This is a Himouto. Would you still fuck her considering her inner self is a selfish nugget?

This is a Himouto. Would you still fuck her considering her inner self is a selfish nugget?

Give me TSF all day.

What if she turns into a nugget after I put it in?

your penis will shrink along with her

I'd only fuck the nugget.

that's what makes her a perfect onahole

ebina was best girl fuk u

>mentally handicapped moeblob that occasionally likes to mimick and metaphorically embody a punching bag
>best girl
No, sir, hell no. Kill yourself.

I'll happily take both, you faglords.

The nug will cut circulation to your dick

it would be extremely painful

Fuck it. I'm game.

I would even fuck her inner selfish nugget.

Sup Forums in a nutshell

Never change Sup Forums.

Boku no Pico.

Good luck and rasengan.

It is my theory that anons who adore Umaru are the "ara ara~" motherly type anons when they're near children, and the ones that don't are the anons that hate children in general.


Gabu is better

Y-You too.

Fuck off Smochi

Onii-chan should be helping her become a responsible adult rather than allowing himself to pamper her.

Yes and?

I'm sure she'll become a responsible adult one day, she has a great role model looking after her.

the only reason this nug is popular is because she is cute

Cute people can get away with more awful behaviors than uglies because of the Halo Effect

I would make her my bride and start a family together.

Don't compare 3d to 2d you stupid tripfaggot

Make me.

Tripcuck is getting flustered. Stand the fuck back.

no, I HATE her

onii-chan is so tsundere

every bane-post deserves a 4u.

>implying other anime women aren't selfish bitches as well
Not every anime portrays everyday lives, mostly because they need to sell their waifus.


Just finished watching this thing
So many imoutos yet so little incest
Hope that changes

Tsf a best

I feel like the show would be much better if all the girls were imoutos instead of just Umaru.


> implying it needs to

I wanna mess up Sylphin's poofy dress.

Imagine shooting ropes directly into pic related whilst shouting "SPLENDIDLY STICKY!!"

Imagine kissing that cleft lip.

Imagine that lip on the D.

>she goes down on your dick
>slide whistles as she comes back up
>lose boner instantly

>slide whistles

i fug the nuggetpls

They Are. Kirie is Bomber's imouto, TSF is Alex's imouto an Ebina has an older brother who never showed up in the anime who becomes Teihei's cooking teacher or something in the mango

this thread is lowkey epic lol


I've been to Japan. Their teens aren't as hot as Umaru.

I mean if they were imoutos to the same onii-chan.

>I mean if they were imoutos to the same onii-chan.

Something like this? Aside from being completely ancient at this point, SisPrin was rather boring aside from the many cute imouto designs.

Every girl an imouto, this is a paradise.