The world hates us because we tried

>the world hates us because we tried
>Sup Forums hates us because we failed

why even live

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Germany was never ment to exist. Unfortunately.


Can't you just try again ?


Why even live indeed.


Second time's the charm, Hans. You can't expect to succeed on your first try.

(((polak))) migrant diversion

bullshit - without Germany no techprogress , no gibs ,no nothing . Only Herrenrasse is relevant , the rest of this "world" is Untermenschen crap


Hey guys, what do you call a German who is slowly losing his country to Muslims because he elected a woman to run the country?

Sour Kraut

Threadly reminder that german bois always have and always will belong to us

Come home Bernd

I wouldn't mind living in the netherlands desu

Considering germanys high living standard and government gibs you won't.

I don't hate you for trying, user, but you do have to give up that mutt shit before we push your shit in again.

I hate you because you exist


You probably a roach

I have a feeling that OP is not Fritz too.

>high living standard
seems like you never visited eastern Germany
>government gibs
no gibs when a economic crisis is habbening fren

just die already

Hola amigo, todavía nos gustas.

Ossis are subhuman and hartz IV is still a thing last time I checked.


If at first you don’t succeed

The proud Mongolians do not hate you. They celebrate your contributions.

How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions. 1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society). 2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power). 3)It determines what is held sacred in that society. For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions. 1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII. 2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on. 3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.


>t.bernd westcuck on vacation
stay mad, still more white than (you)


>high living standard

That's a meme. It's not that great in Germany, we get taxed to shit and the government is rich, the people aren't.

Holy fuckin shit lads
Jerry's onto it

Can support, gib clay

Don't be silly, fren


There is no poland there is only prussia

Of course they want to try again but you cant have a repeat of WW2 where its whites against whites

i love you german bro


I want to come home so bad

I love Germany, I'm slowly teaching myself to speak german. When I was young, I always thought of the german as the perfect man because we always heard of "german engineering" due to it being great so I correlated that with you being smart and hard workers. After the redpill, I like you even more.

We need you again deutsch bros, this time we'll fight together

>East ""German"" subhuman talking about the living standard our money bought for him

>Still dares to complain

Wouldnt mind to get red of you leeches.

Try again


>why even live
7-1 lad

ok this makes me actually feel better

Well look at our teams then.

Nigger pitty-party quotes so the gibsmedats have media representation.

It disgusts me to the stomache that out of friendliness became a necessity.

How will the eternal kraut recover


If he recovers, borders get redrawn.

at least this will serve to cheer you up, krautbro


until this day I don't undersand how we where able to do this
you're still great at football

merkels greatest success

where is kraut/pol/?

If you've seen that Rare Exports videos about how Santas are made it's kind of like that except with viscous jungle indios.

The BR's don't need sympathy, they've got like half a dozen world cups already

Third times the charm?


Just looked it up, they have 5 actually

>mgw wahr

I woudn't say so. Despite the world wars and communism in the east they've remained relevant. And it woudn't be that bad if Wilhelm II hadn't fucked up WWI.


I'm confused




Sup Forums will forgive you if you can turn the game around.


Balkanize it more and don't give land to those niggers in France

This map looks great!

user, i...

None of that bothers me. It's what you've become that offends. Not what you were. I was quite impressed with that even though Hitler was a bit of a nincompoop.

I love you because you tried

>the world hates us because we tried
>join hands with soviets and attack Poland together

aww, poor little thing


Poltards hate Germans for the liberal government that their countries installed in Germany. I don’t know how we reached the heights of autism man.


There's a reason the Jews decided to rebuilt Germany after WWII.

Nothing good will ever come from this cursed place

Because you had one job Huns one job and you fucked it up. You had the Jew by the balls and you squandered it away. Now look at humanity now we have men thinking they’re women we have girls kissing girls boys kissing boys we have ungodly amount of corruption.

Come to think of it it’s times like these that I wish the holocaust did happened as the Jews said it did. Because it would have been justified.

Third time's the charm

You seem ultra fucked now but you can become the ultra fuckers too just like you are the main engine of this kike migration plot

whats your problem crybaby things are going fine.

You are autistic. Just look at these concepts

Abschluss, Lebensraum, Ewige Juden, Untermenschen, Ubermenshen, Fuhrer, Volksturm, Rassenschaft

that's rare
my favourite flag


hast du nicht

Anschluss kek.

What does Abschluss mean?

The Jews rallied over 2/3rd of the worlds goyim against you Germbros, your a small country with few natural resources and still held out for nearly 6 years.

You fought for the future of Western civilization. Be proud. UK/USA is getting what it deserves.

Why are we not on the map... considering we were allied for 2 world wars.

To make tie your ends with something.
It can also mean graduation in the right context.
Nigga you meant Anschluss.
Abschluss if not capitalized, comes from the word abschließen (to lock smth. up)

Alte und gute Freunde:

Das Glück hilft dem Kühnen.

Man muss an sich selbst glauben. Das ist das Geheimnis. Es wird nicht leichter. Du wirst stärker. Alle sagten, das geht nicht. Dann kam Einer, der wusste das nicht, und hat’s einfach gemacht. Du schaffst das. Du hast erst verloren, wenn du aufhörst es zu versuchen.

Ich verliere nicht. Entweder ich gewinne, oder ich lerne. Alle Träume können wahr werden, wenn wir den Mut haben, ihnen zu folgen.


Makes me feel bad for saying that Germany was a mistake D:

Don't worry, the United ero-German empire is only a few years away, then everyone will have to respect you or be crushed under the wight of 3 billion muslims.

don't worry.. Sup Forums are made up of the retard descendants of the ones who kept you from succeeding..myself included

>Alte und gute Freunde:

Hey next time if someone asks you if you have some modern type of torpedo you could maybee sell you don't say "nogonogonogo we hev noh sucha ding".

It's not the first time though, is it?

Gut gesprach

yeah and how did that work out

"hey we lost two times where are we on the map"

go figure

we should have stayed allied with China

Cambodia rare. Is there electricity where you love?