Older Generations why are you so triggered by Millennials living at home?

Who is more responsible? The person who moves out at 18 or the person who starts saving for retirement accounts in their teens? The person who leaves home with student loan debt and moves into a small apartment, or the person who is prudent, stays home in a unionized job and works longer hours to save?

I know someone of that description and lives at home in his late 20s. He's not a liberal either. He plans to pay off an entire home in his mid 30s and has saved for retirement and is so smart with investments he's set to retire at 50. He saw that Millennials weren't going to get Social Security so he started saving early. He saw the housing prices were high and he didn't want to pay the interest for a 30 year loan so he wants to pay off an entire home early in his mid 30s. He keeps saving more and more money for retirement. He plans to live on interest investments and is a big fan of David Ramsey. He has moved out twice because the job was further away but moved back when he could get a position close to home?

Isn't this smarter than doing what you want him to do? He won't have to face the negative consequences of the home prices or the negative consequences of there being no social security.

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I'd say the person who is more responsible is the person who takes their own fate in to their own hands and relies on others as little as possible.

Move out of your moms house user.

It's a constant reminder of how much they fucked up america.

I think the smarter thing is to prepare for the future so you don't have to face the consequences of the future. The stupid person is the person who believes in self reliance only and then ends up working himself to death at 75 while living in a neighborhood that's not with the good school districts.

since that nigger foreigner had granny and 6 other mammalas in the white house

>have loving parents who want to support you
>using that as a resource is not responsible
toplel sorry your family hates you

Why take him so long? I've paid off my home and I'm 25, also had no savings whatsoever at 20yo because I'd party it away. Don't understand how if he's been saving since teens he's not already owning his home

They seem offended at any attempt to escape the consequences of modern society.

>complains about destruction of families
>complains faggot lives at home with parents

extended families in one home is the old American way
in the new American way, it's being a beggar

Because he wants the entire home paid off without getting a mortgage and he's also saving for retirement. His goal is a million saved by 50 so he can retire on interest. He also wants to live in the areas with the best school districts. Also for some years he was on his own.

I'm a gen x er and I'm not triggered. I've lived off my silent generation parents all my life. I would do the same for my kids too.

Seems a little selfish to take it to that extent.

He sees as as prudent not selfish. He doesn't want to face the consequences of the failing school system, the higher home prices, and lack of social security. He's willing to do almost anything to not be affected by the future. He wants the Boomer lifestyle and will do whatever it takes to get it.

Sounds pretty smart desu.


best advice i received during university was from one of my classmates, who i will now describe

>short guy, 5 ft 4
>looks my age, but is actually 30
>he has a kid and a wife
>no job
>in his final year of university
>has to live with his parents in the basement with his wife and child
>"user, stay at home and save as much money as possible for as long as they will let you."
>"don't end up like me, I moved out, paid rent, got in debt, knocked up my wife, and had to move back in with my parents"
>Toronto, Canada

It has been the way of most of the world throughout most of human history. For most of human history a man or woman lived with their family until they got married. Even after being married the man still generally lived in close proximity to their family.

The guy is taking the wrong approach in all this.
>i am going to save up $300 000
>pay off house immediately to avoid 4% interest payment
He realizes that long term he average 7% on stock market yes?


Whats the point of owning a +5 person house and then kick your kids out once they should learn an education and take risk?
The only reason I can see why somebody should move is to be closer to your job but for most ppl 1h+ commuting is the norm already

People are just mad because they fell for the rent meme

Yes, that mentality is beneficial to you personally, sure, but you're still placing the burden on your aging parents, and that's not responsible at all.

If you plan to not throw them in a nursing home and help afterwards that's more responsible than the people who move out at 18 and then throw the parents in a nursing home.

Every mother will want to support her kids till she can't even walk or talk, and even then she will feel guilty for not being able to do more. That doesn't mean you should take advantage of her love for your personal selfish reasons. I want the best for my mom. She took care of me, now as a 26 year old, it's time to take care of her.

>hurr durr living with my parents benefits ME

What consequences are you talking about specifically?

That's why you start paying for things when she no longer can.
You return the favor by being there when your parents are old and weak.
Your parents will be helped more by you living with them than by sending them to a nursing home. In my family we always return or stay home with our aging parents. It keeps our family strong and together. You have no sense of family. It's tradition passed down for a very long time. If you lack the tradition then you are probably from a family of criminals or embarrassments.

Your line of thinking is unbelievably flawed and doesn't take into account house value appreciation. You can't work and save as much money as you would by buying real estate strategically. I went from a condo in my early 20's to a small house, then into my current house north of the city-mortgage free. And I did it without being a faggot living with my parents. Fuck this generation is so weak and pathetic.

How is he weak if he can physically fight and shoot a gun well?

You rootless niggers are the problem. You are why there is no solidarity among whites. You are why our traditions and cultures are being erased.

If you want the redpill, Boomers are waiting to cannibalize our generation for their own benefit.

Living at home doesn't allow this to happen so that's the red pill response.

