They made a bad situation worse and tarnished true traditionalism and conservatism for everyone with their übermensch nonsense and pagan LARPing. Find a new ideology that isn't trash and didn't fail hard.

Other urls found in this thread:äubig

Nice try schlomo you almost made me give up race realism and accept based black men


>fukn you

it's the kikes who are pushing the meme
all part of the Holoprogram

but but muh superior white race, youre just a jew

Honestly, Mussolini was ideologically superior. The doctrine of fascism is based on realism whereas NATSOC is just right wing socialism.

However Italian military was a disaster and therefore everyone worships Hitler.
>inb4 but Mussolini wasnt racidt enough!
He mentioned many times that he cares only about the proud stature of "great Italians" (aka Nationalism.) The only difference is he didnt claim Italians are the masterrace and should control all of Germans always conveniently conclude for themselves.

Germans are European variant of jews.
>believe they are the superior race
>we should dominate the inferior! (Slavs instead of gentiles)
>my perfectly infallible brand of socialism will work! *fails*
But because the German military was good, edgy kids look to the Germans instead of the true ideologically sound fascists which would have saved Europe as a replacement for monarchy and republicanism

Yes, goyim, just have a "christian identity", none of that silly "racial identity" stuff and follow "political christianity" that is entirely non-cucked whatsoever and feared by (((them))), not "sinful" National Socialism...

I think National Socialism would have created a spiritual revival among the people of Europe and restored their faith in God, because unlike what neo-Pagans think, you can't kill God. Just read what Evola said about it.

Just because Hitler lost the war doesn't mean he wasn't right. What makes you think an Allied would have been better?

Fuck off!

Odin is not real.

go fuck yourself, retard. get off of pol

This is a troll thread.
Do not reply simply report it.

The church is not your ally...

Hes blaming that man for fucking up as badly one can fuck up.

Christianity is jewish psyop/witchcraft and the source of their power and wealth. Turn the other cheek. Become a goy slave to chosen ones. Do not occult or hell (only we can occult). Do not lend money (only we can lend money). etc.

>protecting your culture and people is fucking up

Fuck up ahmed

Fascism is not communism because Jews hate fascism.


Joseph Goebbels - Is it Pagan?




to add onto this, Jews know Fascism (real fascism) is the biggest threat to them, it would transform European nations(and beyond) into self sufficient nationalists who value their own history and culture above all else.
As opposed to NATSOC which was rather "progressive" in its own right basically trying to create a new modern culture/system to last for 1,000 years.

This is why the Jews never make a distinction between NATSOC and true Fascism. Instead they try to pin all of negative press on fascists and pretend NATSOC isn't even a thing.
>The holohoax was done by fascists!
Because at this point NATSOC isn't a threat but if European countries started adopted fascism that would be a real problem for globalism. You'd soon have Fascist Britain, Fascist France, Fascist Poland, Fascist Hungary etc etc all across Europe.

Fascism must be demonized because its realistic nature would actually be the natural evolution of "conservatives" across the world. This evolution simply cannot be allowed to happen as it is detrimental to Jewish hegemony.

Not the way it is right now. But that doesn't mean I should start worshipping rocks.

>not understanding what 'turn the other cheek' means.
Also, how the fuck does Christianity serve Jews. Jesus was radically against the materialism of the Jews.
"They are worse than wild beasts. The synagogue is a brothel, a den of scoundrels, the temple of demons devoted to idolatrous cults, a criminal assembly of Jews, a place of meeting for the assassins of Christ, a house of ill fame, a dwelling of iniquity, a gulf and abyss of perdition… The synagogue is a curse."
- Saint John Chrysostom, Bishop of Antioch

He's a propaganda minister trying to appease the hordes of christcucks who would become disruptive you can find several quotes referring otherwise not to mention all of the symbology and rituals etc.

Nazism is retarded and faggy

pic related

Jude detected

>christfags calling others deluded LARPers

Same old tired arguments first off all jesus was a jew and a fictional character used by saul (paul) to subvert the roman empire lower classes with preaching about equality. They play both sides if people would have stone cold no doubt that it was a jewish witchraft book then no one would buy into it but put some little quotes here and there stroking your balls meanwhile almost every page has something about jews and israel and completely foreign ideology from the native Europeans who have an ideology of honor, not trickery and genocide exhibited by jewhova or any of this false love communism in disguise.

But in that speech, Goebbels was acknowledging that the so-called "pagan" National Socialist movement was helping to uplift the people and if that is what "being a pagan" means to these christian critics, so be it, they would rather be pagans...

