Italy/pol/ Late Night Globalists Salt [Comfy Edition]

Senegalese killed in Florence "Fascism is now mainstream in Italian politics" [Eng Translate]

34% of Italians Want to Expel all Foreigners, Recent Survey Says [English]

Vast Majority of Under-35 Italians Oppose Mass Migration [English]

Gunshots against refugees camp in Enna [Eng Translate]

Refugees hospitality center set on fire in province of Naples [Eng Translate]

Immigrants in Rome on suicide watch: "We are scared now" [Eng Translate]

"Ducetta" Giorgia-chan: "The Government will prohibit the NGOs of Soros from operating in Italy"
"The right wing coalition govt will prioritize dialogue with Visegrad group" [Eng Translate]

Chief economist of Lega explains new currency [Sub Eng]

Borghi (Lega): "Right wing coalition plan is to leave the euro"
Bonafè (PD): "This is the only European country where center-right moderates are allied with right-wing extremists.
Merkel refused to ally with AfD"è-pd-nostro-programma-chiaro-devo-farle-un-disegnino-14-02-2018-234013

As Elections Approach, Italy Shows Record Alienation from European Union [English]

Memelord (Lega): "We need to completely shut down Antifa" [Eng Translate]

Giorgia-chan (Fratelli d'Italia): "We will outlaw Antifa when in govt" [Eng Translate]

Italian Secret Services: "Antifa are more dangerous than islamic extremists" [Eng Translate]

Fascism and Roman salute are not outlawed anymore [Eng Translate]

Pamela poster #120dB Campaign
media.8ch dot net/file_store/4400ce08d3549d97ad37a684ce49f2a248ed19b822a002ee8c7bd91569eff7a5.pdf

Other urls found in this thread:


The problem is that everytime south italy is mentioned insecure northern brainlets keep trying to claim a special snowflake status for which they are white but southerners aren't, they are europeans but southerners are arabs, they are aryan gods but southerners are mohammeds in denial.

But when positive things are mentioned we are suddenly all italian and the masterrace.

Every time someone points out this is bullshit they get incredibly defensive.

This unloading all their negative traits on south italians unveiles a big as fuck psychological projection of self-hating cucks who really can't stop wishing they were a german.

This kind of inferiority complex is what brought us in the cage of the EU and is the cultural background upon which our cucked politics have been developed.



What the fuck



Foot fetishes are pretty garbage tier

If i see anime feets one more time........


careful with that edge

the foot "fetish" is averagely normal. it's the dirty feet fetish i cannot understand for the life of me

Disappointed would be a better word but sure it works.

Are you new?

i'd post a
but it will go out just like a fart in the wind at this point

Is it that hard to see the difference between feet and socks?


This general is so dead I can monopolize it with feet

I can’t get normal either. I can see how the curves might make somebody ecstatic but it just doesn’t turn me on.


get that shit out of here fag


energy doesn't last forever. anything new happened with the election results in the past few hours ?

Tell me about slavs in Italy from Slovenia and Balkans.

Do they cause troubles?

How are they treated? Like Poles in Britain or kinda otherwise?

2-3 or something years might be new to some people but nah.

nothing will, this thread will be irrelevance and anime feet for the next month. time to leave

You mean I would be tired?
It doesn't take much to post 10 pics everytime
And no, it's nearly over

Kinda new but not like most italfags posting here

The honorable patriots of the P2 non-Jew Masonic lodge still carry on the sacred mission of protecting Italy from the Judeo-Communist/Globalist Conspiracy.

The Knight and his army, together with their Russian FSB allies, have already won this battle.

Prepare to be shocked in the coming weeks.

Well northern Italy is an actually productive place, which has more in common with Western Europe than does Naples.

This reaction is perfectly natural


Any updates on the election? Is there gonna be a minority government?

I swear you terronia are worse than the Jews.
You deserve to be gassed.

Ti spiego come funziona il Giappone e perchè dovremmo copiarlo dato per certo i seguenti fatti:
>meme esclusi prima che apro la bocca non capisci da quale parte dell'Italia vengo (forse neanche da quale parte dell'Europa come mi capita a me con i turisti)

1) Ai Giapponesi viene fatto il lavaggio del cervello da quando sono bambini che la loro razza è la più potente del pianeta e che lo Stato Giapponese è la cosa più efficiente mai vista...inoltre hanno perso la guerra per qualche subdolo trucco (atomiche)

2) Fast forward 15-20 anni dopo hai questo tizio convinto che è il più potente del mondo e che i Giapponesi sono i migliori del mondo, di consenguenza:
- comprerà solo roba giapponese
- ci terrà a far funzionare al meglio la fabbrica dove lavora (o che dirige) dato che loro sono i più potenti del pianeta.
- lo Stato Giapponese è efficiente quindi bisogna supportarlo...qualunque Giapponese ha due spiccioli che non gli servono sul conto, invese in debito pubblico Giapponese.
- Il Giappone ha il 250% di rapporto debito/pil e continua a stampare soldi

Capisci cosa intendo? Confronta questa propaganda con il continuo divide and conquer a cui siamo sottoposti (non solo a livello Italiano anche Europeo)


>come mi capita a me

>I know there is a secret plot and I can see into the future

Siculo-jew alliance when?

