The Baha religion is the Globalist religioná'í_Faith

>Three core principles establish a basis for Bahá'í teachings and doctrine: the unity of God, the unity of religion, and the unity of humanity. From these postulates stems the belief that God periodically reveals his will through divine messengers, whose purpose is to transform the character of humankind and to develop, within those who respond, moral and spiritual qualities. Religion is thus seen as orderly, unified, and progressive from age to age.

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>The Bahá'í writings emphasize the essential equality of human beings, and the abolition of prejudice. Humanity is seen as essentially one, though highly varied; its diversity of race and culture are seen as worthy of appreciation and acceptance. Doctrines of racism, nationalism, caste, social class, and gender-based hierarchy are seen as artificial impediments to unity.[10] The Bahá'í teachings state that the unification of humanity is the paramount issue in the religious and political conditions of the present world.



I thought it was semi-common knowledge Bahai are Marxists masquerading as a religion?

The owner of the hotel I work at is Bahai.
They do a get together every year with the local community and feed everyone.
He kept inviting me, so I went, and the food was really good.
The religion is interesting, trying to bridge the gap between faiths and shit.

But desu I am wayyyy to self involved for it.

The reddest of pills for those who can handle it. It is the religion of the New Age and of the New World Order. All other religions will be destroyed; good, bad, or otherwise.

unity is gay and boring
i think humanity will pass

Yeah, that's basically it.

>ba'hai' highest rate of suicide amongst the religions...
in the trash it goes.

>the unity of God,

From William Cooper:

I found the religion by taking the word ‘love’ translating to Hebrew, reversing it then translating back to English: ‘The Baha’

Also did the same for ‘God’ and translated it from Yiddish to English and it gave me ‘mihula’ google it and you get a disgusting lampray.

Hate = Man

Parasite = Love

Love = The Baha

Parasite = The Baha

That isn’t a flower, it’s a gaping maw.

Sacrifice friendo

>The bab

My girlfriend belonged to a Baha'i church for a while. They are a shit religion based off Islam. From what she says, they sound like a fucking Persian mafia. Fuck these people.

Is anyone else aware the Baha'i Faith actually OWNS House of Blues venues? Next time you go to a show, look above the stage...

>"Unity in Diversiy"

Is that supposed to be Jesus in the middle?

Lots of weird cults own seemly normal businesses. The Washington Times is owned by the Moonies (a cult from South Korea).

I went to grad school with an Asian girl who was a Baha'i. She kept inviting me to their Church functions and constantly held anti racism workshops. She banged pretty much every minority male at some dance place she hung out at. She realized she had to move to a different city because she used that place up. She eventually married a white guy and had hapa kids.

Talking of lampreys. The demiurge.

Not sure about lampreys, user. That's supposed to be the Serpent.