
Someone's been trying to argue to me that Superman is an example of Jewish propaganda to promote degeneracy and subvert the goyim. (Superman was created by Jerry Siegel, a Jew) Can Sup Forums confirm/deny? I don't buy it.

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It IS Jewish propaganda.
It's the whole "Messiah" story - his home world destroyed and he's just better at everything when he's in the goy world.

Wasn't superman created because their corner store was robbed and the young kid felt like justice was hopeless?

Yeah, but he uses his powers to save people, not to gain political influence or wealth.

Most "superheroes" definitely promotes one thing. Lack of death penalty. I mean not punishing actual bloody very dangerous criminals for their crimes. Just look how moronic batman/spiderman are. No matter what for example joker does. No matter how many times he escapes - he never gets actually punished.

While this is true, it's necessary for the story. You maintain "perfect" heroes while keeping the villain alive for next months issue

There are only two brands of superheroes that aren't kiked, and neither are Marvel nor DC.

Batman locked up the Joker in a dark vault for an indefinite period of time once. There are certainly fates worse than death.

Batman and the Joker were also created by Jews, as was pretty much the entire comics industry.

he only helps jews and sjws

Any Messianic figure is jewish created for the purpose of crippling us. How does it work?
People will wait for a Messiah to come and save them expecting Jesus to show up in the darkest hour with absolute certainty they will be saved. Jesus won't come, we have to save ourselves. The goal is to trick people into inaction, waiting for some outside force to come and save things feeling as if they dont have to do anything themselves.

Kill Lois Lane and then you get globalist authoritarian Supes.

Ever heard of tikkun olam? Superman is essentially the quintessential Jewish power fantasy. The Jew (or rather the Jewish people), rejecting the Messiah that he was given, becomes his own Messiah and saves the world. That has been the trajectory of the Jews since they abandoned the Kahal, left their shtetls, and imbibed the ideas of the Haskalah.

>we have to save ourselves
That is precisely the Jewish approach. That's why they are always revolutionaries, and always have been for the past 2,000 years.

Wouldn't Jesus himself fit into that category?

Superman was a Jewish anti-thesis to the Overman, represented by Lex Luthor as the evil white genius who uses his intellect to try and save the world from alien invasions and make himself into a demi-god. They did this because Hitler was promoting futurism, naturalism, and eugenics to make a an Aryan Overman... Aryan and Overman are essentially the same terms in a lot of ways but the Overman is not fully human anymore.

Batman is also a good example of Nietzsche's higher man which brings forth the Overman... That's why Batman keeps that flying messianic alien in check...

Also, Superman took on a life of his own over time and really became an example of American pragmatism and Christian cuck values. The modern Superman movies are actually really good and close to the meaning of the myth, that's why hipster critics hate it because they hate smart things and love Broadway degeneracy.

The non-blonde calque on the Übermensch lost his home (Israel and the Second Temple). He lives in permanet diaspora among inferior nations.
So, what’s his kryptonite that renders him powerless?

hello fellow white americans

>Superman was a Jewish anti-thesis to the Overman

He does, dirty kike on a stick.

Supes is supposed to be the Jewish Messiah.

Not only that, he's just fucking boring and gay. Batman is miles better and Punisher makes them both look like fags.

You are correct. Goku is the OG unkiked Aryan superhero.

Superman just saves people. There's nothing really polarizing politically about his ideals.
You can make the case for him being an immigrant, but that's about it.

Yes Jesus is a tool to trick people into not doing anything. Christians will sit oon their throne of superiority as the world is destroyed around them looking forward even to the end times knowing they will be raptured and Jesus will come to save them, watching as the world goes to shit around them and feeling no desire to change it.

Jews are the inventor of the Messianic concept and if you are truly jewish will believe in a Messiah.

"Messiah is a title for a savior and liberator of the Jewish people. The concept of messianism originated in Judaism,[1][2] and in the Hebrew Bible, a messiah is a king or High Priest traditionally anointed with holy anointing oil.[3] However, messiahs were not exclusively Jewish, as the Hebrew Bible refers to Cyrus the Great, king of Persia, as a messiah[4] for his decree to rebuild the Jerusalem Temple.

In Jewish eschatology, the Messiah is a future Jewish king from the Davidic line, who is expected to be anointed with holy anointing oil and rule the Jewish people during the Messianic Age and World to come."

>There are certainly fates worse than death.
thats what "they" teach us.
but in reality there is almost nothing is worse than death (apart from some kind of clippeling brutal torture). its part of anti-deathpenalty agenda.

superman is nonwhite kryptonian scum. Lex did nothing wrong. Batman is white man



I completely agree with you.

