Why does fascism fail every time it has ever been tried...

Why does fascism fail every time it has ever been tried? Every attempt at establishing fascism in a nation is inevitably crushed by a superior military force or ousted by their own people

>Failed in Spain
Sure kiddo

The only fascist country in that image is Italy. Fuck off with your shitty bait.

>fails due to foreign intervention

>fails on its own

makes you think

Hhuehueuhe Portugal with salazar was never fascist, it was rather an ultra-conservative republic kek, fug u gommie degenerate

Franco's plan to re-establish monarchy in Spain after his death was a failure and the country became a liberal democracy not long thereafter. Resounding success for the global fascist movement

none of these were failures.


Someone actually believes this

Fascism fails to foreign intervention, when it's all about "my tribe is stronger than yours." Lol.


You literally sound like a USSR-apologist, faggot

True fascism works best behind closed curtains, in secret. It doesn't die, it hides.

Didn't fail here, best government we've ever had

Gee I wonder who is behind that post...

>needs half of the world as allies to defeat them
you faggots had to unite with commies to win

>Germany=mostly fascist
>China=yeah no
>Spain=still pretty fascist with illusion of democracy
>Chile=pretty gud overall

Sore loser. Sad.

>it's all about "my tribe is stronger than yours." Lol
That wrong btw
Fascism is the belief in eternal warfare and that war is beneficial to human evolution
All policies of fascism are wartime policies because their entire ideology is eternal war in basis

Neofascists in Austria are pro immigration you faggot
You confuse Fascism with Nationalism

If anyone lost it´s you man
Look at your country and look at mine
Which one is a shithole?
Guess you won bigtime proud of you

>Fascism is the belief in eternal warfare

And they lost to people that don't think this. Lol.

And you are loosing against mexico and Haiti right now
Lol Winning

imperial japan was not a fascist county it was a military based monarchy. why do you faggots keep including the flag on these lists?

Brazil was barely fascist and it worked really well. Also Vargas was not Integralist

Uh When did Japan stop being fascist?

Because fascism romanticizes militarism forcing the country to keep getting into wars until it can't win.

You're mad and are trying to come up with strawman arguments based on my flag.

That's the thing though, unless a fascist country has the capability to conquer the entire world they will eventually start a war they can't win.

Who won the war then faggot?
If the stuff that happened to the US eastern Europe the UK or france is a "win" then I don´t know what to tell you
It´s the equivalent of a suicide bomb
>hahaha look at these guys I totally blew them up lmao I win

Yeah that´s why it´s a stupid ideology


>Brainlet thinks the main face of spanish fascism was franco

Nice one faggot, go read a book and educate yourself

>a temporary movement to achieve it's ends, go back to what's right and worked in the past, and purge out progressiveness
looking at is this way, it worked, at least for a couple hundred years, then liberals come along, and heed the call for fascism once again. sorry buckos. we won't fail this time!

Absolutely this.

In what sense was Japan or the RoC even remotely Fascist? They where nationalistic sure, but then so was communist Russia or China. Nationalism is just a symptom of fascism, not the definition.
The only vaguely fascist thing you could allude to with Japan was it's racist ideology, but that sort of stuff had existed in Japan for centuries prior, was Japan fascist in the 1800s?

The Integralists never took power in Brazil, you are a moron.

uh oh! looks like it's that time again faggots!



spain didn't fail moron idk about portugal, it actualy seems to work and then go back to democracy after it's purpose is fulfilled




Let's see.

Best roll confirmed.

i got chile

imagine being an uneducated piece of shit living in 2018 america (that's pretty much 100% fascist) thinking that "you" fought fascism
here's a redpil for you, lil burgerboy
you're most probably a fascist ;^)

Thanks for the bumps, can't wait til this thread hits 200

no no still not fascist fsascism has the führer princip trumps lacks it ...


(((Republic))), yes, but with monarchical overtones, just like present day Russia.

What the fuck are you talking about? The US intervened in almost every country that tried to become communist and if they did become communist they would try to make them collapse through embargos and funding revolutionary groups.

They do fight eternal wars and have a militaristic culture tho

Spain never ceased to be fascist, they just hid it behind a phony baloney democracy.

However Spain is an overregulated proto-communist planned economy, so I don't really know if spanish "fascism" is that, or rather some sort of nationalistic statism, similar to nazbol.

Also Spain is a fucking shithole, so it would make for a bad example of fascism "working", anyways.

> Every country that did it had prosperity
> Every country that did it failed

> Spain is fascist now
> t. Catacuck

National Socialists were a combination of nationalists and socialists (surprise). The combination was so powerful that it took the combined forces of the UK, US, Russia, and Jewish tricks to destroy it along with Western civilization as we knew it. I'm so glad the good guys won in WW2.

yes but it wasn't real fascism (now where have we heard a similar thing before)

>O perfeito alinhamento da estratégia e da táctica deste movimento antinacional português com a política moscovita foi então posto em foco por S. Ex.ª o Presidente do Conselho ao escrever estas palavras lapidares: «Mandaram-nos ser aqui germanófilos no começo da guerra, e foram; mandaram-nos ser aliadófilos depois, e foram. Mandaram-nos admitir a independência das repúblicas soviéticas, e admitiram-na; mandaram-nos aceitar a absorção das mesmas repúblicas, e aceitaram–na. São colonialistas para engrandecer o Estado socialista nisso e anticolonistas para diminuir o seu próprio país. Não procuremos lógica, mas obediência; não esperemos patriotismo, mas serviços a uma política estrangeira.» Partido nacionalista estrangeiro eis o que é e foi sempre o movimento comunista português.


