Italy/pol/ Enjoying The Bloodbath [Globalists on Suicide Watch]

Populist surge prompts political deadlock [English]

Populism is not going away anytime soon [English]

USA political analist: "This is the end of globalism" [Eng Translate]

Senegalese killed in Florence "Fascism is now mainstream in Italian politics" [Eng Translate]

34% of Italians Want to Expel all Foreigners, Recent Survey Says [English]

Vast Majority of Under-35 Italians Oppose Mass Migration [English]

Immigrants in Rome on suicide watch: "We are scared now" [Eng Translate]

"Ducetta" Giorgia-chan: "The Government will prohibit the NGOs of Soros from operating in Italy"
"The right wing coalition govt will prioritize dialogue with Visegrad group" [Eng Translate]

Chief economist of Lega explains new currency [Sub Eng]

Borghi (Lega): "Right wing coalition plan is to leave the euro"
Bonafè (PD): "This is the only European country where center-right moderates are allied with right-wing extremists.
Merkel refused to ally with AfD"è-pd-nostro-programma-chiaro-devo-farle-un-disegnino-14-02-2018-234013

As Elections Approach, Italy Shows Record Alienation from European Union [English]

Memelord (Lega): "We need to completely shut down Antifa" [Eng Translate]

Giorgia-chan (Fratelli d'Italia): "We will outlaw Antifa when in govt" [Eng Translate]

Italian Secret Services: "Antifa are more dangerous than islamic extremists" [Eng Translate]

Fascism and Roman salute are not outlawed anymore [Eng Translate]

Other urls found in this thread:


1) IL PD E’MORTO (E NON RISORGERA’MAI PIU’): ve lo dico subito, per capirci. Se pensate che, fatto fuori Renzi (tra l’altro da coloro che fino a ieri alle 23.01 lo avevano adulato: e questi sarebbero i compagni!...), basti per rifarsi un’immagine e salvare il partito, VI SBAGLIATE DI GROSSO! Renzi ha perso la sua sfida nel 2016 al Referendum, il 4 Marzo 2018 e’il PD che esce distrutto. Gli italiani hanno rifiutato questo partito: i suoi principi, i suoi valori (?), le sue pratiche, le sue facce, la sua ideologia, le sue politiche. So che per voi, che vi considerate di razza pura, superiore, dotati del Sacro Graal della Verita’, e’difficile da ingoiare. Ma e’ cosi’. Non siete i migliori, non disponete di nessuna superiorita’ morale (ma questo ormai si dovrebbe esser capito, no?..), non avete alcuna superiorita’ intellettuale; o meglio: avevate Gramsci, Pasolini, la tradizione marxista, i migliori intellettuali del Dopoguerra, ma li avete uccisi, per…il neoliberismo, il liberismo europeista. Che tristezza! Morire per Bruxelles..Poveracci.

2) LA FINE DELLE REGIONI ROSSE (ORA TUTTO IL TERRITORIO NAZIONALE E’CONTENDIBILE): proprio questo e’uno degli aspetti piu’interessanti, che conferma la morte definitiva del PD. Quella che tradizionalmente era la forza della sinistra: la macchina burocratica (non discutiamo qui sulle caratteristiche democratiche di essa) e il radicamento del territorio esce polverizzata.
Il PD e’terzo nelle Marche (perde sia ad Ancona che a Pesaro!), sconfitto nettamente sia dal M5S che dal Centrodestra, perde sia in Emilia (!) che in Romagna (!), esce abbastanza fortemente ridimensionato perfino in Toscana (perde Pisa e Arezzo!), viene distrutto in tutta l’Umbria (compresa Perugia!). Resistono solo i fortini di Firenze citta’ e Bologna centro (ancora per poco, evidentemente). Trovate voi gli aggettivi per commentare. Fine!!

3) IL CENTROSINISTRA NON C’E’ PIU’ (E NON SARA’MAI PIU’COME PRIMA): a questo punto, penserete voi, di fronte ad una prateria spalancata, avranno certamente fatto fuoco e fiamme i “rivoluzionari” di Liberi e Uguali e i post-comunisti ex-rifondaroli con Tsipras nel cuore di Potere al Popolo. Sono i buoni, sono i giusti, sono i (mosci) e i puri….
Liberi e Uguali: 3,4 %, quota da dividersi peraltro per le 3 formazioni che lo compongono e che dunque individualmente non rappresentano nessuno, se non se stessi e il loro apparato politico (P.S.: I loro leader Grasso e Boldrini ultimi nei loro collegi, per non parlare dei reggenti D’Alema e Civati fuori dal Parlamento e nella Piacenza di Bersani il Centrodestra fa il 43,4%!)
Potere al Popolo: 1,1% il nulla…..
E i moderati? Rimangono solo gli invasati del +Europa: piu’immigrati (possibilmente clandestini: qualcuno dovra’pur raccogliere i pomodori per i nostri padroni, no?!), piu’ tasse, qualche patrimoniale (di quello che rimane delle ricchezze degli italiani), piu’ Bruxelles, piu’austerita’ e, possibilmente, vi prego: germanizzateci piu’forte che potete!...
Di fronte a questi presupposti, che cosa vuoi costruire?....
Sono incapaci, sono arroganti, stupidi e ignoranti. Ma, per fortuna, (finalmente!) ce li siamo tolti dai maroni…


