New Age Alt Right

Are people who were once part of the hippie/new age scene going to be drawn into the far right? I saw some video of a california health chick on youtube who was a race realist, and it made me think of the overlap between the two. New age culture is implicitly white, with large influence of European paganism and hinduism. Their interests in nature and the outdoors are very white-centric. Their interests in environmentalism and nutrition as well as Eastern spirituality were all things that the Nazis took great interest in as well. Perhaps all they need to see the consequences of demographics before to change their mind.

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/ourguys/ should totally claim the hippy shit like environmentalism and animal rights. Those are implicitly white movements anyway.

And traditional crafts, folk music, cooking and homemaking. White chicks like this stuff.

Vegan patchouli nationalism when?

Hippies tend to be anti corporatist by nature and anti white by brainwashing. Ask them why their hippie festivals are so white, with only token levels of diversity and tell them to move to majority black parts of the USA. When they refuse, laugh and say: "So why do you cheer when other people are forced by the National Guard to mix race?" The glitch hard at this point and might going into violent mode, so be ready to defend yourself. By pointing out a logical contradiction in their thought process they you trigger them to start feeling bad vibes. They don't handle that well and revert back to fight behavior.

Oregon hippy here its true black people sell shitty drugs and steal

These people turn to India of all places for spiritual enlightenment. Of course they're not going to be drawn into the far right. Unless they actually look at the way things are done in India in guess..


I'm still a bit of a hippie. I just think we need to keep white countries white.

>nationalist hippie chick
Link to the channel?

I agree. The proto-hippies came from Germany anyways, and the National Socialists had a much better understanding of the need to take care of the environment, unlike the Judaized conservatives who want to rape mother earth.

>Are people who were once part of the hippie/new age scene going to be drawn into the far right?

New Agers are now split 50/50 on whether Trump is the messiah or the antichrist, so yes.

The occult scene has been growing more and more right leaning over the past few years, with plenty of the thought leaders being liberal in name and self image only.

So did Heinrich Himmler.

I am basically a right-wing hippie. No war, love guns, love environment, and racist as fuck.

Renegade Tribune covers this stuff quite a bit, btw.

>anti white by brainwashing
Mainly because "the man" is some mentally Judaized (unbeknownst to us) "White" male. So, they probably sympathize with the perceived underdogs. At least that's how it was with me.

Alt right is missing a spiritual dimension. Maybe some sort of vague "spiritualism" is needed.

The girl that lived in her car?I used to watch her videos I also found very odd for a hippie to be alt-right.

I’m working on it. Doing an ebook on the history of psychedelics and making the argument that the ban from the UN is Jewish driven spiritual warfare. Pretty fucking stoked for the age.

This is the natural progression

Sorry I can't find her channel at the moment.

I actually am trying to get a group of people together thinking this way (Combining new age ideology, anarcho primitivism with ethno nationalism)
If anyone is interested..

can you link me to her channel again?

i am one that turned as well

Link for low-agency anons who aren't woke on the Nazi/Hippy connection through the Lebensreform movement.

Gordon Kennedy's Children of the Sun is also a good book on the topic.


Seems like she quit after thotgate, I don't blame her.I didn't watch the video in it's entirety but I think she got overwhelmed and became black pilled.

neopaganism isn't even paganism. as a califag i can tell you don't know much about what those people are like. these are the same snobby, arrogant liberal dipshits you guys bitch about and laugh at. i dated one of those cunts, she thought rocks could influence your mood. rocks


I am a far right person who turned spiritual.
I just try to focus more on the things I enjoy and love, instead of wasting all my energy on hating ((())).

LSD showed me that we shape our reality with our own thoughts. If you want something gone, don't constantly think about how you don't want it, think of something you actually want.

I want peace, morals, clean environment, non-degenerate things, genuine experiences, organic food and I can focus on that. The truth we all need to accept is that some people, for some reason, really prefer being sluts or bros and whatever. It's a fucking shame, but they function on a lower plane and there's almost nothing we can do about it. I wonder how much of the right wingers here have actually thought about, not how'd they enforce, but how'd they make people value the same things.

