Just when you thought Germany couldnt get any more CU,CKED

Just when you thought Germany couldnt get any more CU,CKED

>German anthem may soon go gender neutral


Fuck you germans have fallen a LONG way.

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That one behind the blonde looks like a fucking zombie.

>When women are given power to make decisions
But at least Deutschland actually had a masculine dominant anthem. Our cucked anthem has been inclusive, multikulti, and genderless from the start

Our anthum is waltzing matilda, get it right Aussie

It's sad, when you learn about german history, once mighty empire and now this. Atleast your government is not licking ukrainian ass.

>Fuck you germans have fallen a LONG way
>Fuck you australians have fallen a LONG way

See how does sound? Blame everybody, but the actual (((enemy))) who is behind this

The only thing Germany deserves is a nuclear holocaust.

Importing Muslims and bankrupting their fellow European brothers, not to mention forcing their lunacy on to other Europeans.


Why would anyone think Germany couldn‘t get any more cucked? There is lots and lots of room, just wait.

Catalonia doesn't exist

>One politician nobody cares about said that he wants this
>German anthem may soon go gender neutral

ha ha faggot

ha ha

suck a dick

i m waiting. we ll follow suit

>equal opportunities commissioner
I'm thinking about killing feminist also beside niggers and mudslims

So does Germany. Your country is literally a cucked shithole on life support. Germany will literally become an Islamic country in 10 years.

Your women spread their legs and openly welcome Islamic sperm inside their wombs. Absolutely disgusting.

I may be a fucking Spaniard but at least I aint a fucking German.

You cuckboys cant even fly your own flag in public and your national anthem is getting an Islamic makeover.

Fucking disgrace of a "people" and nation.

>implying the jews will ever get out of ideas

If I don't give the jew a (You) he dissapear

We at least you (((know)))
We need the REICH back ASAP

You know a frog hops out when you throw him into boiling hot water? But if he sits in the water and it gets slowly hotter and hotter he will not notice until it's too late for him. That's how the new Reich will come, slowly and painful to our enemies

What they really need to do is to remove genders from the German language. It's 2018 and such complicated grammar is offensive to immigrants.

from what?
being kike puppets for two world wars designed to slaughter mass numbers of whites
and get the kikes into the US?
the wars were all staged to get kikes into the US and kill the lower castes of kikes

Does bavaria or rhineland exist?

>/lefttypol/ falseflag

This shithole board fucking fucked the timeline seriously up

Fuck, that's going to be an issue because Deutsch is literally a gendered and class based language. They'll have to create a new classless and gender-less language to pander to a vocal minority nobody really gives a fuck about. Sweden are already creating a new language because of this bullshit haha.


They should just go ahead and make the lyrics in arabic.


One stupid cunt made that suggestion and she got laughed at by literally everyone. Stop falling for fucking bait

How's the holohoax debate with the juden going n Jan?

Ha, we have already beat them to it.

Wasn't this bitch from the SPD? I'm reading articles about this shit and in the comments they say that it's the SPD idea/fault and they get fucked once again

You literally have no influence on nobody

>This is not even discussed in Germany
>Not even the most lefty cuck would currently support changing the anthem out of nowhere


Come on, guys. Your daily Breitbart, Info Wars, RT clickbait faggotry gets boring.

We're reopening the polish death camps and they're all invited.

Yes, its the Gleichstellungsbeauftragte des BundesfamilienministeriumsKristin Rose-Möhring. The thing is, that bitch studied languages, so she should know that the anthem is not male nor female. Brüderlich does not imply men because its used universally. Vaterland is just what we call it, like russians call there country motherland


Shit Wodjek you're not allowed to say polish death camps. Get ready for the policja kicking down your door

SPD is now a full blown feminist party. Read their Parteiprogramm, they had a point, where they demand to abolish the male economic system for quite some time now.


Check it. Yes, but those people are like humans with down syndrome, but 200% worse. They are too retarded to understand:
>that the anthem is not male nor female
>Brüderlich does not imply men because its used universally
>Vaterland is just what we call it, like russians call there country motherland
Not even beating would help



So they are suiciding themselves? Good for Afd. Can you also give me a rundown why Petry made a party herself? The blue party or something.

Remove memeflag, then let us talk. It was fun and games as they were released, but now they are literally boring and the ultimate shillweapon. For whatever reason.
>understanding jews

Nigger do you read newspapers or anything ever? She left the party right after snatching up a Bundestagsmandat for the shekels because she and her new lover tried to force a "Realpolitischen" direction on the AfD who would not budge on their national conservatism. Their new party is dead in the water, sued by the AfD and she's a literal who now.

I fully expect her to be propped up as the "former AfD" voice of reason soon though.

Sometimes. I currently read something History Colletion, Der Aufstieg des Dritten Reiches for 9,95 Euro at Edeka I found.

Well is her party dead or soon dead? 'cause when some vote for her and some for Afd, it's like the same coin, but people vote for two sides. Afd would lose votes like that.

She's dead.