4) IL M5S NON PUO’ PIU’BLUFFARE (ORA DEVE MOSTRARE LE CARTE): ora finalmente siamo arrivati alla resa dei conti. Gli italiani avranno la possibilita’ di scoprire CHI e’ veramente il Movimento 5 Stelle. Che cosa fara’ il grande Dibba al governo? Perche’ ora e’ molto chiara la strada davanti al M5S: allearsi con la LEGA e traghettare l’Italia fuori dall’Euro e da Maastricht, dal Fiscal Compact e dal Pareggio di Bilancio in Costituzione o sposarsi con il PD (e magari LeU) e restaurare l’ordine euro-tedesco che e’stato portato avanti in questi anni da Monti, Letta, Renzi, Gentiloni. Tertium non datur. Stavolta non potrete dare la colpa al governo “ladro, dei corrotti”, perche’…al governo gli Italiani hanno mandato voi! E non potrete neanche ritirarvi indietro, pena fare la figura dei pagliacci. Sara’rivoluzione o (un’altra) restaurazione? A che gioco giocate?

SIAMO ENTRATI IN UN’ ALTRA EPOCA STORICA: questo probabilmente lo assimilerete nel tempo- perche’ non e’facile per nessuno spogliarsi di un’identita’ culturale forgiatasi e sedimentatasi nel tempo-.
Finche’ (un po’ orwellianamente) continuerete a dividere le societa occidentali nel bi-pensiero: destra/sinistra, fascisti/antifascisti, mi spiace: ma non capirete nulla della politica contemporanea europea e americana. Oggi la frattura e’verticale: tra le elites (sconnesse da qualsiasi base sociale) e i popoli (sottomessi a moltitudine informe, sradicati e senza identita’). Sono i popoli che si ribellano al Verbo globalista della “grande” Unione Europea dei Mercati Finanziari, della libera circolazione delle merci e della Moneta Unica, di proprieta’ dei banchieri privati. Sovranita’ vs Globalizzazione, Democrazia vs Oligarchia, Identita’ vs Relativismo culturale post-moderno, Valori vs Consumismo, Comunita’ vs Individualismo atomista, Stabilita’ dei rapporti lavorativi e sociali vs Mobilita’ e reti sociali fluide, Lavoro vs Reddito, Economia Reale e materialita’ dei processi e dei rapporti vs Finanza virtuale, impersonale, virtuale, digitale, bisogno di socialita’ vs alienazione tecnologica. Chi sta dentro a queste nuove forme dell’agire pubblico (da destra o da sinistra) vince, chi sta fuori viene spazzato via (da destra o da sinistra).
Dalla sintesi di queste conflittualita’ nasceranno nuove soggettivita’ politiche, che non saranno piu’ inevitabilmente come quelle di prima, e che prenderanno la forma di qualcosa di strutturalmente diverso, che forse ancora oggi non possiamo cogliere del tutto.
E’ la politica del XXI secolo, bellezza! Qui si sta facendo la Storia! !
Ma non ditelo a quelli della mia generazione: loro sono ancora nella fase letargico-comatosa, del lamento rantoloso, del “tutto mi fa schifo, ma io non faccio nulla”, per carita’!..

6) I CENTRI SOCIALI: non siete Carlo Marx, non siete Che Guevara, non siete Malcolm X, la vostra laurea in Piazza Verdi non fa di voi degli intellettuali, fate musica di merda. La prossima volta che scendete in piazza a combattere i nemici immaginari, vi do un consiglio: perche’ non ve la prendete con Adam Kadmon, Jeeg Robot, Lord Vordemort, il Conte di Monte Cristo e L’Uomo Tigre?
E soprattutto: avete pagato l’affitto del locale ai vostri papa’in Consiglio Comunale?..

7) I CONFINDUSTRIALI: nervosetti?! “FATE PRESTO” mi raccomando. #Ciaone!

8) I SINDACATI: ah, qualcuno si e’ accorto per caso della presenza dei sindacati in questa campagna elettorale?...

