What's your opinion on Dugin?

Personally I think he's a genius.

Other urls found in this thread:


I like him on some things, disagree on others. He has some insight, but I'm not a devotee of him or anything.

A demagog.

Never understood his schtick, is he ultra-fash or ultra-commie?

He hates whites.
To he goulag it goes

If you honestly believe that you should watch this video. They explain his ideas pretty well.


Yesterday he started new lecture course in english btw, it's about his philosophy and cultures.

>"America has lots of racial tension, maybe we can use that against them"
>"Wow what a fucking genius! He must be le epik anti illuminati warrior mentoring Putin xDDD






Integralist is the real answer. The commie LARP is to piss off liberals, who in Eastern Europe use the USSR and the commies like the kikes in Western Europe use the Holocaust and the Nazis.

It's kind of like when Sup Forums LARPs as NatSoc.

>Never understood his schtick, is he ultra-fash or ultra-commie?
ultra-commie leading the Commie (((Alt-Right))) posing as fash.

He openly admits it by retards who like Spencer or Peterson are low IQ usefull idiots. The same kind of whites that get swept up by ANTIFA

Faggot, what Dugin is talking about is basic geopolitics. This is what your country is doing all over the world. The cognitive dissonance is astonishing.

Nazbol faggots get the rope too. Strasserites are leftists

>Commies to Eastern Europeans mean NatSoc in America

A basketcase. Literally. Multiple times admitted to mental asylums.

He's a Jew.

He just hates globalism, he considers all cultures equal (except Russian), but he is against multiculturalism, for example non-Français (african) people in France.
It's really not about race, it's about culture and modern Western (=white) left liberalism. Yes, he thinks that modern Zimbabwe is better than modern West.

>Faggot, what Dugin is talking about is basic geopolitics. This is what your country is doing all over the world. The cognitive dissonance is astonishing.

This is what Jews and their pedophile criminal pawns are doing all over the world. So you are brainwashed to believe it's "those damn Americans!" like we are brainwashed to believe "those damn Russians!".

Dugin is anti-white and wants it destroyed. That tells you EVERYTHING you need to know.

Take your meds Peter.

>It's really not about race
No it's really about race.

All of Communism is about race. The Neaderkikes want to kill the Cro-Magnon-whites since before time began.

ALL FORMS OF COMMUNISM = Zionist schemes.

No mate. (((Liberals))) shame people for being former commies and talk about the 100 gorillion like they do in the West. Which part is difficult to understand?

Are you defending Dugin? If not, why bother that user?

Some guy from "Latvia" is using (((Alt-Right))) strawmans. You're so believable kike.

>No mate. (((Liberals))) shame people for being former commies and talk about the 100 gorillion like they do in the West. Which part is difficult to understand?
They part where Commies entire existence is based on the evils of the Holohoax and is 100% a Jewish scam.

See pic

But he says that he is against certain aspects of of western countries, like constant looting of other nations, feminism, and other degeneracies.The west has been a source of this shit for countless centuries and always have been spreading across the world bringing misery and destruction to the world. and therefore he is "anti-white".
I can see his point.

He's a Russian brainlet who thinks that the fast track to a new Russian Empire is mongrelizing slavs with Turks, Chechens and all the other assorted filth of central Asia.

We have no black people in Russia. So nobody cares about race here.

This sounds like his views are taken out of context or poorly translated. When he refers to the western world he's referring to the British and American mercantilism and the masonic revolutions that overturned the traditional medieval order.

>That chaos symbol

You have Tartars, Chechens, and many other undesirable peoples.

>But he says that he is against certain aspects of of western countries, like constant looting of other nations, feminism, and other degeneracies.
You understand that all the fake Rightwing groups in the West are souly dedicated to calling out women and "croney capitalism" as the real problem?


The real problem are the fucking Jews and Communists (Globalism). The real problem is usury and Marxist brainwashing. It's just another Jewish scam you fell for, son. Hitler TOLD you. He died for it. You don't listen!

>But the West is evil for ever!
Brainwashing... Ask Peter the Great.

