Q didn't predict this

Q didn't predict this.

it's a jew star
I fucking predicted this

they use some freemason symbol. Lame

couple of Nostradumbasses over here


Q predicted this

>find yourself teleported in an uninhabited area of an earth like planet, naked like the Terminator
>"I have the right to speak my mind and defend my life and the lives of my family members."
>"i have the right to clothing, mental care, and education."
One of these things is not like the others....

you a regular Don Rickles

"I'll be right back" - the Terminators

LOL it is a human right to demand the labor of others.


you act like it's some great imposition to build upon an already existing infrastructure of goods and services.

some of my favorite parts from THumP's proposed constitution:

we can't let 9gag get away with this



Yes and (((OP's))) god the (((State))) will pound the labor out of you little humans to ensure your (((rights)))


Look you little faggot, no one owes you anything.

You are going to have to get a fucking job, deal with it.

Term limits allow new and updated representation. There are many people who are very educated and have wonderful ideas about the needs and wants of society. Current representatives make Washington D.C. their home and primary concentration. years of service in Congress acclinmates the representative to political instead of constitituent interests.

Two houses are needed so that suggestions for laws and a productive debate thereof can take place. A larger House of Representatives can introduce laws and argue them on a broader scale; whereas a much smaller Senate can then debate the issue approved by the Representatives in more detail and with less peer pressure Both Houses of Congress are vital to a productive and fair representation and argument of the people's particular interests.

Eliminating special appointments, commissions, offices, and other designations of lopsided power within Congress will ensure a more balances discussion and debate of the issues across a broader spectrum of representation. There is no reason, except for personal desires for power and presitge, why Congress should not openly debate each issue and allow each Represntative and opportunity to voice an opinion regarding its subject matter and effectes,.

just get rid of the "mental care and education" which is nothing more than communist indoctrination and modification, and things are fine.
It really takes a ridiculously low amount of labor to provide healthy food/water, secure housing, basic clothing, and pretty much all outpatient healthcare - literally less than 10% of the population can provide all this stuff easily. And that labor will decrease even more with more technology.
Young adults ought to be put to work doing manual labor no matter what to develop motor skills and healthy bodies. Skilled stuff like basic health care people are happy to do because they get value healing others. The specialist surgeons should still be paid much money for the skills and should not be considered 'free', but the cost to provide the basics is so negligible that it is inhumane to build gold plated mansions while good white men and women are homeless.


Tomorrow is ours

Literally the only reason unprocessed food has a price greater than zero is because of government controls. There's nothing special about food production and in a truly 'free' market in a land so rich in agriculture as America the price of raw produce would be whatever the transportation cost to get it to market.
The ENTIRE agricultural labor market for not just food but also shit like cotton is barely 4 million people. And that provides all the food and shit not just for America but for hundreds of millions more people around the world.
There are lots of people who farm every day because that's what they love to do in life. A lot of them would be out of business or working for peanuts without government interventions.
And a good half of the food we produce just rots or is thrown out or wasted anyway.

In fact, it is pretty impossible to make an argument that food shouldn't be 'free'. Unprocessed food at least.

Such a typical communist faggot.

God damn it

Yes I did fag

oh ok

yeah that someone else built, it didn't magically fucking appear

>right back


nice try you fat head

This is never going to happen. Not in a million years. If this happens I hope my dick falls off my body.

>jew star
don't people realize that it's a freemason symbol?

they probably just level 1 investigators

33rd post. now would be a good time to end the thread.
/end thread

>Give everyone free food
>population explosion
>food runs out
>everyone starves to death

Sounds like a win/win situation to me, senpai.
