"I could easily retire right now... but then, all we would be left with is more Molyneux, Harris, Žižek...

>"I could easily retire right now... but then, all we would be left with is more Molyneux, Harris, Žižek... Intelligent people want intelligent philosophy... so I'm not stopping any time soon."

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There is nothing wrong with the trash man.


Kermit the frog is so based

Hello fellow commie, how is the gulag treating you? I hear the weight loss in insane.

For me it was that my mom (single parent) never told me to clean my room and she didnt clean her room herself too.
Whenever I visit her, her apartment is a mess.



But you need money for anti-depressants and commie crap, you fucking kike.

>"you know some day we won't clean your room anymore, and you'll have to do it yourself"
>don't know what it's good for
>"we're stopping now"
>still don't know what it's good for
>get annoyed, clean my room
They did the same with everything else. Whatever housekeeping I do is because I'm annoyed by the state of it, not for any ritual, archetypal or spiritual reasons

please, that guy is a scam, behaves like a passive aggressive abuser and a sociopath

his cult and brainwashing must be stopped

i bet he has hit his wife and kid, guaranteed, wait a few years, it will come out

Careful Stephan... he might want you to be shot.

philosophers are supposed to be poor and detached from materialism

Depends on the philosophy

not an argument

That's theology. These guys are all semi-atheist and convinced materialists.

Anything else is just elaborate self justification.

yes it is you retarded piece of shit

on top of he, being illiterate in actual academic philosophy

what he calls philosophy is his own shitty ideas

>materialists getting paid to explain why materialism is good from other materialists who dont want to feel about about it

im going to kickstart a failed kickstarter support group and then take the money and run. In doing so i will justify the idea of the project, showing the need for such a service.

People who like Sam Harris are the biggest pseudointellectual dumbasses.

Philosophy is a just a shitty idea that gets popular, most of them fall apart under examination
Ancient philosophy is no longer relevant in the modern age

not an argument

Nothing wrong with Sam Harris

He's just not your personal psychologist

A nation without a philosophical tradition is simply uncivilized

Peterson is just a guy in it for the money, just like everyone else. A slave to the demonic forces of money and nothing else.

Steph stays away from Jung for whatever reason.

philosophy is a science basically, you need to be aware and study all the lineage, even though there is special relativity today, physicist still need to learn everything, not just whats currently accepted, so that they can see patterns and maybe create a new, real theory, based on all the previous knowlege

you fucking pseudo intellectuals are cancer, molymeme does nothing close to real philosophy

molymeme calling himself philosophy is like mundanematt calling himself alternative media

hahahaha both are a joke

not an argument

It’s the opposite m8, I’ve studied philosophy and realized it just isn’t worth it.
Subscribing to another man’s ideas is mentally cucking yourself.

Sam Harris is a huge cuck and a pussy. He's one of these atheist crusaders who don't realize that they have a religion which is the state/science. He just applies the usual faith based crap to those fields instead of believing in mystical shit.

If you want to see some good episodes, watch the episode with Dilbertman or the one where he had that Climate Change propagandist on.

I actually have a degree and psychology and was initially excited to listen to him, but them I realized he has actually done nothing in the field other than go to school.

so instead of cucking yourself to old academics, you cuck yourself to a youtube cultist?

>philosophy is a science basically

Nigger there are poster IDs on this board, at what point in any of my post did I say I waste my time listening to molymeme or Peterson?
Stop letting other people think for you

yes it is, its a mother of all science, fucking pleb

my mistake

>philosophers are supposed to be poor
They aren't supposed to be poor. They just generally are poor because they offer nothing anyone is willing to give them money for.

>philosophy is a science basically,
>A field of study that relies entirely on subjectivism
>a science
Lmaoing at ur lyfe i bet you un-ironically think marxism leninism is a science too


American education.

What this guy philosophy is about? , he seems more like one of those auto-help writers "clean your room " "put your life in order " . "How to reach happiness in your 50 and with 7 cats "

My first and only experience with him was the Dilbertman one. It was awful. If I want to hear all the latest "enlightened centrist" talking points, I can just go out and socialize in real life, ya know?

>He's one of these atheist crusaders who don't realize that they have a religion which is the state/science.
Does this really happen often or its a meme?