Batman was also created by a Jew, and the Punisher came out of Marvel, a thoroughly Jewish company.

Superman is a fascist heroic ideal that fights for anti-fascist ideologies.

Childhood is when you idolize Superman. Adulthood is when you realize that Goku is a better hero.

>So, what’s his kryptonite that renders him powerless?
TRUTH and the death of the rabbi demon power they hold over us in (((Christianity))). So philosophy and reason is the Jew's cryptonite. That's why they hate nature like most desert rats, it's hard to control and reveals the truth of being. That's why they hate philosophy and created nihilistic theories in all departments. That's why they hate biology and honest science, instead wanting to create an anti-racist global warming cult.

The Jew is the BORG.
The Aryan are the true Kryptonians. If you look at Kryptone they were essentially Techno-Druids or a NatSoc dream. But the wondering Jew meme in Superman still applies. The phantom zone is literally wondering in the desert.

He's not a gook, you fucking idiot. He's an alien AND he's an Aryan. He's an alien Aryan.

Batman is white ++ since he has Scottish heritage

The best unkiked hero around right now

adulthood is when you realize DBZ is fuckin lame as shit

What about his gender and secuality? I think kids want to learn about how many genders there are from a man who prances about in yoga pants, with the underwear on the outside, and a cape.


>Kills some of his known own Saiyan people
>True hero

But his whole shtick is all about self improvement which I agree with.
I don't think so.

DBZ is mostly formulaic garbage I agree but Goku is a better hero. Just a normal guy who wants a fair fight but if shit hits the fan he knows when to get serious. DBZ should have ended with him dying on Namek.

That's right.

You are correct and Goku is a better hero because he has FLAWS, whereas Superman is a perfect, goody-two-shoes type of character. Perfect characters are boring. Superman is literally a Gary Stu.

>Jesus lets you destroy yourself

>Realizes that just because you are the same ethnicity/nationality as someone doesn't mean you agree with their corrupt ideals

Meanwhile black people overwhelmingly watch Black Panther because "IT'S THING THAT HAS OUR SKIN COLOR WE MUST SUPPORT IT"

Superman has several flaws, faggot. You just don't know that because you don't know shit about his character.

Superman's flaw is he is a goody two shoes to the point where he doesn't kill bad people that shouldn't be alive, at least all non Nolan interpretations of him with a few very few exceptions. Goku kills almost everything he deems a threat or tries to anyway.

>DBZ should have ended with him dying on Namek.

Bullshit. He never died on Namek and DBZ should have ended with the Cell Saga when he passed the torch to his son. In any case, Goku is better than Superman.

It's really self-explanatory. Jesus doesn't help you because it "intervenes with free will", yet we are expected to believe miracles are real. Pfft.

except it isn't.

It has many messages about how to be a man.

Not liking DBZ means you support feminism.

His first transformation is literally Chad.

>Superman has several flaws, faggot.

Name them, faggot.

Pro-tip: You can't because they don't fucking exist.

>Jews are the inventor of the Messianic concept and if you are truly jewish will believe in a Messiah.
That was the case until Shabbetai Zevi essentially shattered the Jewish psyche. They then withdrew into a state of eclipse for a period before resurfacing as a revolutionary force with the Haskalah, which I mentioned previously. After which the Jews essentially abandoned the anticipation of the Messiah and adopted the notion that the Jewish people would be their own Messiah. This is the source of everything from Marxism to Neoconservatism to Zionism. It's the Jews, as their own Messiah, attempting to fulfill the mandate of tikkun olam.

Your idea, that "we have to save ourselves", is the exact philosophy the Jews have been employing for the past two centuries and with utterly ruinous consequences, for them and for the world. Salvation already arrived, and the Jews rejected. World history for the past 2,000 years has been dominated by the Jews' continuing war against Christ Jesus.

I did here This is a flaw many DC heroes have

superman himself is jewish. why would he need to hide his identity as clark kent? jews hide from the goyim, and believe they are special super chosen people here to save the world. it's 100% jewish.

He's the only western superhero I know that has an even half traditional marriage and family.

His main flaw is that despite his power he can't be everywhere at once and save every person in danger around all of earth at once and there will always be people he can't save

He also partakes in race mixing.

Also check out that jet black Shapiro haircut

Someone clearly hasn't been watching Dragon Ball X on Youtube made by Joe Capo.

You know whats funny is that the very first Superman movie was the only one to explore this constraint and while it's old and campy and dated I respect it for that.........but then they had to ruin it with time travel.

Its true. All of the super hero stories are the Jews using goyim mythological stories to create a degenerete present and Future. This so obvious. All you need to do is read the myths of the Greco-Roman, and Norse Gods, and you will see the parallels.

