Facebook survey asked if 'adult man' should be allowed to request 'sexual pictures' from 14-year-old



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Too bad Facebook doesn’t have a number to call to check up on it!

get me off this sad earth



Can someone dump those mark zuckerber Facebook posts with him pretending to be a real person?


Normal guy


Cool man

I think this is more of a decline in use, they posted overall loss's in user count for the first time at the end of Jan 2018, and on top of that 25% of their users are sock accounts that share no personal information, or status's. Shes fucking dying Jim.


These ones are funny as fuck, but I’m looking more for the ones like the man car project and him ingesting toast for nutrients claiming he’s normal


Have a bunch of rough drafts saved up if he ever decides to run for president. Here are some from others.

haha would you fuck underaged jailbat haha please tell us all about it in this logged survey with all your information attached to it haha

not a honeypot btw haha







The way he speaks reminds me of deep AI








And here's the car one, for some reason I didn't have it.

Found the toast 1


This is... fine? Canada's age of consent was 14 until recently. Now the fucking mudslimes are swarming into western countries and the leftists are arguing over whether they should allow them the right to commit literal pedophilia. At least have pedophilia barred off you fucking slippery-slope faggots.


wow you guys are retarded.
>Facegbook asked some users if they thought the company should host content from child predators AND VIOLENT EXTREMISTS

"violent extremist" is their blanket term for right-of-center. they equivocated being a pedo with being right wing, expecting the backlash. they succeeded.

>towing my dog with a rope

THIS. Very smart strategy indeed.

Is InternetAristocrat back?

The way its worded makes me feel like they were gonna try to turn it into some man-hating shit, like why didn't they just ask about adults in general?



Only if she's hot