Can people give me some actual scientifically-backed theories on why niggers consistently score the lowest out of any...

Can people give me some actual scientifically-backed theories on why niggers consistently score the lowest out of any race on IQ tests?


Underprivileged minorities have not been adequately educated on how to take tests, so naturally they score lower

it be all whiteys fault

I don't know of any and I would be highly suspect of any theory attempting to explain "the why" for the iq gap between blacks and everyone else.

Shitskin detected

I know liberals don't like to hear it, but I don't know how else to explain it other than genetics. Even blacks raised in wealthy, affluent families tend to perform worse academically than whites at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder.

Not that there aren't extremely intelligent black people out there, and plenty of stupid whites. But we're talking about averages and trends across large groups, not individual outliers.

There must be biological reasons, I mean look at Africa. The most developed countries in Africa are in the north, which aren't even populated by sub-Saharan Africans

we 2 bizzy fukin yo whyte bitchs cracka

Yes, as Charles Murray indicated in the Bell Curve that there is an extremely small change that IQ differences between groups are due to solely environmental factors.

they evolved from a different species of ape, they are closer to ape than human, thus why they have such a hard time in civilization built for humans by humans

they love chaos and they love conflict, otherwise why would any majority black population GLOBALLY be exactly the same in this regard? both these things are incomparable with white civilization.

im not suggesting hatefulness due to skin color, only that there should be a separation of the groups, due to obvious differences in values and abilities.

>Be 3rd world gook.
>Collect trash in Asia all day everyday to sell.
>Go to America.
>Score higher than niggers in test.

You should go live in Asia, the communist dream. Fucking White Left.


cuz science be mad racist

>how to take tests
is this really an argument form the left? retarded as fuck.

>learn information
>study and practically apply information
>answer/perform correctly when tested

whats to fucking learn about taking a test? ignoring the genetic and biological difference and insisting we are all the same thing when every one of your 5 senses tell you otherwise is what is hurting the black community, as usual it is democrats inflicting systematic harm while also claiming they are helping. racism disguised as altruism.

> white man's i.q. tests.
If you want nigs to score higher than the test should be in squawks and clicks.

Well, the difference in IQ acts as if its 100% inherited, so you're starting assumption should be that it's 100% inherited.

you didn't have to be smart to survive in Africa just be able to run fast

>its 100% inherited, so you're starting assumption should be that it's 100% inherited.
They should separate groups by socio-economic status and education level and then run tests. That would somewhat control for environment

I was just thinking the same thing. I had foreign exchange Asians in my high school classes who could scarcely speak English, yet still went to honors/AP classes and did well on tests.
There is no other explanation other than genetics. Hundreds of years in the same country, living in the same places as whites and Mexicans, and still routinely and predictably bombing the SATs, the ACTs, the ASVAB...
Hundreds of years here, and they still struggle to speak the ONLY language they ever learn fluently.

Africans are also more athletic, on average. Who cares if they're a little dimmer, let them be.

You mean like in high schools? There isn’t that much variance in environment on average if you’re only looking at schools on an individual basis.

There are plenty of negative externalities associated with living near niggers ---> including a higher likelihood of getting shot or robbed

because they're unable to effectively purge epinephrine, norepinephrine, and seratonin, leading to a state of constant unfocused agitation. Properly functional MAO-A is key to intelligence.

No, I'd test adults. People in high school haven't fully developed their cognitive capabilities due to age, and therefore testing high school students would only complicate the findings because you're adding another variable

Education doesn't make you smarter. Have a go at the Bell Curve.

If I were to do some introspection, it has certainly made me smarter/i.e. I was a braindead stoner in high school who didn't give a single fuck about intellectualism and education, never postulated about the world, let alone use my thought

i am pretty sure theres enough empirical evidence to support these findings

You're talking about this stuff s if the research hasn't already been done. It has. Introspection doesn't make you better at identifying patterns, and neither does school(that's not to say that it doesn't/can't ave positive effects).

white countries are better than nigger countries and mixed countries are somewhere in betwewn
brazils white states are better than black states
australia very much like brazil they like parties too much and they are not known to export tech yet their way better
its like cigars and cancer, theres no proof of it but theres a lot of evidence

Holy shit, leaf! The Sahara isn't populated by SUB-saharans? Who would have thought?

I got these.



School doesn't make you any better at identifying patterns? What? You're saying if you compare two clones (i.e., people with the exact same genetic makeup), with one achieving a PhD in mathematics, and the other becoming a famous actor, you think they would have the exact same ability in identifying patterns?

That is a nonargument nigger

indeed that's what the studies show. The fact is if you had two genetically identical people they would probably go into very similar fields and be very similar. The mathematician might score slightly higher because he has better test-taking skills which is an artefact of the measurement of IQ and not really representative of IQ itself, but that just shows our tests aren't perfect, which we know, they aren't.

Correct. At least insofar as the patterns they are to find don't act like the mathematics that the mathematician has learned.

This is true
There is/was no persistent pressure to cooperate in Africa.
Or maybe the risks for failing to were less.
Dumb violence in Africa = Big Man and many wives
Dumb violence in Asia = purged bloodline

Human race was genetically engineered by the Gods.

