America pls stop

america pls stop

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I fail to see the problem here.

Has Trump bought forth le day of le rake?

Did we not notice?

Canada BTFO?

why isn't he pouring it faster?

Oh cool didn't realize we annexed you

kys faggot swede, you cannot speak on behalf of america

Make Trudeau go away. Then we'll talk.


he's doing exactly what he said he would do. just goes to show that we need to stop electing softie cucks

Stop what? Taking back what's ours? No thanks. Day of the rake and all that. We've been too generous for far too long.

Didn’t hear any whining when Barry put a 266% tariff on steel

I did.

Don't be so dramatic. Just listen to the advice the US is always given: trade deficits don't matter!

but he just did. literally no Americans agree with this. I'd wager that this cartoon was made by a Leaf because he knows that a serious America will destroy their economy because their economy is built off of exploiting America.

Burn baby burn

>mfw reading article some weeks ago where Trudeau (more like Falsdeau am I right ha ah) claimed that Canada's economic boom over the past few years was because of their extensive maternity leave





Make us, you syrup slurpers

Day of the rake when?


fuck off pewdiefag

You're going to eat every inch of this 1776 inch cock. And you're going to say thank you.

Your PM put forth a compelling argument

Most of the steel and aluminum coming into the US from Canada isn't even Canadian-made. It's just Chinese shit sold through Canada as a proxy. Fix your chink problem and we'll open back up, Canada.

This is what you get for spawning the obamaleaf

>canada pls stop
>no u
pic related, fuck you globalist.

I don't know much about tariffs
but the more upset ya'll get about it, the more I want them

nationalist globalism in action. what is trump going to place tariffs on if m5s just won and everybody is either an indebted right winger or a fake ass "left wing" right winger. he failed on the airbus deal. everything has gone to shit. and it's only the right to blame. what kind of jew communism is this. from brexit and its deficit on down

Canada doesn't matter.

Best president ever.

I want a similar image but with Mexico this time


Let them continue, maybe then the liberals will get btfo'd and people will be redpilled from how bad leftism is for any economy.

>outsource major manufacturing industries to rival countries
>US slowly stripped of major resource and production capabilities all at an economic deficit
>Declare war on US for *reason xyz*
>US lacks means of industrial production, can't meet necessities of war, conquered by Canadian-Gook armies.
Fuck you.

>elected that faggot Trudeau
Get the Vaseline canucks

>49% white
>Telling Americans what to do.
Canofmutt pls stop.

everything you say is lies. every single war youve ever been in youve lost. including against us. and dont gimme this you werent a country shit. ffs your country started over gibs and a chimpout on free tea being free no more. thanks britain. fucking china and israel own your ass. every time a right winger gets in your memeing jewish hitler country you explode the debts. it's unsustainable. but you love debts. because they go to kikes. kikes import refugees. you are making everybody war with eachother and be isolationist as fuck. and these are the end times basically. youre a state founded by freemasons like anybody else. fuck this place honestly. youre fat. and brown. and a fucking treacherous degenerate russian pedo plant bot

This is easily now one of my top 10 leaf images.

youre winning that ratio lots. we use same race categories in our surveys as you. but we dont
he steals all your women. go make out with pence. why are all republigoyim fucking brown jew pedo idiot original degenerates

you need more vaseline you butthurt faggot

>expecting anyone to take Leafs seriously

How you get a pic of OP?

Even the Canadians from the Jazz station were complaining about this.

>more vaseline replies than anything else
needs more dick blow offs with rabbi's herpes mouth. fucking jewsa of my ass


you fucking serpent slag inbred hooknosed oven dodger


yeah ok. it's mueller time


I don't understand anything about economics but if the jews are against tariffs they must be good for the country

>against jewnald

Get ready for the rakening.

day of the burning pink house. day of the grill. day of the fatty pumpkins burn a long time with their fat

christ how embarrassing

>Even the shitskins realizes how cucked Trudeau is

The person that drew this is 100% a furry.


they instinctively destroy their host country, yes, and they've done so throughout history.

