Holy shit, Nunberg just got btfo by MSNBC's resident jew lawyer. Trump is so fucked with people like this...

Holy shit, Nunberg just got btfo by MSNBC's resident jew lawyer. Trump is so fucked with people like this. Anyone else watch this train wreck?

Other urls found in this thread:


This dude got fired in 2015. Mueller is subpoenaing him because Rogert Stone and Steve Bannon are deep state shills.

Any Trumpcucks in this thread? What's your excuse for the tremendous incompetence of Trump's administration that leads to these constant happenings every week? Even assuming Mueller actually has nothing, what's the excuse for shit like this? Why is everyone leaving Trump's administration all the time?
Help me out, sweeties. It doesn't look good.

i just watched it. this guy is clinically insane.

that guy was a fucking mess in both interviews

just saw that, drumf is done.

He even said Muller has something on trump but I dont know for sure. My gosh drumf is done! yessssssss!!!

The swamp is doesn't like that it's being drained.

I think this guy is onto something. He barely had anything to do with the issue, is cooperating, and is basically getting sick of the endless probing.

Otherwise it's funny seeing the reaction of the anchors/guests on TV

Nunberg was tripping balls he was so high.
Drumpf is fucked.
>yfw you get cucked by this Amerifat

This is what they wanted. They literally voted for a meme candidate because he's a meme. They wanted chaos and they got chaos.

Holy shit guys is it happening?




Not only thay but he's right about the legal bill. Fuck that. Good for him! Let's see what happens

Yeah. He's fine. You usually don't see someone on CNN telling the truth.

Do not reply to b-tier threads. Report them.

This faggot was fired and then sued by Trump for 10 million dollars. He is a broke faggot who hates Trump with a passion and is trying to get attention. This whole thing is retarded. I'm sick of this shit.

Nunberg is protecting Stone, and Nunberg has already confirmed Trump was working with the Russians. This is amazing.

They will just say shit like "This is how Trump does business" or "He's sticking it to the establishment" He may be completely innocent in terms of Russian collusion, but holy shit his administration will go down as the most disorganized and bitter since Hamilton and Jefferson were duking it out during Washington's first term.

Reminded me of Gob Bluth. "He literally knows less than anybody we've ever interviewed. But he doesn't know enough to know it."

This guy just dug his own grave on top of everytthing else. He really thinks its impossible for him to go to jail. If he didn't go on national TV like this he might have had a chance of getting away with this but now Mueller pretty much has to drop the book on him and make an example of him so every Tom, Dick, and Harry doesn't think he can get away with publicly defying a subpoena.

> Nunberg has already confirmed Trump was working with the Russians


The only thing he said was that he felt like Mueller MAY have something on a Trump business.

Everything else helped Trump.

Mueller has been illegitimate since he covered up 9/11 and the Anthrax attacks

>trump hires the best

but it isn't, at all. in fact they are expanding to make room for Trump's garbage family


“She’s a joke,” Nunberg rebutted. “Okay, fine, yeah, she’s unattractive, she’s a fat slob. But that’s unrelevant [sic]. The person she works for has a 30-percent approval rating.”

>"Hello, Sam. Why don't you take a seat?"

Literally who?

It's all a PR stunt to make it look like he's not cooperating. He even said Mueller offered him immunity for the emails. This guy is a lawyer, he's not a dumb shit. Take note of how many times he said "I will protect Roger Stone, he's my mentor, he's like a father to me".

only after he fires his worst. Mueller is desperate to find something.

being this stupid

For what purpose though?

trudeau is your PM. your country is an embarrassment.

From getting killed by polonium tea

We have states that literally defy our immigration policy by warning sanctuary cities of ICE. why is it no surprise that someone would think they're above the law?

Guy's like this and the Mooch should never be allowed to give interviews, yet these seem to be the guys that Trump surrounds himself with.

Sure but it's pretty dumb to compare state rights and individual rights. If this guy is a lawyer he must know something I'm really not seeing if he thinks he's in no danger right now.

>If this guy is a lawyer he must know something I'm really not seeing if he thinks he's in no danger right now.

The only thing he is in danger of is getting killed by Russians

Another shill line to filter, thanks

Ah. Now I see what you guys are getting at.

Only way Mueller could possibly redeem himself and all he has done his entire life is arresting all the corrupt government officials colluding with Israel.

Something is fishy
>Muller is honorable
>decline to work this him

>The only thing he is in danger of is getting killed by Russians
This guy has been fired for leaking shit. And to no one's surprise. Trump made the right call who to fire. It'd be like interviewing a nigger you fired for not showing up to work. You think he's going to have nice things to say rather if they were true or not?

Shits about to go down, like sedition charges and treason charges. Military tribunals, Marshall law tier happenings when the deepstate starts to be dismantled.

Trump couldn't do this with the likes of Bannon and Priebus around. He had to get rid of them and surround himself with Generals. But they were good for normie politicing to get elected

There will always be flakes in the administration that the msm will bait into being retards and he will have to let go. Dead weight, good riddance. Also, establishment hacks who slipped in.