By far the most admirable leader of all times.
> Based
> Didn't have to kill thousands to make his government work

The difference between a failed state and a successful state is that a successful state can continue to function indefinitely without any kind of outside interference. Post-Weimar Germany was defined by a revitalized economy, but the rest of the world didn't like that, so got together and FORCED them to stop. (See: jews) Communism, on the other hand, has not once produced any kind of state that has been capable of sustaining itself indefinitely even without outside interference. Under Communism, everyone starves before the 'revolution' can truly come to fruition.

The USSR went from Europe's medieval shithole and Chinas industry grew massively under Mao. And sorry getting destroyed in a massive war caused by fascism doesn't count as prosperity.

It wasn't real fascism.

> The industry grew
Easy to do so when you force people and children into the factories.
The Chinese were genocided and lived like shit, so it didn't work.

>Economically successful
Franco had most of Spain's industry dismantled for a quick buck in the service industry. That only worked while Spain was economically in yhe gutter, so one dollar or pound or deutschmark was worth its weight in gold, as it was stable currency. As soon as living standards have approached the western europe average, the service industry has proven to be an economical lame duck, and the industry which could be powering our economy like it does in Italy or Germany? Well, the economic genius Franco had it dismantled because he literally planned for Spain to be eternally poor compared to western europe. That's how massive a cuck Franco was.

>militaristic culture
they have a citizien milita tradition
and they are a republic ofc they have endless wars ever read roman history? it was the sole purpose of having endless wars

but they still lack the führer principle whiel obama brought them damn near to it as unquestionable as he was

Come on, gimme trips

DUDE russia was the last medieval shithole at that point to begin with....

a truly admirable man, a real academic. Sup Forums needs to be further acquainted with his arguments because he was a commie destroyer

I agree, I still miss the days when workers were driven over with tanks.

Can anyone explain the Chilean flag?

Never seen it before.

90% of the people that died under Mao died because he was personally retarded, not because of the economic system.

FUCK! I have to be a gook!


> Millions didn't starve

that's like one of those fucktard arguments about cuba increasing its literacy rate
you can increase it and not have to kill thousands or millions in the soviet's case you dope fiend. it had been done before. congrats.

>having a system that perpetualy gets personally retarded people in power
>not the systems fault folks!

Yes, whats your point? Russia was the last country in Europe to develop into a modern country and only under communism were they able to become a superpower.

>having a system that perpetualy gets personally retarded people in power
You mean like parliamentary democracy?

Fucking this.

at least 10% of russias population went at some point through the gulag system

Holy shit are you retarded? I never said that people didn't starve I said it was Mao's stupid policy, not communism.

yeah that also
i am a monarchist
there might be a few bad apples but if you are lucky you get a family of good people

That's more a fault of authoritarianism. Communism≠Authoritarianism

Franco was closer to communism than fascism. Goes to show what massive statist cucks spaniards are that they still idolize a closeted commie for having removed commies to implement his quasi-commie system.


fascism has worked in ancient rome and ancient greek all the time. the leaders were even popular

modern china is basically nazi germany when it comes to economy


I just gave two counter examples. That disproves the “EVERY time” assertion.


Commies BTFO for all time, massive leftist asshurt, 100% BUTTANNIHILATED!!!

>tfw surname is Franco and once lived in Madrid

You can't have a Communist society without a strong, Authoritarian style government you fucking retard. How else will they """equally""" distribute out goods

Prussian, or Bavarian?

How did communism achieve this? By exporting large amounts of food in order to trade for machinery, this also caused a shit ton of people to die from starvation.

Yes, that's because of Stalin being a psychotic dictator and a totalitarian system gave him that power under other rulers it wasn't nearly that bad. But again Communism≠Authoritarianism I am personally against a Soviet-style state because of problems like Stalin's rise to power.

communism in practice= Authoritarianism
even ever opened a history book
in theory you can say all you want left and right and fiddelbumbs
but in reality communism ahs to be authoritarian to surpress te natural needs of humans and their natural interests

i know about the commune of paris and the other one all of them fucked up

Of course fascism fails - it's just another form of socialism.

pls trips
i want to lead the fuhrer to victory with my knowledge of how the war goes

Close enough, i can talk to him from there.


Communism is not an equal distribution of goods it's a common ownership of the means of productions. And I see no reason why that needs a gigantic government to be carried out.

How the fuck is Kuomintang a fascist movement? Whoever made this shit is uneducated retard.