other cars like they are driving in the city
> be incapable of interpreting the world around them based on statistics and facts. Is only able to perceive through emotions.
> buy T-shirts and jewelry at a Convenience Store
> gravitate towards the shittiest liquors and alcohol
> actively seek out the cheapest and most toxic narcotics to look cool
> regularly frequent Little Caesars pizza in droves, ordering like they are the floor of the NYSE in pajamas with their grandkids
> use the side of the Interstate highway as a rest area

>must be because they're oppressed
Ain't that the purest form of nigger logic!
"He runs!...he blames the white man...then he comes back and treats him like dirt....hey when can I start working for you, you fucking monkey ape!....Why don't you start jumping up and down, pounding on your chest and murder a few dozen lice!"?

"Nor will I stoop to explaining the mistake in that a nigger lemur or some other small form of monkey"?

"and I fear no retribution, not by my own god or any other evil emissary dispatched from the bowels of the earth, by whatever bundle of bloodied fucking feathers and house cat teeth....the nigger race...bows down to"?
You're attempting to understand nigger logic.
Its actually QUITE SIMPLE and if you understand it, you won't be a "random victim of urban crime".
Blacks pathologically process the world around them through a singular lens of me-me-me-right-now. It is manifested through clinical dysfunctional thinking, most often referred to as "Criminal Thinking Errors". Their very culture re-enforces these virtues

What's the actual definition of mass shooting? More than two persons involved?

>What's the actual definition of mass shooting? More than two persons involved?
the pic you responded to it says
> "Any single incident where 4 or more people are shot
try reading, faggot


The white murder rate in the US is very low.

And that dude is mixed anyway. White peoples’ faces aren’t shaped like that.

>Blacks pathologically process the world around them through a singular lens of me-me-me-right-now

ultimately the problem is a never-ending cycle they wantonly perpetuate
> grow up the child of a single-mother with no education, skills or career = below poverty
> mom was pregnant with you because she sleeps around like a skeezer for attention, with no self-respect or positive self-image
> because mom has the intelligence of a 3rd grader and zero emotional intelligence, once you grow out of being a cute little baby, she isn't interested in you anymore
> you live in shithole Section 8 housing, filled with other niggers just like you nogging out all day and tearing up the community.
> because no one here can think past next week, everyone is actively trying to get one over another another. The role models everyone looks up to are hustlers, pimps and other criminals able to con or strong-arm their way to an existence.
> because no one actually owns or worked for anything in life, its important to flaunt anything you have gotten (that you didn't earn) to prove to others that you DO have material things (even when you don't); Jordans, Jewelry, gaudy cars
> because everyone is preying upon each other, its important not to exhibit any weakness otherwise you'll be targeted as an easy paycheck. You always have to express that you're hardcore and you boast to be alpha to others.
> since none of these communal traits are necessary in a human civilization, you are an outcast in society.
> Well, if your social skills are so developmentally retarded that you can't exist in society, rather than correct them and adapt (fuck that, sounds like work), you embrace them and embellish them in society. You can never fit in, so why bother?
> knock up a few girls before you go to prison so those children can experience the same life you had

niggers are the absolute equivalent of Mogwai apes.

Niggers are only happy when they have someone else to blame for their problems. At school the niggers go out of their way to walk into people, to scream "racism" at the slightest thing and to just be as unlikable as possible. The idea of being a decent person escapes these kind of "people". There is a reason people say "FUCK" internally when you come across niggers during the day to day trials and tribulations of life.
I don't doubt that. Not in the least - like everything white people do, we do it at the very height of ability.
Which leads into the question, why on god's green fucking earth is everyone jumping up and down on whitey's head? Wouldn't it make far more sense to accept the olive branch and try to work toward a better future for everyone? Why would you push and push and push and fucking push white people into the ground with nonsense such as 'much systemic racism' knowing full fucking well what happens if white people have had enough?
And we have.

Ten short years ago, I was fully on-board with acceptance of others - orientation, race, whatever - I'll leave you alone if you leave me alone.
Except I wasn't left alone - as a white male I, and I alone, was held up as the absolute fucking worst thing ever created in the history of mankind. Let alone it was white males who created a world so advanced and so safe that people had the leisure and resources to stand up and say just how fucking bad white men truly are.
And no matter what I said or did, I was racist. Labeled to the point that the label now has no meaning.
And if I'm going to be racist, I'm going to be the best fucking racist I can be.
And that's where we're headed - and the snapback will be nasty. Deserved, but nasty.

keep posting vids

>keep posting vids
the US went through all this civil rights movement, based on the notion that it was incredibly unfair that blacks couldn't live among white people or go to same schools etc. And so they got segregation removed. And now so many years later in 2018 they are the ones calling for segregation. I mean you can't make this fucking shit up. All they are doing is proving that segregation probably was a good thing, and that either you have that or they go live in a nation where there's no white people, since it's apparently impossible to get the black people to stop being the turboracist assholes they are. And ironically they themselves are calling for it. It's so funny they say that white people are the biggest racists, when white people are probably the least racist on the entire planet compared to everyone else. And blacks are probably in the top 3 of the most racist ethnic groups on the planet.

