Are Confederates even worse than commies?

Are Confederates even worse than commies?

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communism killed 100+ million people.
the confederates just wanted to pick some cotton.

>Didn't want to pick cotton

i worded that pretty bad. thx

Not worse. But a different breed of stupid.

Both were heavily opposed to democracy and liberty but it's quite obvious that Confederates were even more opposed to it and were some of history's biggest traitors.

The teeth were a nice touch.

The details in these sorts of things matter.

No, the confederates just made it harder for the US to get rid of its nigger problem, commies doomed the world by throwing stupid fucking amounts of bodies at hitler

the Confederates were the ones who brought the blacks over.

No, that was the jews. But the confederates relied to heavily on slavery and the North wanted to get rid of it. The South didn't like to be pushed around and thus war broke out. But because of this war blacks were pulled into the North's side and were promised immediate freedom, instead of ditching the system (and the niggers) overtime like Lincoln wanted.

Why do you use the confederate meme flag then?

That one's simple, I'm from Tennessee. I may think succeeding is fucking stupid but its my home

I swear all these gay ass threads are a bot net.

Alright makes sense. I wish the south could have gotten over it’s nigger love.

democracy is a failed system, the US is a democratic republic for a good reason

seceding as in secession.
what are you a carpetbagger?

Tired was about to head to sleep

confederates were kind of lame, but commies are just garbage.

The official flag of cognitive dissonance

>the civil war was about slavery and not trade
when will this meme end?

never unless we start writing our own history books.
>can't even beat a bunch of vietnamese FISHERMEN
why are dixiecucks so pathetic that they can't understand basic economics

Confederaboos are the most thinskinned pussies I have ever had the mispleasure of interacting with online holy shit. Literally everything is a Yankee plot to "destroy their culture." They also have an eternal victim complex when they were by far the most privileged region prior to the War Between the States THAT THEY STARTED.

Let me redpill you on just how fucking well the south was treated before the war
>Compromise of 1790 puts DC in the south
>3/5 Compromise makes niggers only 3/5 of a person to give the South a population boost
>Missouri Compromise- maintains slave state/free state ratio for southerners
>Nashville Convention- Southern politicians met to discuss what to do if slavery was banned, basically sedition, no action was taken against them
>Compromise of 1850- mostly benefited the south
>Fugitive Slave Act- forced northern states to help catch slaves when they wanted to ship them off to africa
>Caning of Charles Sumner- southern congressman Preston Brooks literally beats a northern politician on the floor of congress, no repercussions
>Kansas-Nebraska Act/Bleeding Kansas- Southerners try to rig the election on whether Kansas will be a free state or slave state and cause a mini-civil war
> >Corwin Amendment- got President Buchanan’s official endorsement
>Star of the West, civilian merchant ship, sent to resupply Fort Sumter, gets fired upon
>No Union military action until Fort Sumter was attacked
>South fights on Northern soil, most of the fighting takes place in Maryland initially
>Confeds enjoy many northern sympathizers who want to live and let live
>Confeds get cocky and decide to invade Pennsylvania, MY STATE
>only after the invasion does Sherman go apeshit with his March to the Sea
>Confeds assassinate Lincoln just days before he was to have his generals deport all nigs to Africa with the Navy

Fuck Confederates. They are larping crybabies. Petulant children the lot of them.

confederaboos are a combination of the new influx of redditors and wehrmaboos who unironically think its ok to kill whites for jews and 'muh heritage'

Neo confederates are the weakest race. Partly because they are all halfbreeds. And we knew this shit was gonna happen

This isn't even getting into how their society was riddled with kikes

>The first Jewish governor was David Emanuel in 1801 in Georgia. The first Jewish senator was David Levy Yulee in 1845 in Florida. The second was Judah P. Benjamin in 1853 in Louisiana. Benjamin later filled three top cabinet posts in the Confederacy (Secretary of War, Secretary of State, and Attorney General). Lehman Brothers, the Wall Street firm whose bankruptcy in September 2008 set off the Great Financial Crisis, started in the 1850s as a cotton broker in Montgomery, Alabama.

>In general, Jews were more welcomed in the South than in the North because Southern WASP elites saw themselves as an agrarian aristocracy and thus viewed Jews as valued mercantile complements. For example, Birmingham, Alabama had both a German Jewish country club and a Russian Jewish country club.

And of course the slave trade was a primarily Jewish business too, which needs no explanation. Link regardless for newfags:

Top kek

Do the world a favor and hang yourself yankee scum

No retard confederates were trying to control their destiny...north wanted to keep union together at any cost....communism is a death spiral..

Im a southerner living i Washington now.

I know a couple guys who rock the flag who simply do it because it’s “redneck”

Anyway, fuck your PC and censoring our flag. Yankee fucks.

