Ama Usa An...

Ama Usa An? More like Ama Uzbeki Stan because I am going to destroy Chiya's tight Japanese pussy just like how Genghis Khan pillaged Samarkand. I want to rail her senseless until she screams "TASHKENT-TE, YAMERO", as I Jizzakh deep into her. I want to fuck her until my nuts are drained dry just like the Aral Sea. I bet her snatch has been used and visited by many throughout her life, just like the ancient silk road city of Bukhara whereby many traders pass by. But despite that I still believe that Chiya is still as pure as the Amu Darya River which flows in in the Qaraqalpaqstan region of North-western Uzbekistan, and still as fertile as the Ferghana Valley which is a fertile paradise of an intermountain depression in what is an often dry part of Central Asia in Eastern Uzbekistan. I also don't mind because I love Chiya just like how Uzbeks love their pilaf, so much that they actually made the world's largest serving of pilaf weighing 7.3 tonnes earlier this month during O'zbegim, whereby a total of 50 chefs from across the country used 1,500 kilograms of beef, 400 kilograms of mutton, 2,700 kilograms of carrots, 220 kilograms of onions, 440 liters of cooking oil and 57 kilograms of salt to make the dish. I also want to do a different variant of mating press with Chiya, called “Doubly Landlocked”, whereby I will dominate Chiya’s perfect Japanese body on all sides, just like how Uzbekistan is one of the only two doubly landlocked countries in the world. I also want to violate Chiya just like how the Uzbek president Islam Karimov was responsible for severe violation of basic human rights through tortures and executions of prisoners.

Other urls found in this thread:

kill yourself

>They aren't smart enough to appreciate this pasta
Clearly not Gochiusa fans.

if this normalfags didn't get the last copy pasta, I don't think they're going to get this one.

Get these low-iq fags out of my Gochiusa thread


poor Chiya

I'm going to MARRY my girlfriend Sharo-chan!



every girl in gochi has a head like a fucking infant


ɐǝʇ uǝǝʍƃ




I am disgusted yet intrigued.

I'd like some more kafuu chino.


By me.

So this is the state of what gochiusa threads has become.

Rather intelligent, if you ask me.

There are worse threads out there if you think this is bad.

Kazakhstan truly has cleanest prostitutes in the region.

This is the kind of quality content that I visit Sup Forums for.

Chiya is being ravaged by five traditional Asian men, just like Uzbekistan is the only country in the world exclusively surrounded by five '-stan' countries, while being a '-stan' country itself

kafuu chiNO

Chiya is a traditional Asian man?

>i'm fuckkking poor...

I never realized she was an oppai loli

HOTo cocoa

Lekin Amerika An? Menga o'xshab, Uzbeki Stenga o'xshab, men Chiyining Yaponiyadagi mushuklarini, Chingiz Xanning Samarqandni qanday qilib qirib tashlaganiga o'xshash narsani yo'q qilmoqchiman. Men Jizzaxga chuqur kirib olganim kabi, "TOSHKENT-TEM, YAMERO" deb baqirgunga qadar, uning ma'nosizligini tekshirib ko'rmoqchiman. Men Orol dengiziga o'xshab quritilgan edim. Men betashvorligimdan foydalanib, o'z hayoti davomida ko'plab odamlar tomonidan ishlatilgan va tashrif buyurgan, qadimgi ipak yo'lidagi Buxoro shahri kabi, ko'plab savdogarlar o'tadi. Ammo shunga qaramay, men hali ham Chiya Shimoliy-G'arbiy O'zbekistonning Qaraqalpog'iston hududida oqadigan Amudaryo kabi to hozirgacha sof, deb hisoblayman va shu bilan birga Farg'ona vodiysi kabi serhosil, jo'shqin tuproqlardagi tog' cho'qqisi Sharqiy Osiyoning Markaziy Osiyodagi tez-tez quruq qismi. Men ham Chiyani sevaman, xuddi o'zbeklar o'zlarining oshini yaxshi ko'rishgani kabi, ular ham O'zbegim davrida bu oyning boshida 7,3 tonna og'irligi bilan dunyodagi eng katta oshpazli oshpazni tayyorlaganlari uchun sevishadi. mamlakatda 1500 kg sigir, 400 kilogramm qo'y, 2700 kilogramm sabzi, 220 kilogramm piyoz, 440 litr pishiq moyi va 57 kilogramm tuz tuzilgan. Men Chiya bilan "Chubba" deb atalgan Chiya bilan matbuotning turli xil variantlarini ham qilmoqchiman, bu bilan men Chiya Yaponiyaning butun jabhasida ustunlik qiladi, xuddi O'zbekiston dunyodagi ikki barobar ikki barobargina davlatlardan biri. Men, shuningdek, O'zbekiston prezidenti Islom Karimovning asosiy inson huquqlarini buzilishi va mahbuslarni qiynash va o'ldirish yo'li bilan qanday qilib aybdor bo'lganini bilmoqchiman.

