I am from East Lansing Michigan, where today we had the misfortune of Richard Spencer comming to town

I am from East Lansing Michigan, where today we had the misfortune of Richard Spencer comming to town.
Being a lifelong resident, I desired to go to the counter protest, and observe.
I literally just walked onto the spot with my friend and we were accosted by the fat ass who had a microphone in his ear. He demanded to know why we were there, had several of the Antifa guys attempt to surround us and threatened us.
While we were there one of these fucks followed us for a good ten minutes.
I am by know means a white supremacist, and I hate fascism with all my heart, but shit like that is why you people will never win.

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this is good for communism

It would be cool if people started doing drive-bys on antifa crowds.

Been to East Lansing, and I have to say it's a shithole. Literally looks like one of the more run-down suburbs of NYC

t. New Yorker

sounds like you got what was coming to you, fascist-enabler

This board is a board of anti-fascist action.

Fuck off you god damn nazi-enbaling white male bitch.


I would have started shit.

Well, they did a plenty fine job starting shit after I left.

I don't understand? You like getting cucked? Because that was the moral of your story. Right wing came to town to talk/protest/have an event and a far left communist party did exactly what they have been telling you for a long time. They got in your face and harnessed you and then stalked you until they determined you were a non threat and could easily be subverted.

i would send the bloods and crips in there, fucking pussies wearing bandanas like they gangster!


How many trash cans got attacked?

Why? Antifa are useful idiots for the right.

I was thinking the same. If they retaliate, then we go to war.

That's your problem you fucking herb, you don't take a position, you're just a typical fence sitting little bitch and it's hurting the efforts to fight fascism

You either bash fashies or you're our fucking enemy you nancyboy fairy faggot

I was recently in Portland for a friend's wedding and happened to be walking on the side walk to get to a grocery store. I forgot my hat and walked by some antifa faggots who started calling my a nazi. I wish someone recorded me telling them they're a bunch of pejudice cunts because I've been doing chemo so I have no hair

if you're white you're a fascist by default unless you dedicate your life to serving poc

get used to it

Do not reply to troll threads.
Report them.


This is stupid. Antifa aren't your enemy, they're a bunch of irrelevant retards. Let them frighten normies and make leftism dirty by association.

Are you white? If so, remember how you were treated today. This is the future you face.
You’re the nazi now, dog.

Please fucking kill richard spencer. I am a race realist trump supporter and I never liked richard spencer or knew any other racis who liked him or saw anyone shill for him on Sup Forums....

yet (((richard spencer))) is the leader of the alt right. Please fucking kill him for me, controlled opposition dies and you retards go to jail for killing the jewish plant.

nice job


You should have beaten the shit out of them like that based Brit at Sargon’s debate.

You let some guy follow you around? When there was 2 of you? You could of maybe sort of punched him in his fucking throat and kicked his teeth in. Absolute state of testosterone in this god forsaken country.

That would be really stupid. Antifa would gain sympathy from it and the media would just use it to push gun control. Just let them continue to piss off Americans. Thats all they're doing. Soon they'll become bolder by attacking normies. Eventually people will get tired of their shit and fuck them up. Atleast that's what happened in Chile and Germany.


I enjoy your music bro keep it up.

Richard Spencer is just a player in the game and he does want to be a leader in some way. His arguments aren't bad but I have yet to see him take on the JQ which is the ultimate test. Check out some of his youtube stuff its alright. Plus he is doing real world stuff so I can't blame him. I don't like the term alt-right and I'm sure a lot of people do but he was just a concrete target for the media for a ideology with no leaders.

Did you main music channel get deleted by the way? I liked "Praise Trump" the best or was it called "We love you Trump" can't remember now.