
What are Counter Guardians?
This shit is never explained properly.

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Just Edgy servants. Nasu is a hack.

>This shit is never explained properly.
Yes it is.
FSN and Grand Order you filthy secondary.

why is emiya a nigger?

Manifestations of the Counter Force at times when it can't rustle up Shiki like in Paradox Spiral or some Servants in F/Z.

>Explained properly
We've only gotten vague explanations.
and besides Archer we haven't seen others like him.

He gets darker the more "punished" he is.
He goes to middle eastern to full on nig.

All your questions have been explained already.
Get on date with the franchise, nerd.


What I meant is that they should be expanded on.
They've always been a interesting concept to me.

Nasu is a racist huh.

Better question:

Who or what is the Red Shadow/Little Red Riding Hood? If it has always existed, was it constantly slaughtering humanity in the distant past, when Magic was much easier to create? Why has it not killed any of the five remaining Magicians?

Aoko skates by by not using Magic. What the hell does someone like Zelretch do to avoid it?

I thought only three of the magicians were alive, those being Zelretch, Aoko, and whoever came up with the Fourth magic. The creator of the first has been dead for ages, along with Justicia (or does Ilya count as a magician).

Yep, no good reason to give Emiya nigger lips and a nigger nose.

Aoko already told it to piss off after it tried stopping her and she used her Magic anyway.

She seems to have solved the problem by Tsukihime or Melty Blood's time.

Also, Zelretch isn't avoiding shit. When he wants to be in another timeline, he will be in another parallel timeline.

You think rin will inherit the second magic one of these days?

It will be Cain, humanity's first murderer, and the first human born whom God cursed to wander forever.

That's the only good reason since it obviously can't be Adam so it might as well be either Cain or Abel.

It could even be Abel since Cain should still be alive and Abel was the first human that died due to Cain murdering him so he might have a grudge or he became some kind of guardian after his death.


You're right about the First and the Third; I wasn't thinking straight.

But, Justeaze did not possess the Third Magic. She's a homunculus. The Third Magic was "lost" about 1,000 years prior to her birth. To me, that doesn't sound like the practitioner of the Third Magic was instantly killed upon attempting to leave the Root with Magic. They had to have left and set up their homunculus nonsense. They had to have used the Third Magic, or no one would know what it was or that it was lost. By all of that, it doesn't sound like the Red Shadow killed the Third Magician. Why not?

And, anyway, the inquiry is more about the Shadow than it is about Magic.

people make a contract with alaya before they die, in return alaya uses them to protect humanity as a collective after death.

but they are only called when shit has already gone down and humanity is in danger of extinction, and usually humans are the cause so its rather unpleasant.

That's the job Zelretch left for Rin's ancestor, remember.

He gave Rin's ancestor blueprints for his dagger even though Zelretch never seriously believed the Tohsaka family would ever pull it off.

Shirou helped Rin complete the dagger in one time but Rin in the end, said it was cheating, and in order to truly complete the task Zelretch gave her family's ancestors, she has to complete the dagger herself without any help.

And it is possible that Rin might inherit Second Magic one day because Rin is one of the few humans Zelretch seems to give a shit about.

Rin was about to be like jailed, dissected, or executed by Clock Tower before Zelretch showed up to save her ass with the announcement that he is looking for potential apprentices so people in Clock Tower should hurry up and submit potential applicants to him.

This big news made Clock Tower stop giving a shit about Rin and she was released back into freedom.

doesn't work that way.

She can learn certain aspects of it, but she will always be at least a step away from it unless she finds her own path to the root.

>This is not what I had in mind when DIO-sama tld me to achieve 『HEAVEN』,

>She seems to have solved the problem by Tsukihime or Melty Blood's time
Do Mahoyo and Tsukihime necessarily take place in the same world/world type, though?

>Zelretch isn't avoiding shit. When he wants to be in another timeline, he will be in another parallel timeline.
The Red Shadow wouldn't be much of a defense/gatekeeper if it couldn't deal with something like that. After all, if reaching the Root grants someone enough power so as to stop the Shadow from reaching it, of what use is the Shadow?

Come to think of it - does the Root and environs exist outside of time?

