How do we purge this board of first year Economics students that support Free Market Capitalism?


Other urls found in this thread: economics&fl_SiteID=5508&allJournals=1&SearchSourceType=1[title]=on&within[abstract]=on&within[author]=on&within[jelCode]=0&journal=6&q=austrian economics[title]=on&within[abstract]=on&within[author]=on&journal=3&q=austrian economics

We RED pill them. Or just wait until they get to Advanced economics


I support Free Market Capitalism and I'm not going anywhere. If you don't like capitalism you can go to Venezuela, you won't find any capitalism there.

yeah how do we convince them to turn away from the most successful and prosperous economic system in history?

We start with you necking yourself.

You mean the country where the majority of services are Privately owned lol?

Hm, I wonder (((who))) has an interest in pushing the Venezuela meme.

Super rich hold $32 trillion in offshore havens

we indoctrinate those retards to serve us billionaires

Blackstone CEO Stephen Schwarzman earned whopping $800 million in 2017

Guess how many American jobs he shipped overseas last year.

We have an entire unpaid army of conservashits who serve us, who cut our taxes, who deregulate our industries, let us do whatever the fuck we want. All because we promise them we'll """invest""". Yeah we'll invest alright. In stock buybacks and automation.


Venezuela is capitalist you retard.

>I read skimmed through das kapital and free market capitalism doesn't work guise
>t. retard

Thanks MAGAtards!

Warren Buffett's Berkshire Gains $37 Billion from Tax Cuts

Privately owned doesn't equate to capitalism, and the government under Chavez and Maduro have appropriated privately owned businesses for 'the people', and as a result of their policies the country has gone to complete crap. People are literally eating zoo animals because there's no affordable food. It certainly wasn't free market capitalism that led to this disaster.

Yes it was. That happens in capitalist Africa everyday. Are you retarded?


the fucking irony

>It wasn't real capitalism!

Capitalist Africa? Which country(s) in Africa? And I'm a capitalist, call that retarded if you prefer, but I make good money and have a high standard of living so I have no regrets, other than the fact I put up with a lot of headaches at my job. I wouldn't put up with as many headaches if all my effort led to government taking my paycheck for redistribution.

Many of the businesses in National Socialist Germany were privately owned, just controlled by government regulation. Not the same thing as free market capitalism, what's your point?


Capitalism has never been fully implemented before

Sup Forumstards will ardently and enthusiastically defend their capitalist masters. They are irrelevant stooges, irrelevant pawns in the grand scheme of things upholding the same system that is used to pulverize them into the dirt.

Nazi Germany was capitalist, what is your point?

Or in my case the system that allows me to make a good living!

>Sup Forumstards will ardently and enthusiastically defend their capitalist masters.

citation needed

Wrong, Nazi Germany was not capitalist. I have no idea where you get that from. It was closer to capitalism than the Soviet Union only in the sense many of the businesses were technically privately owned, but government dictated what those businesses were required to do, and not the free market.

>using persuasion instead of logic arguments
kys nigger

forgot last article

S&P 500 companies expected to buy back $800 billion of their own shares this year

We're talking about free market capitalism retards. Not that abomination that passes for capitalism these days
>Government spending as a percentage of GDP in Venezuela in 2014 was 40%
Owning only 60% of your product does not equate to a free market no matter how much you try to twist the facts to fit your narrative.

Sidenote: the US can't be called a free market economy either. There is some sense of private property in the means of production, but protectionism and welfare are not part of a free market economy.


he fucking doubles down

US is closer to free market than Venezuela, but you're right. There's far too much cronyism in the US, and I'm very much against cronyism.

No it wasn't. Which is a good thing since capitalism is just as kiked as communism.

Why should I care what 92% choose as ideal? In fact, how did you determine this? Did 92% of people pick that exact distribution? Probably not right?

There's this pervasive cancer in western society that anything the majority thinks should happen must happen. How about leaving me the fuck alone and keeping your hands off my fucking shit.

>If it's not pure 100% socialism it is capitalism

Stop arguing this guy's retarded points and thereby affirming them retard.

I'm just unwinding from work. I don't really care if I change opinions or not. This is amusing to me.

Behold, the laissez faire argumentative skills.

Free market capitalism is by far the best economic system.

Just spam stalin and north korea. Remind them that nationalist states always have somewhat leftist economics.

Just being honest. What's your argument?

It wuz cronyism.

