Discovery in old bread: Details to follow.

Other urls found in this thread:


>I found this on an anti-gun website. The sitemap times are in GMT. Server uses NTP so times are synced via the Internet.


>Even if they were really really fast, since it was about "moms being really angry", presumably the moms had time to make statements first. So this should have been posted many hours after the shooting.

>I only wish I could figure out a way to get times of cached articles out of Google or Bing... this would confirm the time of the article's posting beyond dispute.

>Server time confirmed to be set correctly in GMT.



>Updated to show time banner at top


The article in question:



The article contains NO DETAILS of the shooting.

This header may be coming from cloudflare, whereas the server generates the sitemap. Still, it's highly unlikely the server's time is set incorrectly.



>Cruz still had 150 rounds of ammunition — meaning many more people could have died had he been able to keep firing.
>Cruz went in with only 10-round magazines because larger clips would not fit in his duffel bag, Book said.

Let's sum up (again).
17 dead, 15 injuried, 10-round magazines, so he emptied 2-3 magazines (jammed at no. 4 maybe?)
150 ammo left, that is 15 magazines left.
"larger clips would not fit in his duffel bag", but he managed to put at least 17-18x 10-round magazenes AND whole fucking AR-15 rifle in a way, his cab driver didn't see anything suspicious.

Does that make any sense? Not to me.

is this the thread where we get disappeared?

explain this all thanks

Prepare to be suicided. I love you desu.

Server time is set correctly. There's a unix timestamp embedded in the page source.

Fuck, coding and script make my mechanic brainlet ass go straight stupor mode.

Lots of websites have indexing errors that make things appear to have been posted before events happen.

You really think the "elites"/jews/1%/illuminati/reptilians are so retarded to fuck up a false flag by posting information about it before they so it?

Rake yourself

Didn't this exact same thing happen with Sandy Hook? There were some articles and pages published like a few days before the shooting, saying stuff like "how to talk to your kids about the Sandy Hook shooting", and like a week later were taken down, but some people saved them.

Here's a rundown.

There's a "unix timestamp" embedded in the page source that is generated when the page loads, and that tells us the current server time. That timestamp is correct, so the server time is set correctly.

The sitemap tells when pages were created on the server. It formats the time in GMT timezone, but it could be formatted in any timezone. This tells us that the article was published over an hour before the shooting occurred.

Furthermore the article contains no specifics of the shooting -- only generic anti-gun propaganda and supposed quotes from concerned parents.

Czech'd & Skool'd

Bump. I hope I get shot for posting

Thanks m8

Have a bump op.

>server time set correctly
>probably synced to the second via internet

>sitemap is created by wordpress plugin running on server

Yeah, I'm sure they coded the plugin to randomly subtract at least several hours from the publication time, rather than use a file creation timestamp from the local filesystem. Yeah, that makes sense. Thanks (((user))).


bump stock

kek is here!


Question, has anyone found the gun, facemask, helmet and armour that the patsy supposedly dropped? where was it found? did anyone witness him taking it off?


It's easy to slip up and miss a small in the complexity of planning something like this. If this is a legit happening.

this is simple. just watch this, and then realize there are no limits


Don't neglect the work of Dr. Steve Pieczenik, he was the Deuputy Assistant of State under Henry Kissinger, Cryus Vance and James Baker

he is experienced in psychological warfare, has called out the Sandy Hook hoax, uncovers the israel 9/11 and writes a blog at stevepieczenik.com/


Dumb picture. Even during Kennedy's presidency they had plans to do exactly that kind of thing, Kennedy rejected them.

the book was written in 1991

Alright guys. Keep this bumped. I'm getting sleeeepy.



here is some info on las vegas


This is another 'BBC reporter announcing that WTC 7 was demolished while it still stood in the camera's field of view', isn't it.

Do you now think that no one actually died on that day? Because that would be quite unrealistic. I have seen videos of the aftermath and those students were pretty convincingly dead. If you think that the smartphone footage is fake, I would doubt that too, because 17 dead people who are actually still alive and a whole school uniting to keep the silence would be impossible. So if this was truly a false flag, then what about the shooter? An agent of the government? Pressuring someone into doing this and keeping silent would be unrealistic. So this should be the first thing to investigate in my opinion, if someone can find any holes in the background story of the shooter.

I can understand sandy hook because it was a literal closed set type of city
But this is ridiculous it’s like saying 9/11 only happened on my tv and the towers are still there I just haven’t been to New York to check

Happened on 911, several news outlets reported tower 7's collapse hours before it fell, the powers that be are multi generationally inbred retards, and their minions are just as brain dead.

Report: Parkland Shooter Did Not Use High-Capacity Magazines

The gunman used only 10-round magazines. The Parkland shooter did not use magazines larger than 10 rounds, but gun-reform lobbyists are calling on lawmakers to ban higher-capacity magazines after the Valentine’s Day tragedy.

His AR-15 reportedly jammed as he attempted to continue his killing spree inside his former school last month.


Since Cruz's gun jammed, who did the killings?

Holy shit you fucking niggers
Do you really think random fucking sites would know beforehand?

Why would all these sites even be involved in something like this?

Which of these makes more sense

1. Black ops team kills people and a patsy commits "suicide"
2. Cruz gets his ass MkUltra'd and hears "voices" telling him to kill
3. Big ass conspiracy with thousands of people and hired crisis actors and news sites given the information beforehand so they can write articles before the event even happens, but none of them out of the thousands of people reveal the nature of this massive conspiracy

i can't really tell if that's a dead person or an actress next to some carefully-painted theatrical blood. that isn't gore

>why isn't there any video of this event that's awfully suspicious
>this video of the event is clearly fake
Every fucking time you say this shit

READ LINK. It doesn't contain details because they didn't have any, yet.


Not to mention smoke bombs, body armor, and a gas mask

Heres everything funneled down to one sentence..

There is a zionist controlled cabal using mossad death squads with the help of in-pocket local officials to implement repeated false flag attacks in America until step one is complete: over regulate or outright ban of firearms, specifically rifles.

(we all know the overall goal in a general sense)

spot on

NEW MURDOCH VIDEO youtube.com/watch?v=kjHKNj7-snM&feature=youtu.be

These were transported out in that black bag which the cops threw onto the pickup truck which then flew the scene. That video is somewhere in the internet.

Meth bump

Just because you can't think of a reason doesn't mean there isn't one. Motive has no place in deciding if something is true or not.