Muslims enforce monogamy, you get stoned if you even look at another man...just because the woman is scared for her life and doesn't act on her desires doesn't make her any less of a degenerate on a mental level. Being able to make both the wrong and right choices, yet choosing what's right is true virtue.

New age should be burnt at the stake

Consumerism is inherently jewish.

Nature and naturalism is where Europeans belong.

Btw, the identitarians have summer camps.Join your Local Identitarian movement.

>LSD showed me that we shape our reality with our own thoughts. If you want something gone, don't constantly think about how you don't want it, think of something you actually want.

Move to saudi arabia and try it there you coward. Don't want to? Though shit, saudi arabia is coming to you, to all of us.

In what stage of radicalization are your native muslims now?

LSD makes u suggestible as shit dude. look up LSD psychosis. its basically self induced schizophrenia. god i fucking hate hippies

Was thinking about this exact thing yesterday. I was in the psychedelic scene in the Bay Area in the 2000s and a lot of the people who used to be in that scene are very conservative now, because that scene really stressed natural things, as well as tradition - and learning ancient traditions

yes but alt right is not real it's a label created to categorize and demonize freethinkers

That's the point, it's that way because liberal dildoes were allowed to claim it for themselves and the right never challenged them.

If anyone has a right to claim a bond to the land and nature, it's /ourguys/, not open border twats. If you really care about nature, you should realize only white people do, just look at what brown people do in their own country.

that's true. A starving african child won't materialize food just because it imagines it. But what I want to add is that most of the problems are cause because we're going against Nature/Truth/Ourselves.

What kind of a moron will think that rapists and killers are misunderstood and banishing them is evil and wrong? (leftists) It's fucking illogical. It's like seeing a blue color and yelling how you should believe it is red or else you're a colourist. The truth is both Red and Blue are just colours, pure-awareness doesn't have an opinion on them, but we have egos because that's how we work. But going against nature, cutting off organs, forcing migration, forcing stuff just because you think you're above Nature and know what's better - just no.

Also FUCK Abrahamic religions. Cause of so much suffering. I swear in the end of everything I won't be surprised if hippies from the 70's turn out to have had the most accurate belief in the true nature of the world.

It made me quit smoking, porn, other drugs, made me a nicer person in general. I know it makes you believe something is PROFOUND as fuck and the ultimate truth but you have to take things with a grain of salt. Also it is an ego-killer so it really exposes you to a more true in a way version of reality, less filtered by your own beliefs.

How about traditional HEMA like Kassai (horseback archery)? Are they /ourguys/? I get the vibe they might be.


Shame that she has such a German face

This guy used to be one of the biggest liberal hippies out there and now look at him. This ostracization reaches all whites


look up what George Carlin said about environmentalists. they don't really care about the environment, they only care about keeping their little hipster town clean, they don't give a shit about an ethnic meme state. most of them are either full blown Marxists if not some kind of egalitarian that thinks freedom means getting loaded on daddy's expense before spending the rest of their lives doing some menial job because their brains are too fried to function beyond flipping burgers
and you'll go back to all of it because 'it' didn't make you do anything. 'it' is a mind altering chemical that induced hallucinations. you haven't done any of the actual work. you haven't disciplined yourself and exercised true willpower. easy come, easy go

Nazis were theosophist new agers themselves. They're going to be vrillarpers

He always had a lot of conservative tendencies, though. Big gun rights supporter, as well as traditional in the sense he doesn't let his kid watch tv, etc

Do both and call it radical centrism.

Yeah, the hippie thing always seemed to try and be color blind which nowadays is akin to being racist, did this push people to the right?

>Even he is saying civil war is coming

It must be getting bad

Is this the California accent I've heard about?

Ghandhi has weapons to protect his complex

/ourguy/ confirmed

I love this movie!

We didn't ask for this. A man like this shouldn't be forced to take up arms. I'm a soldier; that's my cross to bear. Leave these gentle ones out of it...

Yeah it sounds like your perpetually stoned