You seem envious of him. Very jealous.

No, it really isn't. That is what he says in his book. It has entire chapters dedicated to his hate for white people and whiteness in general.

>This sounds like his views are taken out of context or poorly translated. When he refers to the western world he's referring to the British and American mercantilism and the masonic revolutions that overturned the traditional medieval order.
You ignore the part where he said he wants all whites to die.


>We have no black people in Russia. So nobody cares about race here.
Then you're doomed. Build another Mosque Putin. You have Europe's largest Muslim population and your flag is a Jewish death cult that killed your people.

When Jared Taylor visited Russia to give a talk on the huwest and huwhites, he said:

>The West is fractured by competing racial and ethnic groups who will never get along. If you want America to collapse, all you need to do is wait.

Every Russian in the audience clapped at these words.

That is Dugins philosophy in a nutshell.

I just hate Peter the scitzo manchild.

>When Jared Taylor visited Russia to give a talk on the huwest and huwhites, he said:
>>The West is fractured by competing racial and ethnic groups who will never get along. If you want America to collapse, all you need to do is wait.
>Every Russian in the audience clapped at these words.
>That is Dugins philosophy in a nutshell.

Taylor's wife is a kike and he's a Zionist. Doesn't suprise me.

>no one cares about race

So, nobody in Russia names the Jew? Sad.

He has his shitty infographs, and I have mine.

>The real problem are the fucking Jews and Communists (Globalism).
I am interested, if you are aware that rising right wing wave across Europe and US specifically are jewish (mostly Israelli) puppets?
Go look up Geert Wilders' latest interview

You are the ultimate good goy.

- Russians are white (not black at least);
- He's Russian patriot;
- He himself is a fucking white;
=> He can't hate whites.

This is who you are arguing with.

Seems like you're just an (((Alt-Right))) paid shill though. You've created a character and it's normal gaslighting techniques to control conversations.

>some guy is the only opposition to the alt-right and he's crazy
Yup, sounds like a Jewish narrative to me.

Guess how I know you haven't even read his book

Doesn't the guy just want a hyper nationalist USSR that controls most of Eastern Europe and Asia? Gotta say Nazbol stuff is weird and sorta interesting at the same time even if it seems to contradict itself constantly.

>This is who you are arguing with.
Responds to himself

First day on the job (((Alt-Right))) shill?

Don't play stupid with me Peter, you know full well who I am. We have been going at it for more than a year now. Or maybe your scitzophenia has gotten so bad that you develiped selective memory too?

>Doesn't the guy just want a hyper nationalist USSR that controls most of Eastern Europe and Asia? Gotta say Nazbol stuff is weird and sorta interesting at the same time even if it seems to contradict itself constantly.
No he larps that for the goy.

What he wants is to kill all white people and mix the rest with Asians. That's why he employes the shills to post Asian wife threads all day every day.

He's not one guy. It's an enitre NEOCON 2.0 strategy. Remember the NeoCons came out of Trotsky's writings.

Same Commies, different time.

>Don't play stupid with me Peter, you know full well who I am

You have problems bro

Yes. A super Soviet Union basically. Only with even heavier elemets of racemixing than before. Western Europe and Ukraine are to be genocided from his point of view.

Is he wrong though? I read the pic you posted. Is that person incorrect?

He's wrong about IQ, it is genetic with a slight variance that environment can trigger.
And we must always work for our race.
When he states that he wants National Socialism for all races, this is great. Sure, we must expel the foreigners in a humane way, but each one that we send back should fight Zionism.
Our enemy is global - so must our fight be.
But we can help other races by helping ourselves, and, providing them with a model.
Should the fight against Zionism end up with a third world war, we will serve as we did in WW2 - against men of all races to slay the beast.

Nicely said.

I don't give two damns about muh natsoc, I'm just pointing out the the retarded sperg that moarpheus is. I have grown to hate his mentally handicapped ass over the last year. And I am not the only one.

Do you support Israel then?

Oh, I get it. ;)

I don't give a damn about Israel either.