9) I “GIORNALISTI”: cari Rai 1, Rai 2, Rai 3, Tg5, Italia 1, Rete 4, La7, Sky, Radio 1, Radio 2, Radio 3, Radio Capital, RTL 102.5, Radio 105, Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica, Il Fatto Quotidiano, La Stampa, Il Sole 24 Ore, Il Messaggero, XL, SETTE, Vanity Fair, Huffington Post, Cosmopolitan, Internazionale, Wired, Vice…. Piaciuta l’asfaltata?

10) L’ASSE FRANCO-TEDESCO: caro Juncker, come fara’ il prossimo anno a sopravvivere alle Europee, ora che il fido Gentiloni e’ stato defenestrato, il Quantitative Easing non c’e’ piu’ e il suo personaggio, da voi costruito in vitro, Macron, sta crollando ogni mese di piu’nei sondaggi? La Germania e’sempre piu’ sola e anche al suo interno non se la passa molto bene: l’SPD e’ morta, la CDU perde pezzi ad ogni tornata elettorale, l’AFD e’ data secondo partito nazionale, per fare (l’ennesimo) governo di Grande Coalizione ci sono voluti 5 mesi. Come farete voi burocrati a mantenere il vostro potere? Da chi sarete retribuiti se la finanza transnazionale iniziera’ a perdere i colpi? E soprattutto, cara Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, Allianz, industriali tedeschi, come farete a comprimere i salari dei vostri lavoratori e a fare profitti d’oro, inondando il Continente con le vostre esportazioni, in barba a qualsiasi ordinamento comunitario (peraltro, da voi redatto), se venisse giu’ la Moneta Unica, ora che anche Trump vi ha dichiarato guerra (commerciale)?

Roma brucia, ragazzo. Il Sistema sta crollando! E si’: care elites tedesche, cari banchieri franco-tedeschi, cari manager di imprese multinazionali, stavolta la festa e’proprio finita!

remember that a 5 stelle + PD coalition will happen

Nth for (copy)pasta

Why is she so perfect?

that's a boy, isn't it?

>ANTIFA more dangerous than muslim extremists
wtf man?

I'll add some Italy babes.


Peperoni a cute!

Can we actually agree that Girls und panzers is total shit?
>The excuse for putting little girls into a tank is that it's a sport
>The rule aren't ever clear and there's dumb shit like italian tankettes armed with machineguns that can only pose a threat to the pilots

>The absolute state of antifa

Where's my Romanian daddy?

What you think of the new anime series on netflix?
How am I supposed to know? Looks like a girl to me.

Don't bully the cute girls.

What about a CDx M5S coalition?

>What you think of the new anime series on netflix?
didn't watch it, is it better?

The girls are fine.

How can you actually say that we are more dangerous than ISIS?
Agreed, its garbage.

*bullys anchovy*

Every one is tired of y'all. Too disruptive. That's how it is now.


6 million niggers will get deported

Seats divided by parties instead of coalitions


Will never happen because:
>they don't have a similar program
>neither sides wants to ally with the other
Even if they did make a coalition, it would be very short lived and we would have re-elections within 6 months

>didn't watch it, is it better?

I've watched devilman crybaby and now watching b-the beginning.
So far so good.
It's better than TOEI and GAINAX.

Stop larping pajeet

>La Stampa
Sure. As probable as Trump stabbing his son and killing himself.
M5S stance has always been NO COALITIONS. It would only hurt their image.

Maria Rosaria Rossi, she is a good catholic girl. Provided Berlusconi with mountains of support.


La Stampa cites an official interview with a M5S member

I got chicken marsala, manitoctti & some italian sausage to celebrate with you bastards.

Hope you commend this day as a form of independence against the globalist identityless EU entity.
They want to destroy your language, culture, wealth, and religion.
>Then your private property will be given to the masses.
>Soon fringe ideas will be the only alternative.
>Agree with the hivemind or be destroyed.

Congratz on your win.

lol have you seen yourself ? at least ISIS have the excuse of being religious extremists.... what's your excuse ???
>b-b-but FACISM IS BAD
m e n t a l l y
i l l

>bolted armor
Don't follow G*ermans to war if your country is not ready senpai

Good night sh*talians


Maybe good things can happen in Europe. It can't always be bad right? Something had to give. That many deported would be a godsend.

It’s fucking anime nigger. The show won my heart when the girls were crowded around watching Kelly’s Heroes. I’ll admit, it pissed me off a little bit how they all just causally hung outside the tank in the middle of a fight, and there’s no reason to have machine guns, but like I said, it’s anime.

Are there any big cities in Italy that don't go left?

> spiega una fonte del M5S
>La Stampa
What a joke

bullies get the rope

Was it difficult to translate it to English?

6 gorillion part 2 when?

>dat red tumor in the middle

> 81 years old
> 7 billions net worth
> Most famous person in italy
> Best friend with putin
> Prosecuted for decades for nothing, coincidentally after he opposed eu.
> Since then he has been constantly under attack by blackblock (the prototype of what we now know as antifa)
> Literally got his face broke by an antifa thug
> And he has been somehow declared unfit and can take part of any government anymore.