This also indicates that blacks don't actually have a problem with racism, since they're not out slamming blacks being racist against white people or others for that matter. No the only problem blacks have with it is, is that they don't like other people being racist against them. But when they are racist against others, then it's totally fine, and they think it's fun and amusing and a perfectly acceptable thing to do.

I'm sick and tired of this double standard where white people are supposed to be super polite, whilst everyone else run around saying the vilest shit imagineable about white people directly in the news and media and in every day life, and they just pretend that it's perfectly fine and make excuses for why they are allowed to do it and others aren't. Meanwhile if you say the word nigger or negro, black people almost want to fucking kill you and people want a near public execution if you do it in media etc. Eventhough it's simply means black in latin (niger), or negro which means black in portugese. It literally means the color. But anyways, i don't even think anyone on the planet is more racist than these assholes. It's everything that seems to be on their mind constantly and black this and black that, and what can we do for black people and so on and so forth. And they're not even in fucking africa, but are sitting in white nations doing these things. But if say white americans want something for themselves in their own country, oh then it's racist. I'm really getting tired of watching these people, they are just mainstreaming the most foulest racist garbage, and then get surprised if white people want to remain majority in their own countries so they don't have to put up with this bullshit in the future.



You're attempting to understand nigger logic.
Its actually QUITE SIMPLE and if you understand it, you won't be a "random victim of urban crime".






















wtf is that nigger doing?

lol, is he trying to get that rag down?

>wtf is that nigger doing?

These videos are so sad. What you consistently see is an evolved white person confused as to the nigger ways of the unevolved nigger.

how do you explain away all your failures and patheticness?

>All that green text

Literally every black I’ve come into contact with. And I am around a lot unfortunately.

>What you consistently see is an evolved white person confused as to the nigger ways of the unevolved nigger.

newfags in one post

>every black I’ve come into contact with.
> think of all the people you have worked with, managed, or were your superior in your career
> single out all those that were exceptional; beyond just being a 'good worker'
none of them were black, were they? You're not the only one with that experienc

Bump. The main victims in our society today are White males.

323.1 M population in US
21.5 M black males in US 2013
49% of 21.5M is 18-34 aged (10.5M)

eliminate 90% of all VIOLENT crime simply by genociding black males 18-35

>The main victims in our society today are the majority demographic perpetrated by the parasite (black) minority



It's really leftists that are the party of slavery at this point.
It's left aligned corporations that fight so hard to have their economically depressed wage slaves come here so they can continue to not pay anyone anything.
It's democrats that refuse a simple and logical thing like voter id so they can continue having their low educated wage slaves promote the policies that keep the ultra rich oligarchs (the kind of money that dwarfs even a real estate billionaire mind you) in power.
You're just another brainwashed foot soldier, undermining the rule of law with post modern garbage. For what? Anarchy. For who? Poor broke, poor broke Zuckerberg, poor broke Jeff Bezos with ties to the CIA

These people have far too much power and far too much control over what you see and hear.

You're just a useful foot soldier in their war.

you are conflating hate or fear with disgust there have been studies into this and what psychologist have determine is that what a racist feels it is mostly disgust. this feeling can easily lead to hate and fear but not always. not only that but since humans have in group preference it is easy to have empathy towards your own race and this is common to all races.
it doesn't help when a certain race group has a tendency towards criminal activities higher than other race groups causing a person to be wary about a certain race compared to other races and this is a instinctual response to threats that creates unconscious bias towards the goal of avoiding what there subconscious considers threatening. so if you want to stop racism then you have to combat the source which is not the racist but why a race is discriminated. meaning why a race is being viewed in an unfavorable light and see if you can change the cause for this like if it is of criminal activity you have to look why they do crime what in their life lead to these choices usually this all mostly leads back to their upbringing. so what is wrong in their home like if they had single mother and no father in sight. if so what can be done to promote marriage so that there is a stable upbringing and what is interfering with this process. one thing that has been proven through statistics is that recipient of welfare have a history of single mother household maybe taking away welfare will help in discouraging single motherhood but what do i know, since it is extremely hard to take away an unearned entitlement so lets just scream racist at people and hope this does something.

the definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and expecting a different result.

