The darkest black pill of all: Near-Term Human Population Crash/Extinction

The left has been more superficially responsive to environmental concerns in recent decades, although there is also a strong (if little-noticed) current of "far-right green" thought going back to Germany's national socialist era and earlier.

The issue of the environment should be beyond politics and of full-spectrum concern. You simply don't shit your own nest or go around your home free-range spraying toxic diarrhea, whether you are Mao or Mussolini.

Unfortunately the right gets triggered by the words [spoiler]global warming[/spoiler], and no rational conversation on the topic is even possible because both sides end up screeching knee-jerk talking points at each other like the two ape tribes on either side of the muddy waterhole in the beginning of the movie "2001."

Meanwhile the left thinks using a certain type of shopping bag or eating organic or saving a single species constitutes "environmentalism," but they are incapable of looking at the big picture. As soon as somebody points out that [spoiler]globalism / mass immigration / global desertification / system theory / positive feedback / the fact that Asia is now the biggest polluter instead of the evil white male [/spoiler] their superficial lip-service to environmentalism is dropped.

(con't below)

Other urls found in this thread:

Since a number of factors are converging, there is a serious chance of water wars, mass desertification, and billions of people being "culled." Our population may crash from the current 7 billion/projected peal 21st century to as little as 1 billion or even less, huddled around the north and possibly even south poles as the last viable areas that can sustain human lives. Even leaving aside [spoiler]global warming[/quote],nNuclear weapons will almost certainly be used multiple tikes as countries realize that day-to-day survival on denuded, toxic land that can no longer support high-yield agriculture, to say nothing of dwindling viable fresh water resources and non-poisoned air, is a life-or-death matter.

Since we are unable to even grasp the dimensions of the interlocking problems on a meta-political level that goes beyond politics, statistics are fudged and rational discussion (let alone debate) becomes impossible. Since positive feedback loops in many different sub-fields of ecology have already set in, it is literally too late

Consider the following:
Ecologists Guy Mcpherson and James Lovelock know it is already too late. Nothing can save us; our last chance to get our shit together probably finished in the 1970s. Go ahead and drive that SUV, dump gallons of bleach onto the coral reefs and burn down the rainforest for doesn't matter any more. Stick a fork in it, we are done.

(con't below)

not reading lol

(continued from above)
Sources to ponder:



TL,DR: Life as we know it will change so unpleasantly and dramatically within most of our lifetimes that traditional Sup Forums concerns (race, immigration, gender, traditionalist vs progressive, religious vs atheist, "degeneracy," racial demographics, etc.) will be about as meaningful as the bickering of cockroaches over crumbs on the foredeck of the sinking titanic.

It's simply too late. We had a chance, once. HAD.

It no longer matters what we do. Green Nihilism is upon us.

3. Desert: "Green Nihilism/Cosmic Pessimism
Trigger warning: [spoiler]Anarchist in tone. Not that it matters. If you understand what the core points are, even Natsoc/Fascists should be able to look beyond the far-left rhetoric[/spoiler]
Text itself

nice larp

Blackpill the thread

People have been predicting we will all starve to death for 6 thousand years. You really should have learned about malthus in highschool.

Protip: it hasn't happened yet.


>What is mass desertification
>What is dwindling fresh water supply
>What is aquifer saltwater backflow
>What is peak nitrate
>What is overfishing
>What is dumping billions of tons of garbage in the ocean every year
>The list goes on

Protip it hasn't happened for the last 6000 years because only in the last 100 years has industry and dumping really ramped up. Americans are really this fucking stupid

No, your that stupid. There have always been problems and people have always found solutions. Read a fucking history book and put down the Jew york Times.

Also if you are buying into water shortage you are about 30 years past anyone caring. We can literally make unlimited water.

There won't be a solution to this.

>implying desertification is irreversible
>implying everybody is currently using the most efficient methods of food production
>implying it is economically unfeasible to convert salt water in fresh water

Fucking kys malthusian fag
In your theory we should be starving since napoleon

There already is to half the shit you quoted. The rich Arab countries drink reverse osmosis sea water.

>tfw have to live in conrete arcologies growing food in vertical farms from recycled piss and shit because Americans don't give a fuck

Also I would love to see you desalinate and purify megalitres of water to try and bring a desertified area back to life, except you can't because when saltwarer flows back into area it is permafucked.

On a small scale desertification is reversible, but for one it is on a huge fucking scale and two, like I say, once your aquifer is salted the land is fucked.

wow Nier automata come sooner than I expected

What's up with all these Disinfo wall text threads today? New tactics?