>not in cyrillic
step it up

You need to stop talking about these girls. Can't you go obsess over a different show?

I'm attracted to everyone in this show except Hotaru, Sensei and Candy store.

Лекин Америка Ан? Менга оьxшаб, Узбеки Стенга оьxшаб, мен Чиыининг Ыапониыадаги мушукларини, Чингиз Xаннинг Самарqандни qандаы qилиб qириб ташлаганига оьxшаш нарсани ыоьq qилмоqчиман. Мен Йиззаxга чуqур кириб олганим каби, ъТОСХКЕНТ-ТЕМ, ЫАМЕРОъ деб баqиргунга qадар, унинг маьносизлигини текшириб коьрмоqчиман. Мен Орол денгизига оьxшаб qуритилган едим. Мен беташворлигимдан фоыдаланиб, оьз хаыоти давомида коьплаб одамлар томонидан ишлатилган ва ташриф буыурган, qадимги ипак ыоьлидаги Буxоро шахри каби, коьплаб савдогарлар оьтади. Аммо шунга qарамаы, мен хали хам Чиыа Шимолиы-Гьарбиы Оьзбекистоннинг Qараqалпогьистон худудида оqадиган Амударыо каби то хозиргача соф, деб хисоблаыман ва шу билан бирга Фаргьона водиыси каби серхосил, ёьшqин тупроqлардаги тогь чоьqqиси Шарqиы Осиыонинг Марказиы Осиыодаги тез-тез qуруq qисми. Мен хам Чиыани севаман, xудди оьзбеклар оьзларининг ошини ыаxши коьришгани каби, улар хам Оьзбегим даврида бу оынинг бошида 7,3 тонна огьирлиги билан дуныодаги енг катта ошпазли ошпазни таыыорлаганлари учун севишади. мамлакатда 1500 кг сигир, 400 килограмм qоьы, 2700 килограмм сабзи, 220 килограмм пиыоз, 440 литр пишиq моыи ва 57 килограмм туз тузилган.

So NNBfags are responsible for killing gochiusa threads.

It's beautiful.

This pasta just keeps on delivering.

My wives are in this show, so no.

Gochiusa fans are truly Sup Forums's greatest memers.

What kind of machine translator did you use for this?
You can't call yourself an intellectual worthy of these threads.

Japanese version please so that I can post it on 2chan

That's not a good reason user.

then enlighten us of a better way of spelling Japanese phrase in Uzbek language


I didn't know Google Translate was even worse with E->J than J->E.



I don't know but I don't think the Japanese refer to their snatches as cats like we do. Hentai told me it's「マンコ」unless I misheard.

Just delete the thread mod.

>only 6000Y

I would totally pay more than that.

Now pee on me through the pantsu

Yes. That pussy should be translated as まんこ, not 猫.
Maybe google translate do not like vulgar words.

>delete a thread discussing anime and manga on a forum made for discussing anime and manga

I think it just didn't know what Pussy meant in that context because it will usually translate bad words.

