Why wasn't the aircraft inspected after returning to service in the Polish Air Force...

Why wasn't the aircraft inspected after returning to service in the Polish Air Force, and why wasn't it inspected before takeoff the night before? And why won't Russia rightfully return the wreckage and original flight data recorders to Poland?

Imagine the following scenario: You have the aircraft, in which the most important representatives of eg. the USA, Germany, France, or Italy is given away into Russian hands for the duration of the aircraft's renovation. Likewise, outsiders and Russian special services have full access to the machine. When the plane returns to it's home country, it does not undergo any inspections, that would confirm it is still safe to carry the most important people of a country. When these people board the aircraft, they are convinced that the ground services have double checked to make sure the aircraft is safe to fly and is fully operational.

The Jet takes off.

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Unfortunately, the flight does not end well. The destruction takes place in Russia, which is the country of which special services had fully technical access to the aircraft during it's renovation. The plane is fragmented into 40,000 parts, the radius of the debris is over 1 kilometre long. This level of destruction was supposed to occur just a few meters to a dozen meters above the ground. The cause of the crash is given to the public news media all over the world, and the public opinion is set just minutes after the tragedy, even though the investigation into the cause of an air disaster and the chain of events during the disaster can take at minimum two months or a full summer.

The country, which discouraged safety checks of the aircraft after it's return from Russia, agrees to freely give away the wreckage and the black boxes to Russia. The bodies are desecrated. In one tomb there are more than a dozen body fragments from multiple people placed inside. In another tomb, two heads, three legs, and 4 pelvises are found. All the Military insignia and pins are ripped from the clothes of the victims, just like in Katyń. The bodies are packed in trash bags.

This kind of scenario took place. The only difference is, that the aircraft in question did not take off from the USA, Germany, France or Italy. It took off from Poland.

You know why, goyim slave-wage cuck.

How splendid, that Tusk freely handed over the investigation to the Russians, isn't it? Russia is a credible country and has conducted a thorough and diligent investigation. They were so kind that they cut the wreckage, washed it and dumped it in a warehouse forever in remembrance with the original data contained in the black boxes. Some retards say that there is something wrong with the fact that the Russians have deposed and mixed up the bodies, and stuck some pets and gloves in some of the corpses. It is such a friendly gesture towards the Polish brothers. Now, for the well conducted investigation, you can give them a favour to Russophiles.

For this alone Tusk should hang.


Tusk is German agent, making sure Poland is nothing more than cheap labour and tax free zone for german corporations.



>we help you get in power and in return you purchase our gaz

It's been known for years that most likely this was planned assassination by Russians and then "Polish" leadership to get rid of inconvenient president. Suddenly top secret gas deal between Russia and Poland get signed by then temp. president.

>Even if we can prove Russia did it, can't talk about it
>No one will start a war with Russia for some Polish president
>Waging war as non-nuclear state against nuclear state
>Avoiding russian spy-network in Poland and staying alive

Honestly, nothing can be down even if we get to truth real evidence and report should be buried for at least 50 years. We can't do shit and our allies don't give a fuck.

Can you translate that I don't understand Polish

has there ever been more info about the gunshots in the area where the plane crashed?

Let me run by you most likely scenario:
>Drunk hysterical (((polaks))) are on a hight trio, says to the pilot - land, land, land, land
Get birch trees is not going to stop polak might.
>The end!

>and our allies don't give a fuck
The west will never admit it but they are damn glad that poland is building up a huge as fuck army with fear&anger against the russians.

I think it essentially makes fun of the official narrative of the incident

They were never established, who shot them or where they came from, but they have been confirmed by witnesses and apparently Russian Militia going to the accident site also heard them.

There are few theories around.

>The city in which trinitrotoluene occurs naturally, and titanium armoured birch trees are nothing unusual
For a more accurate definition please see nonsensopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Brzoza_smoleńska

meanwhile behind the scenes

We all know what that word means in British English

Just get over it.
Even if you managed to prove that it was assassination it will not change anything, Russia will never admit it.

Most kind of a repay we get from t.eternak victim, liar, (((polak)))

ja pierdole znowu sie zesrał

Because we can.

>You will regret this one day
I doubt it.

It's better to know the truth of what really happened, even if there isn't much you can do about it


> has there ever been more info about the gunshots in the area where the plane crashed?

> During a recent press conference the Military Prosecutor’s Office informed of new findings in the investigation into the presidential plane crash. It turns out that the amateur video of the crash site is authentic, and onboard the aircraft there could be up to five black boxes...

> ...During a special press conference investigators also confirmed that the video of the crash site was not manipulated, and may also contain authentic audio. We were informed that the Military District Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw is continuing the investigation – examining witnesses and analyzing documents related to the flight.

Polish prosecutor shoots self after news conference


Polish prosecutor Mikolaj Przybyl says he shot himself at press conference to expose government corruption

To recapitulate, Poland lost, in addition to the President of the Polish Republic and his wife:

> The Chief of the Polish Air Force.
> The Chief of the Polish Army General Staff.
> The Commander-in-chief of the Polish Navy.
> The head of Polish Intelligence (National Security Bureau).
> The three top officials inside the Office of the President of the Republic.
> The Governor of the National Bank of Poland.
> The Deputy Foreign Minister of Poland.

move along folks

>Why wasn't the aircraft inspected after returning to service in the Polish Air Force
you know why

Also, It's well known, Russians got access to some top Nato-documentation indirectly by using electronic equipment found from the wreckage etc.

You did the same thing to Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia.

So you're saying that Donald Trump was somehow involved in destroying this plane for the Russians? It's hard for me to accept but I can't deny the truth of it.

I'm a private pilot and an A&P(airframe and power plant mechanic) who has studied aircraft accidents since high school. Polish Air Force one was unquestionably blown up. The evidence is overwhelming. Fucking birch tree my ass.

Just before the crash Poland told the IMF it didn't want any more loans from international banks...