He is not "denying" the charge... Goebbels was known to viciously attack the church during "Kirchenkampf" and for singe-handendly taking "religious education" in germany into irrelevance...

You don't understanding what "odin" stands for doesn't mean it's a false concept.

neo-phagans on suicide watch

Here is what the "spiritual father" of the Third Reich had to say about that:

>"In the case of the struggling young Christianity, for example, the Jews, quick as a flash, began hanging onto its coattails. Consider Paul, properly called Schaul, who was a rabbinical student. As a Jew, Paul certainly knew that of all the peoples of the world the Jews, first and foremost, needed their souls saved. 'Go not ... to the Gentiles, ... But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel,' demanded Christ (Matthew 10:56). Paul ignored it. He went to the Greeks and the Romans and brought them his 'Christianity.' A 'Christianity' with which the Roman Empire became unhinged. 'All men are equal! Brotherhood! Pacifism! No more privileges!'… And the Jew triumphed." - Dietrich Eckart, "Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin, a conversation between Hitler and Me" (Eckart was honored in the second book of Mein Kampf)

Wake the fuck up you are so driven by this psyop that you fail to see it is a completely jewish book lol it's amazing

the only thing in suicide-watch is your interpretation skills and contextualization, considering Goebbels was not endorsing himself as a christian in that speech and was notably anti-clerical...äubig

>Honestly, Mussolini was ideologically superior.
And in practice Hitler was far superior.

oh my mistake didn't watch it all


>the only people who actually fought communists are communists
sure ok

Socialism and Communism go hand in hand with Christianity. The papacy is a communist nation.

Youre sucha ignorant atheist cuck, the bible flat out calls jews the children of satan in the new testament, the old testament is mostly just full of life wisdom, the new test is the truth

Fuck....this is why I'm a Daoist Ancap to be honest.

communism lead to 21,000,000 dead christians in USSR tho..

Kekd. And handing you the rope for OP.

Jesus was against the entire materialistic world view of the Jews and the Jews betrayed him. Also, Paul didn't preach equality.

>implying anti-clericalism and being Christian are mutually exclusive

fuck you nazis are the future

Bullshit it is a book of witchcraft look at all of the numerology it uses. Psychological warfare of the threat of eternal damnation. Literally says to be a good slave. Tells you to be a sheep. The only quote you guys have is the one about money changers in the temple (lol jewsus went to temple) that is a psyop so christians cant lend money obviously only jews can. Jewsus has lineage all the way to david abraham all of it is ripped of from other religions abraham is stolen from brahma as is everything else in that book and read the shit where they brag about killing all the Egyptians and then not killing the virgin girls they get to keep for themselves how is this jewhova good again?

Not being able to overcome endless waves of jew-directed slavic hordes, naval blockade and carpet bombing of dying britbong empire led by jew-controlled war cheerleader and muttmerica's untouched industrial might manipulated into the fight by jews who slandered Charles Lindbergh is not "fucking up." It's doing as best as anyone could agains that cabal.

But it gets a bit weird when you are anti-clerical under a "swastika" banner, surrounds your party with germanic symbolism and openly non-christian members (like Bormann, Himmler, Rosenberg, Darré, Hess, Ley and so on), while decrying the christianity of the main churches as "negative" since the year 70 and executing thousands of priests during Kirchenkampf and having up to 90% of recruits leave the church before joining the SS...äubig

But that is up for you to judge... Positive christianity was develloped by... Alfred Rosenberg and Dietrich Eckart...

Chrisitianity is the source of their power its why they pretend they are being persecuted by it (sound familiar) its just a stepping stone to make people accept communism and being ruled by them. SAUL used the story about a disruptive jew to demoralise the roman empire.


How about a quote by the man himself? Does it mean he agreed with everything that Eckhart said? What about somebody like Aquinas who cited Aristotle and Averrores (a Muslim)? Does that make Aquinas a Pagan or a Muslim too? I don't agree with everything that Hitler said either, but that's normal.

Hitler had Germans to work with. Mussolini had Italians to work with. You have handicap these things lads.

Nazi LARPers are cringe as fuck, this is true.

However fwee mawkets are the sure way to kill a country.

Fuck off

Hitler quoted and included the "Positive Christianity" as formulated by Eckart and Rosenberg in the party programme. This what he espoused publicly. There are some criticisms of christianity and it's actions on Mein Kampf (but also of "overly volkisch" paganism as not practical politically), but the majority of the claims he was against christianity comes from his actions and private sayings, as reported by Bormann, Speer and his press secretary Otto Dietrich, as well as Goebbels diaries and the most of people who knew him.

