Why is it so hard to comprehend that man unironically landed on the moon?

Why is it so hard to comprehend that man unironically landed on the moon?

Basic rocketry and telemetry has been around for decades now.

What's with the push to say the United State's NASA program faked a lunar landing?

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because in US you need to be edgy and in some circles you need show that you don't trust the government. So you can differentiate yourself from "the sheep" as being not naive and smarter than them without actually doing any research.
but who cares about idiots, they don't have any power


I agree. Too many take advantage of the 1st amendment, enough is enough already

Euros despise admitting that the US has ever accomplished anything. They're very similar to a bitter aging actress who hasn't yet realized that her peak years have passed.

Heh I think the denial originated right here though

> take advantage of the 1st amendment, enough is enough already

what do you mean? What is harm in that they believe in something? They don't do shit, other than disturb astronauts, but they are tough guys, they can take it.

>Basic rocketry and telemetry
as if anyone has skillz to read and understand that. do you teach your kids in schools that? don't think so.

>Somehow took off from Earth, landed on the moon, then took off from the moon again
>In the 1960s a t
>Haven't been able to do any significant manned missions since

Regarding taking advantage of the 1st amendment, its basically slander at this point which is a crime and those who slander need to be held accountable.

I dont understand your second question. Physics is taught worldwide

There's really no reason to go back to the moon.

Next stop: Mars.


If i hand you over a piece of telemetry from Apollo 8 can you read it and understand what it says? No peparation, just numbers, graphs and acronyms like EPS,RCS, EDS, ELS and so on. Can you understand that shit yourself without any additional research?
i guess you wouldn't so you would need to spend like 30 hours learning this shit, or you have to rely on some scientist or NASA official and some people don't trust them. Because they can't understand them again.

Pajeet or Chang are more likely to be the first men on mars than El Abominacion. USA is trillions in debt

Just like when Bill Nye says climate change denial should be illegal


I tried building a rocket but it didn't work. Rockets don't exist. Wake up!

What's the difference though? Going to Mars just for the hell of it?

We have literally no space technology on barren planets that are not habitable. No real experience, mining technology, base building etc. Moon should be used as an experimental pilot project before going to Mars, it just seems a hyped up idea with no real benefit as opposed to Moon

Please dont waste my time with this garbage

>literally cloud of dust and pebbles flying off
Is that faggot blind or something?

user, we're the same species of superstitious retarded ape that we've always been
Of course there are a significant number of people who believe dumb shit
Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll form another suicide cult

Youre going way off course here. It wouldn't be difficult to decipher readings of devices from the 60's 70's.

Technology is always improving and rendering past methods obsolete but to say that we cant understand what was happening at the time is just silly

This isnt a "usa is the best" thread

Bill nye needs to be reeled in. No doubt

I think because it's more fun to believe that we landed on the moon ironically.

By going to mars and taking rock samples we can understand more about our own planet and our universe!!

Yup it's fun to argue with the idiots though

An ongoing ca,paign to denegrate all the white mans accomplishments. Be it lunar landings, music, the destruction of statues in the US etc etc.
Once you bear this in mind and know who is behind it (insert merchant here) then all becomes clear.

this isn't a word

Could be. Whats up italian user? I was in rome early 2017. Had a blast! Awesome country

Heh im tired of hearing it too. Felt like it fit here though

Neither is cuck or soyboy.

Save a bunch of money

It's funny because samples of lunar soil were sent to many countries, and even the Soviet Union the main enemy of USA admitted that the americans were on the moon, because they got the soil and the samples of the lunar soil cannot be faked.

I didnt know that. Source?

The body language of these glorious heroes. And the mountain of evidence suggesting it was faked. Why is it so hard to comprehend they faked it? I admit it's a little harder to comprehend that the Russians knew and said nothing. Which maybe answers my question, the true scale of the red pill in its entirety is too much to force down past the cognitive dissonance.

You do know that video was not filmed immediately after landing. It was a few weeks after being locked in isolation at a NASA facility.
Here is the thing was Kubrick used to create certain footage to sell the landing better, yes, was it completely fake, no. It is a mixture of real and fake to create a certain message and that is what confuses people.