And his son came out kind of a cuck, makes you think huh?

But how did they circumcise his schlong?

Created by a jew, yes. But nothing about the character is bad, in his universe he is the embodiment of justice. He has a wife and a son, and doesn't force humans to accept that he is an immigrant from a another planet or the fact that he is another species. Instead, he just helps people and saves the world without doubting about it. Truly, he could destroy the world with one punch, or enslave mankind in just a few days and seize control of everything we know, yet he doesn't, instead he stops aliens from doing that.

And next time, don't ask the people that know nothing about the character other than entry level shit from videogames or movies, go to Sup Forums

He was born on Krypton and didn't have powers there, he only gained his powers by the yellow sun orbiting earth when he arrived there

Actually, species-mixing to be precise. And his sons receive a genetic upgrade by being half-Saiyans, so there's no problem here.

Jerry Siegel...

Sieg "el" Heil...


That's basically what I thought. The people here will try to deconstruct it into some kind of forced agenda because he was created by a Jew.


>tfw you explain it all in great detail and no one cares because the shitpost river keeps moving on.

This. Virgin Superman loses his powers around red stars (if I remember correctly), whereas Chad Goku keeps his powers no matter WHERE he is in the universe. And Battle Of Gods showed us that Goku can now survive in outer space. And Goku isn't weakened by green rocks like Superman is. lmao

I take it back. He's not a cuck, it's just that Toriyama decided to make him a jobber lately.

Snyder gets shit on but he made a movie that is an accurate representation of a Superman character living in 2018. Reckless, not perfect, not trusted by the general people. He just needed one more MOS movie to flesh it out a little better

What ever happened to truth, justice, and the American way?

The Tsar has spoken! All hail Tsar Pahv!

Gohan was mad cool with Mr Satan taking the credit for defeating Cell, because Gohan doesn't want fame.

Yea I guess the Russians were wrong here. We are a degenerate collapsing multicultural mess and they still have a sense of unity and they will outlast us.

As I get older I realize some people are just bad and won't stop being bad and need to go.

Virgin Holy requires constant training to keep his abilities, needs oxygen, up to date and wears baggy pants to hide is virgin penis and has a low IQ.

Chad Supes is literally a natural ubermensch, doesn't need oxygen, has a traditional family that he actually takes part in, wears skin tight suite to show off his huge package, and probably has the highest IQ on Earth.

You should see him now.

One weekend when this series is done I am going to marathon it

based superman

>As I get older I realize some people are just bad and won't stop being bad and need to go.
This the redpill that libertarians haven't taken yet.

Lex was at his most based in this comic and Batman at his most retarded

Goku's Aryan idiot. That's the whole point of Super sayain. Embracing your Ayran roots to become stronger. Why do you think Super sayain is still marketed instead of SSB ?

The great Tsar Pahv the wise knows much!

>This the redpill that libertarians haven't taken yet.
Explain how I am wrong in detail rather than simply telling me I am wrong. I am willing to listen.

The saiyans were literally based on the Chinese myth of Son Wukong you retarded We wuzzers

They dont kill villains because its hard to write likable villains so they just re-use the ones that makes the most money like Luthor or Joker.

The Joker dies all the time you stupid commie faggot.

Every true Dragon Ball fan knows about Journey to the West.

That's so you get to trust them. Jew are so honest.

Dragon Ball villains are way better than the Joker and Luthor.

I beleive Gobbles had a quote about that."Call him a lier and a swindler and it rolls off of him like water off a ducks back. But call him a Jew, and he says 'Oh no! I've been found out'"

See too, retard leaf

The only superheroes you should be worshiping is the one from your a own history. Giving people a common idol or saviour is creating a sort of religion purposely to distract children from region or their national history.

>Kryptonite is the ore form of a radioactive element or compound from Superman's home planet of Krypton.
Expose Superman to his home and he is left in a weakened state. Makes sense in the context of the Jews. It's also interesting that it's called "krypton", derived from Greek "kruptos", meaning "hidden" or "to hide". Superman is literally a crypto-Jew

Also Batman and joker are in a perpetual struggle because he likes destroying people's moral character and proving everyone is as crazy as him. The only way to do this to batman is to make him kill someone( the joker) and the only way for batman to not fall victim to joker's ego murder attempts is to not kill him. That's a very brief description of some pretty complex psychology so sorry if it doesn't make sense.

Real superheroes like who? Pedro Albizu Campos? Christopher Colombus? Juan Ponce de Leon? Fuck off, man. They're lame and unheroic.

super heroes replace god , offcourse its a jewish trick