Please Pull Out of the deal

> what a fucking time to be alive!

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They are already enriching uranium

If you see the flash...

If anything they'll bomb Israel first. US second or third.

feel the burn

>If you see the flash...
your ass is ash

had a russian tell me this around 2003 in the golden age of the internet, was a bro, that russki

>give us money to make nuclear bombs or we will make nuclear bombs

Remember that time the united states hacked into iranian enrichment facilities and stealth sped up their equipment to the point where it destroyed itself?

You know how they got the virus in there?

They scattered flash drives outside the plant, and some retarded goat fucker picked it up and plugged it in

at this point i'm ok with a nuclear war

The only reason that's public info is due to israels incompetence.

>they'll bomb Israel first
Absolutely based. Please let this happen.

Im glad it is though.

Some nerds managed to take down an entire enrichment facility without firing a single shot.

Something that isnt talked about a lot is that the virus also connected to the web and systematically searched for siemens congrollers used in nuclear plants (enrichment and energy) so now the u.s gov basically knows the location of over 90% of all nuclear facilities on the planet.

Iran getting nukes makes my happening meter happy.


They would already have the specialised centrifuges to be able to make that claim which would be a violation of the deal.

Correct. If Iran truly has claimed this, the deal should be thrown out immediately as they have already violated it a long time ago.

No. Within the framework of the deal they are allowed to enrich uranium to 3.67% and keep a few thousand centrifuges operational for this purpose and a thousand or so more for isolation of other radioiaotopes for medical and scientific purposes. Also most of the 20000 they had had to be decommissioned, not destroyed. Starting enrichment to weapons grade levels requires them to do nothing more than to chain what they are legally allowed to have together, although output would be low until they get more centrifuges operational.

Wasnt a big thing during Obama's administration that we made the deal because they defunded and deconstructed this program in Iran? That they weren't capable of doing this?

Start ww3 just to spite Obama

>implying they weren"t

Time to roll, boys:

>Singles: Nothing happens
>Dubs: Saudi Arabia gets nuked
>Trips: Israel gets nuked
>Quads: California gets nuked

Because they have totally been obeying Barry's deal and totally not enriching uranium behind our backs. Yes. Iran is a trustworthy ally. Praise allah.

we know which one it will be first

That's much more common than you think. I happen to know a billion dollar company that had its employee records all leaked because someone spoofed a similar looking but actually different email address from the CEO asking for it.

To the credit if the Iranians, stuxnet was highly advanced and wouldn't have worked if not for how sophisticated it is.


The IAEA has access to the facilities, unless they got a third one no one knows about they've been keeping their end of the deal.

>inb4 stuxnet 2.0

The deal is not designed to destroy their enrichment potential, only to limit it so it would take them about a year to make a bomb after breaking the deal.
It's a pretty shitty deal.

It took down a fifth of their centrifuges.

No it didn't. I think you're confusing when it said stuxnet spread across the network. It means local network. Nuclear power plant SCADA systems would not be connected to the internet.

inb4 Israel nukes Iran or otherwise completely BTFOs those fucking arabs

Will we live to see Israel wiped off the map?

If it's possible for them to start enriching in 2 days they they clearly aren't following the terms of the agreement in the first place.

so when is this deal being discussed?

>tfw the samson option is always in play

You're misinterpreting the parts about time limited uranium stockpiles. The key part of the deal was the enrichment level being only a few percent, much less than needed in even a few kiloton bomb. The rest is to prevent a buildup of uranium to inhibit production if they decided to break the deal.

Is it official that we did it? I remember researching it years ago, and it was so incredibly complex that only a super power could have done it.

Real world "hacking" like what you see in movies. Actually creating physical damage from a fucking program, incredible.

Cyberpunk when?

