Is Mirai Nikki the worst execution of an interesting concept in history?

Is Mirai Nikki the worst execution of an interesting concept in history?

What about the Fate series?

I said an interesting concept.

Yep. The characters are also so unlikeable except for the terrorist chick.

Raildex is worse. Interesting concept and setting, but completely terrible writing and awful characters.

Maybe, at least the soundtrack was good.

Raildex isn't so bad if you leave out all the parts with Misaka prime and Kuroko.

What was her story exactly? She was in the Middle East and didn't speak Arabic or Hebrew. She also had a Japanese name. So did her parents take her to the Middle East to live or something? What did they do exactly? Why move your young daughter to some shithole unless you're pulling in major dosh and can protect yourself?

Ending was pretty cool at least

Nope. I liked it.

Raildex is a mixed bag of really good and really bad. The sisters arc, pretty much anything with accelerator is god-tier. Touma is pretty cool occasionally. But there are also a lot of smaller, incredibly shit arcs, especially in Railgun. Don't even bother with Railgun outside the main arc of S.

as I remember she was just visiting the country with her parents when shit hit the fan and they died there
then she survived by stealing food and being badass

nah, it really wasn't

> Le contrarian
Back when this series was still airing the threads would be flooded and people loved the shit out of it. Nowadays people pretend to dislike it because it got famous or whatever, it's stupid. Only real issue with the series is the fact that Yuki was a massive bitch, and Yuno was overprotective of him which led to that. Otherwise it was pretty good.

No, are you dumb?

While I really hate to admit it, this is a real yandere although the worst yandere in history. If you can't write one please don't.

>It's been 6 years since i thought the yandere revolution would come
I miss having like minded people to talk to about my favourite dere

Mirai Nikki is ´´The room´´ of anime, no one can't deny is terrible, but it's also really entertaining.

>If you can't write one please don't.
Why do people pretend like this is something that should be exclusive to this dere?

All the anime adaptions are pretty much OK, with arcs varying between meh and decent.
Now the LNs on the other hand, oh boy the LNs.
You don't notice in the anime because it happens relatively fast, but having to read any fight scene really pushes it down your throat how utterly crap it all is. Also I dare say that what has been adapted so far is probably the best written part of the series as well. Especially starting with the England arc (I think novel 18 or 19?) the whole series takes a permanent dive into the deepest depths of shit. Of course, individual scenes can be funny, but they manage just that, to be funny. Usually it is some SOL scene which plays the normal tropes, and because it is in fuckung Raildex suddenly even the cookiest of cookie cutters seem fresh and exciting. God only knows if the "good" parts are good when seen outside of Raildex. For sure I am never again touching the series to find out. Really the only reason I managaed to stay engaged all the way to NT 13-14 (?) is because I read the series in a bus commuting to school. Which meant I never read more than 2-3 chapters at a time. It truly is a shame as well, because most of the ideas that are presented in terms of setting, characters, abilities, and situations are actually quite cool. However every idea gets inevitably turned to pure liquid diarrhea after Kamachi has had his way with it for more than 2 pages. Seriously, I am quite literally, in the original meaning of the word, unable to understand why people legitimately think the LNs are anything but the foulest, most rotten of garbage.

Akuma no Riddle was ruined by shit direction and shit script.

I didn't even find the concept interesting to be honest.

>he forgot about SAO

Yuno is a super violent yandere. Of course she would be overprotective. Yukki started as a relatable character, he turned into a bitch and he became an asshole in the end

Yep, huge letdown
Not sure abouy it being the worst, lots of wasted idea animes like Psycho pass or Haruhi Suzumiya

No, fuck you.

Didn't it generally adapt the manga faithfully? Either way it is clear that they were making shit up as they went along.

It pulled off an interesting yandere, which is a much better concept than any actual story the show attempted, so I wouldn't call it a failure.

>Mirai Nikki
>not Big Order
you would have been right like 3 years ago

People loved it because the first few episodes were great, but it just becomes a trainwreck clusterfuck full of glaring plot holes near the end.

He was always a bitch and Yuno was always a monster.

dumb emojiposter

It was an entertaining ride but the ending was a total mess.