Even if it was (it isn't), it cannot possibly justify the destruction it has caused onto culture and society at large.

It's definitely closer but as long as the government has a monopoly on enforcing contracts and securing property you really cannot speak of a "free" market.

In that case just call him retarded or something idk. Seems more fun.

day of the rake cant come soon enough

Capitalism is pro degeneracy, pro dysgenics, pro pollution cancer that will doom us all. I would much prefer anything else in its place, even feodalism.

What destruction? Don't be so fucking vague.
>muh capitalism destroys

Eg. Hollywood.

>criticize capitalism
>get 10 (you) from angry burgers talking about helicopter

Name a better economic system.

>unironically resorting to extremes
Free market capitalism is great if it's well regulated and not the corporate run shitshow we have right now that seeks to subvert everything

Just ban usure once again

t. 140IQ masters of econonics



There you go that's more specific
Every fight against degeneracy is halted by the state. A christian bakery refuses to bake a gay cake and they are found guilty of a crime (against whom?) by the state. A building owner wants to keep certain people from inhabiting his building and he is found guilty of crimes (against whom?) by the state. State funded schools peddle state funded bastardisations of the sciences and the arts.

Hate speech laws, discrimination laws etc could never exist in a free market. Who is the victim of my refusal to sign a contract with a person? Should I have the right, just because I want a service, to enslave the person who does not provide me that service? Ofcourse not.

In a truly free market degenerates would be shunned from civilized society and forced into their own towns and dwellings. They would be forced to pay for their own lifestyles and would not be able to transfer that burden onto the rest of society. A gay couple could get married sure, but they could never live in a nondegenerate community, and once they grow older, they had better have tons of money ready to hire someone to help them in their old age.

>well regulated
>when those regulations exactly allow corporations to turn the free market into a shitshow
Yeah nah thanks

The initiation of the use of force is prohibited universally. Only those who wish to break the NAP are against free market capitalism.

Burgerification of your culture doesn't ring a bell? The lost of the sovereignty of countries I mean think about how much this union (ONU, EU, etc) had Jewish interference hell one the most capitalist Jewish family was involved in their creation, the waves of economic migrants flooding your countries? , the destruction of historical buildings, arquelogical sites, churches to build parking lots for malls, the destruction of the environment?

>Hey guys I just read Das Kapital and I’m pretty sure Cuba is actually beating all the Western countries

No one thinks leftist economics are good aside from poorfags and Jews. NO ONE.

Again, you're talking about "capitalism", not free market capitalism.

>economic migrants
Why are they coming here? Is it to work for an employer or is it because the state is handing out money?

Who invites them here? Is it the state or is it the people?

Where would they go in a free market? Assuming all property is privately owned, how would they even move to my property, and how would they plan on staying on my property if I do not give them permission?

>the destruction of historical buildings
Who owns these buildings? Is it private property owners or is it the state?

>Archeological sites
Who owns these? Is it private property owners or is it the state. If it is private property owners, how do you justify violently taking their land because you feel that you can use that land better. Do you have the right to take their land because you think you can use it better?

Fuck off with your socialism. It's like this guy said:
Only those who want to take what isn't theirs and control others are against the free market.

Can’t believe so many people fall for this meme, on pol, in 2018

By providing them with a single economic model that has ever worked in human history. Ever. I'll wait.

How do we purge this board of gaylords who think "Free Market Capitalism" actually exists in this world?

free markets punish mismanagement and waste. they are necessary.

free markets lead to degeneracy but tht usually takes a long enough time t do so but tht the civilizartion has been destroyed by then anyway

>free markets punish mismanagement and waste. they are necessary.
Wait, wait, wait. Time out. WHAT?

austrian economics debunked (redpill overdose)

>gold standard is unstable and not a viable currency, susceptible to fraud and dependent upon mining
>they are openly anti-scientific, rely on "praxeology", they are philosopher at best
>dumb ideology funded by koch brothers think tanks (CATO) to convince ignorant armchair economists
>every prediction they had is proven wrong
>they business cycle theory is wrong
>they don't use scientific method, no maths, no statistics, nothing, just speculation
>only used as political rhetoric by ron paul to rile up his gadsen-flag hillbilly voterbase
>all of peter schiff's predictions are wrong, he has been preaching doomsday for decades
>mainstream economics agrees with less than half of their policy
>literally no respects austrian economists today, abandoned as early as 1950's
>only good thing to come out of it was Hayek, who wasn't even Austrian since he rejects praxeology. He contributed to price theory, and added to the socialist calculation problem. Also his philosophy is superior and way more nuanced compared to mises/rothbard.