>durr well these super rich countries can produce drinking
water for their densely packed cities

Pic related, it's you.

The only way to "resolve" the problem is accelerationism - remove all ethical regulations on biological and AI research, remove all taxes from companies researching it, ramp up capitalism. Hopefully, within 30 years or so, these sectors might produce viable, self replicating AI, so that even though humanity will be dead, AI will live on quite comfortably on the planet, maintaining our legacy while working hard to regreen the world, and hopefully travelling to the stars (which, as non organic beings, they're far better designed to do).

This is why right-accelerationism is needed people - "Humanity is a receding nightmare", and only AI or transhumanism will be be fit enough to survive the toxic wasteland we have created.

Fucking Sup Forums fucking up my posts what the fuck is going on

It's a solution to the worst case scenario that is already available on economic scale today. It literally btfo your argument.

It's not the best solution and requires a lot of resources, but it works today to literally make sea water drinkable.

>implying soil salinization is irreversible or that cultivating on salty soils is impossible
Study a little agronomy mate, it's difficult to do these but it is totally feasible

>muh too much water to treat how can we do this

When the alternative is dying the salt water treatment centers will grow like mad

The reasoning applying to salt water applies also to reversing desertification

>Economic scale

A desalination plant uses insane amount of power and is expensive as fuck to run. You would need literally thousands of nuclear reactors to power all that desalination and pump it into the interiors of the country thoysands of miles. Your shit country could cut it's entire military budget and you wouldn't even begin to scratch the infrastructure needed for such an insanely large project.

Once again, anything is possible on a small scale, now take those same methods and try to fix literally millions upon millions of hectares of prime farmland? Fucking dreaming mate.

How is that a black pill?

If you organize your thoughts and arguments more intelligently so it doesn't across as fedora, you're welcome to submit it here. I'll give it some custom graphics and promote it.

The point is that once you regreen a sufficient amount of land (giving space to forests) the water flows autonomously e.g. the amazonic forest: it is a completely unfertile soil with little outside rain but since the forest is completely developed the ecosystem supports itself greatly, without external interventions
The big cost is just an initial investment

You’re assuming current economic considerations will hold when we have to reverse desertification. Spooked governments - probably working together - and desperate populations change the calculus a little bit. Hell, look at the shit China’s built with only the first of those.

Man-Made Global Warming is RETARDED
Pollution is a problem. NOT RETARDED
Know the difference.

Your government would have to start a massive project RIGHT NOW to MAYBE fix SOME of this shit at enormous expense and would never pass your house of morons. This means it will be a last ditch effort and due to the nature of the beast it will be far too little far too late.

But seriously, global warming is a hoax perpetrated by the Rockefellers and club of rome. The goal is to institute a global tax for the NWO.

>dwindling fresh water supply

This worries me because I drink a lot of water, tons, I just chug that shit. If it was actually a problem, wouldn't there be commercials on TV telling people to use less water? Why would the powers that be willingly let the water run out?

Things like race and religion will only become more important if this happens, not less.

>Wouldn't the government tell me if there was a serious problem?

Lmao you must be a resident of /ptg/ to be that naive.

They are already working on something
Look up the bonn challenge
It is not a full answer to the problems, but it is a start

I didn't want to cire the post at the end, fuck my mouse


The real solution is global white supremacy. We need to cull the shitskin races and end capitalism.

Don't underestimate asians
While we struggle to keep our people together they are focusing on getting stronger
Their economy is racing

We should focus on attainable goals, white supremacy could be some secondary step

if it happens in india should it be called overpoopulation

Volunteer at an environmental center. I help with replanting forests.

>Bonn challenge

Yeah I looked it up, standard UN feel good do nothing bullshit.

This. When peak oil happen, the green revolution fails and population overshoot at happen at the same time I think that race is going to play a major factor. Surrounding yourself with your rivals in the meantime is immensely stupid.

