Traditionalist community

So I've recently come into a large sum of money and I'm going to move up to Maine and start homesteading but I'll still have a ton of money left over so I was considering starting my own town. It would try to be as traditional as possible: no electricity, no plastics, no aluminum, none of the burdens or degeneracies of modern society. Everyone would be expected to make their own job, whether it be metalworking, carpentry, running a tavern or restaurant, etc. Everyone would probably farm for themselves, at least a little. I want to know if this is something people here would be interested in. Please offer your thoughts.

Ted Kaczinski was right

Pick a better state like Texas or Pennsylvania

Just live with the Amish
Pennsylvania is great

I live in Pennsylvania now. Amish still use electricity for their businesses and are forced to use it for driving their carriages on the roads. Besides, I'd like to be able to have some luxuries.

>Just live with the Amish

maine is like 95% white... why the fuck would anyone want to move to Texas over Maine ?

also, if this isnt a LARP.... make a general and post it once or twice a week... that way Anons can see the progress of what you're doing.

sorry, i just re-read your OP
>no electricity
yeah, Kill yourself.

You live in the 570 area?

Did you know that it was only very recently it became 95%? The Maine governance has been openly pushing for "somolian farmers" for a few years now. Also as of my last check its actually only 92% white now. A whole 8% of the population is african refugees brought over by a once pure white state and there's still more coming. The quintessential white suicide in full form.

Fuck, that looks right comfy!

This is exactly what myself and some others are looking to do in Canada, on an island property. We're not going for another few years, though. Do you have an email? We could exchange some tips.

Good luck, fellow homesteader.

That's a dream right there I feel less human every day living in a big city.

Although we're funding it using an inheritance from one of my families aging relatives. I took a long farming course to learn how to work the climate, my fiancée is getting her pilot's license for ease of access to the property, and we have an assortment of people (mostly couples) who are down.

It's probably the best route to go now. If you're sticking with America, I recommend Montana. If I didn't find a large property on an uninhabited island up here, that's where I would have gone.

No electricity is retarded desu. Why wouldn't you install solar panels and enjoy both technology and comfy partiarcal and traditional living?

Technology and sensors can help you monitor your garden and plants. Not using technology when you can profit off it is bad thought. It's just a tool and should be used.

Because electricity requires maintenance. The cost of maintaining solar panels, sensors, etc, renders self-sufficiency almost impossible. For a long-term sustainability, electricity has to be largely limited in scope.

Come on, maintainance isn't so much. You'll need a setup phase sure and to discover some things notably for the sensor part, but once it's done and if you have a community it's not too much.

In addition, the technology is fairly simple it's not rocket science. With proper scientific education most people could fix the majority of problems.

Also, OP, limit your online presence. Most of it is LARPers, and most online-organized ventures get infiltrated by avaricious types or crazies. I had to delete my Kik group for that reason.

I get what you're saying here, and don't take me as a technophobe. Electrically driven lathes, saws, presses, belt Sanders, etc, are excellent. Biodiesel for chainsaws, small vehicles, etc, very practical if replacement parts are available. If you want to make something that is entirely sustainable, you have to start with primitive (pre-industrial revolution) and then work your way forward.

I completely agree with you.

>Ted Kaczinski was right

yes, but how are you going to keep the tax man away? How will you control the drama?

Only in Portland/Lewiston. It's a big state.

I get what you're saying, but I don't think you have to start there. I believe there are freely available simple plans for some useful technology, as the examples you stated, precisely targeted to homesteaders. Starting with a mix of this and of course simple shacks is the best course of action IMHO. Then yes you can improve your quality of living step by step while keeping a traditional outlook.

Also, tell yourself that a lot of people, including your wives, would have a worship for modern cities etc if you do not include technology from the getgo. The challenge is precisely this one: create a society that is both traditional and able to use the best of technology without becoming slave to it.

Nope, 717. Can't stand the spice and niggers.

>If you're sticking with America, I recommend Montana
I had actually looked into Montana as well. I've visited most of the northern states, but I absolutely fell in love with Maine. The northern half of the state is spread thinly in regards to population and it seems perfect for what I want. Cold enough to discourage non-whites from living there, cheap land, and the land I'm looking at has a bunch of sugar maples right there near a lake. It's perfect.

Technology is a burden and has led to much of today's degeneracies. I'll not have my children be tainted by that

You and I both know it won't be contained, and worse possibly the last white city in america has just been destroyed and you're ok with this.

