Do the Bogdanoffs bow to Sminem?

Do the Bogdanoffs bow to Sminem?

Sminem will save the white race and is kek's disciple

Bogdanoffs bow to no one.

havent seen this episode of malcolm in the middle, what the hell happened to dewey?

Sminem not one, he all
Sminem cool

>Sminem not one, he all

Sminem is the patron of /biz/, he will prepare the bull

>posting the cropped pic

boy sminem cool

Whoooo the fuck is soyboyfag

This pic proves that Russians are not white once and for all. Sad!


Tell me about Sminem, why does he smile ?

Isn't that the Florida school shooting

Bogs bow to know one

The aliens they are in contact with are threatened daily by the bog bros

BOG bros threaten and taught the inter dimensional child molesters

why does that belt cost $475?



Minister U Sminem.




What the fuck is that?

What the fuck are they?

Very /fa/
How do I achieve sminemcore?

short answer: Fine calf leather can be quite expensive

Real answer: Because retards will pay that much for it

Sminem is allied to the Bogs