There is no green revolution at all though, so it can't fail. It'd just rich hipsters driving Teslas and eating microgreens. The hippies of the 60s and 70s were a degenerate joke but to give credit where it is due at least a lot of them actually lived a fairly green life off grid.

western countries don't have a population problem, our birth rate is below replacement rate (which if anything is the real problem)

the problem is africa. just wall off africa and let them sort their own shit out, we'll be fine. problem solved

>Huddle to the north
Siberia might become a backup refuge for the Hanchinese. -IF- heating of the globe is as dire as some predictions make it out to be im kind of a technological optimist that some hot regions of the earth will be able to bunker down with more subterran architecture and sheltered farms. A survival struggle might uplift us as ressourced get parted to better places again.
What seems kinda unfixable is africa though.

genetic engineering>technoshit in your brain

Lovelock acknowledges issues but is such a leftist faggot that instead of offering up real solutions such as I don't know reducing the fucking population he raves on about how good smartphones are because they use less electricity than a desktop computer. Pic related, DO NOT FUCKING BUY IT!!!!

Now we're not completely fucked just yet. If we decided to ignore the human and nigger population increases we're fucked but if we decide that we want a human future and genocide the niggers, chinks and poo in loos the white people that remain would treat the planet sustainably as our populations only increase when we feel them crashing. We're also the only ones truly concerned about the environment and long term future of all the species that inhabit this planet and would willingly go back to a massively reduced globalized society even if it meant our food became seasonal again and the prices that go with that limited availability. Everyone else would rather go to war to keep food like tomatoes available year round but we'd can the fuckers and make do.

We're also the only race that can live peacefully in the millions. We could make vertical cities in deserts and treat the surrounding farmland like mines for vitamins, nutrients and minerals leaving the truly biodiverse areas on the coast for nature and weekend trips. Everyone else would shun that idea and gladly burn down an acre of rainforest to feed their family for 20 years until they've depleted the soil ruining it forever.

Literally all global warming is at this point is an increase in the ferocity of storms and other weather extremes until the methane gets released from the permafrost but if we genocide the subhumans in time we can prevent that from happening and actually reverse the trend to keep mother nature in check and it's not difficult either, all it takes is bullets and a willingness to use them.

Complete faggot thread. See one of these extinction threads every single day.

>peak oil happen
>Thinking peak oil is an actual thing and would ever happen on Earth.

Someone needs to engineer a virus that kills every human EXCEPT for 100% pure Japanese and Koreans. Just imagine how kawaii the world would be if everyone else died from some horrible disease that made you shit out your insides from your eyeballs?

I wish that would happen.

Asians don't have souls

ocean of plastic. soon

No one does. Christianity is a huge lie and Jesus was a false prophet. If Christianity was real, white people all over the world wouldn't be going extinct right now. Both Jesus and the Christian 'leaders' are fucking useless.


Chinese state propaganda actually claims that they want to be an ecological civilisation in the long run. They fear chaos and acknowledge that their reckless enviromental degradation has become an issue for their control.
Their desertification projects actually start to work and when ressources get scarcer their totalitarianism and creative energy that is regenerating slowly since the maoist excesses should not make them an undesirable population from a survivalist point of view.
Ecology actually supports their claim of opressive authority so theyll make it true.

I'm not a Christian. It's false to state that humans don't have souls. Asians actually do have souls, I was exaggerating, but their souls are tangibly inferior to those possessed by wh*toidz

I approve of this
The world will once again belong to plants and animals like it was always meant and has been for the last half billion years


Good for them but until they're willing to do something about their absurd population levels it doesn't help shit. It's a numbers game at the end of the day and they simply have too many.

Eh, they can still expand to siberia or central asia.
Sucks for the natives but well...
Also they are concentrating their populations in megacities build from scratch, this makes ressource allocation a bit easier and leaves more free countryside to plan on-Id worry more about places like india and bangladesh were even the countyside is chock full of people who often lack tools to make the best from the soil they occupie or fell for ruinous agricultural techniques that are less sustainable but get accepted aon the virtue of having been western and modern in the 70s.

You're as much of a wimpy faggot as lovelock. The only long term solution is to genocide anyone who isn't white and you know it.

You aren't even white you piece of shit.

White is a genetic anomaly, albinism you fucking idiot

I know right, didn't we already go over this during 2012. Don't get me wrong, we will almost certainly go extinct one day, just not in any of our lifetimes. In all honesty we are getting better in term of environmental health and we can only hope it will get better.

I've been saying that ecological collapse will cause an apocalyptic global race war for years now.

Some bacteria has been discovered that eats bacteria. Plastic levels in the oceans are supposedly way lower than they're supposed to be.

Increasing CO2 levels are greening the planet, not the other way around. My only thing with climate change is that the change is happening too fast for the planet to adjust - and it and the biosphere can definitely adjust over large time scales, but human influence is much the same as a large asteroid impacting the earth. Too much change (industrial revolution) in too little time (a little over two centuries.) the only long term solution I see to this that doesn’t involve the death of billions and the end of modern society as we know it is mass migration into space.