E fiero dato che probabilmente guadagno pure più di te.

Niggers of senegal are on the revolt in Firenze

ayy buongiorno, haven't lurked the bread since yesterday, anything happened?

I came here for Italian election news, and all I get is feet. Please stop, Luigi.

Spiffing results in the election, chaps

Are you guys any closer to the magic 40%? What's the word in the boot?

Italy’s new election process is confusing the hell out of me. I’m reading shit that says it’s over but stuff on Sup Forums gives me the impression that it’s not- can any Italians explain what the hell is helping to an Amerimutt like me?

Ne dubito ma se ti fa sentire meglio ti dico di sì
>t.feet spammer

ps. per ora non ho bisogno di lavorare
e sono in terronia
quindi zitto e lavora, imparando l'italiano nel tempo libero spero

was it though? it's not clear to me if our italian friends are happy or not

>having a job
This must be bait

Ho smesso di fare a chi ce lo ha più lungo alle medie..era riferito a tipico minorenne di Sup Forums. Se lavori buon per te.

>guadagno più di tè gne gne
>ho smesso di fare a chi ce l'ha più lungo

Thank you Italy!

si sa che i proventi delle attività illecite sono più redditizie, in effetti

The niggers are so mad:

> did you see what happened in Macerata
> they want us dead
> Salvini is selling hate

Who cares, under 6k now he will ask for reddito di cittadinanza

apparently we race war now

People like you are a perfect example of why the Jews invented Democracy and how patriots have to use very dirty and immoral tricks to do the right thing in a Democracy.

"The People" can only see in superficial ways, only a small amount of people are born with the gift of seeing in depth.

>cosa è pic related

Ma sei arrivato ieri?

Vogliamo la pinsa e pappardelle.. fuori i wurstel dalle bocche delle nostre donne... croissant a casa e le patate ai terroni irlandesi

a nig already died yesterday, this

eh, might be, but this guy (while not a leftist) was a little sick of how much strict Japanese are in interpersonal relations (while he was still super strict by European standards himself)
plus the fact that in Japan there's no such thing as a REAL idea of productivity discouraged him from staying in Japan
[in Japan you're productive when you stay in the office until 10pm even if you sleep on the desk, meanwhile someone who arrives only at 9am and leaves as soon as it's 5pm but produces double more than his coworkers is considered an unproductive element of society]

2,5% away from the magic number, sadly.
Tho I think there will be minority govt. led by Salvini with the support of M5S.


I-it's bait y-you newfag

>masonic lodge

Aspetta, quindi I terroni della Gran Bretagna sono gli Irlandesi?

Grazie della conferma

That's Ciara, right?


Yes, happy Cioro

>it’s our duty!

he is googling her name now


It *is* over, no party secured a ruling majority though, so we're waiting for details on the coalition. Pretty common in Euroland, we had a similar situation in our last general election in the UK.

That's a boy.

Fucking hate niggers, always trying to play the victim even though they’re a bunch of apes. They do the same thing in the United States. I honestly want them all gone, they’re responsible for nearly every problem in this country

Update me Roman bros

Who are /our/ guys, and who is winning? None of the ((news)) outlets in Ireland are reporting on it.


Do Italian woman like snowniggers like me?

All minorities are like this more or less

Neck yourself you degenerate.



>I am a special hooman who can see all the hidden secrets no one else can


>being this new


>i am special hooman who can see all the special secret no one else can


I hope you'll wipe out every single one of 'em.

they posted the number of seats



our guys are the coalition at 37%. they won but they need 40% to be given all the power or something

He sure is.

those are only the uninominal seats if I read this correctly

depends on the snownigger

I heard the 5 stelle guys were commies, is that correct?

Non sto dicendo che è il dai il venerdì aziendale per fare gruppo? Geniale! Diciamoci la verità gli stati omogenei (o etnostati come piace dire agli Americani) funzionano. L'EU non funziona perchè i Tedeschi sono turbo autistici. Meglio tornare a accordi commerciali (ognuno con la propria moneta)

So... will salvini be PM? i hope so.

Holy fuck....