top global econ journals, ZERO positive austrian results, all negative! outdated! wrong! pseudoscience! economics&fl_SiteID=5508&allJournals=1&SearchSourceType=1[title]=on&within[abstract]=on&within[author]=on&within[jelCode]=0&journal=6&q=austrian economics[title]=on&within[abstract]=on&within[author]=on&journal=3&q=austrian economics

you are getting (((nosed))) lolberts

want to learn REAL economics? no problem, open source PDF book

Blogs (neurtal-center right)

to be fair, /leftypol/ isn't any better educated at economics, they think mainstream economists support ron paul or something

>Wait, wait, wait. Time out. WHAT?

This has everything to do with state regulations not letting food be used after expiration dates. If it were legal for companies to do something else with it besides throw it away, it may be done. Yet it can't because of THE GOVERNMENT REGULATION. If you think it's free market, you're fucking retarded.

>rich people shouldn't be rich. I should be rich! It should be meeeeee!
Not an argument. Create a business that competes with him, take his money, hit him where it hurts, in a free market capitalist society if you have a better idea you will win. But you're to lazy to even try and just want handouts. Typical leftist/marxist

>not supporting extreme libertarian economic individualistic freethought markets

>Why are they coming here? Is it to work for an employer or is it because the state is handing out money?
It's not like the states give refuge to those inmigrants because they feel like it, they are bound by international law (which suprise suprise a lot of Jewish capitalist support ) like I said the lost of sovereignty of the states for a major control by international elements both political and economic, also capitalist also shill inmigration europe has an aging and diying population wich lowers consumption, housing prices and work hand , an let's say boost in population by this "refugees" trough their consumption from gibs, the mixing with the natives, the breeding with themselves which they do a lot. Called it dishonest capitalism but some crooks do benefit from all this
Also i love how showed your true face, you don't give a Damn your history and culture gets burgerized as long as you can make shekels out of it
>Only those who want to take what isn't theirs and control others are against the free market.
I guess we should capitalist do whatever they want even if it is inconvenient and dangerous for society.
Let the capitalist destroy the roman ruins in his land after all a mall it's more valuable, let them privatize the land with the only consumable water near a town they can buy it or die.
Now I am not a commie or anything but the interest of the capitalist have to have a limit when it goes against the interests of the people

Nazi stands for national socialist. You know that, right? You know socialism is the opposite of capitalism, right?

I feel as if these guys are just trolling you user. Do these guys really think venezuela is capitalist? Oy vey you goyim need to go back to school.

None of these people have any clue what they are saying user. Just ignore all of it, cuz it is just shitposting. I can't believe the shit i am seeing in this thread. Ima go neck myself now.

>the interests of the people
dumb commie, a capitalist goes bankrupt if they don't sell things people want and will pay for.

Ancoms are already bourgeois trust fund kiddies so I don't understand this comic.

What interests of the people? Who are the people? Don't they own land and other property also? That is how they fight back against someone doing something they might not like. Your strawman is very powerful. You don't know what society is in the first place. If the capitalist owns the land where the roman ruins are, then he can destroy them. But he is a capitalist so he would likely sell them and get more money for development of his mall. You dipshit. And how did he get the only land in the town with water??? Who sold him that? Hope they got some good money for it and moved away from teh other retards who can't learn to collect water or dig a well. Holy fuck.

>imagine being this retarded

I am not a commie nigger, when I said I want to sieze the means of production? Your egoistic mind gets triggered by the word "people " maybe I should say money because you jews that all you care about

>leaftards and Britcux

Can't decide which is worse tbqh

If you don't believe in capitalism then you don't understand economics

>le command economy

Good fucking luck with that

>pol/ is a board of peace and inclusion. All are welcome. Diversity is our strength

Race war when?

It's true that austrian economics are obsolete, but you can make very strong -pro minimalist governments arguments- with mainstream economics.

Austrian economics is not dead. It is correct and Mises is going to rape you when you die. And Rothbard too

Fascism/Nazism is a closeted homosex acceptance movement.

Look at this picture. What feelings does it evoke in you? If it gives you feelings of "strength" then congrats, you are a fascist homosex with submissive tendencies akin to that of a woman who feels secure around a strong man.