>are blacks suffering from genetic Personality Disorder / Paranoid Schizophrenic / Bi-Polar more than any true manifestations of "racism"?
Niggers are just flat out retarded, and SWJ types like to lie and claim it is someones fault
>pic related

>Niggers are just flat out retarded
fact checked

1. There are good and shitty people from every racial group on the planet. High performers vs. low performers and natural vs. nurture reasons for that performance. In my experience the natural trumps the nurture most of the time. Greatness shines through adversity, etc. Out of everyone on the planet, blacks have the largest group of low performers by far. These low performers are called niggers. Low performing whites are called many things, but white trash seems to be the most common. Low performing jews have a name with higher performing jews who despise them, there are low performing asians, etc.

2. People have to play statistics. You can be the black version of the Leave it to Beaver family, that doesn't matter to a lot of people at face value. The vast majority of blacks are actually niggers - low performers who are unsuited for civilized society. Just as normal, discerning white people don't want to live near a trailer park with white trash, they don't want to live near niggers. That's why many white people would distrust you at face value in most cases, or say "there goes the neighborhood" if you move in next door.

3. Most people who hate groups are, of course hating groups and lumping you in with them. When most niggers are the opposite of you, irresponsible gibsmedats who dindunuffin, they tend to not just distrust them, they tend to hate them. Then a black guy comes along and they automatically project that hatred onto him because there's a 9/10 chance that this guy's a hypernigger too. Most people who hate niggers, upon getting to know an upstanding black person, can like the individual but will still dislike or distrust their group

4. Do you not hate niggers too? If you're a normal black person, essentially your entire life has been fucked in the United States due to the presence of niggers constantly fucking things up and drawing the ire of not just whites but every other racial group. You wouldn't buy a house in a nigger neighborhood, you wouldn't want your daughter dating a nigger, and you understandably wouldn't want to be called a nigger when you're trying so hard not to be one.

5. There are undoubtedly groups of people you highly distrust or even hate for personal reasons or because you know stereotypes exist for a reason and you would rather be on your guard initially with someone and find out later they're ok than be off your guard and have someone constantly taking advantage of you. That is why white people are usually on their guard around black people. The saying "around blacks never relax" exists because its pretty likely you get burned if you pretend to be color blind and wander into a nigger neighborhood expecting not to get robbed. I'll bet you distrust white people, if you're smart you know the difference between white people and jews and distrust them even more. You probably dislike asians - Korean shopkeepers in particular. Most black people I know hate them with a passion for stereotypical reasons.

6. If you have a problem with being stereotyped "unjustly" just remember that life isn't fair and you unfortunately share the same book cover in some cases as "Niggers: The Book" and people will judge you by it. It happens to white people within a black community, but we expect it and usually understand to just avoid it. The main problem with black people (not niggers) is that many of you have been infused with victimhood by the jews. Its what they use to make you dance like marionettes for them against white people. My only advice to you would be to drop any victimhood you might ever feel, understand race affinity is real and exists with every group in relation to every other group, and try not to take it personally when strangers pre-judge you, because I don't take it personally that niggers in Harlem would assume I want them all dead or that I am commiting some white collar crime to the detriment of black people.

In the US you simply have to live and do well for yourself and not give a shit whether or not some other group of people is going to like you. Understand that most of them don't dislike YOU they dislike what they assume you are, and that they're usually not wrong in making that assumption even if they are wrong about you.

>fact checked
More evidence


get it together, Tyrone!


> lets go swimming
> can't swim

>doesn't hydro bill
>kills family

nigger apologism: the thread
>its not their fault they have a personality disorder
OP is a shill faggot

> make money off scrap metal because too stupid to be employed
> transformer has metal
wut cud go wrung, nigga?

> hot pockets, muh nigga

>put kid in industrial washing machine
Would go wrong?

will Capsize and Tip Over into the ocean Hank Johnson


>65 posts by this ID
you okay user?


>you okay user?
check the board, user
this is the sacrifice required


I grew up in the south... the NWO liberals know not the fire they are playing with.... in general, blacks will enjoy the liberal ass kissing, for a little while, then their paranoia will kick in, that’s when the liberals will loose total control over the Black mind. The blacks will never trust liberals again... tick tock

he bossman say get that rag down. he say how boss? bossman say use the ladder. negger just followin orders like bossman say.

>that’s when the liberals will loose total control over the Black mind.



Nothing white people ever did prevented the blacks from doing anything. Whitey never "kept the black man down." This preacher in Harlem knows whats up.

He knows blacks aren't meant to ever evolve past mud huts and thatch roofs.



