Ask a retired FBI agent anything


Your ID retard

How do you feel about the FBI being run by Deep State Jews and knowing your agency was in the pocket of a foreign power?

How does it feel to be both FAKE and GAY?

can you get me a job

Is trump nuts right now or is it just the media autistically screeching? Are we gunna see actual indictments of these fuckers, and how does the FBI in general feel about whats happening in our government?

That's simply not true. Well, part of your statement.

Do you remember this?
Back In defcon this meant a lot.

How long have you been retired?
Have you seen any of this total dysfunction going on?

How would we know that you are who you say you are?

so when did you switch from cia to fbi ?


No one falls for these retard. Also CIA would've been more interesting imo

Do you really sit outside peoples houses peeping in the windows and jerk off in your car?

Nigger, you just posted #retiredCIA about 3 hours ago. What in holy hell is your fucking problem?


How do you explain mueller and comey's continued appearances in Clinton controversies and was the entire FBI always like them or only after they infected the entire org?

lol. Let's see him answer that one

Will John Podesta hang?

Is Trump finished?

Is justice really the primary goal or is it a career advancement dick waving contest that gets around to some semblance of justice when convenient?

Also, just how political is the FBI in how it handles investigations? Do you avoid investigating the wealthy and powerful because they are harder to convict, or because you get orders from above not to? The FBI seems to go after low hanging fruit for the most part.

What fraternities do these people belong to?
How is that relevant?

Why do you shit eaters put us on watchlists when Antifa are the ones going out and beating old people to death?

I want to work for MI6. Do have any connections that could help with that?

fake and gay, literally same pic hours ago "ask a retired cia agent anything"

sage this shit retards

Also, what do you think of the terrorism cases where the FBI basically steers mentally deficient people into a plot so that they can then be arrested.

Finally, thoughts on WACO and Ruby Ridge?

The FBI is not held in very high esteem right now. It must be tough on morale.

What did you do during WACO?

So there's this 6'4" stud who delivers beer to a convenience store I frequent. How would an FBI agent go about compelling him to wreck their asshole?

We already had this thread

Op is a trolling faggot
> inb4 he posts his kike face and goes "you got trolled lol lol lol!!!"

Fucking morons

Here's a question why are you making all of these fake and gay threads?

that's just like your opinion man.

dear mr nsa man... or was it doj ?
are you people aware of an entity called the watchers recording anything that is happening on this planet ?
and how does it make you feel that there is an entity that is documenting everything that is happening ?

He has the handwriting of an autist and everything.
It was a decent LARP, but you overdid it with the second thread



OP is a schitzophrenic who is in desperate need of mental help.

more or less. I realize me errors now.

Oh fuck off faggot larper, must be a pretty sad state where you need to pretend to be important to strangers on the internet

>that's just like your opinion man.

>timestamp includes nothing to indicate fbi-ness

>pic related
>diy screencap/redpill
bold strategy, cotton. let's see if it pays off.

How many fat black women do you employ to spy?

I didnt believe your bullshit when you were retired cia.

>Oh fuck off faggot larper, must be a pretty sad state where you need to pretend to be important to strangers on the internet

You sound kind of angry and schitzophrenic...

Are you currently seeking help for your medical affliction?

Or do you try to hide it out of shame?

Lol why are you defending some guy who just a few hours ago was retired cia

is the cro user still around that asked this
"Do you believe everybody is able to do this? I mean doe we all have phsychic abilities but they are just not developed enough?"

if so check out clif high and the webbot reports !
its literally collecting language that he thinks are psychic leaks and the predictions he does thru the software are based on that we are all psychic to a degree.
i hope it answers some questions.

sorry, I missed.

that was meant for OP... lol.

I keep clicking on shit too fast and responding to the wrong people.

too much coffee, I guess....

Better go get some more coffee.....

dude try green tea its keeping you awake but its not such a sugar like rush as coffee is.

Why did the FBI start Sup Forums? How much funding did the Bureau put into Sup Forums, and how good was the Return On Investment?
Also, is Richard Spencer one of the Bureau’s men or the Agency’s?

Did you ever work with Danny Coulson?

>dude try green tea its keeping you awake but its not such a sugar like rush as coffee is.

I might try that, but I do likes my coffee.

>Why did the FBI start Sup Forums?

Don't be silly, the FBI didn't *START* pol... moot did.

Do you guys really had as much influence over my country (specially regarding elections) as my indio president claims all the time?
If yes, what plans in general did you had for my country (or this continent in general)

Were the National Alliance leaders really pedos or did you just planted cp on their computers ?

wow we can tell your not from around these parts

why do fbi agents always wear shoes that cause people to wonder if they're gay?

>wow we can tell your not from around these parts

