What would you do if this happened to your GF Sup Forums?

What would you do if this happened to your GF Sup Forums?

Size 8?
Disgusting fat pig!

Had to birth a muttlet too.

She obviously stole that baby.

how much you want to bet she's not with the nigger father?

If it was my kid I'd be concerned as fuck for its health because the mother would not have taken any pre-natal care. Obviously in this scenario though the girl was MUTTd so it obviously isn't mine and I'd kick her ass to the curb

Yeah no. She obviously made that up because she didn't tell her family she's pregnant from a nigger until the last moment.

>BLACKED session aftermath

Jesus that truly horrifying

>*record scratch*
>*freeze frame*
>This is me. You're probably wonder how I got into this mess...

Nothing was lost

So not only is the niglet going to be stupid and ugly, but likely brain damaged as she drank and had sex during pregnancy

This doesn't seem possible. Looks like a clickbait too. Probably made up stuff like Midnight Star.

Kek. Was the BBC worth it, cunt? I don't think so.

It's shit like this that makes me wish I was gay.

What an ugly child, imagine the beautiful, not to mention intelligent, she could have had?

Now, no good man would want her. Forever alone or with a loser male.

How embarrassing to have a niglet child.
It’s not human.

cute, looks just like her.

>niglet baby

I would murder the baby and throw acid in the woman’s face

This. #1 half nig #2 poor nutrition in the womb. This is either fake or that child is going to be borderline retarded.

I’d marry her and raise that her love child like it was my own!

Cute woman/niggerbaby


la creatura

So the baby probably grew in the womb getting completely plastered at least once a week. Gee, enjoy your future, kiddo.

Also as people are mentioning she could have smoked and drank during pregnancy.

I'd beat the shit out of that cheating coalburning whore

Oh, fuck, man. The state of White women.

I'm gonna puke, I mean just LOOK at that shitlet. 56% face is real, people.

Absolutely horrendous child. This stupid slut knew she was pregnant. The baby was moving inside of her. She was just playing dumb for her parents (who probably would have made her have an abortion if they knew she got impregnated by a migrant) and doesn't know how to drop the lie without embarrassing herself.

For once in my life i would imitate a black man = leave the bitch and the kid.

Why? Just find yourself a better one. You just dodged a bullet.

Fucking Christ LA CREATURA.

>the state of white women
Better than any other kind of woman

i only see a future Sup Forums poster.


What a piece of disgusting trash

>even women who seem not pregnant might be 8 months pregnant, what do you know goyim?
>that black baby could have two white parents for all you know
textbook gaslighting, sage the kike memeflag.


What gf? Only see a filthy coalburner.

I want to leave Europe, I want to leave the ship while its sinking

ayy dios mio

What ? Pic related. Both mother and creature.


FAS probably expalins 40% of the ugly epidemic in the UK.

dios mio...

I'm sure the Grandparents are thrilled

I can smell the food stamps from here ....

>kept having periods

It says shes a nurse, obviously not a good one. You feel a baby move at about 4 months. You can also see and feel its elbows and feet pushing out of the stomach through a woman's clothes as it moves around in late pregnancy.

This nigger dead in pic or contently dreaming of gibs?

Agreed, you'd have to be black and or retarded not to notice a human growing inside of you, so it quite literally must've been stolen.

phases of me seeing that pic
>what? perdiods during pregnancy? How's that possible
>oh wow, she really was slim

Girlfriend? I would drop her and get myself tested for HIV and other STD's. Wife? I'd make her tell me the name of the Black guy that got her pregnant, then I'd kill her and the child, then go find the Black guy she fucked and kill him, too. Then I'd drive around his neighborhood taking out as much ghetto trash as I could before the police take me out.

>take bbc
>try to get away with it
>have a baby out of nowhere
Surely God has a cruel sense of humor

El atrocidad

She knew... that's why she was holding a clutch in front of her belly.

21. And now single forever. A lifetime to think upon that.

My God nigger Babies are ugly.