>tfw 24 living at home

>humans live with parents and even grandparents for 300,000 years
>humans stop living with parents 40 years ago because jews need more bank loans/mortgages so they demonize people for maintaining stable loving and connected family units who take care of each other and dont require massive expenses/debt to maintain

Long Island bro here. Moved out at after college. Then moved back 3 years later when the field I was in went into a recession. Had a job after where I was on the road full time so stayed with rents on weekends basically. Now im about to take a work from home job and im moving to fucking NC or Florida cause FUCK PAYING 10K a year in property taxes or 2k a month in rent. On goes to a land lord the other to shit heads with gov jobs. FUCK LONG ISLAND! We have the highest percentage of peeps stuck living with rents in the country.

There won't be school districts in the future, because computers/internet will be more than sufficent by that time.

My mother called my homeowner's insurance company and wheedled them into cancelling my insurance and costing me my house, all because she wanted me to move back in with her.

Boomers still have too much political power.

The good school districts mean property values are kept up and it means safe neighborhoods.

lol you literally rode the biggest real estate bubble in the history of man and acting like you are some wise sage.

> Buy a house at 27
> Get roomates to pay for your cost of living
> Never work again

I retired before I was thirty years old and it feels good.

Did you pay off the entire house at 27? Because you don't own it until you pay the whole thing off.

>24 and move out for the first time on my own to Seattle
>in college fulltime but need a job
>get 9-5 job at fire safety place
>have to pass certification test to become certified and keep working in fire safety job
>go to work everyday and study fire safety for certification on the weekends
>full time load of school piling up
>start drinking jameson and become more depressed than when I lived at home
>take fire safety certification test
>3 months behind in classes that I'm paying for myself and unable to find time to work through
>can barely afford rent, no money left over to save or buy a decent meal
>end up having to quit my job and move back home to salvage my grades in school

Life is hard user but we can do it

Yes, I live in Texas and this was before the wave of retards... I mean Californians spike the cost of living. The house was around 100k with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Decent area overall too.

Canadian housing is so CHINKED that it's pretty much not feasible to live on your own. Why would I move out and pay rent for a cardboard box when I can live at home and help pay on the mortgage for a house that'll be inheriting one day?

So what about corporate allegiance of the individual in the family?
Generally I also tend towards seeking some kind of safety net in consolidating the past, particularly considering OP's topic, a stoic cosmopolitan model by Hierokles sets a very standard example of a regular social family structure in a wider context with both benefits to the individual and collective life, such as a possible heightened capacity to understand and enforce values, and more resource friendly behavior and greater mobility to name a few.
I visualize a core unit or maybe a couple interlinked ones, many constellations are thinkable, with a geographical centrality, allowing smaller chunks like for example an individual having set out into a different geography to sustain his life as well... like a hive for bees to set in and out, with little chambers dispersed throughout the globe, changing places, getting aquired and pushed away, ready for family members to escape to.

I see what you did there.

Does owning a home, getting divorced, then moving in with family until you can buy another mother fucking house count? People in their late 20s and early 30s are getting divorces, and if a home is involved, take a guess which party has to find a new place?

Buy the house before getting married and make sure any property you buy while married has writing that this house belongs to you unless your wife helped with it and give her half.

This, "nuclear family" is a meme to sell suburbs houses

Honestly, a lot of other countries do this. Buy either an apartment building for one family, or a large plot of land for a family. Overall, money becomes more available now because you would be buying in bulk.

>muh asian onanry aryans / higher I.Q.'s
>in-ironically ignoring the fact that most all asian cultures have strong nuclear family units and parental respect -- where kids live at home (sometimes, for their entire lives) and even support their parents

I feel bad for people whose family hates them. I'm making 6 figures and live at my parents while saving for my own place. The social taboo is laughable and the look on people's faces when I tell them my income then living situation is pricless. I make more than you and have less exspenses. Man life is good.

>asian cultures have strong nuclear family units
strongly bound together as extended families reaching into tribal affiliations, or else the system wouldn't hold together, of course as a progressive you'd seek the next bigger step, like a reaching into a national, continental, global context, that's what developing and sacrifices are being made, lots of the seem due to the dictates of the living conditions in developing industries, so people might take something back.

>asian cultures have strong nuclear family units
strongly bound together as extended families reaching into tribal affiliations, now national, or else the system wouldn't hold together, of course as a progressive you'd seek the next bigger step, like a reaching into a continental, global context, that's what developing and sacrifices are being made, lots of the seem due to the dictates of the living conditions in developing industries, so post industrials might take something back with the death of these conditions and currently developing societies might be able to avoid some traps, and conditions are different now.

>parents need taken care of when you are 26
lmao no wonder so many here are autistic, your parents had you when they were 50

People can get sick early in life.

i'd rather live with my folks on this 5 acre property than make weekly payments to live with strangers in a tiny apartment thanks. Leaving home as soon as possible is a meme for normies

I still live at home at 29 ,I should be able to buy a home in full by the time I’m 30 then life will be on easy mode

you realize the stock market is comedically over leveraged right now? All these retards chiding people for buying cryptocurrency (I'm not a fan by any means) are advising dumping money into a mutual fund when the entire market is in the biggest bubble in history. Now is a time to spend money on durable goods or hoard cash and PMs, investment is a terrible idea at the moment.

Not if you invest in healthcare stocks. You ride that bubble until the Boomers die 20 years from now.


um...excuse me are you me?

How do you expect to have a wife and kids by the time you're 29 if you don't love out of your mothers skirts user?


Which ones

Its because their parents didn't want them around so they hate the fact people have parents that let them live at home instead of getting kicked out.