Why aren't you helping the white South Africans, Sup Forums???

Why aren't you helping the white South Africans, Sup Forums???



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I threw them some shekels a while ago. I can't stop the impending genocide though. I'm sure the U.S wouldn't let me fly there with a gun and start shooting black people.

helping helping, nah they're useful idiots, thats what you get for living there

They didn't ask to be born there colgate

Not unless they start helping themselves with violence.
Niggers never had a rebel group in their own country that they could subdue, not even a nigger rebel group, let alone white people and possibly the Zulu's as well.
I would make sure i do my part in helping them.

They'd never do that. They all value life too much. My country men have big mouths but tiny balls.


It takes one fire fight

There is a good suidlanders video on you tube asking for support.

If there's a white genocide in SA white people MIGHT wake up

Why the fuck not? When you get back you could even apply for aid as a reintigrating "terrorist".
Oh nvm that would be Britain or Canada.

I signed the petition and sent a letter to the President, my Governor, and state representative.

Giving funds is a no-go for me.

You people have the worst PR. It isn't about the white farmers it is about the farmers in general. Protecting them protects your interests (and the few blacks that give a shit). Know your audience.

Only option, Exterminate

If you'd live here you'd understand. I constantly tell people to arm themselves and prepare, but cars and toys are far more important it seems.

America First faggots

Black farmers aren't targeted.

I'd rather help the endangered wildlife nutjob trump wants to sacrifice even more of.

Haven't black farmers died? They're being put in danger regardless. Farms are being targeted via racial (white or other african groups) or economic means and need to be protected.

Stay Calm, Incoming drop pod {youtu.be/huBXVQ9JS5g} Relax B,

So? The second you add 'white' to it, nobody cares.

Weapons will fall from the sky and emerge out of the ground if the war starts. Any war anywhere.
There will be victims in the initial stage, its a must
Niggers dont know how to fight a conventional war on their own
They sure as fuck cant fight against a guerrilla group
That said, nobody should underestimate their enemies ever, especially niggers in your case since there are millions of them.
But surgical strikes against them and their logistics, their infrastructure and command chains will render them into unorganized mobs that can be mowed down quickly and easily.
There would be advisers and proper commanders that can put this into reality and not spew bullshit they dont fully understand like i am atm.
You can defend yourself and destroy the nigger enemy, you have a chance.

What did they expect? when you live with niggers, you're bound to get involved in nigger shit.

can someone explain to my why they are killing whites ?

What if we arranged green card marriages for white South Africans, as an unofficial refugee program? Or, since that would be illegal, just marriages? They can even be green card gay marriages now.

they are low iq niggers

I'd assume there have been random black on black farm murders, but not by a noticeable amount.

We don't only have black enemies. Chinese, Indian, colored, they'd all jump at our throats.

They're whites going against niggers. Why would they need my support if they're superior? Should be an easy genocide.

Tbh I dont give a shit. They made that bed allowing concessions to be made. Now they get to be filled with bullets and bbc to lay in it. Ideally they should never have let it go this far.

>Why aren't you helping the white South Africans, Sup Forums???
Some South African girl was mean to me on Sup Forums once so now they have to die.

Because it's not a genocide and you are desperately trying to be a victim.

Remove colonizers lmao

Primarily because I don't give a shit. You made your bed, lie in it (preferably while dead).

I agree! So when are the bantu cunts going to be leaving then?

>living in Africa
>while white

Pick one


Lmao blacks would probably kill them as well.


Because they embraced every manner of stupidity that lead them to this point, and even now, refuse to adapt and to evolve beyond those original stupid decisions.

White South Africans did the following:

>The men imported shitloads of blacks as a source of cheap labor

>The men and women embraced Christianity with all of it's feminism, communism, and multiculturalism. If Christianity worked, white people wouldn't be getting genocided in every country on the planet. It's that simple.

>White men ignored all of the problems brewing in their nation and did nothing, all while they spent every waking minute chasing money and comfort. They let their mass media, news, colleges, gov't, and every other institution get in the hands of a few communists, while they did nothing to stop it.

This is the future they chose. They should beg their shitskin prophet to come save them, just so I can laugh at their endless stupidity as they are cut down en masse. Hopefully other whites will learn from the total genocide of white people in SA, but I doubt it.

Preppers are sitting on massive caches of small arm's and African borders are pretty much non existent. Heavy arms and vehicles can be easily seized from niggers. Niggers are dumb, superstitious and easy to demoralise. Once their weakness and ineptitude is exposed to them they will turn on one another, that's when you come in, mop up and pick up the pieces.

You and me kebabro, once the fighting starts we get a plane straight to Zimbabwe and cross over. You bring your Zastava I'll pack my AR-10.

I give to safrpsa.org/

but fuck the suidlanders.
You don't even begin to know how up the ANCs arse they are.

The Suidlanders sent out this DVD to everyone in 2007

Watch these videos before you give a cent to the Suidlanders.
Suidlanders are helping no one but themselves.

maybe they should go back to europe

>reddit spacing
>t. Jamal Gonzalez
Only a mutt would rejoice at the deaths of Whites.
Your faggot race mixer nation along with Soviet Jews destroyed S Africa and Rhodesia. US sanctions and import of commie idealogy filling empty nigger heads doomed south African. You fags tied the Afrikaaners hands behind their backs, filled their heads with equality shit and left them to implode.

Fuck off kike shill

We're (white people) filling crop dusters with salt water and spraying the fields and leaving. They get fuck all. When they can't grow a crop it will be because the are stupid niggers.
Also we're spreading a rumors that god will be mad at them if they hurt white people, then when they starve they will say "we where warned". They will learn that white people feed them or they starve.

Nigger detected. It's race first, then country

The death of the white south africans make my cock so hard, you have no idea how much joy this brings us. I just hope this becomes the norm everywhere.

pro tip
It won't.
Never underestimate the silent minority.

Go back to hell where you belong you fucking mongrel

All I see are more sex workers to service the uncrowned kings of stolen lands.

Western governments will prosecute their citizens if they go to fight for the white side. You're only welcomed home if you to to Syria to fight for ISIS

not Canada, we don't prosecute terrorists, we pay them.

We need to help the black people the evil whits stole the land from. These poor black non farmer refugees should be flow to the US and let live here to learn how to farm.

next week
>we can't give what veterans want us to

week after,
Trudie sends a feminist to negotiate OPIC and we get fucked.
We get a truck of peace

Do NOT give to the SUIDLANDERS


BANNED from Youtube

The sooner whitey is out of SA the sooner the black Africans will be starving and the Rand will be trading at 100 trillion to 1 to the US dollar. Works for me, fuck this continent. Why the fuck are technologically advanced whites over there feeding, employing, and giving tax money to these fucking ingrates in the first place? White people need to be flown to the Anglosphere country of their choosing to escape the obvious looming genocide and let the blacks turn that place into the violent witchcraft driven shithole state they create everywhere they control.