Read the VN

So why aren't there a million Zelretchs running around? Surely he became a Sorcerer in more than one timeline.
Did they all have a fight to the death to decide who would be the real Zelretch?

My counter guardian wife

Pretty sure we don't know

Where is this image from/character referenced in?

Like that super old Jet Li movie where Jet Li kills the other Jet Lis in different worlds so there can only be one.

Basically the planet's Kingsmen, composed entirely of Heroic Souls, and only act when humanity is in imminent danger. They also don't get vacation days, which is a real scam.

People that wanted to do good, just to be good summoned by the grail. Sometimes they wish to become counter-guardians like shirou.

Folks summoned by Alaya to deal with whatever that is threatening the survival of humanity.

Like in the Fate/Zero Accel event in FGO CG Kiritsugu was summoned to deal with the fucked up alternate timeline grail war(which would basically have the Einzberns winning because perfect homoculus Iri with Saber)
He tried to kill Iri until he was convinced that the real threat isn't Iri but rather the Grail itself, which is Angry Manjew.

For an alternate Fate/Zero timeline it had a pretty happy ending.

Mahoutsukai no Yoru and Strange Fake.

Yeah because Nasu told Gen to write a happy ending for once and rejected the original draft.

>tfw it was only a happy ending because a bunch of timetravellers came in and intervened
Ya know, I kind of wonder how a proper Fate/Apoc event would be done in FGO

people who made a contract with the human collective unconsciousness to protect humanity.

its an almost blasphemous ritual, because its almost like Alaya mass producing its own TYPE-Human. If Gaia was actually capable of producing a TYPE-Earth then such a being would probably be repulsed by counter guardians on principle.

Took me a minute to get a shot from Mahoyo; couldn't remember where else he popped up.

Depends on who they side with

Doesn't really make sense for him to be a CG when Kiritsugu doesn't even have a complete family crest his father was killed for with Clock Tower only giving him back one percent of it.

If anything, Kirtsugu's father should have been the one to make a contract with Alaya since he has the refined and perfected form of the time magic he was endlessly researching on and thus, he's more useful as a janitor for Alaya.

Knowing Chaldea, they'll probably intervene, be the 3rd team and fuck everyone up because the best master candidate in history is in command of the biggest servant team they have deployed so far.
They'll probably just assist Jeanne as far as we know.

And take the Greater Grail at the end of course. That's what Chaldea do.

I assume Alaya just takes whoever is the most willing to be a janitor regardless of their power because the best janitor is one that wanted to be a janitor.
Alternatively, with the contract Alaya boosted his magic abilities so he can kill things more easily for Alaya.

Alt shading.

Is there still actual, new, fate content that is being released? Like when would they even reveal who he is? In FGO?

>Is there still actual, new, fate content that is being released?
Yes. What?

>Reaching the Root in FGO
Then again, they figured out how to timetravel and travel between timelines using technology. Not sure how that fucks with the whole Root thing.

Chaldea is basically if humanity made their own version of Counter Guardians anyway. Just that there's only 1 guy sent to deal with anything and everything.

Not just remakes and shitty wallet pandering.

>Is there still actual, new, fate content that is being released?
Yes. What?

I remember that movie, did you guys like it?

I need this fucker in FGO

his magecraft probably folded all zelretches into a single gestalt entity. he can go between timelines because he counts as a native of every timeline

Not magecraft, magic.

This series always seems so interesting when anons talk about it but then I remember out of the 80 or so episodes of it I've watched only 14 are interesting and then the only two series I haven't watched are lolicon pandering bullshit and apparently a bastardization that isn't even similar to the VN it was based on.

This sucks I wish Nasu would get more people to write for him

Does this mean the same Zelretch made two Kaleido Ruby's?

I never got the Shirou race change.

right, sorry

Is FGO any good?

Story is actually decent some times, it just makes oldfags seethe with rage.

>80 episodes

why'd they leave out Kaleid Shirou?

He's not in f/go

>tfw you just want a Chaldea Carnival

Who says there isn't a million Zelretchs running about?

The early singularities are kind of shit, since it was basically just a cashgrab at that point, but when they saw how popular it was they started putting actual effort into the writing resulting in some of Nasu's best stuff - to the point where they made a play based on it.