He could just leave and have fun for the rest of his life, but he is still here. Why?

Silvio is on our side anons. 9/11 tier jew plan: soon.

>britain will be invaded by romans again in your lifetime
i can barely contain my excitement

This time M5S said for the whole electoral campaign that they will go with anyone as long as they can govern.
Stop parroting the meme that they don't wanna join a coalition.

Fratelli d'Italia è esploso

>Literal thrown nail bombs against police
>Everytime they shows up they destroy public and private propety.

Yeah, wonder why...

>cat reactions...

100% furry

They basically said we'll govern and you'll just have to watch. That's not a coalition and no one will accept something like that.

100% i wrote this in another Italy/pol/ thread...he is not a nihilistic person, he has sincere "center right" believes and he is a patriot...not Nationalist ok, but "Nationalist enough".


CALENDA agreed to lead a Technical Government m5s + PD


>anything that contradicts my worldview must be fake
the absolute state of grillini

BTW...he produced many White babies. The known ones and surely lots of unknown ones...

Can't read it I wish I could it looks like it answers all the questions I had on the parties, with what cognates I can read from the post of course

Troll or real?

Who's contradicting what exactly?
>Anything that supports my worldview must be real
I can play the same game, faggot.

Search Silvio's telltale of his encounter with communism, he speaks about it in one of his many interviews with Vespa.
He truly unironically hates communists.

They can do that? Has that ever been done before?

won't even last 6 months.

>no source

La Stampa è una fonte autorevole. Possono certamente avere un bias di sinistra, ma le notizie che pubblicano non sono fake news

Let's face it, Silvio did i cazzi suoi in a lot of occasions, but he can't bring himself to sit there and watch Italy die like this.
If Salvini wouldn't have been a thing these elections I'd surely have voted for him.
Judges relentlessly targeting him was a disgusting show of how """justice""" works here. can tell it is not LARPing, he really gets angry.

fake news

He just wants his share of power.

Becouse you are just lame and never stop fucking up everything nice. ISIS are at least decent to make one massacre and wait few months to another. You are constant butthurt kid who is screaming 24/7 about everything. Everyone is nazi for you. Your ideas are totaly retarted becouse you are totaly retarted. You want communism and you will be first one who would go to jail under communism. Junkie brainwashed scum and street soldier for establisment larping as revolution. You fight for nothing. At least ISIS aka mossad have real goals.

>Italy is starting to go full fash
>Japan is growing in nationalism
>Germany is very close to going full fash
This time the gang will be bigger

+2500 judicial cases is not a normal thing. Surely (((some dark forces))) were behind it.

>Germany is very close to going full fash
Things that never happened: the post.

KeK. Fascist cat lady is the best lady.

Afd is 16%
New second party behind Merkel

Yeah, and of all the bullshit he got fucked up over paying some (((17 years old))) prostitute not even for bunga bunga.
At least he keeps guiding his party from the sideline, unlike renzi who just ran away at the first sign of hardship.

if anything, this maps shows that southern italians are the negroes of europe, hungry for those gibs that M5S promised.
"Everyone should receive 800€ because it is a human right, hurr durr."
Go fuck yourself, northern Italy needs to separate from that cancer ASAP.

Jesus Christ the north and south should just separate

>tfw m5s will make an inciucio with pd, gracing us with 5 more years of unchecked nigger invasion, faggotry and cuckoldry

We lost, the sooner you realize and accept it the better.

You should try google a quite good political analysis.

>meme flag

Wasn't Merkel back in charge now, since she made peace with those SPD kikes?

Thats the best option, i'm paying this would happens. Next time there will be right wing coalition at 50%+

They will also probably pass ius soli

There is no need for Anschlus, really...

The only thing italian about south tyrol is their passports.

South tyrolean people are even more tyrolean than the northern ones.

Did you ever hear a south tyrolean speak italian? Absolutely horrifying

>implying it would last 5 years
2 years at worst

She used to be hot like a couple decades ago.

I can't wait to see them finally take a position on this and I'll guarantee you it will be the globalist one.

The denial kicks in

south tyroleans can't even speak German. My austrian teacher always made fun of them for that. Stop shilling faggot.

Italy just needs to take it back. Root it these gibs people. If they cut off South Italy, it would just leave them to southerners sneaking into the north after the South evenly becomes bankrupt. Deal with it now or later-- it will have to be dealt with.

>used to be
the fuck???

> PD and 5S make coalition
>Niggers keep flowing unchecked
>Tomato farming and drug pushing keeps going

All according to MAFIA keikaku
Thanks terroni!
>Muh gibs


Ducetta a cutie A CUTIE!

Women only keep dropping in value after the first menstruation, that's a fact.