Doo doo


>start fallout
>see this
it's a weird feel

>wins only by the jew college
>is their slave
>something something enable them while they destroy something something
fat kikes gon fat kike n burger

How has this man stayed in power for so long? This guy is fruitier than Chiquita Banana

Go fuck yourself leaf, I'm glad the US is doing way with it's retarded "trade relations" and going full force and caring about the US and it's citizens first.

Now that's a fucking government.

>Troops from Detroit
You gonna get raped

go suck on your mom's tits. you think all politics isnt a game? you fucking woman enabler. god damned latent faggots absolutely everywhere. focus on jews!

The anticipation makes the special moment all the sweeter.


They're right snoggered now.

pure gibberish

hi dugin. who hates the west while you meme that you love it. get out. yellow bellied fuck

Get your shit together Canada, the day of the rake is coming.

fuck off shylock


>People genuinely believe leaving work for almost a year with pay is good for the economy
Canada fucking deserves these tariffs

See Leaf, the thing is our useless prime minister could negotiate better trade deals " if he were at all competent" rather than the shitty ones that have been in place for years. Remember that "giant sucking sound" that destroyed jobs and industry in Canada?
Well if you are thinking we were left in a great trading position, think again.

the day of the moore. the day of the front nationale. the day of the various italian fascist parties. good job. the day of the purple texas and fucking indictments. you fat stupid idiot. with friends like you. who needs enemies

As an Oregonian this upsets me deeply. Please pick a moose next time.

>The fag flag defending canada
O i am laffin

It's good for the economy because it means white people can have more babies. White people are the only ones that only have children when it's a good idea to and not just because they are bored.

Hollandia dairy? That shit aint from here bro i can tell you that.

We might be doing you a favor. Maybe if we wreck your economy until JT is gone it can hold off every Canadians wish to get more immigrants.

Of course fruitcake boy is a kike puppet, my question is how the hell have the canucks put up with such a complete fag as their figurehead? If you're going to let your country be run by a bunch of international hyenas at least get a fucking respectable puppet leader damn.

>Tacostani tariff in USD
Is the peso that worthless?

I’m stunned he didn’t write “Canada” inside the leaf on the beaver’s belly just to make sure it was very very clear for his mental midget audience.

Justin will come up with a solution, he smart.
pic related

>moms should only have a few months to be with their kid before throwing them into daycare
>only single-income families should be able to raise kids

You need to do some things for us first
>Publicly lynch Trudeau and send his entire family adrift
>Burn Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver to the fucking ground with holy nuclear fire
>Systematic purge of remaining degenerates with deathsquads known as "Mapleshirts" who ride armored battle mooses

you made out with pence. youre surrounded by pedos and smack talking effeminacy and jewry. youre fucking liars. literally nobody likes you. and a leaf got the sextuple post somebody else just mentioned. like we always do. not that six sevens is good. nor was his pic. stop fucking talking about wangs all the time. step on my cubes and steal all my money. that's all youre good for

I want to hang myself every time I see or hear him. Are we too hard on the leafs?

This isn't funny anymore Trump! I'm literally about to lose my job in the steel industry if these tariffs are set up.

Please US anons write your member of congress and make him stop

oh and trump stuffed his face inside jewliani's tranny tits this one time. there's no good jew like a "hetero" jew. it's right in their symbols
read all this shit, six poster. and listen to the edmonton orchestral version of o canada. fat fuck

I thought he was only going to go after jews, nigger, spics and chinks. Instead Trump came after us.

I feel so betrayed for supporting Trump.

No, we feel the same way as you .

But your getting more immigrants. Doesn't that make you happy?

then fucking emigrate. where is your spine. i dont like the goy. but this user is WAY better and more manly than you or anybody like you. or that fat degenerate moore mutt

thanks bibi. beautiful "jewish" bibi babbies

Donald I'm begging you pleas don't do this

lol no. this is what you get for electing Justin Castro and then not immediately lynching him