With Okeanos just released a few days ago you can see the writing visibly improve, and it's only going to get better when London comes out in a few months.

There's FGO, Strange Fake (in which something that's probably that dude is stalking the protagonist) and El-Melloi Case Files, with the second half of Grand Order starting likely next year and the Tsukihime remake coming up...eventually.

So yes there's a metric fuckton of new stuff being released.

He unironically looks better that way most of the time.

What did you think of the new movie?

>they made a play based on it

When will we get a new title with a new Magic?

Girls love stage plays.

plays are pretty big in japan

>80 or so episodes
What? If you want to stick to anime only then watch UBW (26 épisodes) wait for the upcoming Heaven's Feel movie trilogy and watch Fate/Zero (25 épisodes) after that.

It was very well received and they are doing it again.

Nuclear suntan.

So are we ever going to get an actual anime on the game or are we just going to have to be content with the shitty intro movie?

They said they will make more F/GO anime but with no more informations about it. I want them to adapt Camelot already, the chapter was amazing on so many parts but Agravain was the best of it.

>look on my moves, ye mighty, and despair

Wait is that actually Emiya

It's Even More Punished EMIYA

Yeah, they hired a shitty character designer to just fuck shit up and gave Archer nigger lips

A Mind of Steel Emiya pushed to the limits.

What if I told you his designer is the artist for the Tsukihime manga?

This is some good shit

Counter Guardians never truly become heroes and never truly have legends. They are basically anti-heros. Ones who's deeds and intentions goes unnoticed by people. During such a person's life, they hit a wall and some make deals with Gaia in-order to surpass that wall. They become counter-guardians.

They are then used by Gaia to counter act any acts that defy Gaia and her natural order.

You mean Sieg-kun's wife.

>nobody knows enough about the Shadow to continue a conversation about it or how it relates to the Nasuverse

Yeah, the one knight envryone thought to be a traitor turned out to be the most loyal one of them all.

They'd kill Sieg before he emerged from the tank amirite?

>unable to kill human beings and heroic spirits because of their Holy nature.
> Jack was the only Servant that She managed to defeat was and even then with a exorcism.
>All she knows how to do is to defend or 'Command Seal' spams.
>would be below Caster level if he didn’t get access to Ruler perks.
>couldn't stop the retarded priest
>couldn't kill the retarded priest
>tries to use her NP to destroy The Greater Grail, but fails miserably and dies like a loser.

you're trying too hard.

Hogwash. Bedivere is called the most loyal knight, by the very same king you've got pictured there. Agravain is a runner-up, at best.

Isn't Bedi the one who loved her the most?

Wait, Little Red Riding Hood is the Red Shadow? I thought it was "Ayaka"'s past trauma materializing.

I think that was Percival.

One of his titles is "The One and Only". Presumably, there's only one Zelretch. He shows up in different works because of parallel world travel.

To be honest, Sieg was the only person who managed to stop and kill Amakusa, he also flew with the Greater Grail to the Reverse, ending The Holy Grail War, and salving mankind and the world.

Arcueid seems to have a supreme overself in the second MB manga as she's aware of her alternate selves and can control them. Maybe Zelretch has something similar and thus all Zelretches are basically the same Zelretch.

Just because the bend over to fuck itself and allow Sieg to pull this shit out of his ass doesn't mean he is good.

I don't even know what guardians are.

t. Fag who only watched the anime

Counter Guardians are the protectors of humanity who were basically contracted by the world to be summoned into various events in time in order to prevent calamities from going too far. They can't prevent them from happening entirely, so instead they basically just kill whoever or whatever is doing it after they've already started doing it.
Think of them as glorified timetravelling janitors with an assassination license.

See, it goes like this. Basically, the Earth has several self-defense systems for when shit really goes south. If you meet the standards, you can make a pact which usually goes like this: Eternal service after your death for a power-boost now.

By the way, when they say 'eternal service', they MEAN Eternal Service. Your soul will be sent back and forth in time, along possible timelines, etcetra. You will effectively be plunged into one violent scenario after another, and even your death means you'll just respawn in time for the next bloodletting.

Technically you're doing a good job, though. As in, you're there to stop there world from being destroyed, which is cool. Usually, you have to kill all the witnesses as collateral damage, which is not so cool.