Here is some:

>>"Each one of us today may regret the fact that the advent of Christianity was the first occasion on which spiritual terror was introduced into the much freer ancient world" (...) It may be objected here that in these phenomena which we find throughout the history of the world we have to recognize mostly a specifically Jewish mode of thought and that such fanaticism and intolerance are typical symptoms of Jewish mentality. (Mein Kampf, vol. II, chapter V)

> However fwee mawkets are the sure way to kill a country.
Never in the history of Capitalism has this been the case....maybe we have different ideas about what killing a country entails?

>They made a bad situation worse
No, that were the Allies.

>true conservatism
What have conservatives ever conserved?

>pic related

>their übermensch nonsense
But we are. Just look at us. 70 years later and we are ruling Europe again.
Unfortunately, we had to play ball with the US and their liberalism and nigger-worship has bled into our society.

well said

Ludendorff was the original BASED. Distributed the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, supported Hitler initally, even in the Putsch - he would have led to something very similar had Germany won World War I, as he was in charge. I think he was one of the very few persons who was expelled, or at least, uninivited from the NSDAP, for being "too anti-semitic"... His "volkisch pagan party" having just merged with the NSDAP he choose not to, and even scolded Hitler for praising him wrongly as a general lol...

> we
You are not those great men, especially if you have none of the qualities they had and all of the vices they didn't. How can you even compare yourself and try to walk among them without earning it? What kind of man are you?

He chose not to join himself the NSDAP*

He wasn't expelled...

> its why they pretend they are being persecuted by it
You're acting like Sarcuck of Mossad with his bullshit lumping marxists with nationalists because they're both collectivists. But I'd still like for you to provide some sort of substantiation to your claims.

The Eagle was used by both the pagan Romans and the Catholic and Orthodox leaders. Also, National Socialism was more focused on racialism than faith, which is why they used German symbolism. Ba'athist Syria is secular and even has a Christian in one of their top roles. They don't even have Muslim symbolism in their goverment or national flag. Not to mention Ba'athism drew inspiration from Leninism and even had an atheist as one of the founders of the movement. Does that mean Assad is anti-Muslim?

>he would have led to something very similar had Germany won World War I, as he was in charge.
That's what I believe as well.
He should have been Führer or at least call the shots in the Hitler administration.

Then why did he lose? He ruined the idea of fascism

Does Assad persecute Imams? Does his party has persons who write things about Islam like Eckart and Rosenberg and Himmler wrote about Christianity as high-ranking officials?

Why would they revive germanic symbolism that wasn't used for centuries? They were more focused on racialism, and that means they rediscovering germanism for a reason...

He would be de-facto ruler of Germany, chancelor, had they won the war. He proposed expanding the German border 500km eastwards, just like Hitler did, and would definitely create a nationalist folk-state and take measures against jews. If that would have happened, we wouldn't even need National Socialism...

Consumerism, degeneracy, decadence... all caused by out of control capitalism.

It's just obvious it's why the 'attacks' on christianity in media and so on it gives it more credibility in the eyes of christians then the christians keep giving their energy to this entity.

>master race
Your own kind was so ashamed to find out you were barbarians for a long time, so you went on a search for mythological artifacts instead.
G*rmanics lmao.

> Consumerism, degeneracy, decadence
You and I both know the state controlled by socialists and well meaning conservatives created what we have now, not an excess of freedom. We've had our freedoms eroded since the great wars and parallel to that a destruction of our culture through things like women marrying the state and destroying the family through divorce law and socialist welfare.

If you care about the truth around the accusation of materialism levelled against a free society it would be wise to look at other sides of the story:

I agree with Mises 110%.

but ultimately the work is done you see it how the masses who are atheist still have the same ideology its because it is ingrained now.

>people actually taking this thread seriously

>You and I both know the state controlled by socialists
It's not. Liberals, sure, but liberalism isn't socialism. Socialism is just an economic system, an opposite to capitalism. You can be a conservative socialist and you can be a liberal socialist. Personally I abhor both liberal socialists and liberal capitalists. I respect conservative capitalists because while I disagree on them in some cases, I can still respect them and find common ground.