Who are you quoting?
This thread is only to post gochiusa memes and talk about which girl you want to fuck, anime and manga discussion has been long dead.

>mods delete random posts but not the whole thing directly
If I started a thread like that about Akari, I'd be range banned.

Ама Уса-ан? По-скоро Ама Узбеки-стан, понеже ще съсипя тясната Японска путка на Чия, точно както Чингиз хан е плячкосвал Самарканд. Искам да я еба грубо; толкова грубо че да я накарам да крещи и да Жиззах "ТАШКЕНТ-ТЕ, ЯМЕРО!", докато се се изпразвам в нея. Искам да я еба толкова, че да ми изсъхнат топките като Аралското море. Сигурен съм че шундата й е била използвана и посещавана от много люди през нейния живот, както древното градче Бухара, което е част от историческият път на коприната и е бил посещаван от хиляди търговци. Но въпреки това, аз вярвам че Чия е чиста като реката Амударя, която тече през региона Каракалпакстан в севеоизточен Узбекистан, и плодородна колкото Ферганската долина, която е един плодороден рай разположен между две планини в Източен Узбекистан, в район от Централна Азия, който е известен със сухотата си.
Но това не ми и пречи, понеже обичам Чия толкова много, колкото Узбекистанците обичат техния пилаф; толкова много, че това ги е докарало да направят най-голямата порция пилаф в света, която тежи 7,3 тона, по-рано този месец през Узбегим, където 50 готвачи от цялата държава използваха 1,500 килограма телешко, 400 килограма агнешко, 2,700 килограма моркови, 220 килограма лук, 440 литра олио, и 57 килограма сол за да направят ястието. Искам и да направя и един различен вариант на чифтосната преса, наречена "двойно без излаз на море", където аз доминирам перфектното Японско тяло на Чия от всички страни, точно както Узбекистан е една от единсвените две страни които са двойно без излаз на море. Също изкам и да оскверня Чия също както президента на Узекистан Ислам Каримов бе отговорен за тежкото неспазване на човешките права чрез изтезавания, отвличания и екзекуции на престъпници.

Best thread on Sup Forums as of now

yeah Otoyomegatari is pretty good

This is in Bulgarian, by the way. I spent about 5-10 minutes on this. I had to change some of the wording - it might not be the best translation, but it's a lot better than the translation tools you can find online.

These threads are evolving too fast, my IQ can't keep up. Something tells me this will end up like Lucky Star threads

Makes sense.

or does it

>selectively deletes the posts it doesn't deem worthy
IQ percentage so high, the thread is sentient on itself

Gimme moar Gochiusa memes





> < O O @ @

Which GochiUsa woudl you use for raw sex?


Benis in cawfee

me on the far right

What are the primary differences between Bulgarian and Russian?

No raw till after marriage.

i speak Russian, i can recognize 1/4 words in that post, and suggest what other 1/4 might mean, but remaining 1/2 is completely different from anything i've seen.
if we ignore that i know for a fact what the pasta says, that is

Post Tippy.



>shchyaro's face when she KEKS Chiya from you just like how the Soviet government built the Karakum Canal in Turkmenistan to redirect the water from the Amu Darya Basin into the deserts of Turkmenistan to encourage crop production, resulting in the flow reduction of Amu Darya and hence the shrinkage and drying of the Aral Sea.


It's time to pierce the heavens!

This is the highbrow content I desire.

and so it continues

reposting some fine art

Holy fuck I just got the "Tashkent-te" joke now. My IQ just fucking rose.

By me.
no really, it was me who made it

It's really impressive how such simple picture holds such great potential.


Sasuga user, your IQ will surely rise the longer you post in Gochiusa threads for.

True that, my man

I-I'm getting scared fuck this I'm out

Seems light on the onions.
I had to look up what the fuck "doubly landlocked" means.

My wife ꟼ*arp is so cute

>just like how Genghis Khan pillaged Samarkand
Reminds me of one of my favorite anime apart from Gochiusa.

quality thread
i'm glad this is being allowed while entire series are banned because mods don't like them