I don't post up the flag because I'm not Austrian, but there ya go! I'm Australian.

Petry is of no importance any longer, just like Lucke 3/4 years ago. Both are hardcore capitalists (Lucke even more so as a VWL Professor) with little appreciation of the nation state and even fewer regard for the 'Volk'. A party for those earning >50000€/year netto, not that the AFD is very much better in that regard, if you look at their economic policies.


As if these people care, they will simply say our language is a patriarchal, oppressive social construct and needs to be deconstucted in order to become more (((inclusive))).

commie nigger pretending that hating kikes means you're a commie when it's the kikes that are anti-white commies
fuck you nigger
this is the best you've got? die
that's me, the opposite of you
you diseased fuck
that's the best you've got
> he's a lefty
> t. commie

jews won WWII
jews did holocaust
jews did holocaust denial
they profited from all
the kikes feigned not being able to read / write to avoid signing documents - that's why they were called kikes
they started the turmoil to promote themselves
look who won
look when circumcision started in the US
they took it all
and you morons are sleeping

notice how krauts - the subhumans, have been immune from the pronoun controversy

That's why he said it would be an option for mainstream parties to prop up Petry, DIVIDE ET IMPERA (teile und herrsche).

the krauts were the petridish of fallible thinking that allowed the kikes to mastermind MASS WHITE DEATH while coming out the victim
Everything in WWII was a theatre
The holocaust was planned by the kikes
Holocaust denial was planned by the kikes before the holocaust had even happened
what a better way to muddy the waters and keep profiting
this was only a generation ago
we need to torture and kill MILLIONS now that are offspring of the guilty that staged the war or profited from it.

Die haben auch kein Problem damit, dass 'Gleichstellungsbeauftragte' per Gesetz nur Frauen sein dürfen und auch nur Frauen unterstützen dürfen. Die nutzen Sprache als Machtmittel und sonst nichts.

oh btw the nigger fucking admin
didn't put https redirect on page
you fucking nigger admin
fuck you

Good. I guess.

Now you have my respekt

Let's kill her first then if she is really german and not (((german)))

Everbodys sleeping, but were waking up 'cause were getting annoyed

Why are you telling us obvious things? Are you just got redpilled newfag?

Nee, jar net sexistisch, nur Frauen, nee

where ya know hes a admin snek

There's only one type of (((German))) that talks like that, people are waking up to them again.

It's Wojdek, and our police doesn't kick door for stupid reason, They couldn't give less fuck even when u yell nigger in middle of walkway.

Die GroKo wollte das sogar 2015 ändern, gab dann aber ne Demo vorm Brandenburger Tor von diesen Gleichstellungsparasitinnen und das ganze wurde fallengelassen. Übrigens, Männer zahlen 70% der Lohn-u.Einkommenssteuer in Deutschland und bekommen nur ca.40% der Sozialausgaben, dass nennt sich dann Umverteilung patriarchalen Wohlstands in der feminnistischen Literatur.

Yeah so sad what happen in Germany... LGBT, Niggas and Muslims everywhere

> t. divide and conquer (((antifa)))

Those bankers belong to your (((family))) and are unfortunately this land as their base, they ain't no Germans.

> t. my (((fellow))) whites

Anyone else notices how these shills have evolved to a more coherent dialog since about a week?

I had the impression that the higher grade (((shills))) were deployed on the reddit front.

just wait german cuck in australia we are only a few years from having our national day removed because it’s “offensive”. When morons first started suggesting it get removed they were laughed at too. A couple years later it’s a serious topic of debate, with increasing support to have australia day either changed or removed.

Germany will change their national anthem. Mark. My. Words.

>Fuck you germans have fallen a LONG way.
We all have fallen a long way.

Not if they fight for their right to exist/vote for traditionalist parties that will ensure the survival of their people, culture and history.
On the Australia Day debate, it's fuckin over, everyone called out the people trying to change it as fuckin morons, yes, some shit cunt council in Vic changed it, but wait until the backlash starts via voting. Fuck those traitor faggots.

Germans are the most bullied group on Sup Forums.

It hurts so much.

Just got my Master's in engineering. Didn't have time to look for a job while finishing my thesis in 6 months.

Curiously or national anthem dont even trigger our leftist pussies.
It's like a really martial anthem, but our pussies dont say any word about this.

Man the fuck up pussy

I am not afraid of showing my emotions. It's what separates us from animals.

(((They))) got to you.

Maybe they did. Maybe they took my pride and my dignity. But they will never take my soul.

Animals have emotions faggot

Animals do not have emotions. And please refrain from using the f word, this isn't Sup Forums.


Oh look another retarded shill thread where we pretend every western nation isn't absolutely fucked.

plural noun: emotions
a strong feeling deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.

instinctive or intuitive feeling as distinguished from reasoning or knowledge.

Go and kick some dogs faggot and see if they don't emotionally react/respond to you.

Sieg oder Bolshewismus

Rioting might help

There's a second verse to the national anthem? How did I miss that?

Aussie btw ignore flag