IQ has no connection with intelligence by the way. High IQ shows that your brain works average, that you're normie. You can be succesful office monkey, but not a good poet or artist.

>Personally I think he's a genius.
He act like a SJW

Read the entire debate with another guy

F* socialism, it irreversibly ruined my country. And yours will follow suit too if you keep on the same track.

You don't care about much, huh? I can see why you would hate an alpha.

Kill yourself (((Moarpheus))) stop shilling for based niggers you filthy kike rat

Why don't you agree that we should bring liberation to everyone?

Stop shilling for Russian kikes.

I don't care about non Whites. If they liberate themselves good but I won't spend a single second caring about them.

Fuck Dugin, his bullshit is poison for any western nationalist movement. (By that I mean third position, racial and ethnic nationalism not the Alt-Kike Trump shit)

But aren't non-whites causing you to suffer? Would you like to remedy that so future generations never face genocide by non-whites?

And now Moarberg is using commie lexicon too. Colour me surprised.

The world is enslaved by Zionists. Why don't you want to free the world?

Awakening the racial consciousness of the White man is the solution to nearly every single problem we face.

> I'm for black. White civilization - its cultural values, a false, anti-human model of the world, built by it - did not justify itself. Everything goes to the beginning of white pogroms on a planetary scale. Russia is saved only by the fact that we are not pure white. Robber transnational corporations, oppression and suppression of all the rest, MTV, blue and pink - these are the fruits of the white civilization, which must be eliminated. Therefore, I am for red, yellow, green, black - only not for white. I wholeheartedly support the people of Zimbabwe
Dugin is anti-white shill

>responds quickly and without addressing that I called him moarpheus
So this is the second device you constantly use to imagespam huh? You forgot the nazi trollflag this time.

And then what? The white man goes to war with the rest of the races?

Im a dumbo. How much of an intellectual do i need to be before I can read dugan? So i need a degree in philosophy? What are some books i should read to get some background understanding?

both are the same you fuckin retard

You avoided my question twice. It's very rude. I shant address you further until you do.

I am not going to tell you the plan Peter.

lol you have no plan. If you make this only about whites you're left having to fight everyone else. But whites are the global minority and will lose that war. Im not sure if youre an anti-white shill or just arrogant.

Are Jews white?

White is synonymous with European of non-Jewish lineage.


Why don't you agree that west-european and american whites are trash? You are real cancer of the modern world.
Look at Japan in 1940s (picture of samurai). Than look at modern Japan, after decades of American influence (picture of anime). You are trying to do that with everybody in the world, it called "globalization".

Bill Clinton is the progenitor of the soyboy face?

No, user. Jews aren't white.

Does he really want to ban chemistry and physics in Russia, or was that just a rumor?

A lot of his stuff is derived from Heidegger, so I find it mostly agreeable. He's not the communist everyone thinks he is, he's an anti-capitalist (like any sane goy) that reveres the influence of past empires like the Soviet Union and the Russian Empire for the basis of his Eurasianist thought; the idea that the corner of Eurasia is the heartland for a worldwide vanguard of traditionalism against the liberal west and industrialised world.

I've read 4PT, it was mostly pretty good. Wouldn't say it's anything beyond Third Positionism though.

>moarpheus being dishonest
Like clockwork

Best political philosopher alive today

You didn't notice the quotation marks?

>it was mostly pretty good
Really? Are you sure you read the right book?

He has liberalism figured out exactly. He's an interesting thinker.

I did. I also noticed you calling Ashkenazis white. Explain.

He'd like to reverse the last 500-1500-3500 years of science, but these disciplines have military value. Even Iran gets it.


he's a liberal Christian

Dimestore wannabe Rasputin.

He just another intelectual without real influence on politics.

Loomer is a Jew who likes to think of herself as white. She even had a nose job to look more "white." I was being sarcastic by calling Ashkenazim "white." Jews aren't white.

everyone knows who you are dumb fuck not all of us are KIKES unless you consider all of Sup Forums outside of your 5-10 friends