Amerifats still can't figure out why bees are dying

>Amerifats still can't figure out why bees are dying
>bees that try eating from Monsanto GMO plants die
Why are US scientists and lawmakers blind to this atrocity?

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Fun fact.

GMO's are considered HAZMAT.

The airline that I work for has a no HAZMAT cargo policy. We are not allowed to carry GMO's.


You're a fucking retard. Plants aren't allowed on planes in case they are infected with disease or parasites to prevent spread between countries and states.
No wonder people's bags go missing so much. The people who work at airlines are absolutely retarded.

you're trying to tell me artificially modifying plant DNA to make it resistant to man made herbicides is bad for the insects and animals that subsequently consume said plants.

you are crazy. buy more corn.

And actually Opie, we have figured out why all the bees are dying. Nicotine based pesticides, a parasitic mite, and some kind of bee AIDS that I can't remember the name of. Any one or up to all three can effect the hive causing the so-called Hive collapse effect.

Fuck you're dumb. I spray pesticides at industrial sites. Round up does not kill bugs. It's the pesticides, not the herbicides which are doing it...

GMO is a general term that means genetically modified organism. They're probably talking about bacteria in your company's case.
GMO plants can be harmful because of how they produce toxins that kill bugs, which can disrupt local environmental balance. Not necessarily because they harm humans.

But desu I still don't think we should be tampering with anything's genes whenever we will it like that. At least with selective breeding we worked with genes that were already existent in nature and amplified them. We didn't add new features whose repercussions we don't fully understand.

>its really wifi and 4G.

We should really revert back to sustainable horticulture. At the current rate we're going to destroy evertything. It's the one thing I completely agree with Varg on.

There's nothing wrong with destroying everything

selective breeding is just forcing natures hand. it's not taking natures hand, ripping it off and throwing it across the room. although I kind of realise the hypocrisy of going to the doctor when you are sick and taking a bunch of drugs that were created in a laboratory that do god knows what long term. but then being afraid of consuming modified plants. I think if there was more independent research that was done on GMOs and if they had to go through strict animal and human trials before they could be brought to market just like new pharma drugs then people may be a bit more accepting.

GMO's, by name, are specifically listed as a HAZMAT. It does not state plants in general or invasive species as part of the IATA DG manual or the CFR. While invasive species are a potential threat that should be taken seriously, they are not classified as a HAZMAT.

It specifically classifies GMO's as a HAZMAT.

look another idiot being johnny come lately to the beecalypse hoax.

Eat a bag of cocks

>bees dying

Neck yourself.

No, bees are our friends.
You're thinking of wasps, wasps are assholes.

In any case it's wild bees we need to worry about, not honey bees.
And honey bees are one reason wild bees are going extinct, they compete for their food.

>It's the pesticides, not the herbicides which are doing it...

It's almost as if it's in the name...

you're right.
also drugs are typically only taken temporarily. most people who take regular drugs are already old anyway so they'll probably die before any serious long term effects, food is something you consume everyday.

+ a lot of ailments have natural remedies but people have been brainwashed into popping pills whenever they feel a slight ache. For example I suffer from a sinus allergy to dust mites. I used to sneeze all day non-stop unless I took my antishistamines every day or every other day. Antihistamines are proton pump inhibitors and could have serious long term side effects like alzheimers. But then my mom started making me this hot drink with dill herbs and fennel seeds and my allergies went away when I drank them regularly.

Vegans love gmo foods and Monsanto.

In order to do this you know the population need to decrease right? Y'know the thing all media and some stupid cunts say its bad for everyone because its unsustainable and because of that the whole world need to be infested by africans...
This is one of the good causes to stop the fucking growing population argument, not saying we need to stop having children like they are preaching in EU, but the world will have more stability this way, we don't need so much people around, specially if they are subhumans.

>buy more corn.

they arent blind, they're corupt

Is there any way to stop them?

don't buy gmo products.

But normies are retarded and there are more of them. We need to force them into not killing themselves.

natural selection. let them die if they are so stupid and ignorant they cannot figure it out for themselves.