Technology isn't a burden, human weakness and willingness to not master it is. It is a fundamentally weak man position to cast everything away because you believe it is sinful, whereas you could create a society where you teach people to master it and most importantly use it for good. All of this while you keep looking at nature with straight eyes and ensure it is at the core of your beliefs.

Technology isn't the problem, the fact we relegated nature to nothingness is our collective mind is.

Fair, I do intend on using some small machinery, air compressors and tools, and a brick press. But aside from limited scale industrial machinery, we've agreed to avoid all 'luxury' electricity. Replacement parts will be brought in early on, but the goal is to reduce the need for machinery over time as manpower increases.

My fiancée and the other members of the voyage have already agreed to the lack of electricity, from both a sustainability and moral standpoint.

The degeneracy of those two cities has been contained for a long time. It's our little mini Babylon. Most of the rest of the state is white rural Americana.

Fair. Sugar maples nearby is a plus. Does it have any wild berries on site? High in antioxidants. What do you plan on growing or raising for food?

>yes, but how are you going to keep the tax man away? How will you control the drama?
Not entirely sure. This is something that will probably only really start rolling a few years from now, anyway. I've got time to find some kind of advisor.

Thats the real trick though. I plan on using a sort of "rent to own" kind of model for my little town, so I can control who enters our little society

See, this is exactly the jewish trickery that white people fall for every time. It's giving a mouse a cookie here, you're going to give more than your two cities as time goes on but apparently so long as they pace themselves you're ok with dying like this.

Fuck off, meme-flag kike.

I didn't say I was okay with it. There's just nothing I can do about it at the moment and I don't see those cities as defining the state. In the coming years, those immigrant communities will have no support network and I suspect a lot of them will wander away south

>Does it have any wild berries on site?
I'd say there's a fairly high chance. I didn't see any when I was touring the land, but it's a large plot of land (a few square miles) so I didn't see every inch of it by any means

I understand and respect your view, but I still disagree. As technology has progressed, communities have grown apart and society is less neighborly and more degenerate as a whole. I believe that setting the limit at around 1850 or so is a good balance between convenience and tradition

Fair. We're going for a thorough inspection of migrants, and the principle of expelling anyone who doesn't abide by a moral code. Should be rare, because we're selecting Christians.

I'm sure they said the same thing in Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Delaware etc...

I agree with that outlook, but see this is precisely the problem. Older does not mean better! 1850 technology is literally cancer: coal, burning wood for heating, all of this make you die early and give cancer. Even today, most of the pollution we get is from burning wood in chimneys. Technology need to be mastered wisely and more importantly, nature needs to be protected so that it does not degenerate like today.

I agree though that technology has destroyed social and societal ties. That is mainly because of internet though, but having local LAN access at least for the purpose of providing books and so on shouldn't be too much.

Like I said, what can I do about it? I don't control those governing bodies. All I can do is vote for people who oppose it. And all I know is that the majority of people in this state have no love for African immigrants and feel like they don't belong here.

Fair enough. I chose the site based on coastline (fishing), mineral resources (granite, mica, agate, gypsum, feldspar, copper lodes, quartz, lime), flora (pine, sugar maple, blueberries, cedar, etc), and most importantly, it's on the great lakes (a natural buffer in the event of social disorder, dissipates nuclear fallout, and it's home to some massive underground caves (ancient volcanic vent). Make sure to take soil samples, so you know what's going to grow there.

north central PA is the comfiest place to live. also 95% white.

That's basically what I'm going for. Established families are an automatic plus, especially if the have kids they want to raise in the area. I think the biggest challenge is probably gonna be schooling, honestly. I'd consider starting a private school if I had any idea how to do it.

What constitutes luxury electricity?
Hot water? Fridge and freezer? Lighting? Cooking?
Are those luxury or are they allowed?

>Electromagnetic radiation disrupts sleep patterns, and may effect brain function. Cellphones emit radiation.

I'm not stating to use phones which are useless. I'm saying electric heaters beat any coal or wood burning. By a wide margin, too.


At any rate, the only electricity I plan on having is MAYBE some phone lines with old dial phones in the event of emergencies.

Yeah. That's why I made sure to recruit couples in particular. For singles, it's hard to balance male-female. Luckily, most candidates want lots of kids. Teaching won't be bad, I have a teacher on board, and another potential recruit who's in school for it now. You need to check out homeschool, probably. Lots of textbooks.
Hot water can be provided by geothermal wells or wood/charcoal fired hot water heaters (also helps for heating floors). Fridge and freezer, yes. The plan is to use the cold lake water (refrigeration temperature ~10m under) to keep things cold when needed, otherwise we'll build an ice-hut for freezing and refrigerating goods. Lighting with electricity is luxury, I'm tossed up about LEDs but they're bad for your eyes. Cooking is best over fire anyways, mate. If you can't roast it, it's probably not worth eating.

that would be a popular LARPing spot
you'll profit a lot
wish success on you, user

>Not using fire for heating, the comfiest source
Have you never had a cottage?

