Who killed John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963?

Who killed John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963?

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books.google.ca/books?id=QewmCAAAQBAJ&pg=PA173&lpg=PA173&dq=bell helicopter vietnam 600 million&source=bl&ots=wmIjxlwz3I&sig=YOmF1gXEZKQvNnA8V-laLobLx3U&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjL5duws9HZAhUB7awKHTgCApUQ6AEIKTAA#v=onepage&q=bell helicopter vietnam 600 million&f=false

Good (((question)))

Lee Oswald, I think was the guy's name.


Babushka lady



he shot himself

mossy legs

Steve Harvey Oswald


Me, what you gon do about it, faggot?

I think his name was Oswald the Octopus

Lee Harvey Oswald.

A stupid commie who moved to the Soviet Union, hated every second of it, and decided to stay a commie anyway, so he killed our President, therefore securing that Democrats shifted permanently leftward.

Oswald was the prototypical SJW.

whitey bulger


>head fell apart



The Guv'ner in the front seat.
The Wife
The Secret Service Agent with a stray bullet
The man on the grassy knoll
The second shooter in the storm inlet down the street.
Colonel Mustard, in the library, with the knife

Nikolas Cruz


Americas true rulers.

>grassy knoll
>mossy legs

Several government investigations determined that it was Lee Harvey Oswald. The House Select Committee reported evidence of a conspiracy, but who or how was not disclosed.

Samuel Hyde Sr. is the best conclusion from what I've read in a lot of books about the subject

CIA niggers

Nowadays if you went to help ISIS you would be immediately detained upon return. How come no one cared that this guy went to get brainwashed?

>((government investigations)) that are equally as plausible as the ((9/11 commission report))


Hmmm. Makes you think. It would be crazy to think he was a Clowns In America asset.

Who killed Star Wars on December 17, 2015?

Lee Oswald
He was at one time a CIA agent.
The CIA confirmed this and has a story that he switched sides.


Cigarette Smoking Man.

He can't keep getting away with it!

the juice

honestly he stepped on so many toes, the list of people/groups with a motive is loooooooong

Government investigations are just another name for cover up. They get all the evidence before anyone else can and then bury or censor to help eachother. Never for us, always against

obvious shop (can tell by the shadows)

Unsure. But I also believe that he was not acting alone on this either.

It is entirely possible, that a subordinate of Nikolai Khrushchev was telling him instructions as to where Kennedy was going to, and how to kill him, but all records of that are buried within the KGB files (meaning that there will be a massive war if it ever gets exposed). Unsure of Lyndon Johnson was in on this, seeing how he was making sexual advanced towards Jacqueline Kennedy shortly afterwards.

I was told it was the communists, then i heard it was the NWO, then i saw a video that explained why it was the bankers,

Then i found out it was all of the above.


I don't have names but they were
shooting from the grassy knoll.


Italian mob and the Jewish mob.
They were buttmad that the Irish went legit and got the presidency before them.

Ozzy Oswald

JFKZ is died?

I did

I took a tiem machine and went back to the 1960s to kill Kennedy who would have cucked america even worse than he did. In my attempt to get back to my time the time machine broke down.

Nothing changed though, the future is still fucked. killing him did nothing. Now I know it was actually the jews. I need to repair my time machine and give hitler nukes so he can win the war.


deep state.

(CIA please don't kill me for posting)

CIA niggers lead by George HW Bush with the cooperation of Lyndon B Johnson. LBJ wanted to escalate the Vietnam war and he and his wife were some of the main shareholders in Bell Helicopters. This company made a huge profit off the Vietnam war and both LBJ and his bitch wife made a fortune. The CIA hated JFK because of the botched bay of pigs fiasco where he refused to provide them with CAS. He reportedly said he wanted to rip up the CIA and 'scatter it to the wind'.

Facts; Four days after JFK was killed LBJ signed National Security Action Memorandum No. 273. NSAM 273 reversed NSAM 263--President Kennedy's notice of withdrawal from Vietnam per the McNamara-Taylor report.

Bell Helicopters company was owned by a personal friend of LBJ and his Wife and both held massive share of stock in the company which was in dire straits in the early 1960s. During the Vietnam War the companies fortunes were reversed due to massive buy orders for helicopters.
Even jew owned lugenpresse admits this fact; npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=1569483

books.google.ca/books?id=QewmCAAAQBAJ&pg=PA173&lpg=PA173&dq=bell helicopter vietnam 600 million&source=bl&ots=wmIjxlwz3I&sig=YOmF1gXEZKQvNnA8V-laLobLx3U&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjL5duws9HZAhUB7awKHTgCApUQ6AEIKTAA#v=onepage&q=bell helicopter vietnam 600 million&f=false

His wife leaned in as he was clingling his chest and then blew his fucking head off in broad daylight in front of everybody.



this is the only correct answer

Glow in the dark niggers

Order of likelyhood
>CIA Niggers who wanted to get more involved in Vietnam
>The mafia
>Some lone faggot


David Hogg

what difference, at this point, what difference doefs it make?





It was dead when Jarjar showed up

Cigarette Smoking Man from X-Files. He hid in sewer drain

It was you and me

Gary Larsen?

Star wars was dead long before 2015

The rothschilds

wait a minute....

Oh please, like the CIA does anything aside from running CNN anymore.

Ask Roger Stone


Ted Cruz's father?

Weather weapons announced 1961 to the UN

it was me. and im still getting away with it.


there never was a jfk. thast all a lie. you accept that there was because we have clips of a guy giving a speech and clips of him being shot and history books say that was his name and he was real... but its all lies. the conspiracy is that jfk was made up. not that he was allegedly shot

they keep the lie going with second shooter bs and documentaries probing the possibilities of who had him shot . but he never existed. the guy you think of when you think jfk was a actor. not even a good actor

It wasn’t a gunman from the Grassy Knoll...IT WAS JACKIE O who blew JFK’s brains all over the fucking place.

Mahmud Bobodzhonov from Tajikistan

Lee Harvey Oswald was groomed by Russian Intelligence to kill JFK.

did he die?

I think we all know who kills those that go against the agenda here


asking some big questions there goyim

No. It was the Synagogue of Satan, of course.

Could this....be the ultimate redpill ?


>Who killed John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963?
A gun. Obviously.

I've already replied to one of these before, but I'll do it again.

It's my firm belief that the former PM of Israel, Ben-Gurion, put the green light for JFK's assassination and that there was probably collusion with the American government (possibly LBJ).

The motive? JFK did not want Israel obtaining Nuclear Weapons, and threatened to pull support from them if they tested nuclear weapons, which could've possibly destroyed Israel without our support. Well, Israel gave the finger to JFK and tested a nuke in Dimona, where JFK wanted to inspect. Ever notice how Israel has never claimed nukes, but we all know they have them? Yet they will never allow anybody to inspect their facilities. And no president since has ever insisted on inspecting them... Wonder why?

Also, the supposed assassin was a big (((Communist))) supporter who, through his friend, had ties to Israel.

There are some videos of political figures like Gaddafi talking about how Israel assassinated JFK because of the Dimona nukes. Nobody had more of a motive to kill JFK than Israel. Not even Cuba.

I did.

Oswald, acting alone.

And I can show the flaw of any conspiracy theory.

a commie supported by kikes.

The CIA boss.

sam giancana

Wait, people don't know this? It was the Chicago mob, he got favors he didn't pay off. His brother was almost more to blame.

I did, AMA

We all killed JFK.

That the director, that Johnson guy - wait a second