Then, there are people he cares for deeply and does not want them to get caught up in the chaos thats coming, ala Hope Hicks.

Phase 2 is upon us.


Unironically this. Mueller is more redpilled than anyone in the White House, but everyone is too busy sucking Trump cock to realize it.

his National Security Adviser literally just resigned wtf are you talking about dude

Yep, that's why almost all of his staff are generals. Needs the absolute loyalty of the military if he's going to go after these fuck and win.

10/10 satire. Gave me a good chuckle.

>Nothing to do with any of the allegations
>being this stupid
Go choke on a pile of blue pills you shill

>believing cia run cnn
No thanks. The generals are on Trumps side.

you're just mad that reality proves your ridiculous conspiracy theory wrong

The Emperor might be naked but that doesn't mean you don't act cordial with him in till he really does something he can't recover from. That when you take your chance to turn on him.

Q predicted this

>He MAY have done something
>Mueller MAY have something
It's been almost 2 years and this is how you are still developing you 'investigation'.
How long before you fuck off for good already?
Just go neck yoruselves you fucking shill niggers

Choas is what we need and much more of it

the guy was obviously making fun of the people that think that you fucking idiot

Watching him on CNN now. Is this nigga drunk? Completely serious question.

Nunberg is the man. I'd tell them to fuck off too.

why even bother posting? just ignore the thread and let the shills shill each other

>The speculation of ledditors and Sup Forums is how they are "developing" the investigation
Its not like Mueller post on internet Mongolian knitting forums about the progress of the investigation. Mueller has proved time and time again that no one, not even the press has any idea how far along he is in the investigation.

That guy seems really scared

Yes. You can literally him drinking in the CNN interview:


He's scared, bitter, angry, and just generally on edge.


>How long before you fuck off for good already?

How can you possibly tell yourself that Mueller is just going to, one of these days, throw his arms up in the air and say, "of fuck, we were just wasting our time and your tax dollars with this investigation; turns out there was nothing there all along"? He's already got half a dozen guilty pleas, and could charge Trump with collusion, but is obviously working his way up from the bottom to make the strongest case possible.

>b-but jonsie keeps saying it will just go away!

In the midst of chaos lies opportunities

Nunberg is my #1 Jew

>Roger Stone is my mentor
I can't wait until this pussy sobers up and tries to sell his "mentor" to Mueller.
They are eating each other.

>When everything comes out, Sean Hannity, Jeanine Pirro, and Lou Dobbs are going to be very embarassed

He just said this live on CNN

>people still defending Trump

lmao. LMFAO.

>still doesn't understand the Mueller is /ourguy/
Jesus Christ try to keep up

Nunberg is a bought-and-paid-for minion of Roger Stone Jr. Alex Jones is supported by Roger Stone Jr. Alex Jones is going to get arrested and it's going to be absolutely amazing to watch.

That interview was fantastic!
I imagine Mueller questioning Trump to be like this.

Trump isn't little finger. Little finger is retarded but Trump has the brain power of a dog missing half his head compared to him.

for what?

My favorite meme. I hope to god someone actually believes it.

I mean...he was just volunteering information and daring Mueller to slap him with contempt.

Tax fraud is my bet.

Idk anything about his taxes, do you?

I do know he is a fraud though.



"High Crimes and Misdemeanors" has a nice sort of ring to it, I feel.

No, just making the assumption since people who make a living pushing conspiracy theories against the government tend to not respect things like tax law.

WTF did Alex do to warrant that? Or, are you just trying to throw shit at him?

Agreed. Fuck the government and the IRS.

The dude was fired in 2015. This guy is irrelevant.

>Trump had a meeting the day before Mueller was appointed Special Council
>Mueller walks in and askes whats goi-
>Trump puts up a finger and finishes trolling Mika Brzezinski
>Trump slaps phone down on the table
>Stands up and looks Mueller in the eyes
>tells him he knows all about FISA,Uranium One, Clinton Foundation, Fast and Furious, Haiti, Iraq, Libya, 9/11.
>Hands him a full Military Intelligence investigation brief into Russian collusion, Obama, Rice, Lynch, Holder, Seth Rich, and Awan brothers
>Jokes about making him get on his knees.
>but really you can work for me or get thrown in jail with the rest
>Mueller cowers, looks at his hands for a second, then looks up and says, I'm ready to serve the President of the United States of America.


Wew lads
There is one huge circle jerk of leftypol faggots and share lie in one thread.
Who is on clean up duty? I assume your sla... I mean illegal Mexican housekeepers.

Once the war starts, I cant wait to start killing Shareblues.

Busted! Erin Burnett smelled alcohol on him

lol got called out for booze on cnn just now

See the thread that located their offices?
I’m not going to share it, but very interesting. That same thread also had the home address of all their employees. I would never personally attack anyone. But I found that thread veeeeeerrrry interesting.


You won't do shit.

Keep telling yourself that kike.

Liberals interviewing homeless drunks off the streets just to hurt Trump.

I believe the thread was shoad from the archives. I have info, but not posting.

For now.

Fuck you then nigger.