I'm against just throwing money at things, I don't think giving welfare to just random people is particularly a good thing and instead it should be a guarantee to get you back into the job market, not FREE GIBS ALL AROUND. So sure, I can see the issues with out-of-control welfare, which is what we have, but if you look at Scandinavian countries in the past century, before they went full suicidal, you'd find a healthy dose of both socialism and patriotism, respect for the past.

As for capitalism leading to materialism, I think all we have to do is just look around and confirm that it is what we have. Sure it doesn't HAVE to lead to materialism and consumerism but it CLEARLY has led to that result, just take a look around you and you'll see. The whole tinder free love bullshit? Pushed on by capitalism to make a quick buck.

do better, faggot

>1 post by this ID
I wonder how is behind this post?

Yes. You think buying trinkets and enriching jews is great. We think destroying that give life meaning: the family, religion, community, culture which the market does in the name of making us atomized "consumers." So yeah we do have different ideas about it.

Jews creating Christianity and nearly 2,000 years of culture around it to use it to push internationalist Bolshevism those same 2,000 years later
that's some pretty low time preference my nigga

> It's not. Liberals, sure, but liberalism isn't socialism
Sorry buster but the marxists have been quite explicit in their intent, plans and results in the US, UK, Australia, EU, you name it. You can follow them over the years.

> As for capitalism leading to materialism, I think all we have to do is just look around and confirm that it is what we have. Sure it doesn't HAVE to lead to materialism and consumerism but it CLEARLY has led to that result
Not sure what you call Capitalism but I don't see that cause and effect, I understand people who think that way because the market responds to the wants and needs of the people (far better than the state does) but you seem to be ignoring my post.

Materialism was used as a criticism against Classical Liberal Capitalism by both Marxists and traditionalists in the 19th and 20th century, but I'm arguing that the cause and effect is clearly different and the criticism is inaccurate.

Capitalism didn't make a bunch of marxists create a welfare state for example, Capitalism didn't destroy the family, Capitalism during the age of liberalism produced the greatest advances I would argue in music, art, spirituality, you name it.

The age of classical Liberalism gave us Beethoven and Mozart for example, the double teaming against liberty that produced the bloody 20th century has given us the feminists, the hippies, the nazis, communists, you name it.

150+ years things were going well and we lost our freedom over the crises of the 1900s and you want to blame this on capitalism? Maybe the boogeymen of neo-liberalism, marxism and corporatism fit there but not "capitalism".

National Socialists were still Socialists. They basically laid the groundwork for Stalin to work off on. Utopia Socialism has never worked and "Socialist" governments will never achieve true Socialism or Communism, especially not for a long period of time. White ethnomemes are a mistake and liars who want to turn you into inbred idiots that are even more retarded than Ashkenazi jews and Israelis. Sup Forums lies to you on a regular basis, this place is owned by botnet shills. Don't trust anyone here who tries to tell you Paganism is the truth, they are all power hungry niggers like the kikes before them. Germans and Jews are both the same breed of scum and deserve the chambers. It's good to protect white interest and not allow your race to become a minority, but don't advocate eradicate of the others otherwise risk falling into the sneaky merchant's hands. Trump has become a false idol, just like every other president you have worshiped before. Also last one before i sleep: east is not degeneracy. imagine what you wouldve been if you had been brainwashed by western jewish controlled media and didn't discover this site through your like of anime/eastern interests?

The context of that quote was the nature of the party vs. the nature of the philosophy. He wasn't denouncing Christianity, he was expressing his ideals of a political supremacy. That's why many National Socialists were anti-clerical, but not anti-Christian. Hitler in Mein Kampf even expressed his belief in Christianity. Why would a Christian be anti-Christian?
>"Each one of us today may regret the fact that the advent of Christianity was the first occasion on which spiritual terror was introduced into the much freer ancient world" (...)
He literally continues that sentence with "BUT". Let me finish that one for you.
>"(...)he will not be able to contest the fact that since then the world has been afflicted and dominated by this coercion, and that coercion is broken only by coercion, and terror only by terror. Only then can a new state of affairs be constructively created."
He's expressing a more radical version of Aquinas' Just War philosophy. However, in this case Hitler is saying that only through war can peace be achieved and wasn't implying that Christianity had a negative affect on European civilization.

I think the part about Jewishness more so applied to protestantism, which was against rituals and more so concerned with a "change of heart" than sacrifice. In my opinion the reformation lead to liberalism and the downfall of Europe which was already present in 20th century Europe. Sacrifice is present in many religions but rejected by Protestantism and Judaism (I think). That's why I agree with Aquinas' philosophy about how Jesus had a human soul. As I said before, the Catholic and Orthodox church adopted philosophies from Ancient Greece and the pre-reformation Christian kings even used European symbolism.


