I feel very empty and purposeless not gonna lie Sup Forums...

I feel very empty and purposeless not gonna lie Sup Forums. I’ve gotten to the Point where I’ve developed so much of a death wish that I find myself practically begging for another Great War. I feel like I’m an old senior citizen fantasizing about what it is like during ww2. Im so desperate and empty to the point where I wanna fight and die for something meaningful

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You should start an underground fight club OP.

Stop watching porn, make yourself get sunlight... Wake up, brush your teeth and get the fuck outside. Vitamin D is extremely important, most of us have a deficiency, even with sun exposure, because of shit in our food that absorbs it while passing through the intestines... Take 5,000 iu daily. Get exercise, walk around.. pick shit up and put it back down. Make yourself break a sweat, cortisol builds up in your system if you dont get exercise. Excess cortisol causes depressive moods.

Vitamin D deficiency does the same thing.. Ya know how important vitamin D is? It isnt even a fucking vitamin, it is called a vitamin "because our bodies do not produce it" That is a lie. Niggers dont produce it, because their bodies do not use it. Vitamin D is actually a hormone (seriously, google it). The shit we eat causes it to be produced less, and actively absorbs it to be shitted out instead of used as it is supposed to. A lack of vitamin D causes all sorts of health problems, it is crucial for higher mental faculties, a decreased amount of it causes depression, its levels being fucked up fucks with our digestive system because insulin is produced in higher amounts when vitamin D is low (it triggers the bodies fat storage mechanism because the body is not getting enough vitamin D which is tied to the onset of winter.. in the natural world atleast) Increased insulin leads to decreased testosterone.. etc etc etc Low vitamin D fucks your body, and mind, up.

Fix your shit bruh, if you arent improving you are stagnating... Stagnation is death. Get up off your ass, look in the mirror and get angry.

Just have kids you stupid fuck. There's your purpose. I'd steal and kill for mine if it came to it. You might realize the world IS at war right now. We need soldiers for the side of good. Just find a chick you like, fuck her until she's knocked up, then raise the kid. They listen to everything you say. If you aren't some dumb nigger then they will be successful and you have provided a net good to the world. Yeah you might not be happy all of the time and it will be hard but what are you some kind of bitch?

Also you must be between 20-24. That's a very young thing to wish for.


Someone get this hothead outta here.

join the military then you little bitch

I’m a very active person actually and I’ve become turned off by porn
I have no stable career yet my man

We could use some hotter heads around here imho

Fuck off kike

Not a requirement. I was a complete fuckup until about a year before my first son was born. Just suck down some misery and you'll get off your ass and do something to make your life easier. Ya know if you want your kid to have a good life. I almost made 6 figures last year and ill defiantly clear it this year. Like I said if your aren't a complete regard money is easy. Just think about the median income in the states. Its like 54k or something right? Half of everyone is doing less. Half is doing more. Look at yourself and figure out where you belong. I bet you think you're smart. Well what's stopping you from being in the top 30 percent. The top 20, 10? Quit bitching and use your fucking brain for once.

I tried the meat machine. Its good for some. Not for me. All in all I give it 4/10

>letting your own thread die.
Yeah you're a bitch. Don't reproduce. Call ya if we war cannon fodder. Peace

I’d rather not be apart of conflicts instigated by Obama

Very bi-polar responses?

dude know that you are not alone, no matter what. Many anons feel the same way. But you must channel your rage and desperation to try to better yourself even in the slightest way. say out loud that you are not gonna give up. That is the first step. Positive emotions follow even the slightest positive words and actions. Things will start to seem a little more clear. We are all gonna make it, anons.

Try reading some books, HISTORY books. War should be avoided if possible. No glory, just blood and guts.

T. Welfare recipient

Low energy. Most likely slide thread. Where does sage go?

Ha. I laugh.

Get up and do something. Unplug.

Try getting up and showing up, I think it 80% of life. But still only 80%.


So basically you are so beta that not only can you not find a purpose in this life that gives it meaning to you, but you are hoping that someone else will initiate an emotional response within you great enough to get you off your ass and do something. Fuck right off. You pathetic peice of shit. Nothing but self pity being expressed by this user. If only people like him had no protection against natural selection we wouldn’t have to keep hearing about how shitty this world is. user THE REST OF US HAVE GOTTEN OVER THE SAME SHIT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. GET THE FUCK OVER IT YOURSELF.

Men have lost the concept of what masculinity is. Constantly told since they were boys that they were unruly, dangerous, creepy, future criminals, or even now rapists. I think that is why the tranny fetish has exploded; directionless men who don't know where to find masculinity so they flee to childishness, femininity, suicide, or go off the deepend and do god knows what. The only comfort for you to take is that you will be standing on the graves of weaker men when even harder times come. Women do not even factor into the equation due to their role in society is clearly in a secondary role with few exceptions.

Well I’m not very compelled to answer to “it’s all your fault stop being retarded” and actually answer real insight

Sorry for asking for advice In a clearly confusing time especially being a young man?

This is wrong information. But in the right spirit. You have to put yourself in danger.emotionally or physicality. Only then can you truly live. In our pussy world emotionally is the best option because only you gets hurt.

