Mfw I just learned a out the planetary harmonics required for a thermonuclear bomb detonation means nuclear war is a...

>mfw I just learned a out the planetary harmonics required for a thermonuclear bomb detonation means nuclear war is a meme

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Get this nigger off of Sup Forums

Why do you have to be a pretentious faggot and waif for us to ask you what "planetary harmonics" are? If you want to tell us about something, just tell us instead of being obnoxious about it.



Why the homophobia?

Because I literally gave you all the information you need to google it yourself and learn.

tl;dw: the alignment of planetary bodies, usually the sun, are integral to the successful detonation of a thermonuclear bomb. Nuclear war is a meme because anyone that has access to the tech is also 100% aware of the exact time and location you could set one off at any given moment.

This is the part where I get shilled into oblivion




This is, without a doubt, the DUMBEST post and thread currently on Sup Forums, and quite possibly all of Sup Forums at the moment.

Is that your channel

>doesn't know nuclear bombs are themselves a meme and don't exist


Do you believe all bullshit that is thrown at you? Do you want to buy Jupiter? I'm the true owner, you can get it for only $99, but only if you accept within the hour!

Thread theme:

>Do you believe all bullshit that is thrown at you?
oh the irony


Nope, feel free to research Bruce Cathie, or the scientist he built his work off of that mysteriously committed suicide

Damn, cool how you watched the 6 minute video in a little over a minute and ten seconds.

>OP literally has no understanding of nuclear physics at even an 8th grade level.

>unga bunga stars not right for big boom boom

>Because I literally gave you all the information you need to google it yourself and learn.

Quantum Physics. There, now you have all the information you need to discover hyperspace travel and put Black Science Man to shame. Jackass.

See you're trying to be clever, but if you google "Quantum Physics" that's a very broad term. It doesn't get you anything specifically related to hyperspace travel. But when you google "Planetary harmonics thermonuclear bomb" that's very a specific string, so in return you get very specific results. Pic related.

That is actually retarded. Aligning the planets doesn't stop the movement of atoms, and the movement of atoms has no impact on their ability to undergo fission.

>that is actually retarded
>Aligning the planets doesn't stop the movement of atoms, and the movement of atoms has no impact on their ability to undergo fission.
Then the only thing actually retarded here is you because you completely misinterpreted the information. Here's another video, with pictures this time you might understand it a bit more clearly.

This is OLD science. Harmonics.
How bees/beetles fly and how they probably built the pyramids.

Is the earth flat too?

>nukes can't detonate because of planetary vibrations
You are dumb.

No it's a 4D hypersphere, but you're too busy meming to grasp that.

>because of planetary vibrations
Literally nothing to do with anything anyone has said.
Why can't you address the content without a strawman argument?

>what are nuclear fission reactors that work 24/7
this is disinfo
if you are trolling, get a new life
if you are serious, end your life

Black dude is right, nuclear weapons don't exist save for nuclear reactors. Nagasaki and Hiroshima were firebombed.

>nigger draws triangles
Doesn't explain shit.

>you've got to zero all the relative movements of the atom in the bomb
This is where he goes full retard.


>nuclear fission reactors are the same as a thermonuclear bomb
They are elaborate steam engines.

>too dumb to understand what he's looking at and that's somehow the fault of the video

Shit video. He just says a bunch of sciencey sounding words in the hopes that retards will think he knows what he's talking about.

Explain in your own words what he is saying. Protip: you can't, because he's full of shit.

i thought white people were supposed to be smart

You need the planets aligned properly in relation to the location of the bomb being dropped to complete the chain reaction required for a nuclear bomb. If you actually watched you'd see he doesn't know 100% the mechanics involved(this was what the rest of his research into the planetary grid was about). He is just aware that the sun's position is 100% integral to the successful detonation of a thermonuclear bomb due to the same ratios being involved in every single test/explosion. If the sun isn't in the right spot, the bomb is just a regular bomb with high radiation emissions

It's all sacred geometry, this is old science.

>It's an "OP sucks his own dick in his own thread that he keeps bumping for attention" episode

And where does that heat for that steam engine come from? What mechanism? What is a meltdown and how does it happen?

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Uranium and plutonium are unstable elements, so all they need to set off a chain reaction of energy is an initial "push" or a small explosion in the case of nukes. It has nothing to do with whether or not the planets are aligned.

stop responding to slide threads

Nukes don't exist. Nuclear fallout is a lie. Look at hiroshima and nagasaki. No fallout, was rebuilt and inhabited immediatly. Nukes are a psychological trick to keep people from revolting against them. The only circumstance nessesary for revolution is that you think you can win! So they made up nukes and said they can end all life with the push of a button!

Nuclear war is a meme because satellites can shut down atoms

I'm kind of amazed how delusional some people can be.

>Burger thinks the earth is a donought
That checks out

holy crap brainlet