But they will destroy natural farming in the process.

They won't destroy peoples ability to grow their own crops and live self-reliantly.

>>bees that try eating from Monsanto GMO plants die

But that's wrong, it's the use of neonicotenoid pesticides that is killing bees.

No? What if I tell you that monsanto seeds invade normal crops and then monsanto sue unlucky farmers to hell.

removing bees creates workplaces
it's what they did in Chyna

But muh bad gmos reeeeeeeeee

That Canadian dude did it on purpose. His field had near 90% GMO canola. And-- funniest thing-- he didn't even need them; he didn't use the pesticide.

It'd be great if honey bees die. they do more harm than good. Don't fall for the honey bee meme.

Enjoy importing milions of pajeets to replace pollinators.

wtf, america better win WW3 or else the earth is FUCKED

>muh bees

Fuck off Poland. I hope you become a Caliphate like the rest of Europe, you aren't even white you slav piece of trash. I'd spit in your face if I ever saw you in real life, then steal your girl just to pump and dump her like the worthless whore she is.

Guess you dont know how flowers arrive in the US from south america.

I’ve kept bees for years, and let me tell you that you sound like an absolute retard.

It’s not really competition, I actually have a wild hive near my beehives and the wild hive is far stronger. Generally wild ones are tougher and can overpower and raid other hives. It’s mostly Varroa, small hive beetle and a variety of other diseases, since they don’t have a beekeeper to help treat them right it’s easy for them to die out.

>>muh bees
If you enjoy eating food and not starving to death you better start caring about bees real fucking fast user.

Bees literally keep all land based life on the planet alive

You can fuck off too, faggot. Imagine being this upset over some fucking gay ass bees. Fucking BEES.

I have my bees dying as well. But because they're being outnumbered and outbred by another invasive species of Vespa velutina, who eat 2x times more pollen due to their massive size

P.D.: don't fuck with genetics

Amerimutt saying who's white and who isn't

I wish death upon Mosanto more than anyone but CCD is caused by neonicotinoids(type of pesticide)

Dude, you're from the fucking Balkans. A shithole. Your ancestors literally got raped by Turks, get over yourself you worthless little queer. Croats are definitively not White.

>t. disgruntled former employee


>checking bags

Turbo pleb detected

God is cruel

>confusing pesticides with gmos

>why are lawmaker's blind
Because there's too much bribe money hanging in front of them to be able to see properly.

You don't think Monsanto pays off lawmakers like crazy to make this whole bees dying thing hush hush and not tell the public that consuming GMOs can kill organisms?

Glycophosphate is poison. A small amount from wiping cut grass off a ball made calluses appear on my hand over night that took months to disappear.
It is poison and will kill animals and children on contact.

Track what you eat for a week user, and at the end research where everything came from. Find out the percentage that was directly dependent on bees (ex. Apples) and the percentage that was indirectly dependent on bees. It’s estimated that 75% of all food we eat relies on bees to be produced. Gtfo with you shitposting bullshit, this is important

life is forever.

Not just America, this problem is all over the world, and it's getting crazy...
>dementia #1 cause of death UK:
>Alzheimer linked to aluminum buildup in fatty brain cells:
>extremely abnormal UK metallic pollutants:

There are lots of bees in my area, and I kill every single one I can because every bee I kill is a million dead niggers.

I have killed hundreds of bees in the last three years. I even stopped killing spiders outside my house, and I HATE spiders, but I let them live if they're outside on the off chance that one of them might catch a bee in it's web.

I hope you fall into a pit of nigger bees (wasps) and they sting your dick until it explodes.

Gmo can include pesticide as well, ass.
If I genetically modified tobacco to kill your mom, it's GM'd and pesticided technically.

>muh jobs
Krugman pls

you've caused enough damage

it’s nicotine that kills the bees. There are studies on it

>Why are US scientists and lawmakers blind to this atrocity?
Because they are BOUGHT

share this far and wide, it tackles GMOs, pharma and vaccines at once, though other docus go into greater depth

biotech industries need to be publicly accountable

Yep plants modified to kill lepidoptera can also kill diptera.