Confederates are better than Yankees and I grew up in the North and my great great grandfather was a Union Captain in the Arkansas/Missouri Campaign

Don't even get me fucking started. The South is the reason the le 56% meme exists in the first place. They are by far the most Africanized region of the country. Not a single southern state is over 75% white. This only makes sense because they are where the slaves went originally. But they have the audacity to call us midwesterners "niggerlovers" because of a few big cities. Infographs:

Meanwhile, in reality, northerners have remained shockingly white despite decades of cultural marxism trying to get us to mix. The south did not need the marxism at all, they just fucked their slaves because they could

The north is by far the whitest region of the country for what that's worth these days. The only reason any of our cities are africanized at all is because of the Great Migration, where the South sent a horde of their niggers north to fuck up our shit. The south is the real reason Chicago and Detroit and Philadelphia fell, because had it not been for their autistic devotion to slavery, Lincoln would have sent the nogs back to Africa.

The south was always the force for bringing nonwhites into the Union- the Ostend Manifesto, the Knights of the Golden Circle, even the Gang of Eight in 2012 was all SOUTHERNERS on the Republican side, so they could get cheap Mexican labor. Mazzoli from Kentucky sent Reagan his amnesty bill. LBJ, a Texan, signed the 1965 Immigration Act that killed the United States.

I cannot express my sheer hatred for everything below the Mason-Dixon line passionately enough. They are the reason this once prosperous land is dying. All in the pursuit of cheap labor.

Because as far as some Confederate states were concerned, it really was primarily about slavery.

For context, this is a breakdown of each represented Confederate state's Declaration of Cause

it's true that jews were given such favorable treatment and power in the south that grant eventually had to expel them from southern states when he occupied them

>"Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery — the greatest material interest of the world … a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization."

-from Mississippi's Declaration of Secession

>them negroes do them jobs no-one else wants to do!

Your infograph is pretty shit considering just checking my home state alone Tennessee is almost 79% white only.

Much of Tennessee, West Virginia and Kentucky are the only remnants of the American South left that are decent places to live. The rest are filled with nigger slave descendants and mutts.

Fuck's sake the "hurr durr it was about trade" thing gets my blood boiling too.

The south is the reason nobody takes nullification seriously today. Because of the "crisis" in the 1830s. Where South Carolina, the spoiled child, decided they didn't like a perfectly constitutional tariff Congress passed so they were just going to ignore it.

They came up with a batshit doctrine for how to go about this, where they said
1. States have a "constitutional right" to nullify any and all federal laws
2. The nullification is presumed valid unless 3/4 of the other states disagree

This was so fucking out of the ballpark that even James Madison, who championed nullification with Thomas Jefferson in the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, stepped in and said "that's fucking stupid, you're retarded."

Today of course nullification is considered almost synonymous with sedition. Because of some autistic southerners sperging out over a tariff.

Yep, almost forgot about that. Tickles my heart.

That's counting spics you stars n' tards chucklefuck. Look at the bottom of that section.


Why not both just to piss you off?

Self-determination and nation state formations at odds with the global Jew with tariff wars and market socialism where different government apparatuses act in place of corporations as sort of like a neo-feudalism.

Damn that show had a bonerific art style


It's really too bad so many non-americans on this board buy into the Confederate propaganda. Can't tell you how many times I've seen some clueless European remark on how great the Confederacy would have been.

>they owned le nigger slaves damn that's edgy they must have been BASED xD


Fuck dude, read the amren article I linked here I don't even like Lincoln but goddamn think what would have happened if he had actually done that. Used the United States Navy to forcibly deport all the newly freed niggers to Liberia. Think of the glorious future this nation could have had if they were just cast off our shoulders like that...

Dashed to pieces. It's something that cannot ever be put back, never be made right again. The United States are dead, and we are living in the rotting, bloated corpse, watching our cities become more and more infected with a core of blackened savages. Because of the South.

nothing on this earth in any timeline is worse than a fucking commie

Any southerner that says the war wasn't about slavery is willfully ignorant of their own history that they claim to care so much about. The war can be considered about states' rights only to the extent of whether or not a state had the right to own slaves.

>the great educated northern liberals
>compromise and appease reactionaries to shit
>it still doesn't work
You're also forgetting that the South won the peace, and everything they wanted before Secession, because only Grant gave a shit to reeducate them.

Didn't have enough chars left to talk about Reconstruction. How most of the military governors temporarily instituted in the rebellious states were from those states. How not a single Confederate leader was so much as fined for the destruction they wrought. How Jefferson Davis returned to Congress after losing the war. How they got sharecropping- barely one rung above slavery. How they got Jim Crow.

To be fair segregation, next to colonization, is the most sensible solution on the market. But it still falls far short of solving racial tensions by keeping two races in one country.

I'm not nearly as well read on what happened after the war as before (I wanted to see what exactly brought the hammer down on the south after reading a certain redpill screencap on here and boy was there a lot) but I know that they generally got what they wanted even after the war.

jim crow laws are insulting to whites if you think about it
>we can't trust our own people to mix with black people and live next to black people on their own free will so we have to set up a bunch of ridiculous laws to not get that to happen when everywhere else in america doesn't have that issue

Checked. And you can't trust southerners not to mix with blacks. Why do you think niggers in the US have 22% white admixture? It sure as fuck wasn't us northerners, they haven't been up here nearly long enough to have that kind of a deep impact on their gene pool.