Anyone else getting wasted and shitposting tonight or naw.

> I feel very empty and purposeless not gonna lie Sup Forums. I’ve gotten to the Point where I’ve developed so much of a death wish that I find myself practically begging for another Great War. I feel like I’m an old senior citizen fantasizing about what it is like during ww2.

We can be friends.

Honestly I’ve thought about moving to some rural area, get a simple nice paying job and see where it goes from there. I’m tired of this mouse utopia desu

>hurr stop bieng retarded OP and just all for the alimon-I mean, child meme!

Well quit being a duduckingphonepostingcking rwtard and do something with yourself. Its not that hard is it? I mean several people have done done it. What makes them better than you? I mean just fucking show up for life dude. You just have to be present.

>pathetic leaf
Not surprised.


I to unironically hope America Resets, if it’s another war so be it but the Government is a shame from Trump to Hillary and everyone in between it’s all a side show to brain wash Americans, they’re all on the same team and the people are on a different one unless used to push their agenda and line their pockets. Unlike you however I’m pretty happy, and hope it happens but I really don’t care, the way the worlds going it doesn’t need my hopes and wishes to damn itself the people at the top are doing that without me. Just get a hobby bro, I go to the gym, blog, read, have a pet cat, play casual vidya and am in college. Got let off my optimization job couple months back and have had a hard time finding a new one to fill it’s place but I mean it happens to a lot of people, I’m applying that’s for sure. Just do stuff you enjoy. Not even 4 Chan shit posting gets me upset even when it’s probably real racists and shit because who cares you know, you’re not gonna change peoples opinion on a Forum that encourages Loli and furry porn.
> lighten up user it’ll be ok, and if it isn’t, remove yourself from what’s having a negative effect on your thinking you get into a rut and it’s hard to get out

>life and caring for offspring is a meme
>the state of this board

No joke, I'd love to be in a bunker getting mortared and having shit blowing up everywhere while I piss my pants.

Why? Because I want to see dead Liberals. I don't want money, or women. I want Liberals to die. They are sub-human. They area blight on creation.

We're overdue for a big war. Humanity has never gone this long without a good war.

I was in the same boat a couple years ago, even more-so when the election was kicking off. Just wanted another world war to start and wipe the slate clean, even if I get purged in the process. Only thing is you'll be waiting for something that probably won't happen until you see absolutely everyone affected by whatever it is that triggers such an event, and in the meantime you'll just be wasting away thinking of the man you could be. I suggest lifting if you don't already, really helped me keep my mind away from those dark thoughts.

go fuck your wife and make more retarded babies then faggot. get off this board. this board is for adults.


> 15 posts by this ID

what a fucking loser.

Literal school shooter mentality

join a club for christ sake. boxing or skateboarding or something like that. you've clearly never felt part of a community before

Actually have antisocial disorder so that’s part of it but yeah you’re right

If I had to guess I'd say your dick would be nothing to write home about. Another guess would be that your sister did write home and your dad said it IS cute . like F))BHHUUUU FUCK YOU BITCH CLEVER COMMENT THAT MOTHHFUKKA

this user doesn't understand nihilism and existentialist crisis is cyclical. just wait till you get older than 13 and have someone close to you die, you will know there is no "GETTING OVER DA SAME SHIT OMG U R SO STUPID FOR BEING SAD DADADADADLALALALDLADADA"

his self awareness was selected for by nature, your blatant retardation wasn't. off yourself

>15 I can't even count that high right now. Maybe I did.
If I knew where you were I'd come about . you wouldn't like when I'm about . FUCK YOU.

What’s with all these negative responses? Is it a sin to do what’s considered right but feel so lost at a young age? I’m a beta just because I feel lost and empty? I never said any edgy things like the world sucks. A lot of you are really projecting with you seem to be projecting with your responses

lol...does anybody understand this stupid faggot?

thanks for the laughs, i'm out.

Ill project this fist in your face motherfucker. Maybe its a hotbutton for me and I'm trying to deal with it as well.

Try no fap, that will revitalize you.
If ur spilling ur seed everyday it's as if ur bleeding out ur best blood everyday. Of course u'll be feeling dead.

I totally annihilated my depression by this:


That's not to say I'm Pollyanna on cocaine each day, (that's not happiness) but I am remarkably more tranquil and content with myself.

Ur confusing median with average.

I'm gonna go beat my wife for this comment. That's how I operate.

Ok so what advice would you give to OP? Keep asking for advice on an anonymous image board? Do you really think that anyone on this board takes anything they read here seriously? OP needs to get off his ass and go out and scream and cry at god if he needs to, he needs to go get drunk and fuck a slut if that’s what he wants to do, he needs to go to church tomorrow morning and praise Jesus if that’s what he feels he needs. But sitting alone behind a computer screen is not going to get the job done.

I'm going to sleep but yeah. I confused a lot of things. Like shift change at McDicks. I thought it was shift change but really its Re-nig. Life sucks. It gets worse.fuck you. Fuck yo mamma. Yeah I might be full of hat guy fuck youuuuuuuu!!!!!!!--!---#

Just remember:
Average is the sum of all samples divided by the amount of samples.

Median is the sample found right in the middle.

They are often similar, but not always.