If you attack Christianity you're attacking Western Civilization.

> you think buying trinkets and enriching jews is great
No I think meaning and fulfillment come from within and that every soul on earth deserves the right to pursue their chosen path in life peacefully while cooperating with others to voluntarily and through their own virtues form families and communities.

> atomized
That is a crock of shit. What is more divisive than continually dividing people down arbitrary categories, as opposed to unifying an entire people under the banner of the individual?

When you divide by colour, by political gang, by class etc you produce conflict, when we see our fellows and protect each other as people, with names based on each persons actual character and actions you create harmony, a central criticism levelled against Liberty by the traditionalists and marxists.

I laugh at your "atomizatio" because everyone one of you that says it have yet to prove it.

You know what's atomizing? Taking away community and responsibility by deferring all social interactions to the state, so that neighbours don't talk they call the police and the council, or they rat eachother out to "the party" be it Communist or Nazi.

Atomization is regulating Mutual Aid Societies and charities out of existence and putting in a welfare state in place of genuine human cooperation, compassion and community.

Don't come out me with this "freedom atomizes people" BULLSHIT. Fuck off and think a little before you speak you fucking imbecile. I love you but come on mate you know better than this.

>racism is a doctrine for brutes
>whenever I see a nigger he is in a pack

Imagine that

>Honestly, Mussolini was ideologically superior
Codreanu was.

>NATSOC is just right wing socialism.
It goes much deeper than that on a spiritual level.

>Why would a Christian be anti-Christian?

You're failing to see the "Positive Christianity" aspect of things and why they deemed the christianity of the churches as "negative".

>wasn't implying that Christianity had a negative affect on European civilization.

"Muh freer ancient world"...

I think this video will clarify some things: (forgot to link in the last reply)

Also, Judaism doesn't reject sacrifice, and even Hitler recognized that the decline, if not "downfall" of europe preceded the 20th century.

So what? We would attack western civilization as long as it mean improving our white BLOOD. "muh western civilization" meme is just a boogeymen to get outsiders to understand race.

Or never astounds me that ancaps can be this delusional. Of course trying to practice this “universal hippy political movement” in any country except one with European roots would involve them being thrown in jail or set on fire African child style. Grow up kid you are embarrassing yourself

They're barbaric scum in general.


"Our charmers and wizards, however, distinguish between respectable and not-so-respectable, between settled and newly immigrated, between western and eastern Jews, and if worse comes to worst, they shrug their shoulders and mutter, 'Every country has the Jews itdeserves.' It means nothing to them that it was a Jew who coined this fine-sounding phrase. Nor that in the case of Germany, considering the quality of the Jews we have 'deserved,' it becomes a resounding slap in the face." (Dietrich Eckart, "Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin - a conversation between Hitler and me")

>Only modern ideology that supports Christian values.

>But... Jesus said no hurt people
Read the Bible you autist, he said a lot more things about degeneracy being awful.

fuck off christcuck

Rightards are addicted to failure. It's all they've ever known.

Seig Heil my brothers! Keep fighting the good fight against usury and subhumanity!

> “universal hippy political movement
Go look at some history, the 19th century was one of individualism. They even spoke differently, it was so core to our cultural identity that we even see it underneath the veil of immoral collectivism today, people still fundamentally understand property, they understand the problems of violence and coercion they just don't see it everywhere it lies.

I wouldn't mind an actual argument but the idea that it doesn't work? What was America doing for all those years? Burning eachother in tires? Being hippies? Or becoming the greatest super power in human history.

I stand by what I said, collectivism is divisive, individualism produces harmony and it's the only way to produce it without violence beyond unmerciful defence.

Never ceases to amaze me that for a place that prides itself on the truth, on redpills so many would be so closed to looking at ideas objectively and critically, to actually thinking things through for a little while instead of acting like a bunch of SJWs with their knee jerk reactions.

this desu, i always thought it was a joke here but fucking hell

I really, REALLY hate this aspect of America. For some people, it's like the sun shines out of niggers assholes... it's pretty sickening.

Literally your own fault. No one said it was a joke. You believed it because of your own inability to accept other ideas other than muh two party system.

Socialism is a meme, not a real ideology. The natsocs slapped the word into their label because it was popular at the time, not because they were actually egalitarians who believed in collective ownership of the means of production. Stop taking labels so literally and just read mein kampf
