Brainlet PewDiePie couldn't into Nietzsche

>be me
>try to read Thus Spake Zarathustra
>realize I am a brainlet without even having the excuse of it being in a foreign language

>American Psycho

Thus Spake Zarathustra is to Beyond Good and evil as Finnegan's wake is to Portrait of the Artist as a young man.

Please break that down into a brainlet analogy-

he is pretty fucking hard to read pal

Because it is one of his later works with references to other philosophers unknown to him. And I think he grasped more than he lets on. He’s not going to show his power levels the same way he used to. Nietzsche takes time and it takes a good bit of knowledge of his contemporary philosophers, social, and political climate.

The book Felix read is easy compared to a lot of books Nietzche wrote.

>tfw failed at reading the antichrist

>>try to read Thus Spake Zarathustra
Nietzsche understood that history was fake, and understood he would be a laughing stock if he said it in public, so he wrote the cryptic Zarathustra book.

You can find references to it in other books, like how Erasmus of Rotterdam sucked at Greek, and that the German nobility were Vikings, Christianity was a slave religion, etc, but none of this is pointed out by academia.

Oh, alright then.

I'm not sure what that has to do with Thus Spake Zarathustra, but then again I couldn't get very far into it

Reading Nietzsche in English is a waste of time.

pretty damn sure most people on here don't read any philosophy

>he's reading Frankl next time

oh boy

>Christianity was a slave religion
it still is
that tells you something about the majority of westerners

Reading Nietzsche in english is easier since you dont have to bother with all his neologisms all the time


Nice mullet, Hans.

same case spanish version

Zarathustra in spanish is the way to go.
English is an ungly language for such a complex book.
I mean, English sounds like sharting and Anglos do shart.
Like pottery

actually my toughts

>It would be interesting if Dune somehow makes a rebound, and gets remade into another film, and if that becomes popular or not. That would be really interesting, 'cuz- or, maybe, a TV show or something like that.
>Since there's so many arabic names, you can have a diverse cast in there, and studios can pat themselves on the back, and be like "wow, we did such a great job!"
Top lad subtly redpilling the masses again.

Also, dinner party scene best scene.

One of the most entertaining books I've ever read, Ellis really puts you into the mind of Patrick Bateman. As fun as the movie is, it's practically just a series of vignettes compared to the story told in the novel.

>a fucking mexishart speaking on the beauty of language


I hate to agree with not only a filthy mexicunt, but with a disgusting tripfag as well - but I agree.

English is a badly mangled together language, which created many inherent incongruities that make for a pretty hard-to-put-together mess.

I read Zarathustra when I was like 15 in spanish, and I got it. The Antichrist too. Beyond Good and Evil is a whole different monster though, and you can't into that one without starting with the greeks. I couldn't really get it 'til years later, maybe when I was older than Felix.

>not wanting beautiful skin

>I'm not sure what that has to do with Thus Spake Zarathustra
He somewhat tries to reconstruct the original Zoroaster, the prophet of Zoroastrianism.

Tolkien had a similar project, where he tried to reconstruct history as Tolkien thought it should have happened, because only fragments of the 'original' sources have survived, and then earlier historians have built upon this to make stories we think are real.

> tfw your language is only slightly more tolerable sounding than Viet Namese and Yiddish

Men have skin.

Women have beautiful skin.

Homosexuals work to have beautiful skin.

I see

>Beyond Good and Evil
Is his most revisionist book, but few dare to pay attention to it, because the intelligent ones will laugh at you for pointing it out.

e-celeb shit belongs in IBS thread

Stop making 10 pewdiepie threads a day cunt

It's not internet bloodsports, Shlomo.

Yiddish disgusts me.

I wish you tards would stop worshipping this cuck. The dude believed that gender was all cultural, was against fascism, against Christianity, and was against traditional marriage and love. He believed that young men/women should have a temp relation with older men/women to learn about sex, then when they're older have a temp relationship with younger women/men to teach them about sex. He thought that sex was nothing more than animal instinct. And he was against anti-semitism, people only think he didn't like Jews because his sister censored his writings. He's a massive degenerate and was just am SJW of his time. Stop shilling this crypto Jew.

I made this thread 5 minutes after he uploaded and there was nothing in the catalog, faggot.