>wanting to get rid of inventions made by the white man in order to prosper
Modern inventions aren't inherently bad. All you need is moderation.

>Even today, most of the pollution we get is from burning wood in chimneys.

60%+ of the worlds pollution comes from around 20 cargo ships.

I would probably drop everything and move up there from California to join you.
Also Im 100% white.

no ur not you fucking mutt

I think it's interesting to think about being less dependent on outsiders and some aspects of technology but the idea of going fully communal, isolated, and/or anti-technological always just turns this into a pipe dream

why not focus on building small villages and towns with traditional architectural styles, churches, clubs, etc.? Sort of like a Williamsburg scale construction. It would do a lot to beautifying our countryside and building community

At least 23% of Paris pollution is due to woodburning. They also create a lot of small particles which are especially bad for health. Stating cargo pollute more doesn't change the problem.

May I also remind you of London's fog, which also show the limits of coal and wood energy?

Well I'm a woodshop teacher right now, so I have some experience. Still, if I had more money, I'd build a large private school for everyone that wants to raise their sons away from degeneracy.

Im half Welsh , some Finnish and some other Northern European Im probably whiter than you.

You’re not wrong, but my point is that on a global scale household wood and coal burning is a literal drop in an enormous bucket

I highly support the use of solar, if not for the cleanliness, then just for the cutting of the multiple middle men.

That's a useful skill. How much money did you come into? I estimate the cost of our venture at about a half to three quarter million, but (assuming the Canuck economy doesn't go tits up) we have a few million to work with over the next decade.

Also, overarching theme of this thread is
>people don't understand that modern luxury makes us weak
That's why we're getting taken over by sand goblins.

I’m about to begin my student teaching for high school history. I’ll gladly join you guys. I also have a deep interest in blacksmithing and would love to make tools and needed metal works in my free time. I’m not one of those “o let’s make a bunch of knives” kinda guys. I want to make practical objects.

>I think it's interesting to think about being less dependent on outsiders and some aspects of technology but the idea of going fully communal, isolated, and/or anti-technological always just turns this into a pipe dream
I think it's mostly a people problem. It's admittedly hard to find people who would be interested in something like this. Me and my family could survive on our own for sure, but there's all kinds of dilemmas that having a community/society solves. I think though that if there's gonna be some interest in this, it's gonna peak within the next few years, given the way the world is going.

All the best to both of you guys. You have an exciting road ahead. I wish you great success.

I've received about a quarter million, but I've also been saving up cash every paycheck since I was 20, so I've got almost three quarters worth of funds atm. I've been looking into short term investing to raise that over the next two years or so, but I'm also concerned about the risk.

Sounds good. Keep an eye out over the next few years. I might post something further down the line on Sup Forums, /diy/ and/or /out/, and maybe any other community I can find.

I'd be worried as fuck for the medical aspect of it, you'll need doctors extremely fucking good ones.

God Bless you, fellow Canuck, and smooth sailing.

If the property stays on the market until my capital is released, you'll hear news about Michipicoten in half a decade.

>start my own town
Yeah, all it takes is having money, sure will attract quality people...

Good things take time to achieve, life isn't a video game. That includes having a healthy white community. If you can't raise a healthy family of your own first, other healthy families have no reason to congregate around you. Money will only attract rats.

Sheeit man, wish you were North of the border. We have an entire plan laid out, but we can't execute it until our funds come in a couple years.

>Not using money to purchase equipment and supplies, and using the preparedness of the operation to attract people dedicated to the lifestyle

Well I can do just about everything short of surgery. Basic first aid and medical knowledge would be a must for everyone, with quite a few of us knowing how to do suturing. But you're right, we will need a good doctor or two for sure.

Well I hope everything how's well on your end. It would be nice to know that there's another similar community out there to connect to if SHTF. If it weren't for the border and cost of it, I'd suggest a railroad between us.

Wouldn't work, I'm basing it on a 171 acre property on an island. Fairly isolated, except by plane (hence the fiancée getting her piloting licenses). Steam boat, maybe.

>implying that the next thing up from your shitty suturing is surgery