But monsanto shills will tell you otherwise.

Is Monsanto the most dangerous company in the world? Seems like they've got their spoons in a lot of pots, so to speak. Many of which could potentially lead to worldwide catastrophes.

the mites are the fucking worst
t. beekeeper

wtf really


don't be stupid. bees die from regular insecticides too.
whole anti-gmo propaganda partically created by guys who are selling literally poisons that are sprayed over plants.

How is this not the most evil sounding invention ever? Like, did none of those scientists sit down and think "man, maybe we shouldn't be doing this", "maybe this will be used for genocide by some rogue state one day"

yeah, but a certain bunch of insecticides lead to colony collapse and this is documented

there's certainly other factors though

One of our clients makes a product to take care of CCD but one is buying it

I dont know, their company HQ is near me, I will go down and start asking questi-

>mfw scientists actually want to genocide the world

Bees are not the only pollinators.
Bees are not the best pollinators.
Apis is invasive and spreads their god damn bee aids everywhere killing native species.
Honey is a shit tier food anyways.

>When black Africans celebrate their tribal culture it's diverse and beautiful
>When white Europeans celebrate their pre-christian tribal culture it's satanism and evil

This more than anything else has redpilled me on paganism. I think you should take that pill too.

>GMOs are bad ok
Why do Europeans do this and how can we make sure American soccer mom's don't fall for this meme?

switzerland is a very weird country

Degenerate as fuck

someone probably knows why, but it goes against capitalism and exponential human reproduction agenda, so they won't say it

We can't because at this point we're entirely dependent on GMO and artificial petrol-derived fertilizers to sustain mass agriculture to feed the mouths of 7 billion worthless shitskins. If we went back to sustainable agriculture, like field rotation, natural fertilizer from food discards and animal dung, and mixed planting (as opposed to monocultures), billions of people would starve.
Of course if all the bees die, we're gonna see some real fucking shit because everything will need to be pollinated by hand. Once again white people are destroying everything due to pathologic altruism to drag 7 billion negroids into modernity.
Personally, I think we need to stop funding welfare and put 100% into space travel/development. The only use of niggers is on extraterrestrial mining colonies and as test pigs for prolonged effect of reduced gravity.

You deserve to burn in hell.

wtf I love monsanto now
Feed this to apefrica STAT

>Mix this with crops that grow in arid climates
>Flood it into africa, replacing nearly all plants and crops with it
>Feed all africans with this corn
>Five years later people realize
>It's the only food available, they keep eating it
>Twenty years later the impact is felt massivly
>Thirty years after introduction, the aging populus is now short of farmers
>Population colapses

my plants didn't pollinate last year. there was a bees nest near by but it disappeared. kek true story

>GMOs are bad 4 you

The fastest way to tell if someone failed biology in high school and reads as fact.

Second fastest is "here is how you can decalcify your pineal gland with organic lemon juice ;)))"

maybe it's a trick to make everybody eat the corn. they own most of it,right?

I remember a guy a decade ago telling me about how all of the bees would be dead and Einstein said this or that.

Still hasn't come true.

People are in denial about a lot of things. Even Sup Forums has bluepilled itself. While they're chasing soyboy memes they're ignoring the fact that the petrochemical industry has poisoned every corner of the earth with xenoestrogens. Look up atrizine. Even if you live in a nation where it's banned it's still found in the soil and water.

The Trump administration just put Peter Wright, former lawyer for Dow chemicals, in a top EPA (environmental protection agency) position.

The problem with the corrupt US government is the unethical process:

Big industry > top gov position > back to big industry.....

if you really think GMOS are good for you then you're a complete fucking idiot. Not only are they awful but all GMO crops are grown in ROUNDUP the most toxic pesticide there is. F

Obvious troll....

>high school biology
Trying to imply that people who know about the dangers of GMO are high school drop outs.

Also calling out natural news: youtube just killed their channel, deleted all their material..

The great purge is on, they are freaking the fuck out.

>amerifats eat Agent Orange
>Bayer buys Monsanto

You neck yourself, ignorant selfish dumbfuck