Good heavens gents! It would appear that I have received an unsolicited communique of a political nature!

Good heavens gents! It would appear that I have received an unsolicited communique of a political nature!

Oh my god! Explain this immediately!

do not reply to the forsaken beggots !!
i can see the waves of evil surrounding it

How could you vote for such a person Sup Forums? Why did nobody tell me about this??

And yet they waste your time yet.

>Fighting hate with censorship
>Teaching tolerance with censorship
>Seeking justice through censorship
Wonder what could be in there??

>anti trump spam mail
I don't see how conservatives can survive this one

Won't you think of the poor children?!?

Jesus Christ how horrifying! Surely blood must be flowing the the streets this very moment!
Forgive me, LGBTQQ2SAP peoples! I didn't know!
How could we all have been so foolish?

>if you don't copy and forward this message to 10 friends your mother will die in her sleep tonight

>Forgive me, LGBTQQ2SAP peoples! I didn't know!
We would if you'd, you know, stop. It's not like we want these people speaking for us, you know.

But go on and pretend we're 'Jewish tools' or whatever instead of people stuck in a shitty place because of the vagaries of birth circumstances.

Can any freemason numerology fag decode their building? we know they put their symbols on everything.

They sure have a boner for david duke

They've even sent me a map!
Look at this madness! How deep the hatered runs!
Look at all these vile organizations, nazis, white supremacists, anti-muslim groups, and worst of all, CHRISTIANS!!!

Write FUCK OFF KIKES in sharpie on the letter then return to sender.

Splc is ran by jews. Literally.
Just fyi.

What’s wrong with North Dakota, Alaska, and Hawaii?

I will enroll my children in these tolerance classes immediately to combat this menace!
These villains must be stopped, and the first step to doing that is teaching my children to stand against their own whiteness and privilege!
Fuck Blumpthf! IMPEACH NOW!

Why would anyone want your forgivness?

why are there no jewish hate groups? this you again? The one I was talking with about 20 minutes ago before the thread died?

The entire establishment is a jewish hate group.

>teaching tolerance

Well it certainly is you, pretty hard not to notice you.

It's right there you bigot
Needless to say I sent them the $25+ donation that they requested to fight fascists like you!

theres nothing in north dakota... literally fucking nothing, I was there because I had to be there i dont know why people choose to live there

i can't look at that man

>why did nobody tell me about this

Because none of it happened

Judaism as a religion is a hate group. it goes without saying.

>Morris Dees
>Dees nuts

Funny how they are against black seperatists, considering they are the only black people who want to stand up and imporve their communities.

Better than being called a shill every time I post.

And to answer your question from the other thread, I believe in the preservation of all races including my own.

Annnd my bf just got up, so I'm out for a while. Take care.

>southern poverty
>literally just anti white propaganda


>But go on and pretend we're 'Jewish tools' or whatever instead of people stuck in a shitty place because of the vagaries of birth circumstances.
If this is true then why are faggots so ugly? If homosexuals are truly just regular people who happen to be attracted to the same sex, I would expect the same distributions in physical appearances that straight people have, and yet almost every dyke and faggot is just that special kind of ugly. I look at them and I instantly understand why they have given up on normal relationships. I just don't buy it.

>black separatists

How do I get one of these so I can shit in it

Black separatists are colorist scum who betray the black community by standing against their rightful gibs. Deplorable people who should learn from their tolerant and peaceful friends in BLM

>I believe in the preservation of all races including my own.
>muh diveristy
I can respect that, even though it's unmotivated biodiversity bullshit. You are like the people in my country who want to preserve the swedish wolf even though they are a pest to farmers.

Well, take care i guess.

stop being racist

What a kosher gentleman! I can't wait to send him my tax-deductible $25+ now

You should lodge a complaint, they are trying to blackmail you!

So, black separatists are the biggest hate group?