>carbon dioxide does not create nor sustain life

I'm so white casper the friendly ghost looks like a nigger compared to me and I'm not denying whites aren't albinos either. I'm firmly believe niggers chased us away by wanting to use us in their voodoo magic and shit which forced us to inhabit parts of this world that were hostile to the ooga booga hordes as they simply couldn't survive there which gave us peace. We then bred for traits we considered desirable such as good looks and got past that freakish phase modern day albinos are stuck in while developing our intelligence and everything else that lead us to be the absolute best species of human on this planet. We're like dogs while niggers are forever stuck as wolves and denying that would be going against eons of evolution and idiotic to say the least.

Good on you for hiding behind your flag though faggot. I bet you're an absolute shit skin or a (((fellow white person))).

>Hurrr hwhiteness

This is about populations and institutions that excell and those who do not. Many nonwhite states-espeacially subsaharan ones safe rwanda maybe fall under that category. Chinks are less shortsighted atm then the retards that govern us here in europe so not acknowledging capable competition where it shows itself is as foolish as inviting refugees thinking they are like you want them to be.

Was a paragraph necessary to communicate utter dullness?

We should have listened to the god damn Tree Huggers this whole time buckos. I'm headed outta here into the secret bunkers with Barrack Obama and his family. Fuck your rooms were all fucked

Ramping up capitalism will definitely solve these problems caused by capitalism

Yes it was you absolute stain upon humanity.

That review is an awful read btw. He just drones on about how his political community might be impacted by this and drops some related actually meaningful words of other people here and there he managed to associate with it.

Also lmao what a fag, he wants totalitarian socialism like in cuba but believes the current US system is fascism.
Pettni linkola is at least a totalitarian advocate with the balls to not give any fucks about using or approving of forbidden words and the will to life by example.

You're the stain, using a New Zealand flag from your office in Virginia.

Your problem is that you completely ignore the advances of science and technology, there won't be "water wars", silly, we already have desalination machines and even landlocked meme countries can just build a huge condenser if they don't want to buy Water®. This is the reason why the words "global warming" trigger the right, there always will be a bunch of hysterical 12 Monkeys teenagers like yourself who can be easily (((persuaded))) to spew propaganda, sabotage legitimate business and whatnot. Educate yourself.

i thought you made a good point until you wrote this shit. kys.

People who believe in this man-made climate bullshit are the same kind of retards that believe aliens can travel light years to earth.

Definitely a nigger. Hover over my flag shitskin.

>all those moles
youre peppered with shitskin, tainted man

u got skin cancer lol


The only black pill here is that you're still falling for jewish tricks

I'd rather cancer than be a nigger

im not gonna read all that bullshit but let me tell you right now why nobody in america gives a fuck about 'global warming'. No matter how much greenhouse gas we cut, china, india and the rest of the developing world will make up for it and more. They will never agree to cut their emissions when the result will be less economic growth and it will result in america losing strength to do so. This is the path we are stuck on and nothing will stop it short of impending doom for humanity, you might as well enjoy the ride because if you and the climate people are right it will be too late by the time anyone agrees to do anything about it.

>TL,DR: Life as we know it will change so unpleasantly and dramatically within most of our lifetimes that traditional Sup Forums concerns (race, immigration, gender, traditionalist vs progressive, religious vs atheist, "degeneracy," racial demographics, etc.) will be about as meaningful as the bickering of cockroaches over crumbs on the foredeck of the sinking titanic.
Classic NWO shill

Op is correct. But missing a key point. Consider: if the earth were liken to a womb and humans liken to a baby, the womb becomes toxic just before the baby is born, in the case of earth, human space migration. This planet is coughing us out into the stars. Maybe we make it, maybe its a stillborn species. Such is life. In a universe of trillions of earth like seed worlds. Meh.shit happens.

this, you type like a homo

If we're talking a solution for ecological problems, then Asians will absolutely need to be exterminated or population reduced by 95%. We can do it with biological weapons, which is what I propose. Asia, Africa, and south America can be depopulated through race targeting bioweapons.

Technocracy is coming.

Too much text for you amerifat? It’s okay you can snack in between.

Nice fear mongering

Any idea how much energy and resources that costs?

holy fuck what a retarded OP. the sad thing is that he's prob not a shill and actually believes the shit he wrote and loves his meme flag. just kys OP