This should be loved

I asked /k/ and now I'll ask you guys. Why shouldn't we have a global security force? It's honestly a very good idea, what with all the suffering around the world going on, a little order wouldn't hurt. Right?
>no crime
>no terrorism
>no gangs
>security wherever you go
Imagine the possibilities! You could literally go anywhere you want and no one would hurt you because now there would be armed soldiers everywhere, who are sworn to protect you and use any means necessary to preserve your health!
You could go to Africa, Brazil, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iraq, and still be just as safe as anywhere else, there wouldn't even be 3rd world countries anymore because of 0% crime!

Other urls found in this thread: Diversity and Inclusion Summary Report FINAL.pdf

no crotch armor?

and OP, most of the suffering and crime is due to the people who run the planet so you'd never be able to fix the problem by being a part of it

Globalization means the monopolization of power, and with such absolute power comes inevitable corruption.

It's antithetical the the distribution of power America was founded upon, and we shouldn't even accept the bureaucratic federal state we have now. Never has there existed a greater threat to the American nation than this cosmopolitan, globalist oligarchy.

The rest of the world can burn for all I care.

Ehh, it's a Helghan grunt, just take a look at the riot shielder, also, I know the guys who pull the strings will never put an end to the suffering, but if a corporation did end up putting guards all over the world, how exactly would the gangs and terrorists deal with this?

So you'd rather have no security guards at all even in your own country?

Yeah. I'll be my own security guard. I can do the job better than some low IQ nigger.

I'm talking highly trained and powerful security guards. No one would hire niggers to protect the entire planet, why you would even think such retarded thoughts is beyond me.

>No one would hire niggers to protect the entire planet
Considering NATO is trying to do just that, your argument is pretty baseless.

>no crime

lol fucking hell, so every second person is going to be a security guard are they?

Are you also going to outlaw bad thoughts and bullies too?

I'd pick another topic for your elementary paper

NATO is trying to hire niggers to protect the entire planet? Are you able to offer some evidence of this you retard?

>no crime
>no terrorism
>no gangs
is your security force omnipotent OP?

>highly trained and powerful security guards
First off, just stop saying security guards. You are linking what you are asking for to super low-level 0 actual authority rent-a-cops.
Second, where does this world-spanning security force come from? Every time this is attempted with the UN you end up with super low-effort, horrible efficiency military patrols that don't actually do anything except occasionally get ambushed and massacred.
Lastly, why would any sovereign nation be okay with a foreign occupation force?

Have you been living under a rock?

Western nations are pushing hard for inclusion and diversity in their military forces. Diversity and Inclusion Summary Report FINAL.pdf

We could invest into cloning and create a bunch of laboratory birthed humans whos sole purpose is to protect us, it would cost a lot but the long run would be worth it.
We're not going to outlaw bad thoughts, but we will consider performing annual mass psych and mental stability evaluations. Physical bullying will warrant a trip to a correction facility for the aggressor.
They will be extremely heavily armed and will be more powerful than the world's most powerful militaries with enough funding.
I'm thinking, we'll invest in genetic engineering and cloning as stated earlier, to create a soldier that is faster and stronger than any soldier we currently have. Then we'll mass produce them, place them in huge clusters all around the world, and order them to hunt down gangsters, terrorists, and really any aggressors who refuse to peacefully surrender. The criminals will be overwhelmed by extreme firepower and coordination, and will eventually fail. At this point, with all crime completely eliminated, the global economies will skyrocket and we'll have more money to invest into more powerful security clones.

These aren't global security forces you fucking idiot. These are country based militaries, albeit ones that go out of their way to protect other countries, but in no way can you call these operations plots to diversify a global security force, you retard. You better not have put anything into that PDF I just downloaded either.

You know what the New World Order is? It's the intention of doing exactly what you want.

I hope your global defense force's pdf gives you a virus for being so dumb.

You could've downloaded it and then put a virus into it and then pasted it.

I don't even know why I'm talking to you, holy fuck you're dumb.

Just listen to how retarded you sound: you want a global monopoly of military and police force.

It would work.

>You could've downloaded it and then put a virus into it and then pasted it.
I sent you a link to official government agency and organization domains. Not a fucking pdf.

If you're that stupid to comprehend that, just paste the link in google. Jesus.

This Post Best Fucking Post. ever.

Wtf does posting the link into Google do? It doesn't change anything.

Alright goyim, OP here, I'm gonna go to sleep now, keep this thread alive 'till the morning or else...

Whites do not have an obligation to help brown people who can't even form functional societies. You sound like a Trotskyite/neo-conservative rabbi.

Not a bad idea. Thomas Barnett was way ahead of you. We can still dust off the ideas of creating a fast reaction force as described in this book.

>you will never go to Helghan and become a Helghast

In all for having a global security force, as long as America has nothing to do with it.


We Want An Immediate End To Police Brutality And the Murder Of Black, Brown & All Oppressed People

Every 28 hours a black person in the United States is killed by someone employed or protected by the government of the United States. Other communities are also criminalized, targeted, attacked and brutalized. We want an immediate end to state sanctioned violence against our communities
We Want Full Employment For Our People

Every individual has the human right to employment and a living wage. Inability to access employment and fair pay continues to marginalize our communities, ready us for imprisonment, and deny us of our right to a life with dignity
We Want Decent Housing Fit For The Shelter Of Human Beings

Our communities have a human right to access quality housing that protects our families and allows for our children to be free from harm.
We Want an End to the School to Prison Pipeline & Quality Education for All

We want an end to policies that criminalize our young people as well as discriminatory discipline practices that bar access to quality education. Furthermore, we want all children to be able to access free, quality education. Including free or affordable public university.
We Want Freedom from Mass Incarceration and an End to the Prison Industrial Complex

We want an end to the over policing and surveillance of our communities. This will hasten an end to the criminalization of black and brown people and hyper incarceration everywhere. Policing in the United States has historically helped to enforce racist laws, policies and norms. The result is a massive prison industrial complex built on the warehousing of black people. We call for the cessation of mass incarceration and the eradication of the prison industrial complex all together. In its place we will address harm and conflict in our communities through community based, restorative solutions.


It would be a dire waste of money. If you actually wanted to fix the world, you would make every white or Asian country to evict and eliminate the following from their nations:
>People below 80 IQ

For the negroids a forced back to Africa program would be ideal, the muslims a forced eviction to the middle east and for people below 80 IQ a sterilization prior to having children with financial compensation would be a good ideal.
Next start cutting off international funding to third world countries and block all charity. Let the third world depopulate and return to a more sustainable level of population.
Stop buying oil or products from muslim nations. Full quarantine of people and economy.
Eugenic policy in Pan-European, Asian countries and India to slowly eliminate low IQ individuals prior to further automation. Lower taxation levels and elimination of social programs instated.
Government spending reprioritized to space exploration and colonization.
Genetic engineering and IQ raising programs developed to allow women to improve their children. Goal to raise average IQ in the Indo-Europa and Asian sphere to 130.

No. The problems blacks have are due to their low IQ and low impulse control. Blacks also lack any form of foresight and cognitive ability which leads to dysfunctional and self defeating societies incapable of anything more complex than a village with hunter gatherer technology.
You all either should go back to Africa or just get sterilized and let yourselves disappear. You struggle in our countries because you are not capable of functioning in them.

Stop whining about what you 'suffer' in our countries. You think having to work for a living and obey laws is oppression.


Get out and don't come back.

Because that shit will go all Judge Dredd in a minute.

Nigga do you want to get banned because this is how you get banned. Politely fuck off.