The political leaders of the USSR immediately congratulated the USA on the successful lunar program, and Russian cosmonauts and scientists still express confidence in the reality of landing on the moon.

"Seriously believing that americans weren't on the moon only absolutely ignorant people can, and unfortunately all this ridiculous epic about allegedly fabricated in Hollywood cadres began with the americans themselves. By the way, the first person who started distributing these rumors, was imprisoned for libel" - Aleksey Leonov the USSR cosmonaut


Orbit, land, eva and return from the moon is very very very hard.

It would take a tremendous amount of work and money to raise the chances of success for the whole mission above 40%.
just take a look at the failed russian mission.
Super expensive debris and firework.

Even with modern tec the chances of failure would be pretty high. Just take a look at the poor jade rabbit. Build with modern tech and then failed after 2,2% of his expected lifespan.

But the US really wanted this achievment and the government made the whole thing public. A failure would have had catastrophic effect on national morale. So it isnt that illogical to assume they might have taken the easier and cheaper way out and didnt show the whole truth.

we still dont know for sure whats 15km under the surface of our planet. drilling a hole to excavate some unique material is easier and cheaper. i guess.

Maybe the whole thing was faked to 'win' the spacerace. Maybe they met hostile alien life on the moon and had to cover up the moon war. We'll never know...Just go and land on the fuckin mun yourself and be happy.

there's tiny strings attached to them obviously.

Yeah I do. Do they look like men that just received a ~5min standing ovation from their countrymen for perhaps the greatest achievement in human history or men with guilty consciences in the act of lying to their countrymen.

If you are asking do I think they are lying about something the answer is yes. Although the lie is not about going to the moon. They went, found something, and are covering it up. They used the training equipment and fake footage to hide from the public what was found in this and other missions.
The whole moon landing hoax is disinfo designed to keep you away from the real truth, the moon is artificial.

Very interesting!

>Do they look like men that just received a ~5min standing ovation from their countrymen for perhaps the greatest achievement in human history?

Faking the lunar landing would have involved hundreds of people. Government personal /NASA employees/hollywood schmos etc. With this many people involved how is it possible clear evidence of a fake landing hasnt been leaked?

because the footage is obviously faked with shitty 60's special effects and not everyone is a blue pilled cuck

They look like men, who after weeks in isolation, are being forced by the CIA to give a certain account of what happened instead of the truth.
Why do you not understand the point I am trying to make?

Russian cosmonauts are awesome. Not trying to derail my thread too much but why is Vlad Putin such an attention whore!

>clear evidence of a fake landing hasnt been leaked
dude the official footage is clear evidence it was faked, you believe in this shit? are you that fucking retarded or are you just a shill?

Any new venture requires a large amount of risk. If we as humans arent risk takers than whats it all for?

Above and beyond!

More or less people are either too autistic or too full of themselves to comprehend the magnitude of accomplishments that we made.

Aliens, anonbro?

>lost the record tapes
>LOST THE FUCKING TECHNOLOGY (by current NASA's own admission)

Please dont use offensive insults in my thread. That isnt needed

>What's with the push to say the United State's NASA program faked a lunar landing?
because it is you dumb mutt goblin

We never went to the moon
Spacex is our first real shot

Usage is the sole master of language

Sad but true

A possibility, another being ancient human moonbase. Similar to the possibility of ancient human artifacts being found on mars being covered up. It has been discussed for some time that we were more advanced in the distant past.

>Too many take advantage of the 1st amendment, enough is enough already

People are allowed to believe whatever they want, even if it's bullshit.

> It's funny because samples of lunar soil were sent to many countries, and even the Soviet Union the main enemy of USA admitted that the americans were on the moon, because they got the soil and the samples of the lunar soil cannot be faked.
>plenty of samples sent over the world by NASA were exposed as fakes
>the USSR was always financed by Wall Street since its creation

I do understand your point, I just doubt you actually believe it.

>Regarding taking advantage of the 1st amendment, its basically slander at this point which is a crime and those who slander need to be held accountable.

