America was never great

America is a country founded on imperialism, oppression of blacks and minorities, and genocide of the native Americans.

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That's a warped, twisted interpretation. Only one that is brainwashed would harbor that opinion.

The US fought for its independence from the Imperialist British.

Blacks were oppressed and enslaved long before, and long after the birth of the US. (With African slave trade STILL going on this very day!)

Native Americans were viscious to settlers running for their lives against religious persecution...the native Americans were NEVER victims.

Has it ever occurred to you that maybe the natives were hostile because the settlers were genociding them?

And your point is? Most countries are founded on the oppression of some populace

Actually that’s rather racist of you. If you understood Native American culture you would know that their war techniques that were culturally acceptable to them , such as torturing prisoners and taking enemy women as breeding stock, would be seen differently by foriegn settlers. To deny that their culture was not a product of themselves and instead just a response to whites is racist.

read the federalist papers you dimwitted asshole

So if natives do it it’s their culture and should be respected but if whites do it it’s bad? What kind of argument is this? I won’t call you stupid or retarded because I actually want you to respond and explain your logic here man. I’m genuinely curious If this is how your brain functions

strengh force and glory to american pioners you transformed a bandoned piece of land in the first superpower of the world

glory to you and the legitimate descendant of those brabe warrior explorer and scientist

I’m retarded I quoted the wrong person

glory to you american


So if natives do it it’s their culture and should be respected but if whites do it it’s bad? What kind of argument is this? I won’t call you stupid or retarded because I actually want you to respond and explain your logic here man. I’m genuinely curious If this is how your brain functions
This was meant for you.


I’m not sure. America culturally went south as soon as we went west. It was the degenerates, and jobless who went west and that permeates the culture of the west coast to this day.

This is what happen when you give food to immigrants.

why they sool feel sorry for the losers ,indian werent the natives too the beringians were

Make America So So Again isn’t as catchy. MASSA!

imperialism, oppression of blacks and minorities, and genocide of the native Americans are all really great and im glad we did it

cry harder euroshit. your continent's only future is to rip yourselves apart again, a timeline which I will enjoy with near-pornographic enthusiasm

>America was never great
>Americans oppressed and genocided plague rats
Pick one.

I never accused the settlers of being of horrible. They did as they saw culturally acceptable when faced with the threat of death from the Natives, they genocided them. They didn’t feel bad for themselves while doing it, in fact when Washington sent troops into the Indian nations to burn everything down, society celebrated. It’s mostly modern reckoning history that enjoys placing blame for the Indian wars. The Natives themselves while mourning the death of their civilization didn’t sit and whine about the white man, they knew they played the game and lost, just read the writings left by actual chieftains of the era. It’s modern leftists that proscribe to the bullshit of the Noble Savage that whine how evil white men are killing Natives (by the way the same Natives that actually didn’t trust blacks and fought in large numbers for the Confederate cause).

I know. I quoted the wrong person. That wasn’t meant for yiu

You mean the guys who crossed over here from Asia? Either way they were constantly genociding each other and making land grabs with the whole "we wuz tree spirits n shiet" bullshit, but the straw that broke the camels back and made Americans at the time have a permanent murder boner towards them was their attacks during 1812. They were just as much, arguably more, of an asshole as the settlers were.
Our mistake was not making that a reality when the opportunity was perfect to.
>oppression of blacks
The Arabs are a few centuries early in the game, but keep blaming whitey for it. Pray the Chinese know some semblance of mercy.
Culturally speaking everything truly went south once the Boomers were born, they are literally the embodiment of every negative American stereotype and they ran this place into the ground.

>the native Americans were NEVER victims.

how can you be this retarded?

>when faced with the threat of death from the Natives, they genocided them

no. Whites wanted the land and resources thats why they genocided them...the overwhelming majority of settlers were not "faced with the threat of death" from Natives...thats just hyperbole to bolster a failed narrative.

Sounds great. Death to all mutants and subhumans.

The eternal boomer and his somehow even worse demon spawn the eternal millennial

>Says the new imperialist government which is a carbon copy of it.

>implying most of the land wasn't up for sale with some lucrative deals

Genocide isn’t needed to take the land and resources of a people. If all the Settlers were after was resources then they could have just taken them and absorbed the native populations as the Europeans did in Central and South America, where the main goal was in fact resource acquisition. Genocide was the result of neither side being able to exist in conjunction with the other.

So then give it back to the native Americans and watch it crumble into irrelevance.

You know you're only creating more "nazis" by relentlessly telling white people how evil and oppressive they are.

Not that I care, either way you faggots are losing this game.

Sounds pretty damn great to me, mate.

Your description actually sounds pretty great, sounds like a bunch of winners if you ask me.

>oppression of blacks and minorities, and genocide of the native Americans
That sounds pretty great to me.


I am an imperialist
>on race
Race is truth

If you don't like race and imperialism you are not an American.

In fact to go further, if you want to truly exploit the resources of an area then Genocide is counter productive to your goal. It’s far better to subjugate the native population and force them to harvest the resources for you. After all they know the terrain and how best to exploit it and you can do minimal effort for maximal gain. Gencoide is always a fear based response that a civilization partkesnin because they believe it is the only way to survive. The Nazi didn’t want to kill Jews because the Finkleburgs had rad shit, they did it because they believed that only by removing Jews could the Germanic people survive and flourish.

Anerica is already great. It is a great civilization with great achievements. I respect them as rivals.
Fuck off, euroboy.

Good to see some Russians aren’t cucked yet.

How many of those natives were there, they were a primitive people scattered over the place,they were still living in the stone age. Settlers brought civilization to a pretty empty backward place as far as I see it.

I say for the next 10 years we focus the rivalry on the true enemy, then we can get back to it un-impeded

lol took us only 200 years to become a major super power.

Most died due to accidental exposure to European disease. This was back when they thought disease was demons in your blood so it wasn’t originally intended. Though they did send natives small pox infected blankets to the natives in the late 1700s

>America was founded on the superiority of a culture that annihilated inferior culture and ideas

So whats the problem here?

Yeah I know I heard we are less susceptible for these diseases because we were farming animals intensively which raises our immune system, and Indians hadn't really been doing that.

Why can’t it have been noble like Europe?

Fuck yeah nigger, now go back to Africa.

Yeah looks to me like we were the superior group. We rolled the native zerglings with a siege tank push. We need to go back to that thinking. I guarantee this guilt we feel is not something others possess. They would have done the same, and worse - and even today they would still do the same.


Yep. Wyoming Massacre for instance. Our enemies have never had the high level of mercy we possess. We forget that sometimes.

I think we should do a reaver drop in the mineral line. Then there won't be any more minerals to harvest and spics will have to go back.

Europeans had been exposed the the diseases for thousands of years. The natives hadn’t. They gave us syphillus and we gave them everything else. And you can thank the Spaniards and their jungle fever for the syphillus

I read howard zinn too user, it's mostly bullshit

>oppression of blacks and minorities
should have done a bit more of this though, maybe sent them to Africa or something