Which one of them has the best keikakus?

Which one of them has the best keikakus?

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The baseball man. He can't just keikaku for himself, he has to keikaku and manage an entire baseball team who aren't as smart as him

By that logic, Lelouche has the best keikaku because he has to keikaku for the entire planet.

>tilting an entire building just so you can cheat at pachinkos

not sure if Kaji is a genius or retarded. But his keikakus are always entertaining.

Most of Lelouch's keikakus were just shit writing though.


how funny it would have been if Lelouche just straight up predicted the conversation with Schneizel wrong and comes across like a gigantic retard.

Lelouche couldn't even properly keikaku for his own powers

would have looked like this



This thread again? Fuck off nigger.

>good loser Akagi
>baseball Akagi
You might as well replace Light and Lelouch with Lesbian Akagi and the real Akagi

The liar game MC

Didn't you forget someone OP?

Kaiji because he has to keikaku considering betrayal, random chance and cheating.

All the other 3 had way more control over their environments than Kaiji could ever dream of.

He isn't a planner. He's just so fucking good he cucks the planners with raw talent

Lighto isn't even a good keikaku shishou. The one big keikaku that he didn't fuck up still relied on the fact that he had not one, but two literal Grim Reapers on his team. And even then it still took months, only existed to un-incriminate himself after his previous fuck ups, and later ended up re-incriminating himself anyway. And that's just the keikaku that went right.

Compared to everyone else in their series, easily Tokuchi. Overall is Light, who only lost because he got screwed over by his help and double teamed as well.

baseball man predicted weather tho


I don't remember much about One Outs, but Kaiji's were the most entertaining because so many of them were so stupid while at the same time ingenious.

This guy.

Like what?

based baseball man

Come on, how can it not be Prince Asspull?


>making this thread again
We already had it yesterday, fuck off.

Bitch please.

Lelouch for the sheer scale of his keikakus but Kaiji has the most satisfying keikakus.

Kaiji, becaus his keikakus rely the least on plot contrivance.

Let's not forget that Dio had created a decades long keikaku to undo the universe and begin anew in the event he would fail.

And succeeded.


I just don't get why people put Tokuchi so low on these shitty charts? The dude was literally unfazed by anything for 100+ something chapters. Not once did he get his emotions get the best of him, not once did he get outplayed and he achieved everything he set out to do against ridiculous odds.

>No aizen

Because his tactics wouldn't ever work in pro championship and he never had a real opponent

None of those is Hiashi

What tactics wouldn't work in a pro championship?

What fucking kind of final page is that? I'm glad I dropped that shit.

What a shitty chart, Asuka is plain retarded and yet you keep putting her in every chart.

Everybody hated the ending but the gambles were pretty good, maybe even the best

the schneizel victory is just an asspull. come on... plus the ending. And code geass is my favorite show.

It wasn't just tilting the building, he also inspected the office room, the building's rooms and the machine, so that he could change the machine's maintenance tools (and have the casino staff enlarge the gaps in the machine's pins themselves), set up a defective replacement for the metal guard's parts; he also found the way to win against Ichijou's counter to the tilt (which was to remotely tilt the machine in the same direction -- backwards -- of the tilt caused by the water bags), and the wall of wind.


He has a nice plan in his match against Urabe, and he planned to not have to play the 6th hanchan against Washizu, though his plan didn't work. But then, he was playing against Washizu, who's also a planner, plot-wise (being able to foresee historical events such as Japan's defeat in WW2 through sheer intelligence)

Are you implying any of the others is realistic?

Kaiji because he's the biggest madman among them

Kaiji's keikakus are the most entertaining and satisfying since he only bares his fangs when cornered
Baseball man and Lelouch were okay
Lighto was gigantic retard that overcomplicated shit to satisfy his god complex

It could be said that Hiashi, Washizu and Lelouch had long-term or large scale goals, not preestablished plans to achieve these goals.