>human race

Ad hocs don't make for a strong theory my friend

what I came here to say

>The fact is if you had two genetically identical people they would probably go into very similar fields and be very similar. The mathematician might score slightly higher because he has better test-taking skills which is an artefact of the measurement of IQ and not really representative of IQ itself, but that just shows our tests aren't perfect, which we know, they aren't.
I have a hard time believing that our brains are hardwired from conception and have absolutely NO ability to change throughout our experiences with the world. The faculties of mind that are related to intelligence can't be absolutely crystallized from conception, that's the most retarded thing i've ever heard in my entire life. I don't even need research to tell you that you're conclusion is wrong. Every psychologist without a political agenda will tell you that intelligence is made up of both environmental and biological factors.

I admit the meme is a bit much, but most complaints against the race realist position start from the assumption that human beings are equal. This is a moral assumption, not an empirical one.
The moral of the story is that I don't feel too silly for sharing it.

Don't get me wrong, I hate niggers. But like Jordan Peterson would say sometimes you need to use your freedom of speech to play the devil's advocate

> Ad hocs don't make for a strong theory my friend
> I don't even need research to tell you that you're conclusion is wrong.
Now you're not even trying, leaf.

I don't need to because your argument is so retarded

Why do you need studies to confirm what international IQ tests have already confirmed? They're less intelligent because of their genes. That's also why they never formed civilizations beyond stone age tribes.

You realize the argument isn't that each person with identical dna will solve exactly the same subset of problems you give them, right? It's that your starting point for your argument is way off what actually is measured(that intervention - mostly after the age of 5 - has a measureable affect on IQ).

Fair enough I guess. I actually like Peterson a lot. I developed my sense of religion thanks to him.

Do you think education has no effect on intelligence?

Being totally real?
Being a plains living race they developed for running, not a whole lot of thinking involved. When you live in a hostile environment (like europe) its more important that you can plan ahead accurately and organize into groups.
Just my two cents, but it makes sense.

No. There is a fair amount of data for this.

evil white people suppressed their intellect with chains, they still suffer from that shock. abo people even more than african.

Intelligence is the tool with which you turn education into knowledge.
The argument that education can influence intelligence is like saying the software you install on your computer can make your GPU better.
If education has an effect on IQ, it would only be plus/minus a few points.

>Running doesn't require any planning on where to run to, you guise!!!

More likely blacks in America are encouraged to feel belittled and think not caring is cool.

why does it matter?

Full host nigggaa

Darwin and 40,000 years is all you need

Cold climate + agriculture together selects for a higher IQ than other environments.

Wrong reply, ignore

Here's how google defines intelligence, and for consistency's sake, lets us it: the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. Now, education increases thought, and increasing thought will increase your propensity to apply what you've learned to real-world situations, which related to the above definition. The software you install on your computer can't make your GPU better, but it can harness its potential, thus making your computer more useful.

Education has been measured to only increase UP TO 1.7 IQ in identical twins, so not, not really.

thing is, even with a optimized software a gtx 260 can not beat a gtx 980 with beta drivers

How many studies did you read to come up with that conclusion and how many studies have there been on the relation between schooling and IQ

Negroids are not modern humans, they're a primitive hominid species.

OK how about this. During the migration out of Africa there was a bottle neck in Egypt and the middle east.

Living in the Nile River Valley and in most of the Levant you have a dry season and a wet season, it's surrounded by desert so you can just migrate towards the food in the off season. To properly live in an area like that you need to do some long term planning especially food rationing. You need to grow crops, have a harvest season, store food, and ration that food to make it last between harvests. You also need to be able to figure out a calendar and count the days you have between seasons.

If you live in Africa in the savannahs and jungles along the equator the seasonal changes won't be as extreme, and you aren't surrounded by deserts so migration is a lot easier. If you eat everything around your camp or the river dries up you can just wander off to a new area where there is more food. You don't need to worry about long term planning or maintaining your home because any problem can be solved by just moving on to greener pastures. You'll never need to build a granary or a structure that can stand for more than a year or so. You wouldn't necessarily need to invent the wheel if you don't have very many personal possessions to cart around.

That picture perfectly sums up why lefty faggots can't make good memes.

>Underprivileged minorities have not been adequately educated on how to take tests, so naturally they score lower

Wrong. Every ethnicity on the planet but niggers interbred with neanderthal, who had larger brains. That's why every ethnicity is smarter than niggers. This will never change. no educational system on the planet can make niggers as intelligent as the other races.

I'm not going to pretend that I know what you're alluding to, as i'm not a computerfag. But my point is that genetics are not the only factor in IQ test results

>70000 BC
>Live on a continent that is plentiful, and has seasons
>Seasons cause migrations
>Migrations bring about new food
>No need to setup shop, just keep migrating
>Circle of life, Simba
>Brain doesn't develop the same
>fast forward 72,018 years
>Some of your people have since been transplanted, and intermixed with other races that learned to settle, cultivate the earth, hunt, form pair bonds with other hunters in nature, and the combination of environment and consisten nutrition developed brain differently
>Not all blacks are the same, but your genetic material has competed with similar phenotype for so long that it's effective at outbreeding depression more than any other genetic variant
>Some (((people))) exploit this to get ahead of others
>You are here, on Sup Forums, asking this question
There are groups of people that, like many species in the animal kingdom, do not adhere strictly to Haldane's rule. Our current civilization encourages evolutionary novel traits in human behavior while strangling out those evolutionary traits that have ensured the survival of our species for 10s of thousands of years.

There's your answers.

Niggers aren't stupid because they're poor, they're poor because they're stupid.

>But my point is that genetics are not the only factor in IQ test results
Right, I agree on that point

its the physics of their neurology

its as simple as that

perfectly analogous to any top processor from 20 years, vs any top processor from 10 years ago, etc etc