It's not slander, it's just bullshit beliefs and bullshit beliefs are protected by the First Amendment.

Gorbachev was a Pizza Hut agent and Stallin was closet gay. So what. Go suck nigger dicks.

>amount of risk
30% is acceptable (standard orbit)
50% is questionable (mars)
90% just silly (early space missions)

Please dont reply with anything unintelligent.

It was done to ''prove'' the earth is a ball 500 years after shoving it down everyone's throats without evidence

The roots of the conspiracy come from a documentary that aired a few days before the landing.
It was about what the moon WOULD be like when we landed. A lot of people flipping through the few tv channels saw it and thought it was real. Then a few days later for them it happened again. A lot of the conspiracies are based off of footage from the documentary, ie shadows, waving flags, reflections ect. But if you look at the real footage there isa subtle difference and none of the inconsistancies are there.

>tldr people are dumb

We landed on the Moon. The 'Moon landing hoax' conspiracy theory is a FALSE conspiracy theory that exists ONLY to hide the TRUE conspiracy theory that we went to the Moon but found artificial objects there (or we knew that there were artificial objects on the Moon all along and went to the Moon simply to bring some of those artificial objects back to Earth). This is a common technique that intelligence agencies use to deceive the masses (I call that technique 'conspiracy misdirection'): They promote a conspiracy theory that they KNOW is FALSE and want you to think you're red-pilled by believing that false conspiracy theory is TRUE while using that false conspiracy theory to hide a TRUE conspiracy theory related to it that has even MORE far-reaching implications than the false conspiracy theory. For example, the 'Moon landing hoax' conspiracy theory is being used to hide the TRUE conspiracy theory that we went to the Moon and found artificial objects there (or we knew there were artificial objects there all along and went to the Moon simply to bring some of those artificial objects back to Earth). The official account of the Moon landing AND the Moon landing hoax conspiracy theory are BOTH FALSE. NASA itself is covertly promoting the Moon landing hoax conspiracy theory.

>don't do a moon mission for forty-five years because of budget cuts
>end up losing a few electronic tapes but still having the majority of them
>everyone forgots the exact technical details of certain obsolete parts on the saturn V

You know the Saturn V was hand-welded, right? Just because we've "lost the technology" doesn't mean we can't accomplish what they did, especially with more efficient techniques.

Of what I know of how the CIA and media management companies work using fake footage to craft the narrative around a real event is more likely then a completely manufactured event.
School shootings would be a good comparison. People get lost in trying to prove the shooting fake when the real happening is around the shaping of the media narrative. The shootings are probably real, planned or not, but it is the actors they use to craft the narrative that are if not fake at least scripted.


People start reading half truths about that decade and space race and learn enough to be dangerous but not actually knowledgeable about the situation. I constantly hear one of the reasons it was faked was because the soviets had better rocket tech than us and THEY couldn't do it! The keyword is HAD when we built the saturn V we built the largest most powerful rocket ever built to this day even. The soviets never had a good response because while they technically HAD better engines they kept blowing up. I could go on but you get the idea.

More power to the aliens! Dey will show us da wey

Yet speaking out in ones self anguish isnt denial? Should this not be dealt with?

NASA gets billions of dollars for fake ass bullshit. yes, i'm a flat earth researcher.

yeah and then they popped off in the Lunar Module and docked with their buddy's ship who was orbiting the moon at 10,000 mph and flew back to earth alive on the first try and on every consecutive try safely

>the absolute state of mutts
Every war since WW1 you entered into was based on lies.
Your government lies to you on a perpetual basis about almost everything.
But yet the moon landing happened even tho NASA can't do it again
>"I'd go to the moon, but we don't have that technology anymore"

I agree with that. The Apollo launches were real, they just never went beyond low earth orbit.

Not necessarly. The trick lies in proper departmentalization. The scientists who are getting the data of the spacecraft don't know if it is real or just a simulation of a real mission. Only a small group could fake it, without letting whole nasa team know that it's fake.

you need to have space ebola to know da wey

They ironically landed on the moon though. The purpose of landing on the moon was to display irony.

