Is there any proof of jewish privilege?

is there any proof of jewish privilege?

I hear jews run things but is there proof those people are even jewish? My friend said its all tin foil conspiracy by losers online with no proof since its not taught in school.

Other urls found in this thread:,7340,L-4099803,00.html

Your friend is correct. The “Jews run everything” belief is a myth. Not real.


Depends on what you mean by 'run things'. There are different kinds of power that people can wield.



They sure as fuck run this board and you're proof.






It's not a privilege, they are simply smarter.

>tin foil conspiracy by losers online with no proof
sounds about right.

there's a reason you can't criticize jews in public, sweetie


It's Nepotism, not Intelligence, they are too over-represented for Intelligence while a small population, and there are plenty of dumbass Jews.



Look who is the wealthiest.


"Since the mass immigration some 100 years ago, Jews have become richest religious group in American society. They make up only 2% of US population, but 25% of 400 wealthiest Americans. "

They are supposedly 50% of Ivy League faculty and 20-30% of the students, despite being 2% of the population.

So it's kinda obvious why you always hear about "white privilege" but never about the "juden-privilege"

There is nothing weird about the Jews, stop looking.

They were just kicked out of countries hundreds of times because everyone else is just racist

Who's that BAYSED woman?

It's an edit, there aren't any based Jews.

In reality its another Kike complaining about stupid shit and about how everything is racist.

Its greed, and Judaism lets Jews justify it in their own echo chambers. NOT ALL JEWS ARE GREEDY, and not all greedy are jewish, but many wealthy jew are a part of it. The biggest problem with the US is the FEDERAL RESERVE, AND OIL CARTELS. Many of the people who support the evil and oppresive systems are also part of the occult but that is really only a vessel to connect these evil people in an secret setting. Zionism is wrong and stupid but still not the root. Free energy exists, and the federal dollar is based on debt, conditioning, and fear. The solutions and means to circumnavigate these negative things exist and you can learn about them If you look at the semantics with patience and rational but most people on pol just like something easy to complain about.

Jews instigated the Holodomor, an engineered starvation that killed millions of White Christians.



You forgot the hypno disk of truth-for-goys

Jewish Privilege is lying about everything and nobody caring

No. Jews are the bogeyman of choice for underachieving white men.

Jewish Privilege is starting violent overthrows of governments in order to enslave goyim, and then becoming the victim when they fight back.

Jewish Privilege is poisoning the minds of you and your children, while the state supports it.

>tin foil conspiracy
>since it's not taught in school
Get new friends, try one with a brain this time.

Ancient Israelites (Egyptian farmers and fishermen) no longer exist obviously. Contemporary Jews are a mixed bunch.

>is there any proof of jewish privilege?
More like an affliction. Nobody understands the world's suffering like the original Jew. Meanwhile a Jew *tries* to be pure and sympathetic, but the inner-demon is not to be argued with.

Jewish Privilege is making your will to kill the Goyim known to the entire world, and them being to pacified to respond in kind

The Ancient Israelites still exist

Modern Palestinians and some Saudis are gentically identical to Ancient Israelites specimens

Then they must have changed a lot. Ancient Israelities are described as more European looking, a kind of tanned proto-Greek.

Jewish Privilege is getting the world to believe a lie so fake, with so many holes, from testimonies to a near complete lack of factual evidence, getting them to indoctrinate their children in it, just because you can.

Many Palestinians are European looking and have light skin

The mutation for light skin is present in all Middle-Eastern populations at varying rates


If you want to act, being jew has some advantages

it is looking like the real jews were black

Jewish Privilege

Still not white

I don't know what you mean by that

Isreal getting german submarines for free?