If you could start enriching Uranium in 2 days, you wouldn't fucking tell your enemy that, would you?

this pic always gets me. These guys are left with only two options
1 burn to death in the windwil fire
or 2 drop to your death escaping the windmil fire

You can start enriching with a single centrifuge, just going to take you a few decades to producd a negligible amount of highly enriched uranium.
They are allowed to have around six thousand, and the 14000 they decommissioned are stored, not destroyed. Why do people insist to talk shit about things they clearly have no idea about?

The deal didn't specify they should destroy all centrifuges.
No, the US government doesn't admit to these things. Especially since they keep yelling at China and Russia about how their hacking is illegal.

This was nothing. You should see Russia hacking Ukrainian electric grids. Or China stealing the F 22 and 35 blueprints.

Why not? It is a strong point to keep the deal in place, which seems to be what Iran wants.

why the fuck would you not issue parachutes to these repairmen lmao

Best bet would be to die of smoke inhalation.

Incredibly dangerous job, heights, combined spaces and regular hazards from power generation. But who cares about the workers? Green is the future!


I love uranium!

I guess next time they'll pack parachutes with them.

You get paid accordingly though. And as long as the thing doesn't catch fire almost all deaths are due to not sticking to protocol, at least over here. German workspace regulations make OSHA look tame.

When can we start bombing Iran? Why wait? DO IT NOW

Just nuke Iran in less than 48 hours, easy.

Holy fucking kek

The only two countries that can and would nuke America are China and Russia, and even China wouldn't because their arsenal is so small compared to America's that they'd be annihilated outright.

Iranian nukes are primarily threats to Israel, Saudi Arabia, and to a lesser extent India.

They didn't hack into it, some nigga plugged in a flashdrive with the virus lmao.

no time to deploy. some sort of rope would be nice to climb down tho. I'm dead now, so tell the next guy....

I'm safety for a municipality, did you know cities aren't subject to osha regs?

There's still the inherent risk. Not much margin for error, considering everyone makes mistakes

I dont think it's an option. Either not tall enough or wind interference,

Libs don't think about all the extra shit involved in their green energy. They don't have to see the thousands of oversized semis carrying these things in pieces.

Loading a virus onto a USB is counted as hacking mate


I know but it's unheard of for their to be physical ramifications.

Sure maybe your networks are down or maybe you need to replace them at worst, but to destroy actual equipment that the computers run?

Pay for the parachutes and training even though these accidents rarely happen? Do you think money grows on trees, goy?

fair enough.
Just making sure he knows it wasn't some nerd guy from a supercomputer taking down their firewall pressing a million keys per second, while clever, it was just a trojan on a usb and now most places probably have guidelines about plugging in random usbs.

>Is it official that we did it?
Search: stuxnet

But they'll be able to admit it.

Still, the risk is small if its done correctly. Power is shut down remotely before you enter and if its an offshore park you get deployed by rope via helicopter. Industry climbers have to do more dangerous shit in the chemical industry or on radio towers. I'd argue that hobbyclimbing is a lot more dangerous than windmill maintenance.

If you want to see how these things fuck up the environment look up how many birds they shredder or where the rare earths for the magnets in their generators come from.

>MFW Iran is turned into a lake soon thereafter

It's just normies never think of this shit.

I did hazardous waste training with the level a suits and scba masks. The amount of dangerous chems just everywhere would blow their minds

Yeah doesn't solar panels use rems strictly from China that are toxic to dispose of?

>They would already have the specialised centrifuges to be able to make that claim which would be a violation of the deal.

lol like they haven't/aren't already. The least shaky in their booties Jewsies say that Iran has at least 10 years before they're ready to unveil their nukes, but realistically they're right on the cusp, if they haven't already made some. Iran is bro tier, dudes. They're where all the best math, art, architecture, and philosophy originate, as far as the middle eastern versions go. Imagine a society of olive skinned aryans (what you imagine when you imagine arabic royalty, in terms of skin tone and skeletal structure) who still beat their wives now and again if they get out of line, still actively theologize, rather than just go to church, and are wise to the Jew down to the man. They're the brains of the anti-Israel resistance in the ME, and Syria is the backbone. The rest do their thing, but as long as we have those two guys still doing their unjewed thing, greater Israel is impossible (shocking how our two biggest enemies in the ME are those two as well). As soon as Iran comes out and says "we have nukes fuck you Jew fucks forever thank you", it's over, the war is, and we've won. Then it's just a matter of waking people up, but no longer will we live under the weight of the Jewish menace possibly rising up to briefly overtake the world. And the best part is that they'll know it, so we'll get to savor their weasel tears until their final demise.

