Every one of their movies is either

Every one of their movies is either

>muh environmentalism
>muh feminism
>muh nostalgia for the past
>muh Japan did nothing wrong/where the real victims during WWII

Why do people praise these hacks again?

Maybe they have inspired Kemono Friends?

Execution > Narrative

>if you disagree with a work's message it means the work is bad

Thanks for letting me know

OP is a fag, as always one might add.

>environmentalism is bad
I can understand not liking Ghibli, but I'm stunned by how many people buy this line. Last person I talked to about this thought Princess Mononoke was trash because it was "anti-industry" and claimed it was bad to try and avoid mercury pollution, among other things.

>unironically shitting on ghibli

Ah, wonderful OP. I too, have recently joined Le Epic Contrarian Club. Teach me how to shit on one of the most talented, influential and successful anime studios of all time.

When all of your movies are about the same thing and deal with the subject in a really heavy handed and simplistic way it becomes tiring and dumb. It reaches Fern Gully levels of stupid in some of there movies. Fucking Ponyo was a mess and Monoke was basically just Nausicaa with better looking animation

honestly, I liked them for a moment.. but, then I got sober and realized it is all garbage

Oh fuck you and your retarded political views

Fuck off back to Sup Forums

>When all of your movies are about the same thing

What was the environmental message in Spirited Away, Porco Rosso, Howl, Ponyo, or Wind Rises?

Where were the flying machines in Mononoke or Spirited Away?

Where was the Default Miyazaki Female Protagonist in Ponyo or The Wind Rises?

Miyazki has recurring themes and iconography, but also a lot of variety. Since you're actually accusing all Ghibli movies of being the same, you probably don't even know that Miyazaki isn't the only Ghibli director.

To be fair, Ghibli has a pretty serious case of sameface, outliers like Kaguya-hime notwithstanding.

>muh Japan did nothing wrong/where the real victims during WWII
Imagine watching fireflies and thinking this, it's how you can spot a brainlet so easily.

It doesn't really count as sameface, when that "ghibli" """"face"""" is a cultural icon. It precedes Ghibli, and probably is just Miyazaki and Takahata's artstyle. More likely Miyazaki's.

It was fairly blatant in Spirited Away when they pull a bunch of garbage out of the stink spirit that turns out to be a river spirit.
Also the fact Haku is a river spirit and is mistreated and used by Baba and is lethally poisoned as a result.

They're just character designs based on design trends more popular in the 50s and 60s. From the Toei golden age. Rounded faces, less detail, expression conveyed through motion instead of still image, and so on.

They get recognized initially for animation, fluid and detailed, which keeps people interested. Imagine their movies with normal budgets and normal animators.

That's not true at all, although the animation on their best films is definitely fantastic

I think it must play a role.

"Look at how smooth and detailed this movie is, it's like Japanese Disney." I don't think they'd have received nearly the same attention without their massive budget and dedication.

>muh environmentalism
>muh feminism
>muh nostalgia for the past
>muh Japan did nothing wrong/where the real victims during WWII

People don't care about good animation and couldn't identify it if they did.

Are you talking about attention in the West? Do you have any particular critic you're referencing? You can look up reactions to Princess Mononoke (the studio's breakthrough) yourself. I reckon you'll find more people praising its narrative maturity and roots in Japanese culture as a pleasant contrast to the kind of animation they're used to. The Disney comparison just comes from the fact that both studios are giants within their respective industries.

Look, I'm a Ghiblifag through and through, but you're deluding yourself if you think these films would be so well known if they weren't gorgeous.

Besides that, it's hardly a slight against Ghibli to say this. Even if these contrarian CHUDs were right about the whole "style over substance" critique (and this is truer of some Ghibli films than others), who gives a shit? "No one would care about these movies if they weren't exquisitely animated" given that, as a medium, animation's whose most defining trait is affective, expressive visuals.

Look, I'm a Ghiblifag through and through, but you're deluding yourself if you think these films would be so well known if they weren't gorgeous.

Besides that, it's hardly a slight against Ghibli to say this. Even if these contrarian CHUDs were right about the whole "style over substance" critique (and this is truer of some Ghibli films than others), who gives a shit? "No one would care about these movies if they weren't exquisitely animated" isn't much of a criticism given that, as a medium, animation's most defining trait is affective, expressive visuals.

That's true. The whole "if it weren't for all the good things, it would be bad!" line of thought is nonsensical. Like, no shit.


Gorgeous =/= good animation.

Ghibli is notable having both incredibly detailed and colorful visuals in addition to exquisitely fluid animation. But audiences don't care about that last part.

They care about the visuals only a shallow level, not the craft that goes into animating them. You could have an entire movie of panning shots of beautiful mat paintings and people would call it "good animation".

OP is a retard that completely missed the point of Mononoke about humans and nature living in balance.

Not to excuse the people who criticize Ohira's work on Howl, or to say that casual moviegoers have a deep love and appreciation for the craft, but you're definitely exaggerating.

>trying to find meaning in kid's cartoons
Ok nice one OP

>muh feminism
>muh Japan did nothing wrong/where the real victims during WWII
Obsession noted.

You're retarded if you think people can't "feel" fluid, expressive animation on an intuitive level. Obviously they don't see or understand the labour that goes into such incredible animation, but they can still viscerally understand that, say, Castle in the Sky is better animated than Vampire Hunter D.

>Whisper of the Heart
>Environmental message
Did you even watch the film?

maybe I'm retarded too
I've watched Mononoke 4 or 5 times and I never really saw a point/message, and that's why I still like Mononoke
yeah there was the battle between humans and the animals/forest god in which both sides lost, but that was minor.

Mononoke was just a bunch of different characters all doing what they thought they needed to do, none of them were completely in the wrong, none completely in the right, it was glorious

watch the documentary film Kingdom of Dreams and Madness. Miyazaki make movies for the average japanese people, the people over 30-years-old.

Meanwhile modern animes stuck in high-school and "isekai", Ghibli is successful because made targeted to that people.

I just came back from watching Nausicaa in a theatre and I cried like a little girl, just like every time I see this movie. Just thought I'd let you know.

cried because of how stupid it was?

You're not going to impress anyone with your shit taste, but enjoy the (You).

I cried because of how stupid the humans in that movie were. was it 1000 years they couldn't beat those mindless ohms?
truly sad
all they had to do was fly an injured ohm child around until all the ohms starved to death chasing it, or fell into a hole

You must be a really fun person to hang out with.