All fascists are submissive and yearn to worship a strong man, they believe that worshipping this man and allowing him to shape their will gives their lives meaning and purpose -- this is inherently homosexual.

To the homosex'd pozzed fascist sympathizer, they can only derive their identity from worship of a man stronger than them.

Notice how gays love to LARP as Nazis? There is a reason for that.

The only heterosexual ideology on Sup Forums is LIBERTARIANISM

>the capitalist have to have a limit when it goes against the interests of the people

>What interests of the people?
The interests of the majority of the population.
>Who are the people?
The persons who live in a country.
>Don't they own land and other property also?
>If the capitalist owns the land where the roman ruins are, then he can destroy them. But he is a capitalist so he would likely sell them and get more money for development of his mall.
Like I said the capitalism mind can't see beyond his own nose and wallet, he could willingly destroy the Roman ruins of we wishes so. A whole monument of human history gone from the will of one person, how can you not see the wrong here?
>And how did he get the only land in the town with water??? Who sold him that? Hope they got some good money for it and moved away from teh other retards who can't learn to collect water or dig a well. Holy fuck.
Kek you capitalists get wicked everyday, all you care is your wallet you would prostitutes your own mothers for a coin and you dare to ask why people oppose you. You know sometimes government sells lands where people live to capitalist and those people are force to leave, it was government land but based on a trade where the people who would feel the direct consecuences of it didn't participate, you think that's fair? Of course you do, you can't see past your own nose


Free Market on physical goods and commodities

regulation of promises, loans, and healthcare

breaking up of monopolies

how is this so hard America?


You are def a commie. The interests of the population has no relevance whatsoever, save the need to serve the people and get their money. If you do fucked up shit they might not come to you for your products or service. But otherwise the supposed majority is worthless.

The people in the country also do not fucking matter. Maybe the people in his immediate area matter, but only insomuch as discussed above. They have to come buy his stuff.

They own some property? Then that means they can contest what he is doing using first ownership rights and by not selling or competing with him.

Yes he could willingly destroy the Roman ruins. That is his right as it seems to be his land/property. If whoever sold it to him didn't want the Roman ruins, then fuck it. Did they charge him extra for em? Then he will get his money back somehow. He won't destroy em outright for fun. ISIS does that. Not capitalists. They destroy confederate statures in America because of government and commies. Not capitalists. Also, i do see how wrong it would be to destroy that piece of human history. But i dont buy your hypothetical. It is simply bullshit. No one else must care about this great monument of human history if no one is willing to buy or remove before the land was sold.

Nice strawman at the end again. If government gives or sells the land to the capitalist, then it was not capitalism you fuck. It was some mixed economy shit. Property is owned by real human beings, not artificial entities called the State. That shit is just criminal. I know our gov owns lots of land and that is total shit garbage. Give it back to the states and the states should then give it away or sell it also. And they should not be allowed to sell what they don't even own but they do have guns and the monopoly on violence. When government owns anything it is gunna be absolutely fucked. So don't act as if I like that shit. You should know better.

this isn't an argument. capitalism is simply: when i voluntarily give you something of value in exchange for what you value more. that happens every day every where. if i had 2 pieces of paper and you had 2 pencils we'd each give each other one of the other and we'd be better off because of it. you cannot stop an actionable result of reality. the health of an economy is when this principle is less intervened and violated by third parties. to suggest that even more government (a third party violator - not contractor) is going to solve the problem is like saying adding gasoline to a fire is going to put it out. it is simply untrue. on another note, the very system of exchange we use (dollars) to represent value isn't real and cannot be competed against.


>read post
>it supports (((them)))
>see flag
>not surprised

I manage money for a living and I like free market capitalism, but I recognize that we don’t live in a completely free market. In fact if we did my job would be a lot harder given that many of the investments I like have some sort of artificial barrier that protects their business.

The CTR/Shareblue Shills and Payments:

nigger leave my country

Stop the cocaine dealers.

LMFAO!!!! so you retards tried to gaslight us with anti tariff shilling. The educated users ridiculed you relentlessly because you clearly didn't understand classical economics much less the 80years of macro theory since then. So now you're trying to d and c yourselves while acting like us?

Jesus Christ. Watching shills try to learn is almost sadder than just watching them spew shit and act like it's consensus.

I'm not going away. death to NEETs