Solar panels aren't that bad in terms of waste, the amount of rare earths you need to dope the silicium is really small. Just energy intensive as fuck.

>enriching uranium
Iran makes weapons out of wood for propaganda videos. it can't do shit.

Please kek give me israel as glass please keke please

And most of north Koreas population subsists on root vegetables and grass. Making nuclear weapons isn't hard for state actors.

Iran has every right to enrich uranium for peaceful energy purposes.

They're signatories of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Israel on the other hand is sitting on hundreds of undeclared thermonuclear warheads and thinks that they can boss around the other countries in the region.

Hahaha retards admitted breaking the nuclear deal fucking idiots


No friend, you have one option; jump. Smoke inhalation will make you fall eventually if you're lucky enough to breathe enough in. I had to run through several fires to escape my old apartment building when it caught fire, and I caught briefly. Burning is so incredibly painful you don't want it. The way down would be scary, but it would be so much faster.

Wait out the fire. How much fuel is there in a windmill.

Looks like two homos hugging

A lot. It has to somehow power these things to turn and kill the birds and the wings are like 50 meters each, meaning hard to move.
I imagine the fuel wouldn't burn out for a good few hours.

>Sampson Option
Honestly, I welcome it at this point. It would be very revealing to the world

>Is it official that we did it?
Israel did it. Which is basically the same thing.

this looks shooped

>Eventually, one of the remaining engineers chose to jump from the turbine rather than wait to burn to death. His body was immediately discovered in the field beneath the machine. The second chose to remain and seemingly made a final attempt to escape by walking through flames to reach the staircase. His charred body was discovered inside the turbine by firefighters later that evening.
The other guy chose to burn to death.

As if they ever stopped. Iran's been using the $2 billion Obama gave them to fund their bomb program.

whatd he fuck the bios? fans off everything else maximum use til smoking?


I sure hope they will send back those pallets of cash Obama sent them and have not spent the money supporting terrorist already


*blocks Ziomerica's path*

>this counfounds and distresses the drumpfshit

that was their own money, neocon good goy

bungee cords would work better

Trump will not do anything. The Europeans and Obama era people will stop him.

>The Europeans and Obama era people will stop him.

>Thinking Kerry has any power to stop anything
Fuck Iran, they are already breaking the deal either way, openly admitting to breaking the deal won't change shit.

Well, the computers were PLCs controlling moving things like engines.
The malware was looking for engines running over a certain speed, because only centrifuge enrichment units would need to have such high RPMs. Then it actually accelerated them to break them.

It sounds like super hacking, and to some extent it was, but the software they attacked was never designed to be secure in the first place since the factory is assumed to be secure (until a retard plugs some USB stuff in).


Aren't the people working at the state department still loyal to Kerry?

To further explain: we're not talking about common motors; those are very specific motors going up to 100,000 RPM (but designed to operate a bit below that).
What Stuxnet did was to accelerate them, then decelerate them quickly, putting tremendous stress on those engines, until they broke.

You see how your washing machine vibrates a bit when accelerating or decelerating during drying phase? Imagine that, at 100,000 RPM instead of 1,000 RPM.

I'm sure their are some Obama era loyalist still working in the state Department, but it isn't a majority and many have left. Either way they have no power to stop Trump from ripping up that deal

Why would Trump want to rip up that deal anyway? Does he want to play Ronald Reagan with Iran? Like how Reagan traveled to Poland and said he supported the people against the Soviet regime etc?

we all know nothing's going to happen