Because it's much more palatable to believe in an outrageous claim than to face the simple fact, which is that nothing extraordinary will ever happen to you throughout your life. Being part of a loose group of people who 'do not believe their lies' make some pathetic NEETs life interesting.

It's just escapism, nothing more or less.

What if russia faked the first man in space prior and did not say anything because nasa knew it too. So everybody is happy. Nasa got first man on moon and udssr gets first man in space

I see your point but i dont think it would be this simple

I want the space ebola, kerbalman

The tech doesn't exist for it now, and it didnt then. Stop believing in the Jewish version of adult santa, we can marvel at the accomplishments of our race without being reduced to believing in man playing golf on the moon and other drivel.

t. doesn't understand orbital mechanics or relative movement

All of the astronauts had practice with docking ships prior to the mission. Flying a space ship is purely orbital mechanics; thrust in the correct direction for the correct amount of time, and you'll glide all the way back to the earth's atmosphere.
Never mind that Apollo 8, 9, and 10 had all successfully orbited the moon.

you have to find the queen to get space ebola my brudddah

Damn, that image is so depressing. Hate it.
People are conditioned... we might have insights and knowledge but not all people do. They end up robots to consumerism like this guy. Damn.

neither's cuntfaggot but it describes you perfectly

It's not - moon hoaxing and flat earthing is just a giant stupid larp that's got out of hand.

The problem I have with people say no landing took place is that when we have footage of the Chinese lander it displays the same behavior as the American lander. So either both are faked and in cahoots or they are both real events.
I can believe a conspiracy within the US but one that extends between multiple governments and remains completely undetected? I am not sure anyone is that competent.

Well yeah it was during the cold war, I suppose. But this wasnt to prove what america could do and other countries couldnt. It was a wake up call to show what HUMANS could do as a collective. Just like what the ISS is doing!

forgot the image, sorry

wow you got me, i'm not a rocket scientist. but I'm not gullible either. you think this youtube.com/watch?v=sj6a0Wrrh1g is real. and that they connected with their buddy and flew back safely with shit technology

People are retarded. Thats why.
We all gotta thank Croats for making it possible thought.
Croatia invented Rocket Engines.

Stop being stupid cunt please, do not embarrass yourself

It's not simple. It's hard as fuck to plan it. Anyway it's easier to simulate the whole mission than try to make it real. Common, you need computers to simulate every aspect of the mission.i ca't believe that this old computermachines could have done that, or that everything was calculated by hand.

This is bullshit. Mars' surface is apparently full of oxydized iron in dust form and water in solid form underfround.
There is nothing there that we don't see on Earth.
The Moon, due to its low gravity and relatively closed distance from Earth would make for a perfect launching port for exploration missions.
Yet we focus on Mars, to which the strategic appeal is near zero.

Physics Question: (easy)
A 100+ton ball of solid iron is on the edge of space, and next to it, the space shuttle; both will drop down through the atmosphere. Which one will make it back to earth?

Clue #1: The Shuttle is hollow, just a thin layer of aluminium around the air-frame, plus a thick layer of ceramic tiles, to protect it during reentry.

Clue #2: The air is so sparse, it's just individual molecules, so the high-energy impacts are all focused on one spot, like bullets, from a machine gun - one that can shoot that giant wrecking ball to bits like it's nothing, same with big hunks of rock or ice -any kind of meteor, happens all the time, way up high.

Fun fact:
Square-jawed American hero's presented gift to PM of Holland: it's a genuine moon rock, valued at 306,000eur, for you. He can see at a glance that it's not a moon rock, is just petrified wood. Obtains 5 more moon rocks, test all of them in lab, but none are legit. I see. Puts the moon rock gift in the national museum anyway, along with full explanation, but museum visitors are left to CONNECT THE DOTS, and draw their own conclusions.

My guess: Museum is anti-american, has chosen to just feed us all bullshit, instead of educate, because they hate our freedoms, and hate America, and just want to start some shit, implying I now have a patriotic duty to yell for that asshole manager, and smash him over. Fuck all you Dutch assholes, and your museum of lies. God Bless America!

how the fuck could we land on the moon if it's round, we would of just fallen off