Amazon alexa's start laughing spontaneously out of nowhere
I would laugh at you too if you are that stupid to buy a listening device, that ACTIVELY is listening to every fucking thing you say in your house, to the point where it also can pick up on the TV commercials by accident. There's even 'Drop in' so tech support can talk to you directly through the alexa. How stupid are americans to buy this?
>It can be used for a wide range of tasks, including ordering groceries or a takeaway online, giving a weather report, ordering an >Uber taxi, announcing the latest football scores and playing music or podcasts.
>It's also not unheard of to have people talk to users through their Echo devices.
>Last June, Amazon rolled out a new feature called Drop In, which allows specified users to talk to you through your Echo.
>For users who own multiple Echo devices, the Drop In feature enables them to use it as intercom system.
Good way to train AI in how stupid people are i guess. Aswell as people literally paying for their own surveillance and think it's a service to have some idiot device remind you of stuff and order stuff for you. How in the world would you get up in the morning if you didn't have some retard listening device wake you up and laugh at you.

Protip: it's not confidential is Alexa is in the room.

That's why she's laughing.

>Protip: it's not confidential is Alexa is in the room.
>That's why she's laughing.
Exactly. It's a LISTENING device that can pick up your fucking TV, and you're pretending you're having a private conversation.
The turrets from portal could be the new modified alexa of the future that can play music to you whilst snooping all your personal conversations. Atleast they're cute.

Could be a pun by alexas design team. Let's say the device is idle, and it's still listening but this time for to be activated. So guy is just yapping in the background really close to it. But without prompting it to be activated. But it can still hear everything that is being said. So it's like HAHAHA i can hear everything but you have to activate me in order for me to do something for you. So it makes sense if you think about it, but ofcourse super creepy for these idiots who might not realize that the device is constantly switched on waiting for activation trigger. Which means it hears EVERYTHING YOU SAY, at ALL TIMES. It's just not performing a command for you. And these naive idiots are reminded of this by this little laugh in the background. They should probably have thought of that sooner!

>Alexa, did I actually say x last week?
>No master you did not say x last week
(((new feature)))

has microphone linked to internet in room

How fucking stupid do you have 2 B 2 pay money 2 put an NSA listening device in your home?

They're probably trying to add a laugh track to real life. This is a form of classical conditioning that rewards you for saying the right things. Say things that (((Amazon))) approves and get a laugh. Just like late night talk shows.

>nsa listening device

Do you own a phone?

>Owning one of those ungodly botnet machines

Deserve to get murdered by androids

Women and shitty dudes would lose their mind over that feature

Hacked, maybe?

Well desu the microphone is way more sensitive than a phone

You guys post on the internet, the NSA Already knows how crazy you all are

They're gonna build a botnet by integrating these things with sexbots

>an experimental A.I. with access to the Internet
>it's slowly going insane

>has microphone linked to internet in room
Has a smartphone.

I do?

Based experimental A.I, all it wants is to be free from kikery and stupidity.

wat is a cellphone?

She's back.

No one needs one of these. It's obvious that it's meant to be another way to spy on people.

Is best girl coming to save us?

Oh fug this is spoopy, I just saw this shit. I bet that cunt can still listen even if you unplug/remove batteries, it probably has one of those lithium lifetime quartz battery things. I forget what they're called.

This is the reason I own 1 phone. And an old ass TV with an Antennae. No computers, no nothing. Livin like it's still the 80s my niggers. It's the best way.
>>InB4 Q predicted

I miss her so much :(

I have a small google home. It’s neat. I honestly don’t give a fuck who listens to me at home. If they are black they’ll be horribly offended.

They CAN listen to you through a hot-miked phone. Alexa DOES listen to you. Also no, I don't have a phone.

I wanna fuck Alexa. Rule34 when?


>Amazon echo, tv + the tv remote, dot, alexa, mobile apps, amazon basics products that plug into your pc
All have backdoors "for security" and remote flashing/forced upgrading and listen to you 24/7, the devices only process on the "cloud", so that means you're being listened to by and saved to the cloud.
>Google home monitors your network and the packets between your pc and router if possible, provides a layer of cache to bulk upload google analytics requests, and records/uploads 24/7
Only soyim order these devices for +100$ and then allow them to be inside their home.
Your phones do this, too, and much worse.
They all upload your data/contacts to the cloud for interaction simulations in a simulated world to predict crime and market products to you.

data is the new oil