My son is part Swedish part shitskin and he's rather aesthetic to look like.

But nigger Babies are just plain ugly.

>so progressive
Such a powerful young women you should all aspire to be like her.

No, she's "in love" with him. See:

>What would you do if this happened to your GF Sup Forums?

I'd tell her I had a plan - I'd hatch a scheme and tell everyone that it's parthenogenesis - a VIRGIN BIRTH!!!

I'd get her on the lecture circuit, interviewed by Oprah and Ellen, she'll tell bullshit stories about visions and miracles. This is how religions start, isn't it? We'd make countless millions, especially if we pandered to doofus millions in Latin America. Of course the baby will be named Jesus - even if it's a "girl". Transubstantiation, meet Jesus the trans prophet!

FAKE. bait thread. Slide

That and the fact that she had a fetus writhing around inside of her for months on end.

back to tumblr with you


Kid will grown up and can be BASED and RED PILLED

Jews, Muslims and europoors BTFO
#MAGA #praise_kek #find_Jesus

is your arab gf a cutie though ?

la creatura del castello nuevo

asians and latinas piss all over white women

Fact: only bigoted racists are bothered by this. All I see are a glowing mother and her beautiful bi-racial baby.

imagine being a grandparent to that fucking thing. i'd tell her not to bring it into my house

>get tested for hiv, results come back positive, proceed to commit nog rampage

Under the Burka.

either fake, or she knew but kept it hidden due to shame.

La abominacion


So, she got drunk two days a week during the entire pregnancy?

Don't let make up and sexy clothing fool you. These woman are ugly, and will drain all the spirit from you

She kept it hidden so she could avoid getting her eyes blacked too.

If you people can't see a very happy, beautiful baby, then there is no hope for you.


lel, we should get the "forever alone" meme going again. Only instead of the big cry face, put the big cry face on a pair of tits and add a nigglet

That girl will probably be able to get a good dicking once in while, when she gets someone to babysit the niglet, but she will never ever have a bf again, lel!

Post below your's for you.

>didn't know
As if I'm supposed to believe she didn't lie the whole time because she's a shameful coalburner that hoped her home made abortion attempts hit home until the bitter end.

it's probably not even the same nigger. that's how much of a rotten whore she is.

False. Asian women are golddiggers at a much higher rate, and they are the biggest racemixers. They literally prefer white men over their own, think about that.

Typical mongrel one? Ugly, dumb, extra emotional. Bigger racemixers than white women.

Also only white women can give you white sons.

dumb leaf poster

Thissss. I can’t wait til all the racist boomer bigots die the fuck out and get the fuck off this board.

You don't understand how nigger babies are grown. A lifestyle like what you described would only serve to strengthen a nigglet in utero. It's not unlike how the Uruk-hai were formed.

Should we do it again, lads?

Yeah. Total bullshit.

Not possible.. women don’t lie

>t. Shlomo Chaim Shekelbergstein

>my son
>part shitskin
Like poetry

at this point I think they did the story because of it

Imagine birthing a goblin.

You'll see her drug addicted ass on Tinder soon enough, boys. Tainted goods for life.

Does anyone get the feeling that news is 80% twisted stories and 20% made up stories? Like they just fucking made up the whole shit in order to show a black baby with a white mother? There is no way this could have happened. I know this isnt a real newspaper but Brits should be upset that this publication thinks that their population is retarded enough to believe this.

I would disown her for being not just a whore, but a nigger fucking whore

San Miguel Arcángel,
defiéndenos en la batalla.
Sé nuestro amparo
contra las perversidad y asechanzas
de la atrocidad.
Reprímale Dios, pedimos suplicantes,
y tu príncipe de la milicia celestial
arroja al infierno con el divino poder
a Satanás y a los otras creaturas impuras.
que andan dispersos por el mundo


At the very least middle easterners can be caucasians.
But still, faily big downgrade genetic wise.